Registration Information

The 1996 International System Dynamics Conference

Conference Registration Information

The following information will be needed to register for the conference.

Name on your badge
Organization affiliation
E mail


Before June 15:    
Member --            $US 270 
Non-Member --           $300 
Student --              $200 
Extra banquet ticket --  $50
Total:                ______

After June 15:
Member --            $US 300 
Non-Member --           $330 
Student --              $230 
Extra banquet ticket --  $50
Total:                ______

The registration fee includes attendance for one person at all regular conference functions including coffee breaks and the final banquet and a copy of the proceedings. The only meal included is the banquet; there are many restaurants in the hotel and within a block of the hotel.

Payment method:
-- Check (in US dollars drawn on a US bank payable to System Dynamics Conference)
-- Credit card, Master Card or Visa
number ______________________________________
expiration date _________________________________
signature ______________________________________

Send completed conference registration form or the above information to:
System Dynamics Conference
49 Bedford Rd.
Lincoln, MA 01773


The conference will be held at the Cambridge Center Marriott Hotel, Kendall Square, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Less than a block from MIT and the Kendall Square subway station, the site is convenient to public transportation providing easy access to and from Boston's Logan airport and downtown Boston.


For accommodations, please contact the Cambridge Marriott Hotel at (617) 494-6600 or (800) 228-9290 by July 1. Mention that you are attending this conference 1) to get the lower conference rate of $130 per night single or double occupancy and 2) to help the conference pay for the use of the facilities.

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