Protein Inhibotor resistance sites
Single site mutations in response to drug carry large fitness cost.
Compensatory mutations are needed for viable resistant strains.
Construct maximum entropy prevalence landscape (database
- HIV-1 clade B Protease, removing insertions relative to HXB2
- Exclude all sequences after 1996, or with "protease inhibitor" in meta data [6701 from 757 patients]
- (Separate analysis with "drug naive" sequences)
Strong direct couplings indicate compensatory mutations of fitness close to wild type:
Eigen model of evolution with 2 sites:
Prune all direct couplings less than a threshold:
Standard resistance starts at site 82 followed by 54; the third strongest coupling above.
[PI Resistance sites, from M.E. Quiñones-Mateu1 and E.J. Arts, HIV Reviews 134 (2001)] [Rhee et al, NAR31, 298 (2003), Fig1]
Performance as a classifier:
- PPV: Positive Prediction Value = Prob.[resistant is correct | predicted resistant ]
- NPV: Negative Prediction Value = Prob.[predicted non-resistant is correct | predicted non-resistant ]
- Larger PPV and NPV indicate more predictive power
- TPR: True Positive Rate = Prob.[predicted resistant is indeed resistant]
- FPR: False Positive Rate = Prob.[predicted resistant is non-resistant ]
- At large values of the threshold, drug resistance sites are identified with high probability
[T.C. Butler, J. Barton, M.K., A.K. Chakraborty (2014) & SI] (Fig. SI5)
(9 out of top 40 pairs correspond to contacts in the dimer) (ala Martin Weigt)
Many other approaches to predicting drug resistance sites:
- Selection under treatment: L. Chen, A. Perlina, CJ Lee, J Viriology 78, 3722 (2004)
- Supervised learning: CW Cao et al, Drug Discovery Today 10, 521 (2005)
- Structural modelling: N Beerenwinkel et al, PNAS 99, 8271 (2002)
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