LOCKER: julia_v0.6.2 FILE: /mit/julia_v0.6.2/README.athena CONTENTS: Julia programming language DESCRIPTION: Julia is a high-level, high-performance dynamic programming language for technical computing, developed at MIT by Professor Alan Edelman, Jeff Bezanson, Stefan Karpinski, and Viral Shah. It uses syntax that is familiar to users of other technical computing environments. It provides a compiler, distributed parallel execution, numerical accuracy, and a mathematical function library. The library, mostly written in Julia itself, also integrates mature C and Fortran libraries for linear algebra, random number generation, FFTs, and string processing. More libraries continue to be added over time. Julia programs are organized around defining functions, and overloading them for different combinations of argument types (which can also be user-defined). Julia is currently in prerelease development but is already quite functional and is attracting a lot of attention in the scientific computing community. Graphics are accessible via add-on packages, notably the 2d Winston package, the Gadfly package, the PyPlot package and various others. HOW TO RUN ******************************************************************************* To use IJulia Notebooks: INSTALLS ABOUT 1.7 GB OF DATA IN YOUR ~/.julia DIRECTORY. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ENOUGH FREE SPACE. perform the following preparation steps ONCE ONLY: You will need to have the libzmq3 Ubuntu package installed but if the libzmq1 package is also the setup may fail due to a bug (both may be installed on your system). If this happens you can temporarily disable the libzmq1 package if it's installed by doing the following after sudoing to root: cd /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ (or /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/) mv mv (you can restore these later after the "using IJulia" step below by reversing the renames). add -f julia_v0.6.2 julia at the julia> prompt, type: julia> Pkg.update() julia> ENV["JUPYTER"]="" julia> Pkg.add("PyPlot") julia> Pkg.add("IJulia") julia> using IJulia To run IJulia notebook: Launch Julia, type: using IJulia notebook() In browser tab that opens, click "New" button on Files tab, enter Julia commands in "In []:" entry dialog, end lines with shift-return. See for more info. ******************************************************************************* To use Juno (within Atom): (you will need about 200M of free disk space in your Athena home directory) perform the following preparation steps ONCE ONLY: Launch atom. Select Install a Package -> Open Installer, enter uber-juno in search box, click on Packages button, Install. Run Julia -> Start Julia (may take a while first time). Note: Julia -> Open Terminal will fail unless path to julia is set: Julia -> Settings, select julia-client -> Settings -> Julia Path, enter: /mit/julia_v0.6.2/arch/amd64_ubuntu1404/bin/julia To run Juno later, launch atom, select Julia -> Start Julia ******************************************************************************* COMMAND: add julia; julia (to run interactive command-line interpreter) julia file.jl (to run julia script file.jl) or executable script with first line: #!/usr/bin/env julia (presuming the julia binary is on your path) add julia; julia (to run an IJulia notebook) julia> using IJulia julia> notebook() add julia; atom (to run Juno within atom) then select Julia -> Start Julia to add/remove packages (see note at bottom of this page) > Pkg.update() (to refresh/update package list) > Pkg.status() (to print list of installed packages) > Pkg.available() (to get a list of available packages) > Pkg.add("MyPackage") (to add package "MyPackage") > Pkg.rm("MyPackage") (to remove package "MyPackage") (packages install to ~/.julia/v0.6 by default; atom files are in ~/.atom) consult documentation and tutorials for further usage details. FROM DASH: no INTERFACES: command line, GUI (Ijulia, Juno/Atom) VERSIONS: For Linux 64: Version 0.6.2 DEPENDENCIES: various numerical libraries supplied with the distribution DATAFILES: Platform-independent LICENSE SERVER: no ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPPORT ISSUES -- I/S SUPPORT: CONSULTING: none TRAINING: none DOCUMENTATION: man page (julia) OTHER SUPPORT: CONSULTING: (none) TRAINING: DOCUMENTATION: WEB PAGE: BUG REPORTS: Use sendbug ------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEGAL ISSUES -- STATUS: MIT license- see for details Various libraries used by the Julia environment include their own licenses such as the GPL, LGPL, and BSD (therefore the environment, which consists of the language, user interfaces, and libraries, is under the GPL). SITES: any RESTRICTIONS: DOCUMENTATION: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT THIS LOCKER -- MAINTAINER(S): swmaint (group), alexp DIRECTORY STRUCTURE: /mit/julia_v0.6.2/julia/ - distribution top level (@sys link) bin - main binaries etc - site-specific startup commands include - include files lib - libraries share - misc files, tests, documentation, icons, julia source for standard library MODIFY HISTORY: 1/30/18 - Alex Prengel Created this README.athena, initial locker setup MISCELLANEOUS: Note: package interdependencies are now resolved and additional packages required by the one you are installing will be installed automatically, however mixing packages installed for older versions of Julia with ones used in newer ones is likely to cause problems. If you use one of the graphics packages like Winston or Gadfly, you may run into conflicts if you install more than one at the same time. If you were previously using an older Julia version you may need to delete your ~/.julia directory if you encounter package problems at launch (of course, back it up if you anticipate the need to save anything or to revert to the older Julia release) and reinstall the packages you will be using. Julia stores add-ons in your ~/.julia directory. This can use a significant amount of space and may overflow your quota if you install many of them. Julia is currently under rapid development and the julia Athena lockers are updated only a limited number of times annually. If you need to run the latest version the best way to proceed is to clone the sources and build it yourself: git clone git:// cd julia make but be aware that development versions are usually subject to varying degrees of breakage. Julia scripts can be made directly executable by making the first line: #!/usr/bin/env julia (the julia binary must be on your path)