For questions about this website email Joe Donroe.
Copyright  2005

Beyond the Problems

-- the strengths of street children –


Homeless children are survivors.  They are resourceful.  They are resilient.  They often surprise volunteers with unexpected kindness.  And, perhaps most importantly, they are children.




Streetwise at a young age, street children learn to think on their feet to avoid danger and scope out opportunity. Though perhaps not universally true of street children, a study from Duke University suggests that street children might fare better nutritionally than their peers from a similar background thanks to their adept begging and stealing of food. They run mini-businesses, selling candies or trinkets at a profit, and harness their musical and theatrical talents to earn money.




Perhaps more than most children, kids who live on the street forget their manners especially when intoxicated.  More surprising, however, is that they frequently remember them.  Adult volunteers are spoken to in the formal tense, cheeks are kissed and hands are shaken, and with some coaxing lines are formed and ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ is spoken.   Living in a world where nothing comes free, the children often seek ways to return the generosity of the volunteers.  They offer candy or trinkets and keep a watchful eye out for volunteers when in questionable neighborhoods.   




Beneath their tough exteriors and in spite of the horrors they have faced, homeless children are still children.  They turn drainage pipes into water slides, broken chairs into basketball hoops, and anything remotely round and light is converted into a soccer ball.  They laugh when entertained and cry when they are afraid.  In the proper environment, they often flourish earning high marks in their coursework, completing vocational training courses, and learning to care for themselves. 

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