Parallel Computing for Art

6.338J Project proposal

Ken Takusagawa

I have two projects listed here. The reason for this is that I am not sure yet how difficult each of the individual projects are. My very preliminary analysis suggests they each might be on the "easy" side.

First mini-project: Riemann zeta function audio

To create an (at-least) 74-minute recording of the Riemann zeta function evaluated along the critical line (Real = 0.5).


Finally, although I lack the mathematical training to analyze the Riemann zeta function, the sound file (as a simple tabulation of values) may become a useful research tool to the mathematical community, for the purpose of forming and investigating conjectures.

Second mini-project: Mandelbrot fractal

To create a very long and narrow (~1000x10000000) image of the crevice of a cardoid of the Mandelbrot set.

The buds which come off the cardoid of the Mandelbrot set exhibit pseudo self-similarity. That is, as one explores further and further into the crevice, the shape of the buds is almost the same: however, the "ornamentation" around the buds becomes increasingly intricate.

fractal fractal fractal fractal fractal fractal fractal fractal

Because of self-similarity, once can imagine a warped infinite strip: The bottom edge of the strip runs along the edge of the cardoid. The top edge of the strip runs along the top of the buds. The strip is continuously scaled so that the buds remain the same size as one proceeds along the strip.

This warped strip can then be un-warped to produce a rectangular strip.


Last modified: Mon Mar 4 04:43:12 EST 2002