H. McDermott
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge MA 02139
jhm - at - mit - dot - edu
and Work Experience
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2018-present. Associate Professor, Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
2013-2018. Assistant Professor, Department of Brain and Cognitive SciencesOxford University
2012. Visiting Researcher, Auditory Neurocience Lab, Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics.New York University
2009-2012. Research Associate, Center for Neural Science & Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Advised by Eero Simoncelli.University of Minnesota
2007-2008. Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Psychology. Advised by Andrew Oxenham.
Nature Neuroscience
2006. Assistant Editor.Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2001-2006. PhD in Brain and Cognitive Sciences. Advised by Edward Adelson.Nature Neuroscience
2001. Assistant Editor.University College London
1998-2000. MPhil in Computational Neuroscience. Advised by Geoff Hinton.Harvard University
1994-1998. B.A. in Brain and Cognitive Science, summa cum laude. Advised by Nancy Kanwisher.H-B Woodlawn Alternative Program, Arlington,VA
and Honors
2018 - BCS Award For Excellence in Undergraduate Advising
2018 - Troland Research Award
2017 - APAN Young Investigator Award
2015 - NSF CAREER Award
2015 - Fred & Carole Middleton Career Development Professorship
2014 - BCS Award For Excellence in Undergraduate Advising
2012 - McDonnell Scholar Award
2011 - Wellcome-Beit Prize (declined)
2011 - Wellcome Trust Research Career Development Fellowship (declined)
2008 - University of Minnesota Outstanding Postdoctoral Scholar Award
2005 - Walle Nauta Award for Continued Dedication to Teaching
2004 - Walle Nauta Award for Continued Dedication to Teaching
2003 - Walle Nauta Award for Continued Dedication to Teaching
2002 - Angus McDonald Award for Undergraduate Teaching
2000 - NDSEG Graduate Fellowship
1998 - Marshall Scholarship
1998 - McDonnell Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience
1998 - HHMI Pre-Doctoral Fellowship (declined)
1998 - NSF Graduate Fellowship (declined)
1998 - Graduated Summa Cum Laude, Harvard
1997 - Phi Beta Kappa, Harvard
1997 - Barry Goldwater Science Scholarship
1995 - McDonnell Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience
1995 - Detur Book Prize
Research Interests
- auditory perception and cognition - behavior, computation, neuroscience
- sound recognition and scene analysis; the cocktail party problem
- natural sound statistics
- signal processing, sound representation, machine hearing
- similarities/differences between sensory modalities
- music perception and cognition
* denotes equal contribution
McPherson, M.J., McDermott, J.H. (2020) Time-dependent discrimination advantages for harmonic sounds suggest efficient coding for memory. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, in press.
McPherson, M.J, Dolan, S.E., Durango, A., Ossandon, T., Valdes, J., Undurraga, E.A., Jacoby, N., Godoy, R.A., McDermott, J.H. (2020) Perceptual fusion of musical notes by native Amazonians suggests universal representations of musical intervals. Nature Communications, 11, 2786. download pdf
Mlynarski, W., McDermott, J.H. (2019) Ecological origins of perceptual grouping principles in the auditory system. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 116, 25355-25364. download pdf
McWalter, R., McDermott, J.H. (2019) llusory sound texture reveals multi-second statistical completion in auditory scene analysis. Nature Communications, 10, 5096. download pdf
Feather, J., Durango, A., Gonzalez, R., McDermott, J.H. (2019) Metamers of neural networks reveal divergence from human perceptual systems. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS). download pdf
Stephenson, C., Feather, J., Padhy, S., Elibol, O. Tang, H., McDermott, J.H., Chung, S. (2019) Untangling in invariant speech recognition. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS). download pdf
Jacoby, N., Undurraga, E.A., McPherson, M.J., Valdes, J., Ossandan, T., McDermott, J.H. (2019) Universal and non-universal features of musical pitch perception revealed by singing. Current Biology, 29, 3229-3243. download pdf
Traer, J.A., Cusimano, M., McDermott, J.H. (2019) A perceptually inspired generative model of rigid-body contact sounds. Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-19). download pdf
Kell, A.J.E., McDermott, J.H. (2019) Invariance to background noise as a signature of non-primary auditory cortex. Nature Communications, 10, 3958. download pdf
Norman-Haignere, S.V., Kanwisher, N.G., McDermott, J.H. , Conway, B.R. (2019) Divergence in the functional organization of human and macaque auditory cortex revealed by fMRI responses to harmonic tones. Nature Neuroscience, 22, 1057-1060. download pdf
Walker, K.M.M., Gonzalez, R., Kang, J.Z., *McDermott, J.H., *King, A.J. (2019) Across-species differences in pitch perception are consistent with differences in cochlear filtering. eLife, 8, e41626. download pdf
Kell, A.J.E., McDermott, J.H. (2019) Deep neural network models of sensory systems: windows onto the role of task constraints. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 55, 121-132. download pdf
Norman-Haignere, S.V., McDermott, J.H. (2018) Neural responses to natural and model-matched stimuli reveal distinct computations in primary and nonprimary auditory cortex. PLoS Biology, 16, e2005127. download pdf
Zhao, H., Gan, C., Rouditchenko, A., Vondrick, C., McDermott, J.H., Torralba, A. (2018) The sound of pixels. Proceedings of the 2018 European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV). download pdf
Popham, S., Boebinger, D., Ellis, D.P.W., Kawahara, H., McDermott, J.H. (2018) Inharmonic speech reveals the role of harmonicity in the cocktail party problem. Nature Communications, 9, 2122. download pdf
Kell, A.J.E., Yamins, D.L.K., Shook, E.N., Norman-Haignere, S.V., McDermott, J.H. (2018) A task-optimized neural network replicates human auditory behavior, predicts brain responses, and reveals a cortical processing hierarchy. Neuron, 98, 630-644. download pdfMcWalter, R., McDermott, J.H. (2018) Adaptive and selective time-averaging of auditory scenes. Current Biology, 28, 1405-1418. download pdf
Woods, K.J.P., McDermott, J.H. (2018) Schema learning for the cocktail party problem. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115, E3313-E3322. download pdfMcPherson, M.J., McDermott, J.H. (2018) Diversity in pitch perception revealed by task dependence. Nature Human Behavior, 2, 52-66. download pdf
Mlynarski, W., McDermott, J.H. (2018) Learning mid-level auditory codes from natural sound statistics. Neural Computation, 30, 631-669. download pdf
Zhang, Z., Wu, J., Li, Q., Huang, Z., Traer, J., McDermott, J.H., Tenenbaum, J.B., Freeman, W.T. (2017) Generative modeling of audible shapes for object perception. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision. download pdf
Woods, K.J.P., Siegel, M., Traer, J., McDermott, J.H. (2017) Headphone screening to facilitate web-based auditory experiments. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics, 79, 2064-2072. download pdf
Jacoby, N., McDermott, J.H. (2017) Integer ratio priors on musical rhythm revealed cross-culturally by iterated reproduction. Current Biology, 27, 359-370. download pdf
Traer, J., McDermott, J.H. (2016) Statistics of natural reverberation enable perceptual separation of sound and space. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113, E7856-E7865. download pdf
Owens, A., Wu, J., McDermott, J.H., Freeman, W.T., Torralba, A. (2016) Ambient sound provides supervision for visual learning. In Proceedings of the 14th European Conference on Computer Vision. download pdf
McDermott, J.H., Schultz, A.F., Unduragga, E.A., Godoy, R.A. (2016) Indifference to dissonance in native Amazonians reveals cultural variation in music perception. Nature, 535, 547–550. download pdf
Owens, A., Isola, P., McDermott, J.H., Torralba, A., Adelson, E.H., Freeman, W.T. (2016) Visually indicated sounds. In Proceedings of the 29th IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition. download pdfNorman-Haignere,S., Albouy, P., Caclin, A., McDermott, J.H., Kanwisher, N.G., Tillmann, B. (2016) Pitch-Responsive Cortical Regions in Congenital Amusia. Journal of Neuroscience, 36, 2986-2994. download pdf
Norman-Haignere, S., McDermott, J.H. (2016) Distortion Products in Auditory fMRI Research: Measurements and Solutions. Neuroimage, 129, 401-413. download pdf
Norman-Haignere, S., *Kanwisher, N.G., *McDermott, J.H. (2015) Distinct cortical pathways for music and speech revealed by hypothesis-free voxel decomposition. Neuron, 88, 1281-1296. download pdf
Masutomi, K., Barascud, N., Kashino, M., *McDermott, J.H. *Chait, M. (2015) Sound segregation via embedded repetition is robust to inattention. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 42, 386-400. download pdf
Woods, K.J.P., McDermott, J.H. (2015) Attentive tracking of sound sources. Current Biology, 25, 2238-2246. download pdf
*Overath, T., *McDermott, J.H., Zarate, J.M., Poeppel, D. (2015) The cortical analysis of speech-specific temporal structure revealed by responses to sound quilts. Nature Neuroscience, 18, 903-911. download pdf
McDermott, J.H. (2014) Harmonicity. In Music in the Social and Behavioral Sciences (ed. by W. F. Thompson). Sage.
McDermott, J.H. (2014) Consonance and Dissonance. In Music in the Social and Behavioral Sciences (ed. by W. F. Thompson). Sage.
Norman-Haignere, S., Kanwisher, N., McDermott, J.H. (2013) Cortical pitch regions in humans respond primarily to resolved harmonics and are located in specific tonotopic regions of anterior auditory cortex. Journal of Neuroscience, 33, 19451-19469. download pdf
McDermott, J.H. (2013) Audition. In The Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Neuroscience (ed. by Ochsner and Kosslyn). Oxford University Press.
McDermott, J.H., Schemitsch, M., Simoncelli, E.P. (2013) Summary statistics in auditory perception. Nature Neuroscience, 16, 493-498. download pdf
Fedorenko, E., McDermott, J.H., Norman-Haignere, S.V., Kanwisher, N.G. (2012) Sensitivity to musical structure in the human brain. Journal of Neurophysiology, 108, 3289-3300. download pdf
Cousineau, M., McDermott, J.H., Peretz, I. (2012) The basis of musical consonance as revealed by congenital amusia. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 109, 19858-19863. download pdf
McDermott, J.H., Ellis, D.W.P., Kawahara, H. (2012) Inharmonic speech: A tool for the study of speech perception and separation. Proc. SAPA-SCALE, Portland, September 2012. download pdf
Schwartz, A., McDermott, J.H., Shinn-Cunningham, B. (2012) Spatial cues alone produce inaccurate sound segregation: The effect of interaural time differences. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 132, 357-368. download pdfMcDermott, J.H., Simoncelli, E.P. (2011) Sound texture perception via statistics of the auditory periphery: Evidence from sound synthesis. Neuron, 71, 926-940. download pdf
Ellis, D., Zheng, X., McDermott, J. (2011) Classifying soundtracks with audio texture features. Proc. IEEE ICASSP, 5880-5883, Prague, May 2011.
McDermott, J.H. (2011) Auditory preferences and aesthetics: Music, voices, and everyday sounds. In The Neuroscience of Preference and Choice (ed. by Sharot and Dolan). Elsevier. download pdf
McDermott, J.H., Wrobleski, D., Oxenham, A.J. (2011) Recovering sound sources from embedded repetition. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108, 1188-1193. download pdf
McDermott, J.H., Keebler, M.V., Micheyl, C., Oxenham, A.J. (2010) Musical intervals and relative pitch: Frequency resolution, not interval resolution, is special. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 128, 1943-1951. download pdf
McDermott, J.H., Lehr, A.J., Oxenham, A.J. (2010) Individual differences reveal the basis of consonance. Current Biology, 20, 1035-1041. download pdf download additional Supplementary Information
McDermott, J.H. (2009) The cocktail party problem. Current Biology, 19, R1024-R1027. download pdf
McDermott, J.H., Oxenham, A.J., Simoncelli, E. (2009) Sound texture synthesis via filter statistics. Proceedings of the 2009 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics, Mohonk NY. download pdf
McDermott, J.H. (2009) What can experiments reveal about the origins of music? Current Directions in Psychological Science, 18, 164-168. download pdf
Micheyl, C., McDermott, J.H. Oxenham, A.J. (2009) Sensory noise explains auditory frequency discrimination learning induced by training with identical stimuli. Perception & Psychophysics, 71, 5-7. download pdf
McDermott, J.H., Oxenham, A.J. (2008) Music perception, pitch, and the auditory system. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 18, 452-463. download pdf
McDermott, J.H., Lehr, A.J., Oxenham, A.J. (2008) Is relative pitch specific to pitch? Psychological Science, 19 (12), 1263-1271. download pdf
McDermott, J.H., Oxenham, A.J. (2008). Spectral completion of partially masked sounds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 105 (15), 5939-5944. doi: 10.1073/pnas.0711291105. download pdf
McDermott, J., Hauser, M.D. (2007). Nonhuman primates prefer slow tempos but dislike music overall. Cognition, 104, 654-668. download pdf
McDermott, J., Hauser, M.D. (2005). The origins of music: Innateness, uniqueness, and evolution. Music Perception, 23, 29-59. download pdf
McDermott, J. (2004). Psychophysics with junctions in real images. Perception, 33: 1101-1127. download pdf
McDermott, J., Adelson, E.H. (2004). Motion perception and mid-level vision. In The Cognitive Neurosciences, 3rd edition (ed. by Gazzaniga). MIT Press. download pdf
McDermott, J., Adelson, E. H. (2004). The geometry of the occluding contour and its effect on motion interpretation. Journal of Vision, 4(10), 944-954,, doi:10.1167/4.10.9. download pdf
McDermott, J., Adelson, E. H. (2004). Junctions and cost functions in motion interpretation. Journal of Vision, 4(7), 552-563, , doi:10.1167/4.7.3. download pdf
McDermott, J., Hauser, M.D. (2004). Are consonant intervals music to their ears? Spontaneous acoustic preferences in a nonhuman primate. Cognition, 94, B11-B21. download pdf
Hauser, M.D., McDermott, J. (2003). The evolution of the music faculty: a comparative perspective. Nature Neuroscience, 6: 663-668. download pdfMazer, J. A., Vinje, W. E., McDermott, J., Schiller, P. H., Gallant, J. L. (2002). Spatial frequency and orientation tuning dynamics in area V1. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 99 1645-1650. download pdf
McDermott, J., Weiss, Y., Adelson, E.H. (2001). Beyond junctions: Nonlocal form contraints on motion interpretation. Perception, 30: 905-923. download pdf
Kanwisher, N., McDermott, J., Chun, M. (1997). The Fusiform Face Area: A Module in Human Extrastriate Cortex Specialized for the Perception of Faces. Journal of Neuroscience, 17, 4302-4311. download pdf
Kanwisher, N., Chun, M., McDermott, J., Ledden, P. (1996). Functional Imaging of Human Visual Recognition. Cognitive Brain Research. 5: 55-67.
Commentaries and Book Reviews
Community ServiceMcDermott, J.H. (2009). Why are we annoyed by the sound of fingernails on a chalkboard? Scientific American Mind, September 2009.
McDermott, J.H. (2008). The evolution of music. Nature, 453, 287-288. download pdf
McDermott, J.H. (2008). Review of "Music, Language, and the Brain" by A.D. Patel, Oxford University Press. Nature Neuroscience, 11, 377. download pdf
McDermott, J.H. (2008). Meeting Report - Fourth Meeting of Neurosciences and Music, Montreal, 2008. Empirical Musicology Review, 3, 3, 173-174.
McDermott, J., Hauser, M.D. (2006). Thoughts on an empirical approach to the evolutionary origins of music. Music Perception, 24, 111-116. download pdf
McDermott, J. (2002) Review of "Probabilistic models of the brain" (Eds. R. Rao, B Olshausen, and M. Lewicki), MIT Press. Nature Neuroscience, 5, 829.
9.295/SHBT205, Neural Coding and Perception of Sound, Spring 2017-2019
Organized course with D. Polley. Lectured on human auditory cortex, pitch perception, and auditory scene analysis.
9.35, Perceptual Systems, Spring 2014-2019
The senses, taught from the perspectives of psychophysics, neuroscience, and computation.
9.295/SHBT205, Neural Coding and Perception of Sound, Spring 2014, 2015, 2016
Co-taught course with other SHBT faculty. Lectured on pitch and auditory scene analysis.
9.35, Sensation and Perception, Spring 2006
Co-taught course with E. Adelson. Lectured on early and mid-level vision, attention, audition.
9.35, Sensation and Perception, Spring 2005
Co-taught course with E. Adelson and R. Rosenholtz. Lectured on early and mid-level vision, attention, audition.
9.35, Sensation and Perception, Spring 2004
Co-taught course with E. Adelson. Lectured on early and mid-level vision, attention, audition, touch.
9.35, Sensation and Perception, Spring 2003
Co-taught course with E. Adelson and B. Anderson. Lectured on early and mid-level vision, attention, audition.
9.35, Sensation and Perception, Spring 2002
TA'd and gave lectures on audition.
Invited Talks
Department of Cognitive Science, UC Irvine
Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit
Brown University Perceptual Science Seminar
Center for Brains, Minds, and Machines Seminar Series
IBM Speech Research Group, Yorktown, NY
Center for Brains, Minds, and Machines Summer School
MIT School of Science Lunch Series
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT
Department of Cognitive Studies, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France
Symposium on Computer Music Multidisciplinary Research, Marseille, France
MIT Partners Program – Frontiers in Virtuality
University of Rochester Music Cognition Seminar
Center for Brains, Minds, and Machines Summer School, Woods Hole
Bose Corporation
Biology of the Inner Ear Summer School, Woods Hole
Workshop on Limitations of Deep Learning, Sestri Levante, Italy
IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Long Beach
McGovern Institute for Brain Science Retreat, Falmouth
Workshop on Auditory Scene Analysis, Delmenhorst, Germany
Speech and Hearing Department, University of Washington
Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris
Champalimaud Research Symposium, Lisbon
Hearing Neuroscience Symposium, University of Southern California
McGovern Institute for Brain Science, Faculty Lunch, MIT
Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience
Cognitive Science Society Annual Meeting, Madison
Center for Brains, Minds, and Machines Summer School, Woods Hole
Association for Research in Otolaryngology, MidWinter Meeting, San Diego
SNAP Workshop, Lubeck, Germany
Keynote Address, DCASE Workshop, Munich
APAN Young Investigator Spotlight Talk, Washington DC
Perceptual Science Seminar, UT Austin
International Conference on Computer Vision, Venice, Italy
Computational Neuroscience Seminar, University of Pennsylvania
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT
Center for Brains, Minds, and Machines Summer School, Woods Hole
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, UC Santa Barbara
Cambridge Science Festival, MIT
Hearing Research Seminar, Boston University
Behavioral Neuroscience Seminar, University of Connecticutt
Workshop on Cognitive Universals, MIT
CBMM Speech Workshop, MIT
UC Berkeley, Department of Psychology
Starkey Hearing Research Center
University of Maryland, Neuroscience and Cognitive Science Seminar
Speech and Audio in the Northeast Annual Meeting, MIT
Japan Neuroscience Society, Yokohama, Japan
NTT Communication Science Laboratories, Atsugi, Japan
Center for Brains, Minds, and Machines Workshop on Intelligence, Sestre Levante, Italy
Google Music, Art & Machine Intelligence Workshop, San Francisco
Center for Brains, Minds, and Machines Retreat, MIT
Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, University College London
Yale University, Department of Psychology
Harvard University, Department of Psychology
Northeast Ohio Medical University, Dept. of Anatomy and Neurobiology
Cincinnati Children's Hospital, Communications Sciences Research Center
Center for Brains, Minds, and Machines Summer School, Woods Hole
National Science Foundation Workshop on Speech Technology
Johns Hopkins University, Department of Cognitive Science
Science Cafe at Middlesex Lounge, Cambridge, Massachusetts
University of Chicago, Computational Neuroscience Seminar Series
Society for Neuroscience, Annual Meeting, Washington DC
ACM International Conference on Multimedia
Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary
CAST Symposium on Seeing, Sounding, Sensing, MIT
Cognitive Theory and the Arts Seminar Series, Harvard University
Gordon Conference on The Auditory System, Bates College, Maine
Center for Hearing Research, UC Irvine
Center for Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Ohio State University
Workshop on Signal and Noise along the Auditory Pathway, Max Planck Institute, Leipzig, Germany
Microsoft Research, Cambridge MA
Society for Neuroscience, Annual Meeting, San Diego
Audio Engineering Society Annual Meeting, New York
Department of Psychology, Northwestern University
Hearing Research Center, Boston University
Lincoln Laboratory, MIT
Language Technologies Institute, Carnegie Mellon University
Center for Brain Sciences, Harvard
Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Annual Meeting, Baltimore
Program in Speech and Hearing Bioscience and Technology, Harvard Medical School
Speech and Audio in the Northeast, Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs, Cambridge, MA
International Society for Music Information Retrieval, Porto
Schlumberger Workshop on Mathematical Models of Sound Analysis, Paris
Department of Psychology, UCSD
Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Annual Meeting, San Diego
Department of Psychology, Harvard University
Wellcome Trust Centre for Neuroimaging, London
Computational Auditory Scene Analysis Workshop, DAFX, IRCAM, Paris
Department of Cognitive, Perceptual, and Brain Sciences, UCL, London
International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Prague
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT
Psychology Department, Princeton University
Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Annual Meeting, Baltimore
Laboratory for Brain, Music and Sound Research (BRAMS), Montreal
Psychology Department, New York University
CCRMA Hearing Seminar, Stanford University
Department of Psychology, Stanford University
Departement d'Etudes Cognitives, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris
Department of Experimental Psychology, Oxford University
Psychology Department, Goldsmiths University of London
Computational Audition Workshop, Gatsby Unit, UCL, London
Acoustical Society of America, Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland
Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Annual Meeting, Anaheim, California
Center for Neural Science, NYU
Music Department, Hebrew University
Department of Neurobiology, Weizmann Institute
Computer Science Department, Hebrew University
Music Technology Group, NYU
Hearing Research Group, Johns Hopkins University
Hearing Research Center, Boston University
Psychology Department, NYU
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT
Department of Electrical Engineering, Columbia University
Philoctes Center, New York (invited panelist) listen to the recording
Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, Tuebingen, Germany
Max Planck Institute for Human and Cognitive Brain Sciences, Leipzig, Germany
Music Department, University of Minnesota
Cafe Scientifique, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Gordon Conference on Sensory Coding and the Natural Environment, Lucca, Italy
Eastman School of Music, University of Rochester
Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, University of Rochester
Association for Research in Otolaryngology, Annual Meeting, Phoenix, Arizona
Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, University College London
McMaster Insitute for Music and Mind Annual Workshop, Hamilton, Ontario
Auditory Perception, Cognition, and Action Meeting, Long Beach
International Workshop on the Biology and Genetics of Music, Bologna, Italy
University of Minnesota Psychology Department
UC Berkeley Psychology Department
Knight Journalism Fellows, MIT
Stanford Psychology Department
Music and Mind Symposium, Harvard
Sconfinata Mente, Rome, Italy
MIT Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Cog Lunch
Neurosciences and Music Conference, Leipzig, Germany
Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, University College London
Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience, Lake Tahoe
Vision Sciences Society Annual Meeting, Sarasota
MGH NMR Center, Brain Mapping Seminar
Stanford Psychology Department
Harvard Vision Sciences Seminar
MIT Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, Cog Lunch
European Conference on Visual Perception, Kusadasi, Turkey
Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, University College London
Association for Research in Vision and Opthalmology Annual Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale
NYU Center for Neural Science
Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit, University College London
Association for Research in Vision and Opthalmology Annual Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale
European Conference on Visual Perception, Oxford, UK
Association for Research in Vision and Opthalmology Annual Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale
Harvard Psychology Department Cognition, Brain, and Behavior Proseminar
Association for Research in Vision and Opthalmology Annual Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale
Harvard Psychology Department Cognition, Brain, and Behavior Proseminar