import random import time from effects import colors """ advanced_effects use a class hierarchy to run on the wall. """ class Effect(object): def __init__(self, wall): self.wall = wall self.wall.clear() def run(self): pass class KnightMoves(Effect): def __init__(self, wall): self.wall = wall self.wall.clear() for x in range(self.wall.width): for y in range(self.wall.height): if (x + y) % 2 == 0: self.wall.set_pixel(x, y, colors["black"]) else: self.wall.set_pixel(x, y, colors["white"]) # Pick a random starting location for the knight self.knight_x = random.randint(0, self.wall.width - 1) self.knight_y = random.randint(0, self.wall.height - 1) self.wall.set_pixel(self.knight_x, self.knight_y, colors["red"]) def run(self): if self.wall.width < 2 or self.wall.height < 2: return self.wall.draw() start_time = time.time() while time.time() - start_time < 12: self.move() self.wall.draw() time.sleep(0.75) def move(self): """ Move the knight. """ if (self.knight_x + self.knight_y) % 2 == 0: self.wall.set_pixel(self.knight_x, self.knight_y, colors["black"]) else: self.wall.set_pixel(self.knight_x, self.knight_y, colors["white"]) moves = self.getMoves() # Select a move at random from the possible moves self.knight_x, self.knight_y = moves[random.randint(0, len(moves) - 1)] self.wall.set_pixel(self.knight_x, self.knight_y, colors["red"]) def getMoves(self): """ Get all possible moves that the knight can make. """ moves = [] # Don't want knight to wrap around the board because you can't # do that in chess if (self.knight_x - 2) >= 0 and (self.knight_y - 1) >= 0: moves.append((self.knight_x - 2, self.knight_y - 1)) if (self.knight_x - 1) >= 0 and (self.knight_y - 2) >= 0: moves.append((self.knight_x - 1, self.knight_y - 2)) if (self.knight_x - 2) >= 0 and (self.knight_y + 1) < self.wall.height: moves.append((self.knight_x - 2, self.knight_y + 1)) if (self.knight_x + 1) < self.wall.width and (self.knight_y - 2) >= 0: moves.append((self.knight_x + 1, self.knight_y - 2)) if (self.knight_x - 1) >= 0 and (self.knight_y + 2) < self.wall.height: moves.append((self.knight_x - 1, self.knight_y + 2)) if (self.knight_x + 2) < self.wall.width and (self.knight_y - 1) >= 0: moves.append((self.knight_x + 2, self.knight_y - 1)) if (self.knight_x + 2) < self.wall.width and \ (self.knight_y + 1) < self.wall.height: moves.append((self.knight_x + 2, self.knight_y + 1)) if (self.knight_x + 1) < self.wall.width and \ (self.knight_y + 2) < self.wall.height: moves.append((self.knight_x + 1, self.knight_y + 2)) return moves class Matrix(Effect): class Column(object): def __init__(self, wall): self.wall = wall self.cache = [] # Tail must be at least 1 pixel long self.tail = max(1, random.randint( self.wall.height / 2, self.wall.height * 2)) # Get a position somewhere above the wall (so it can trickle down # onto the wall) self.pos = (random.randint(0, self.wall.width - 1), random.randint(-(self.wall.height * 3), 0)) = .35 def step(self): """ Advance the location of the head of the column and all pixels in the tail. """ self.cache.append(self.pos) self.cache = self.cache[-self.tail:] self.pos = [self.pos[0], self.pos[1] + 1] def inside_wall(self, x, y, wall): if x >= 0 and x < wall.width and y >= 0 and y < wall.height: return True return False def draw(self, wall): """ Set the pixel colors in this column for this step. Returns the number of pixels making up this column that were actually within the scope of the wall. """ draw_cnt = 0 # Prepare the tail colors. The further from the head, the dimmer the # pixel. for index, pos in enumerate(self.cache): x = pos[0] y = pos[1] if self.inside_wall(x, y, wall): hsv = (, 1, float(index)/self.tail) wall.set_pixel(x, y, hsv) draw_cnt += 1 # Prepare the head color x = self.pos[0] y = self.pos[1] if self.inside_wall(x, y, wall): hsv = (, 1, 1) wall.set_pixel(x, y, hsv) draw_cnt += 1 return draw_cnt def run(self): cols = [] # Initialize 15 - 30 Matrix columns. for i in range(random.randint(15, 30)): col = self.Column(self.wall) cols.append(col) # Run the columns down the wall. self.draw(cols) def draw(self, cols): """ Draw the advancing columns until no parts of any columns are left on the wall. """ timeout = 4 drawing = 0 while drawing or timeout: self.wall.clear() for col in cols: col.step() drawing += col.draw(self.wall) self.wall.draw() time.sleep(.05) if not drawing: timeout -= 1 drawing = 0 class Bouncer(Effect): class Ball(object): def __init__(self, wall): self.wall = wall self.x = random.randint(0, self.wall.width - 1) self.y = random.randint(0, self.wall.height - 1) self.hue = random.random() self.dx = self.dy = 0 while self.dx == 0 and self.dy == 0: self.dx = random.choice([-1, 0, 1]) self.dy = random.choice([-1, 0, 1]) self.tail = [] self.tail_len = 4 def draw(self): self.wall.set_pixel(self.x, self.y, (self.hue, 1, 1)) value = 0.6 val_step = float(value/(self.tail_len+1)) for x, y in self.tail: value -= val_step self.wall.set_pixel(x, y, (self.hue, 1, value)) def advance(self): self.tail = [(self.x, self.y)] + self.tail[:self.tail_len-1] self.x += self.dx if self.x < 0: self.x = 1 self.dx = -self.dx elif self.x >= self.wall.width: self.x = self.wall.width - 2 self.dx = -self.dx self.y += self.dy if self.y < 0: self.y = 1 self.dy = -self.dy elif self.y >= self.wall.height: self.y = self.wall.height - 2 self.dy = -self.dy def run(self): if self.wall.width < 2 or self.wall.height < 2: return balls = [] for i in range(3): balls.append(self.Ball(self.wall)) start_time = time.time() while time.time() - start_time < 5: self.wall.clear() for ball in balls: ball.draw() ball.advance() self.wall.draw() time.sleep(.1) Effects = [Matrix, Bouncer]