Mehran Kardar


8/75 - 2/76 Cambridgeshire College of Arts and Technology, Cambridge, England
8/76 - 5/79 Undergraduate studies at King's College, Cambridge University, England
5/1979 Bachelor of Arts (honors) in Natural Sciences, Cambridge University
1/1983 Master of Arts, Cambridge University
8/79 - 6/83 Graduate studies in the Physics Department, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
5/1983 Doctor of Philosophy, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Doctoral Thesis with Professor A. N. Berker, entitled: "Ordering phenomena under competing interactions in adsorbed layers and in spin models"
Summer 77 Research Assistant, Department of Metallurgy, University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
Fall 1979 Teaching Assistant, Introductory Mechanics, MIT
1980 - 83 Research Assistant, Condensed Matter Theory, MIT
Spring 81 Teaching Assistant, Graduate Statistical Mechanics, MIT
1983 - 86 Junior Fellow of the Harvard University Society of Fellows
1983 - 86 Summer Visiting Research Collaborator, Brookhaven National Laboratories
1986 - 90 Assistant Professor of Physics, MIT
Summer 89 Visiting Professor, Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, Belgium
Fall 89,6/92 Visitor, Institute for Theoretical Physics, UC Santa Barbara
1990 - 95 Associate Professor of Physics, MIT (with tenure in 1992)
Summer 90 Visiting Research Collaborator, IBM Research Labs., Almaden
May 92 Guest Lecturer, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
May 93 Lecturer, École de Physique de Matiére Condensée, Beg-Rohu, France
June 93 Chairman, Gordon Research Conference
Aug 93/95/96 Lecturer, Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS), Zanjan, Iran
1995 - Adjunct Professor, IASBS, Zanjan, Iran
1994-96 Editorial Board, Journal of Statistical Physics
Winter 94 Visiting Professor, Oxford University, England
June 94 Lecturer, NATO meeting at the Newton Institute, Cambridge, England
Aug 94 Lecturer, Les Houches meeting, France
Fall 94 Organizer, ITP workshop on "Vortex Phases," UC Santa Barbara
1996 Professor of Physics, MIT
Summer 96 Lecturer, Troisième cycle de la physique en Suisse romande, Lusaunne, Switzerland
August 97 Lecturer, International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy
August 97 Lecturer, Summerschool on Fundamental Problems in Stat. Mech., Altenberg, Germany
97- Board Member of New England Complex Science Institute
99-00, 03- Chairman, Pappalardo Fellowships in Physics at MIT
2001, 2009 General visiting member, Institute for Theoretical Physics, UC Santa Barbara
Spring 02 Miller Visiting Professor, UC Berkeley
Aug 03

Lecturer, The 14th Jyväskylä Summer School, Finland

July 07 Invited Professor, Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, France
Fall 08

Organizer, KITP workshop on "Fluctuation-induced forces," UC Santa Barbara

Fall 09

Organizer, 60th Birthday Celebration Symposium for Prof. A.N. Berker, MIT

May  13 Lecturer, IITS Course in Theoretical Physics, Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, Belgium
June  13 Invited visiting Professor, LPTMS, Univ. Paris Sud, Orsay, France
July/Aug. 13 International Francqui Professor Chair, Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, Belgium

Divisional Associate Editor, Phys. Rev. E


Associate Editor, JStat

2020- Editorial Board, Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences
Fall 22 Alexander von Humboldt visitor to MPI-DS and Georg-August Univ. of Göttingen
1976 - 78 Exhibition - Senior Scholarship at King's College, Cambridge University
1978 - 79 Prizes based on performance in undergraduate (Tripos) exams
1981 - 82 IBM Predoctoral Fellowship
1983 - 86 Junior Fellowship, Harvard Society of Fellows
1987 - 91 A. P. Sloan Fellowship
1988 - Fellow of Ashdown House (Graduate Dormitory), MIT
1988 Bergmann Memorial Research Award
1989 - Presidential Young Investigator Award
1990 Graduate Student Departmental Teaching Award
1990 -92 MIT Class of 1948 Professor (Career Development Chair)
1991 Edgerton Award for Junior Faculty Achievements at MIT
1992 The Beuchner Teaching Prize, Physics Department
1993 School of Science Prize in Graduate Teaching
2001 John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship
2007 Fellow, American Physical Society
2008 School of Science Prize in Graduate Teaching
2009 APS Outstanding Referee
2009 Elected Fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences
2011- Francis Freidman Professor, Physics Department, MIT
2013 International Francqui Professor Chair, Belgium
2014 KITP Simons Distinguished Visiting Scholar
2015 Mark Kac Memorial Scholar, CNLS, Los Alamos
2017 John David Jackson Excellence in Graduate Physics Education Award

Elected member of the National Academy of Sciences


Ellis Island Medal of Honor

2019 Simons-GGI Visiting scientist for 2019; Galileo-Galilei Institute (Florence, Italy)
2020 Simons Fellow in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
2020 Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Research Award