Periodic Table of Awesomeness Periodic Table of Awesome from Note it is organized in columns like the chemical periodic table 1 Bn Bacon 2 N Ninja 3 Bt Batman 4 Ex Explosion 5 Mt Mt. Dew 6 Br Beer 7 C Chocolate 8 Ch Cheese 9 P Pirates 10 Sn Sniper 11 Chuck Norris [no abbreviation] 12 Gr Grenades 13 Bb Boobs 14 Bf Beef Jerky 15 Cf Coffee 16 Sg Sausage 17 Zb Zombies 18 As Assassin 19 Ba Mr. T 20 Bm Bombs 21 L Laser 22 Jf Jet Fighter 23 Th Throwing Stars 24 Mg Minigun 25 Sb Sonic Boom 26 Kf Kung Fu 27 Jp Jet Pack 28 Hc Helicopter 29 Mw Microwave (B.C.B.) 30 Ls Light Speed 31 S Space 32 Tb Taco Bell 33 Kl Kool Aid 34 Rm Ramen 35 Dw Dwarves 36 V Vampire 37 Bs Bob Saget 38 R Rockets 39 Sw Sword 40 Tk Tank 41 Nc Nunchucks 42 Dg Daggers 43 Tr Trebuchets 44 Ls Light Saber 45 Mj Moon Jumps 46 Mc Mecha 47 I Internet 48 Hs Hyper-space 49 Lt Lightning 50 F Fire 51 Lq Liquor 52 Do Doritos 53 R Robots 54 Wz Wizard 55 Sh William Shatner 56 Fw Fireworks 57 D Dinosar 58 Sk Shark 59 Dr Dragon 60 Gs Giant Squid 61 Pg Penguin 62 Ea Eagle 63 Ct Cheetah 64 Cr Crocodile 65 Wf Wolf 66 B Bear 67 Cb Cobra 68 F Falcon 69 Tr Trilobite 70 Wv Were-wovles [sic] 71 Mu Mutants 72 Mo Monster Truck 73 Me Motorcycle 74 Ax Battle Axe 75 Cp Catapult 76 Ry Rayguns 77 Vg Video Games 78 T Teleport 79 Co Computers 80 Rw Time Travel 81 Tn Tornado 82 Bh Black Holes 83 St Storms 84 Rb Ribs 85 An Aliens 86 Jd Jedi 87 Wn Christopher Walken 88 Pm Proximity Mines 89 Ds Mustache 90 Mk Mohawk 91 Yy Ying Yang 92 Sl Skulls 93 Sc Scars 94 Ta Tattoos 95 Ml Mullet 96 Hd Hoodies 97 Su Sunglasses 98 So Guitar Solo 99 Hg Holograms (T.B.) 100 101 102 103 104 Bs Battleship 105 106 107 Ft Fortress 108 109 110 111 112 113 Sx Sex 114 M Metal 115 Mg Magnets 116 My Money (G.C.) 117 Bo Bounty Hunters 118 Gh Ghost In 300 B.C., years before the birth of black Jesus, Aristole [sic] postulated that all good things were made of "win." That was a pretty good guess, but he was drunk and probably also having an orgy. Modern day awesominers know that there are actually 118 fundamental "awesoments" that compose all good things. The Periodic table of Awesoments can be a very useful tool. It's designed to show the relationships between awesoments, and often one can even predict how awesoments interact simply by their positions on the table. Commentary by me The following element abbreviations appear twice: Bs F Ls Mg R Tr Some of the awesoments are yet unnamed. The parenthesized abbreviations are presumably in-jokes. Hyphenations reflect hyphenated words in the original There's something philosophically very wrong, or right, that Ying and Yang are part of the SAME element. Real chemists might be amused that a huge chunk of the chemical periodic table is now compressed into one element 114 "Metal". Some of the abbreviations are probably jokes. "My Money", Rw = Time travel (Rewind?), Ba = Mr. T (Badass?), Ds = Mustache (?) There ought to be consistency between singular and plural, though that makes Wv Werewolves problematic. "Ax" was an opportunity to leave unexpanded like "Chuck Norris". transcribed 2008-12-17