Last updated: April 2, 2002

Using ftp

Many ftp programs are available, some provide GUIs and some are good old-fashioned command line interfaces. This page explains how to use good old-fashioned command line interface versions of ftp. In it, you will learn how to transfer single files
Some GUI-based ftp programs change the case of filenames when they perform the transfer. DO NOT USE ANY FTP PROGRAM THAT WILL CHANGE THE CASE OF FILENAMES.

Using ftp Commands to Transfer Multiple Files

Use the following technique to transfer a whole bunch of files. For example, the following demonstrates how to transfer an entire directory of FrameMaker source files.

  1. Pop up a DOS window.

  2. Change directory to the directory containing your FrameMaker source files, for example:

  3. Connect to the server by issuing the following commands:

    Ask one of the writers for the password, if you don't know it.

  4. Use the cd command to change to the directory that will contain your FrameMaker sources, for example:

    Note: If the appropriate directory doesn't yet exist, you must first create it. You can create it from ftp by using the mkdir command, for example:

  5. Request binary mode transfers:

  6. Turn off prompting:

  7. Transfer (copy) all files from the source to the destination

  8. Use the quit command to end your ftp session, for example:

Using ftp Commands to Transfer a Single File

The following technique will transfer a single file, such as a PDF file to the doc repository:

  1. Pop a DOS window.

  2. Change directory to the directory containing your PDF file, for example:
  3. Connect to the server by issuing the following commands:

    Ask one of the writers for the password, if you don't know it.

  4. Use the cd command to change to the directory that will contain your FrameMaker sources, for example:

    Note: If the appropriate directory doesn't yet exist, you must first create it. You can create it from ftp by using the mkdir command, for example:

  5. Request binary mode transfers:
  6. Use the ftp put command to transfer (copy) your PDF file from the source to the destination, for example:
  7. Use the quit command to end your ftp session, for example: