#!/usr/bin/python3.0 # python 3 from __future__ import with_statement from urllib.parse import urlencode, urlsplit from urllib.request import urlretrieve from http.client import HTTPConnection import itertools import os, shutil import re from pickle import load, dump from sound import play_sound, combine_wav_files, interleave_wav_files, drop_wav_frames, get_wav_frames from html import ampersand_encode KNOWN_SOUNDS_PATH = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'known_sounds.dic') try: with open(KNOWN_SOUNDS_PATH, 'rb') as f: known_sounds = load(f) except Exception: try: with open(KNOWN_SOUNDS_PATH + '.bak', 'rb') as f: known_sounds = load(f) except Exception: known_sounds = {} def _update_known_sounds(): if not os.path.exists(KNOWN_SOUNDS_PATH + '.bak') and \ os.path.exists(KNOWN_SOUNDS_PATH): shutil.move(KNOWN_SOUNDS_PATH, KNOWN_SOUNDS_PATH + '.bak') with open(KNOWN_SOUNDS_PATH, 'wb') as f: dump(known_sounds, f) try: if os.path.exists(KNOWN_SOUNDS_PATH + '.bak'): os.remove(KNOWN_SOUNDS_PATH + '.bak') except (IOError, WindowsError): pass def to_phoneme(sentences): return '' def chunk_text_by_spaces(text, max_len): cur = '' for chunk in text.split(' '): while len(cur) > max_len: yield cur[:max_len] cur = cur[max_len:] if len(cur) + 1 + len(chunk) <= max_len: # split preferentially at spaces cur += ' ' + chunk elif len(cur) > 0: yield cur cur = '' else: cur = ' ' + chunk if cur: yield cur _tts_conn = HTTPConnection("") def get_att_tts(txt, filename=None, voice='crystal', verbose=False, conn=_tts_conn, cache=True, correct=True): txt = txt.strip(' .') if cache and voice in known_sounds and txt in known_sounds[voice]: return known_sounds[voice][txt] headers = {"Content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded", "Accept": "text/plain"} reg = re.compile('here', re.IGNORECASE) params = urlencode({ 'txt': txt, 'voice': voice }) #print(params) conn.request("POST", "/tts/cgi-bin/nph-nvdemo", params, headers) response = conn.getresponse() #print('Response:') #print((response.status, response.reason)) #print('Data:') data = response.read() #print(data) match = reg.search(str(data)) if match: urlpath = match.groups()[0] url = '' + urlpath if verbose: print(url) if filename is None: filename = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.split(urlpath)[-1]) ret = urlretrieve(url, filename) if cache: if voice not in known_sounds: known_sounds[voice] = {} if correct: empty_file = get_att_tts(to_phoneme(''), voice=voice, verbose=False, conn=conn, cache=False, correct=False) drop_wav_frames(ret[0], max(get_wav_frames(empty_file) - 6000, 0)) known_sounds[voice][txt] = ret[0] _update_known_sounds() #print(ret) else: raise Exception('Response %s (%s)\nData: %s\nText:%s' % (response.status, response.reason, data, txt)) return ret[0] def ipa_to_wav(ipa, filename=None, voice='crystal', verbose=True): max_len = 150 use_len = max_len - 10 - len(to_phoneme('')) ipa = ampersand_encode(ipa.strip('. ')) chunks = [to_phoneme(chunk) for chunk in chunk_text_by_spaces(ipa, use_len)] files = [] for chunk in chunks: filename = get_att_tts(chunk, voice=voice, verbose=verbose) files.append(filename) combined_name = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '%d_%s_combined.wav' % (hash(ipa), voice)) if verbose: print('Combining to %s...' % os.path.split(combined_name)[-1]) combine_wav_files(combined_name, *files) return combined_name def interleave_ipa(ipa1, ipa2, play=True, voice1='mike', voice2='rich'): ipa1_file = ipa_to_wav(ipa1, voice=voice1) ipa2_file = ipa_to_wav(ipa2, voice=voice2) interleaved_name = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '%s_combined.wav' % hash(ipa1 + '\0' + ipa2)) interleave_wav_files(interleaved_name, ipa1_file, ipa2_file) if play: play_sound(interleaved_name) return interleaved_name def close_connection(): _tts_conn.close()