In addition, as an experiment, we have created a Virtual Proceedings for the conference on the World Wide Web. Through the virtual proceedings, authors will be able to make the full text of their papers, related materials, models, and other media available to all participants in the conference and to any other interested parties anywhere in the world. Far more information on your research can be made available than any printed proceedings could ever provide.
The virtual proceedings is a supplement to the paper proceedings. Participation is optional, but we hope that all authors with access to the Web will take advantage of this opportunity to increase dramatically the information available on your research and the breadth of audience you can reach.
The Virtual Proceedings will be a central home page on the World Wide Web, from which interested people can link to the conference papers on the authors' own page.
We have created a home page with some introductory information and links. The virtual proceedings will provide links to each author's web page on their own system, where the content of the author's paper will reside. We do not have the resources or staff to load your paper onto our server. By having the papers submitted residing on the presenter's own server the presenters will be able to maintain full control over content, upgrade their work any time, and provide additional links to other related work. Indeed, such control is precisely the advantage of the Web.
To submit a paper, please send an email to the Virtual Proceedings Webmaster ( including the following information:
For information on publishing your paper on the web, explore MIT's Web Publishing Page.
For information on HTML, the page description language you will need to use to put your paper on the web, visit The HTML Primer.
To view sample papers on the web, visit here or here.
If you have any questions about the Virtual Proceedings, email Andrew Jones (
Thanks for your participation in this experiment - we look forward to exploring your work through the web!
John Sterman
George Richardson
Program Co-Chairs, ISDC96
Andrew Jones
Virtual Proceedings Webmaster