LRC Filters

This applet explores the differential equation modeling an LRC circuit with a driving voltage. The differential equation is \[Lx'' + Rx' + \frac{x}{C} = f'(t)\]

Here \(x(t)\) represents the current and \(f(t)\) is the impressed (driving) voltage in the circuit. \(L,\, R,\, C\) are the inductance, resistance and capacitance respectively. We assume compatible units

In this model we consider the function \(f(t)\) to be the input to the system. It is given as a sum of sinusoids as described below.

Both the input and the response are plotted in the large graphing graphing window on the left. The linear gain of the system is plotted in the graphing window on the right.

Setting system parameters
The system parameters \(L,\, R,\, C\) are all settable using their respective sliders.

Input modes
There are two modes of input which are controlled by the N terms mode checkbox.

The time \(t\) can be changed by sliding the small 'knob' on the \(t\) axis of the time graphing window (left hand window). The values of \(t\), the input \(f(t)\) and output \(x(t)\) are all displayed below the graphing window.

Graph value readouts
For both graphs: if your mouse is in the graphing window the coordinates of the mouse position are displayed above the graph.

© 2015-2017 J. Orloff, J.-M. Claus