number_of_people = 150 slices_per_pizza = 8 slices_per_person = 3 number_of_pizzas = number_of_people * slices_per_person / slices_per_pizza # Use the str() function to convert a number into a string. print("We will need around " + str(number_of_pizzas) + " pizzas for " + str(number_of_people) + " people.") # Use the int() function to convert a float to an integer. cheese = int(.25 * number_of_pizzas) vegetarian = int(.25 * number_of_pizzas) meat = int(.5 * number_of_pizzas) print("Get:") print(str(cheese) + " cheese pizzas.") print(str(vegetarian) + " vegetarian pizzas.") print(str(meat) + " meat-lovers pizzas.")