Statistical Physics

"More is different," P.W. Anderson, Science 177, 393 (1972)

"The chemical basis of morphogenesis," A.M. Turing, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. 237, 37 (1952)

    • Emergence of patterns (stripes or spots) in reaction/diffusion systems

      (inhibitors and activators with different diffusion rates)

(from web-page of H. Meinhardt at MPU Tuebingen)

(C. Haselwandter, R. da Silveira, A. Triller, and M.K.)

Less can also be different:

"Purely stochastic binary dicisions in cell signaling models ... ,"

M.N. Artymov, J. Das, M.K., and Arup K. Chakraborty, PNAS 104, 18958 (2007)