My robot was born (rather painfully with all the sharp edges, according to its mother) with a natural tendency to avoid light. This is a side effect of much tramatic abuse it sustained as an infant and while in the womb. Its father used to shine intense light that was so intense it penetrated even into the uterus and was used as an instrument of terror. When it was born, it had more than jut a healthy tan, it had a sunburn.After it was born to make it worse its older brother used to lock it in the closet and the only times it ever saw light was when his brother would hold a flashlight under his face deforming his features and yelling "i'm the leprechan," and when he would be be burned by this flickering monster refered to as fire which seemed to ravenously devour all that it came in contact with.

Now, of coure it doesn't like light... so it runs away from it.. sometimes when it senses light all around it it goes into twitchy seizure-like spasms while it has flashbacks to previous trauma.

it senses light using light sensor device things there are four of them and they make the motors run in a way that takes it away from the pain (no not suicide.. i wasn't able to get a motor that just tears the whole thing apart, also i wouldbn't be able to test it out more than once)

If you want to to learn more about the robot family you can go to his Uncle Pimp Bot's web page. "I think that if I was blind, I would try to learn and see or something." "The only thing we do that is illegal, and I'm not even sure it is, is sell babies on the black market." All groove support systems have become de-funked."