SP.285: Robotics and Mechatronics Projects :: Help Pages :: Help with Athena

Useful unix commands  (Athena = unix)

ls [directory]
  list the files in [directory]  - if you dont specify a directory it lists
  the files in the cureent directory

cp [from] [to]
  copy a file

rm [file]
  deletes a file

mv [from] [to]
  moves a file / renames a file

cd [directory]
  moves you into a directory (directorys are also called folders or drawers)

mkdir [directory]
  creates a directory

add [locker]
  gives you access to the commands and files in a locker
  add esg    gives you the ic command

emacs [file]
  edits a text file  (c programs are considered text files)

more [file]
  displays a text file

  lets you talk to a board (you must 'add esg' first)

put an & after a command to get your prompt back before the command is done
  emacs [file]&

directory short hand:

.      the curent directory
         cp [file] .    copies [file] to your curent directory

..     the parent directory
         cd ..   takes you back a directory

~      your home directory
         cp [file] ~    copies [file] to you directory no matter where you are

/      the root directory   (the top level directory)
         cd /    takes you to the top level

[dir]/[file]  refers to a file in a directory
        emacs lego/prog.c   :edits the prog.c file inside of the lego directory

these can be used in combinations:

cd ~/Private    takes you into the private directory off of your home directory

ls /mit/esg/lego/examples/      (you get the idea)

SP.285: Robotics and Mechatronics Projects :: Help Pages :: Help with Athena