krb5_sendauth - Client function for sendauth protocol.

krb5_error_code krb5_sendauth(krb5_context context, krb5_auth_context *auth_context, krb5_pointer fd, char *appl_version, krb5_principal client, krb5_principal server, krb5_flags ap_req_options, krb5_data *in_data, krb5_creds *in_creds, krb5_ccache ccache, krb5_error **error, krb5_ap_rep_enc_part **rep_result, krb5_creds **out_creds)

[in] context - Library context

[inout] auth_context - Pre-existing or newly created auth context

[in] fd - File descriptor that describes network socket

[in] appl_version - Application protocol version to be matched with the receiver’s application version

[in] client - Client principal

[in] server - Server principal

[in] ap_req_options - Options (see AP_OPTS macros)

[in] in_data - Data to be sent to the server

[in] in_creds - Input credentials, or NULL to use ccache

[in] ccache - Credential cache

[out] error - If non-null, contains KRB_ERROR message returned from server

[out] rep_result - If non-null and ap_req_options is #AP_OPTS_MUTUAL_REQUIRED, contains the result of mutual authentication exchange

[out] out_creds - If non-null, the retrieved credentials

  • 0 Success; otherwise - Kerberos error codes

This function performs the client side of a sendauth/recvauth exchange by sending and receiving messages over fd .

Credentials may be specified in three ways:

  • If in_creds is NULL, credentials are obtained with krb5_get_credentials() using the principals client and server . server must be non-null; client may NULL to use the default principal of ccache .

  • If in_creds is non-null, but does not contain a ticket, credentials for the exchange are obtained with krb5_get_credentials() using in_creds . In this case, the values of client and server are unused.

  • If in_creds is a complete credentials structure, it used directly. In this case, the values of client , server , and ccache are unused.

If the server is using a different application protocol than that specified in appl_version , an error will be returned.

Use krb5_free_creds() to free out_creds , krb5_free_ap_rep_enc_part() to free rep_result , and krb5_free_error() to free error when they are no longer needed.

See also
