Attachment styles are described in "Attached: The New Science of Adult Attachment and How It Can Help You Find - and Keep - Love" by Amir Levine and Rachel Heller ( Anxious-preoccupied fears loss of connection Avoidant-dismissive fears loss of autonomy Anxious-avoidant / disorganized fears loss of both Secure fears loss of neither Anxious-preoccupied reacts to hardship/conflict by seeking to reaffirm connection. "I need you to be here for me; are you here for me?" Avoidant-dismissive reacts to hardship/conflict by seeking to affirm autonomy. "I need you to give me space; can you give me space?" Anxious-avoidant/disorganized seeks to affirm both, or each alternatively. I've heard that the experience is like "come no closer than here and go no further than there". Secure doesn't feel the need to have either connection nor autonomy affirmed in order to feel safe engaging with conflict/hardship.