Background: Currently the Department has the following "writing
ability requirement" of each graduate student.
All incoming graduate students, native as well as foreign, must take
the Departmental "writing ability test" which is administered each
September. Depending on the results, a student will either (a) pass the
writing ability requirement (b) be required to take a relatively short,
but intensive, seminar-workshop in expository writing during the
Independent Activities Period in January (21W.794
Technical Writing Workshop) or (c) be required to take a one-semester
subject in writing. Several subjects that are suitable for engineers and
scientists are offered at MIT, and special subjects are available for those
for whom English is a second language. A student will automatically satisfy
the writing ability requirement by passing any of the following subjects:
Workshop in Writing for Science and Engineering, 15.280
Communication for Managers, and 21W.798
or 799 Special Topics in Writing. If any of these is passed, the
student will be excused from taking the writing ability test.
(Reference: Guide to
Graduate Study in Mechanical Engineering at MIT)
(FYI: Approximately 80% of the incoming Mechanical Engineering graduate
students passed the September 2000 writing ability test.)