Here are some photos from the trip we took to Paris!
Here we are at Versailles (I was about to sneeze, thus the expression).

A wing of the palace and the chapel.

One of the few painted church ceilings in France.

One of the gilded ceiling corners in the royal apartments.

... like an andiron lion in Zion ... (apologies to Bob Marley)

Jason and the candelabras

A golden bas relief covering a hearth.

Beautiful chandeliers in the Hall of Mirrors.

Beautiful candelabras in the Hall of Mirrors.

And most beautiful, my baby in the Hall of Mirrors!

A gilded armoire in the Queen's Bedchamber.

One of the (very many) garden fountains at Versailles.

An antique buggy.

Arches in the Hall of Battles.

Jason and Ljudmila pose by the Salle de Bal fountain.

Ljudmila in front of the Basin du Miroir fountain.

"Fleur-de-lis" de fleurs.

Jason and Ljudmila at the Bosquet de l'Encelade fountain.

Beautiful white flowers with my beautiful white flower (where have I heard that before?).

We arrived at the Bassin d'Apollon just as the fountain stopped :(

But we caught the high plume of the Bassin du Dragon!

The nightly Grandes Eaux Musicales in the Bassin de Neptune.

The beautiful altar of the Versailles chapel.

Posing again, at the end of the tour.

A little bird rests on the gate to Versailles.

Some paint with oils, some with acrylics, and some with flowers.

Le Champ de Mars as seen from the Eiffel Tower.

Ljudmila at the Eiffel Tower.

Jason and Ljudmila pose in front of the Trocadero.

The many bridges of Paris.

The Arc de Triomphe (with two tiny siren lights from a passing truck in the bottom of the picture :)

This building is very similar to a building we shot in Prague!

The beautiful lamp at the Place de la Concorde.

The fountain of the Place de la Concorde.

And, of course, the Obelisk of Luxor at the Place de la Concorde (erected by Ramses II).

The Vendome column in Place Vendome.

A facade of an enormous door in Place Vendome.

The Opera Garnier.

Place de la Bastille.

Ljudmila and Elia pose in front of Notre Dame Cathedral.

Stained glass window in Notre Dame Cathedral.

In Square Jean XXIII, behind Notre Dame.

Hotel de Ville (Paris is the frontrunner to host the 2012 Olympics).

The colorful fountain in Place Igor Stravinsky.

Centre Georges Pompidou (the modern art museum of Paris).

Les Halles Marketplace.

Sacre Coeur Cathedral.

Moulin Rouge (on the edge of the red light district).

Jardins du Luxembourg (Luxembourg gardens).

Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel (in the Place du Carrousel).

Religious art in Musee d'Orsay.

Skeletons dance behind the clock of the Musee d'Orsay.

A colorful sculpture.

Guess what this is!

Ljudmila poses in front of the Louvre.

La Kiosque des Noctambules (Kiosk of the Nightwalkers).

Place du Palais Royal.

Inside the Louvre.

Mona Lisa, Mona Lisa, men have named you.

The lady made of flowers.

Michelangelo's "Dying Slave"

Canova's "Cupid and Psyche".

Venus de Milo.

Ljudmila poses with Pallas Athena.

The pyramids of the Louvre (designed by I. M. Pei).

The apartments of Napoleon III (inside the Louvre).

The dining hall of Napoleon III.

I have a fascination with tea and coffee services :)

Inside the Sculpture Garden.

The inverted pyramid (after close inspection, I think Dan Brown was wrong :)

Jean d'Arc

The oldest structure in Paris (a bit hard to see - the wooden structure).

Palais de la Legion d'Honneur (Hotel de Salm), inspiration for both the California Palace of the Legion of Honor, and the White House.

Seal of Paris on the Pont Alexandre III (one of the bridges of the Seine).

Two of the four pedastals of the Pont Alexadre III.

American Cathedral in Paris.

La Tour Eiffel.

A long boat along the Seine.

Musee d'Orsay.

Palais de l'Institut de France (where the "Immortals" determine the French language).

Jason eating snails!

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