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 All That We Can Leave Behind
by Mark Pilgrim
April 16, 2003
Last month I promised an article on the venerable
<img> tag, which has been dropped from XHTML 2.0. It
was supposed to be a gentle introduction to "stuff we lose in XHTML 2.0,
and what we gain in return". However, during the course of researching, I
realized that it was turning out to be not so introductory after all. So
you'll have to wait another month for that.
There are several key elements and attributes that are slated to be
dropped from XHTML 2.
<br /> has been dropped, replaced by
<l>...</l> .
- The inline
style attribute has been dropped, but there
are still plenty of ways to define styles.
<img /> has been dropped, replaced by
<object>...</object> . As we'll see in next
month's article, this may present some serious migration
- HTML forms have been dropped, replaced by XForms. This is such a major
change that it also deserves its own article.
The q element has also been dropped, replaced by
<quote> ; but nobody uses <q> because
Internet Explorer for Windows doesn't support it: it's hardly even worth
mentioning, except for completeness.
Lines or Breaks?
<br/> is dead; long live <br/> .
Certainly one of the most abused elements in HTML, and later XHTML,
<br/> 's fame dates back to the Netscape 4 era, when CSS
was sketchy at best and "using the proper element" meant you were a chump
whose pages looked like amateur scribblings. To migrate from
<br/> , the first thing to do is see if there's a more
suitable element.
For example, if you wanted a list of links along the side of your page,
every Netscape 4-era coder knew that you couldn't use proper list markup
and CSS, because Netscape 4 would force those unsightly list bullets on
you, and no amount of CSS could override them. Even in later versions
when this was fixed, it would still stubbornly leave an indented left
margin. So nobody used proper list markup: everyone either used tables for
layout with each link in a separate table cell or they used
<br/> , like this:
<a href="/">Home</a><br />
<a href="/about/">About</a><br />
<a href="/news/">News</a><br />
Although this is technically valid markup (it will pass the W3C's XHTML
validator), your life will be easier in the long run if you switch to
using real list markup. With the right mix of CSS, you can make it look
exactly like it used to and no one will notice the difference. (Okay,
that's not entirely true. As you might expect, this fails in Netscape 4.)
This is what it might look like using real list markup:
<style type="text/css">
ul.nl {
list-style: none;
margin-left: 0;
padding-left: 0;
<ul class="nl">
<li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="/about/">About</a></li>
<li><a href="/news/">News</a></li>
This works today in XHTML 1 and will continue to work in XHTML 2.
However, XHTML 2 defines a new element, nl , specifically for
navigation lists. If you upgrade now to use real list markup, it will be
a simple matter of search-and-replace to upgrade to the
<nl> form in XHTML 2:
<style type="text/css">
nl {
list-style: none;
margin-left: 0;
padding-left: 0;
<li><a href="/">Home</a></li>
<li><a href="/about/">About</a></li>
<li><a href="/news/">News</a></li>
There is one use of <br/> which is legitimate and
useful: marking up lines of code, poetry, or anything else where explicit
linebreaks are part of semantics of the content. For example,
<p class="program">
program helloworld(input, output);<br />
begin <br />
writeln("Hello world");<br />
end.<br />
In XHTML 2.0, this would become a sequence of l
(for "line") elements:
<p class="program">
<l>program p(input, output);</l>
<l> writeln("Hello world");</l>
There's not really a whole lot you can do to prepare yourself for this
migration. You could theoretically wrap each line of code in an
additional tag, like <span class="line">...</span> , to
make search-and-replace easier when the time comes. Whether this is worth
the bandwidth -- both in human effort and in bits over the wire -- is up
to you.
A Loss of Style
The second major change in XHTML 2.0 is the loss of the inline
style attribute. Currently in XHTML 1, there are three
different ways to style an element. First, define styles in a separate CSS
file, and link to it in the <head> section of your
page. Second, define styles directly in the <head>
section of your page, with a <style type="text/css">
element. Third, define styles directly on an element itself, with a
style attribute.
In XHTML 2.0, the first and second options will be available, but the
third will not. This has been a relatively controversial decision, since
inline styles on individual elements are very useful. But as Ian Hickson
argues, the style attribute is mostly useful in
situations where XHTML 2 is not meant to be used, and it encourages the
wrong behavior in general. He writes:
- It encourages a mindset that considers the visual media to be the most
important one.
- It discourages the development of alternate stylesheets.
- It encourages a mindset that presentation is more important than
semantics, which hurts accessibility.
- It allows authors to use the wrong semantic element and fix the error by changing the style inline, instead of picking the right element.
If you've been using the style attribute on documents that you want to
migrate to XHTML 2, here are some possible strategies. All of these work
now in XHTML 1 and will continue to work unchanged in XHTML 2.
ID attributes. Every element in XHTML (1 and 2) can have an
id attribute which uniquely defines it within a document.
You may already be using this if you're using scripting, but it's also
useful for styling elements. If you're currently using a particular
inline style just once within a page, give that element an ID attribute
instead; then define CSS rules for that ID.
For example, if your markup looks like this:
<p>Learning the <span style="font-variant: small-caps;
font-weight: bold">ABC</span>s of markup is easy;
the hard stuff comes later.</p>
You could enclose the style definition within the
<style> which is within the <head>
of your document. Then simply use an ID attribute instead:
<style type="text/css">
#abc {
font-variant: small-caps;
font-weight: bold
<p>Learning the <span id="abc">ABC</span>s of
markup is easy; the hard stuff comes later.</p>
Class attributes. If you have multiple elements on a page that you
want to style similarly, but there is no specific predefined element that
is appropriate, use a class attribute. Expanding on our
previous example, if your markup looks like this:
<p>Learning the <span style="font-variant: small-caps;
font-weight: bold">ABC</span>s of markup is easy; once you get to the
<span style="font-variant: small-caps; font-weight: bold">XYZ</span>s,
it gets more interesting.</p>
You can combine these styles and put class attributes on
each similar phrase:
<style type="text/css">
.capword {
font-variant: small-caps;
font-weight: bold
<p>Learning the <span class="capword">ABC</span>s of
markup is easy; once you get to the <span class="capword">
XYZ</span>s, it gets more interesting.</p>
Multiple class attributes. Elements are not limited to a single
class; you can define multiple classes, separated by spaces. This allows
you to define more specific styles, and then mix and match as needed by
defining multiple classes on each element. For example:
<p>Learning the <span style="font-variant: small-caps;
font-weight: bold; background-color: transparent; color: red">ABC</span>s of
markup is easy; once you get to the <span style="font-variant: small-caps;
font-weight: bold; background-color: transparent; color: green">XYZ</span>s,
it gets more interesting.</p>
Could become this:
<style type="text/css">
.smallcaps {
font-variant: small-caps
.bold {
font-weight: bold
.red, .green {
background-color: transparent;
.red {
color: red
.green {
color: green
<p>Learning the <span class="smallcaps bold red">ABC</span>
s of markup is easy; once you get to the <span class="smallcaps
bold green">XYZ</span>s, it gets more interesting.</p>
Next month: the long, sad history of the <object>
Are you starting to migrate to XHTML 2? Share your experience in our forum.
(* You must be a member of XML.com to use this feature.)
Comment on this Article
- getting carried away with multiple classes
2005-01-13 21:55:00 spook
i realise it was just an example, but all the same i think you need to reconsider the way you've shown multiple classes at work, for it is quite misleading.
class="smallcaps bold red" is just as semanticaly incorrect as using inline style tags, and even worse, the class' names are based on visual cues.
Also, what is "smallcaps bold red" but a mere shortcut to the full property? When it comes time to redesign the website, it's quite likely you might want to change the color from red to blue - then you'd end up with "red{color:blue}"!
The article quoted it itself - "It encourages a mindset that considers the visual media to be the most important one.".
- Dropping of inline styles
2004-11-21 05:26:22 RafeH
I was taking a peek around the XHTML2 specs at the w3c and found this page
(Im not sure if html works in here so please excuse if not)
Anyway, you are saying that inline styles are being removed, yet that page suggests they are not...
Im a little confused here
- q tag
2003-05-05 04:35:42 R. Ivan Linderman
I disagree that no one is using the q tag, although I may be the only one.
Because I often create dialogue or quote literary passages, I use q to semantically mark this content. Moreover, I use it as the W3C intended, making up for all browser's failure to add appropriate quotation marks, by using JavaScript to add quotation marks at the beginning and end of q elements.
This tag is often not used because it is not widely known outside the US that straight or curly quotes are not universal; that other languages use other delimiters.
Additionally, if you think about it, do you want to use the same delimiter -- for example, "e; -- for marking quoted content as you do for marking strings in script, and attributes in markup?
I started an article on this subject titled "Q: Bastard Child of Shameless Fortune." It's a good title.
It will be easy to replace q qith quote.
- upgrading to XHTML 2
2003-04-18 18:10:16 Bill Burris
The real question, is when will the browsers handle XHTML 2? For most of us the upgrade should be simple, just a few edits in our XSLT files. Some of us may also need to tweak some code. Since I havn't finished creating my XSLT files, I still have some HTML embedded in my C# code.
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