Near-field Heat Radiation & Transfer

red ball  Emission from a single object (Sphere or Cylinder):

yellow ball Emission is proportional to volume for small objects, crossing over to surface proportionality.

yellow ball Emission from a cylinder is polarized (also switching as a function of size)

yellow ball "Polarized light emission from individual incandescent carbon nanotubes,"

S. B. Singer, Matthew Mecklenburg, E. R. White, and B. C. Regan, Phys. Rev. B. 83, 233404 (2011)

yellow ball "Thermalization of Heat radiation of an Individual Object Thinner than the Thermal Wavelength,"

C. Wuttke and A. Rauschenbeutel, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 024301 (2013)



red ball  Heat Transfer from a plate to a sphere (and other objects at proximity):

 Breaking the law, at the nanoscale (MIT news, July 29, 2009)


yellow ball Due to its "divergence" heat transfer is dominated by points of close proximity.

yellow ball A "Proximity Transfer Approximation (PTA)" with "gradient correction" can by used to compute results for arbitrary smooth shapes at close proximity.

yellow ball "Small distance expansion for radiative heat transfer between curved objects,"

V.A. Golyk, M. Kruger, A.P. McCauley, M. Kardar, EuroPhys. Lett.101, 34002 (2013)