Figure 2

Nature Cell Biology  1, 493 - 499 (1999)
Published online: 8 November 1999; | doi:10.1038/70281

Cooperative symmetry-breaking by actin polymerization in a model for cell motility

Alexander van Oudenaarden & Julie A. Theriot
Fig 2 full size
Figure 2.  Description of the multifilament stochastic model.
a, Initial symmetric distribution of actin filaments around a bead. The filaments are assumed to be orientated perpendicular to the bead surface and are evenly spaced. b, Each actin filament is considered as an elastic rod with length l. The tip−bead distance for a non-bent filament is given by x. Because of thermal fluctuations, the end of an actin filament that is close to the bead surface can bend, which increases the bead−tip distance by ‘¥x. The other end of the filament is fixed in space because of crosslinking with other filaments. For small deflections, the filament bends with a constant radius of curvature R. c, The probability of subunit addition, P on, is a function of distance x. Note that all distances are normalized to the size of the gap‘î required to permit intercalation of an actin monomer between the filament tip and the bead surface (‘î’âà 2.7 nm)3. A necessary condition for subunit addition to the free end is that the gap opened between the fluctuating tip and the bead surface be large enough to allow a monomer to intercalate: x + ‘¥x ’†1. For x <1, the probability that this condition be met can be calculated from Boltzmann's distribution for thermal bending. Experimentally, actin polymerization has been seen to be confined to the immediate vicinity of the bacterial or bead surface14, 16. This is represented by introducing a exponential decay of P on(x) for x >1. P on(x) is maximal at x = 1, where the filament tip is at the position closest to the bead that allows actin-monomer intercalation without filament bending. See Methods for details.

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