Tabulating values of the Riemann-Siegel Z function along the critical line
Creating a 14 hour sound file with a supercomputer
Ken Takusagawa
Zeta function
- Riemann zeta function
- The Riemann conjecture states that all non-trivial zeros of the zeta function occur along the line Re(s) = 0.5. This line is known as the critical line.
Z function
- The Riemann-Siegel Z function is a real-valued "precursor" to the Zeta function along the critical line.
- See Glen Pugh's Z(t) plotter . Try t= 15457423.7117588
- It looks like an sound wave!
Riemann-Siegel formula
- The Riemann-Siegel formula takes O(t1/2) operations per point.
- I checked the derivation of the formula.
- Hurrah! No typographical or arithmetic or simple algebraic errors.
- C6 =
1/563585608581120/pi^12*P18 + 18889/237817036800/pi^8*P10 + 17/652298158080/pi^10*P14 + 367/7864320/pi^6*P6 + 5/2048/pi^4*P2
- Deal out chunks of the domain to each processor.
- One domain: Starts at t=0, roughly 100 hrs computation, 800 MB losslessly compressed.
- Another domain: Starts at t=2.6e+11, 35hrs computation, 1.7MB.
- And they sound like.. .
Conclusion: Listening to the thing
- 14.8 hours, or 0.618 day (golden ratio)
- Masked by computer noise