Massachusetts Institute of Technology - Department of Urban Studies and Planning

A Risk Assessment of Pay-As-You-Drive Auto Insurance


MIT Prof. Joseph Ferreira, Jr. and Eric Minikel

This website provides access to the PAYD Analytic Dataset of Massachusetts automobile mileage, fuel economy, and accident costs that were used in the Pay-As-You_Drive (PAYD) study, “Pay-As-You-Drive Auto Insurance in Massachusetts:  A Risk Assessment and Report on Consumer, Industry, and Environmental Benefits,” by MIT Prof. Joseph Ferreira, Jr. and Eric Minikel for the Conservation Law Foundation and Environmental Insurance Agency, November, 2010.

The PAYD Analytic Dataset was developed from the DVD of raw data released in March, 2010, by the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs (EOEEA).  That DVD contained 1.3 GB of compressed data from the state’s Commonwealth Automobile Reinsurer (CAR) and the Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV).  The CAR data included several years of auto insurance policy and claims transaction records for all insured private passenger vehicles in the state.  The RMV data included odometer readings from all state-mandated annual safety inspections of all private passenger vehicles. Public notice of the availability of the DVD of raw data was originally posted on the Mass EOEEA website (accessed in March 2010 at: ).

Most of the preparation of the PAYD Analytic Dataset was done by Prof. Joseph Ferreira at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) through the partial support of University Transportation Center Region One research grant MITR22-5.  See the data dictionary of the PAYD Analytic Dataset for further details.

Data Dictionary for
PAYD Analytic Dataset
 Available in PDF format here: (4 KB)
Zipped-file containing Analytic Dataset  Available as zipped-file here: (110 MB)
The full PAYD Study
 Available in PDF format here: (1 MB)

Further PAYD information on the
Conservation Law Foundation website

Related article published in Transportation Research Record:
J. Ferreira and E. Minikel, "Measuring Per Mile Risk for
Pay-As-You-Drive Automobile Insurance,"
Transportation Research Record, No. 2297, (2012), pp. 97–103,

last updated 11-26-16 []