Beyond Theta13
- J. A. Formaggio
- J. M. Conrad
- M. H. Shaevitz
- J. Link
- V. Paolone
Measuring the Electroweak Parameters
high flux of neutrinos coming from nuclear reactors are currently being
studied to measure the final oscillation parameter
(q13) to high precision. The settings for such a
measurement can also be used to perform
other high precision measurements involving the standard model.
Such precision tests may lead to discoveries of new physics.
One of the measurements that can be made at neutrino reactor
experiments is a precise determination of the weak mixing angle, sin2(qW).
Such a measurement is motivated by the recent NuTeV result, whose 0.75%
precision measurement shows a 3 sigma
deviation from what is predicted in the Standard Model.
The NuTeV measurement may be indicative of new physics beyond the
standard model at low Q2. As the measurement was made
using high energy neutrinos, the best way to test for new physics is to
again measure the weak mixing parameter with neutrinos at a similar Q2
Reactor experiments provide an ideal setting for measuring the weak
mixing angle by studying neutrino-electron scattering. Such a
process is mediated entirely by the weak force and does not suffer from
any corrections due to the strong force. Reactor neutrino
experiments can hope to attain a precision measurement of order
~1%. Such precision is comparable to those achieved by Moller
scattering and neutrino nuclear scattering.
Documents and Links
The NuTeV Neutrino Experiment
The NuTeV Mixing Angle Measurement,
by G. P. Zeller et al.
A Proposal to Measure the Weak
Mixing Angle Using Reactor Neutrinos, by J. Conrad, M. Shaevitz,
and J. Link
A Review of Electroweak Tests of the Standard Model
A Search for Light and Heavy Sterile
A number of theories beyond the standard model predict the existence of
"sterile" neutrinos; that is, neutrinos that do not couple directly to
the W or Z boson. Their existence provides a natural theoretical
framework to understand the mechanism behind neutrino mass.
Sterile neutrinos can be extremely light (<1 eV) or relatively heavy
(~MeV). If they are light, they would help explain the LSND oscillation
measurement. If, on the other hands, they are heavy they may
prove to be the missing link in understanding the formation of heavy
elements in the universe.
Reactor neutrino experiments can be used to search for both light and
heavy sterile neutrinos. For example, if heavy sterile neutrinos
couple to ordinary electron neutrinos, one can look for signatures of
neutrino decay. Such searches could be complementary to similar
decay searches performed with solar neutrino experiments.
Document and Links
Decay of Reaction Neutrinos by
P. Vogel
New Experimental Limits on Heavy
Neutrino Mixing from the Borexino CTF the Borexino
A Combined Analysis of Short Baseline
Neutrino Experiments in the (3+1) and (3+2) Sterile Neutrino Hypothesis
by M. Sorel, M. Shaevitz and J. Conrad
Searching for Exotic
Particles using the NuTeV Neutrino Beam by J. Formaggio
Measuring the Neutrino Magnetic Moment
neutrino magnetic moment, as predicted by the Standard Model with
massive neutrinos arises from virtual loops of the W and, as such, is
very, very small. As a result, any measurement of a non-zero
neutrino magnetic moment would be a clear sign of physics beyond the
Standard Model. the same techniques used for measuring the
electroweak parameters can also be used to set limits on the neutrino
magnetic moment. Sensitivities to such physics is currently being
Document and Links
Code to simulate radioactive
backgrounds from beta-gamma decays by J. Formaggio
Code to simulate muon and
neutron flux at given depth by J. Formaggio
Document on Fiducial Volume Studies
by J. Conrad
Meeting Notes
Midwest Reactor Group