#!/usr/bin/perl # # ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY WITH THIS PACKAGE. USE IT AT YOUR OWN RISK. # # Parse DIABLO/CYCLONE logfile and generate incoming & outgoing feed stats. # URL: http://info.news.surf.net/src/feeder-stats-v4.tgz # (NOTE: The above URL is for the time being) # # $Id: feeder-stats.pl,v 1.16 2002/04/19 00:44:19 kolya Exp $ # feeder-stats.pl v4 Xander Jansen # a modified and slightly fixed version of the feeder-stats.pl # as distributed with diablo 4.1-REL which was based on: # feeder-stats.pl v3.103 2000/06/22 Brad Knowles # URL: ftp://ftp.shub-internet.org/pub/shub/brad/news/feeder-stats.pl # # Usage: feeder-stats.pl [options] # -h help # -a name newsadmin name (specify -A as well) # -A mail newsadmin mail address (specify -a as well) # -c Cyclone log file format (default: Diablo) # -C dir directory containing configuration files (default: /news) # -d date date to gather statistics in YYMMDD (default: 970703) # -D days number of days of statistics to display (default: all) # -B date begin time to start gathering statistics in YYMMDD # -E date end time to stop gathering statistics in YYMMDD # -e report articles/sec and kbytes/sec using elapsed wall time # -g generate various graphs of traffic statistics # -H hour create graphs ending at this hour # -l file log file (default: /var/log/news/news.notice) # -m use date/time in .gif files rather than .gif.meta # -o file output file (default: stdout) # -s host server hostname to use in report (default: newsfeed.foo.net) # -q report queue by hostname instead of newsfeed name # -Q report queue status for all feeds even those with no backlogs # -r report (estimated) reject and total volumes in dir/index.html # -S read logfile in pipe mode from STDIN # -t output format as text (default: HTML) # -v verbose # -V debug # -w dir create dir/index.html page to list daily statistics # -W dir create dir/index.html page to list daily statistics and exit # # Former maintainers: # ------------------- # Iain Lea iain@bricbrac.de # Brad Knowles brad@shub-internet.org # # Acknowledgements: # ----------------- # Jeff Garzik jeff.garzik@spinne.com # Terry Kennedy terry@spcvxa.spc.edu # Steve Rawlinson steve@clara.net # Pierre Belanger belanger@risq.qc.ca # Miquel van Smoorenburg miquels@cistron.nl # David Bonner dbonner@bu.edu # Georg v.Zezschwitz gvz@hamburg.pop.de # Christophe Wolfhugel wolf@pasteur.fr # Andrew O. Smith aos@insync.net # David Riley driley@direct.ca # Bill Davidsen davidsen@prodigy.com # Nate Shockey underdog@flash.net # Jeroen Ruigrok asmodai@wxs.nl # Nickolai Zeldovich kolya@MIT.EDU # Russell Vincent russellv@uk.uu.net # Josef "Bolo" Burger bolo@cs.wisc.edu # Ronald Esveld ronald@equant.nl # # TODO: # ----- # - Add txt seperated output in easy parsable form for support server # # - change create for html & png's to be file.new and then 'mv file.new file' # - add table of last connect messages for all outgoing feeds (ala algo) # Last connection to ecrc resulted in: StreamOK. (streaming) # # - add InArts/Sec & OutArts/Sec (ala algo) # - add ftell(logfile) + store 1st line of logfile (save in .file) so that we # can jump to the current date in file and not have to parse all the old days # - add 'alias: real-hostname alias-to-use' to conf file # - add header & footer boilerplate placeholders that are read in from file # - FIX %3.2f formatting in ascii mode # # ChangeLog: # ---------- # v4.003 2002/04/18 kolya # - changed: include messages about spool directory creation failure # - changed: support Solaris 8 # v4.002 2002/04/08 XJ # - bugfix: removed two spurious TooOld handlers. The TooOld counters # in previous versions were adding left-overs from other feeds # and should be regarded as (at least) highly unreliable. # Noted when a feed had many TooOld's where only two # articles had been offered. # - changed: suppress SPAM table if spamcount is 0. # - added: check for BGCOLOR/TABLECOLOR/WWWURL/IMGTEXT environment # variables for a few local 'style' customisations. # See for usage in diablo-stats.sh. # - bugfix: &GetQueueHost choked on missing dnntpspool.ctl file # Use $QueueCmd -h in that case. # - cosmetic: changed 'unit' of Kb/art to KB/art (bits versus Bytes) # - changed: modified BatchFull/BatchMax==1 clause, now show red # lights when the number of batches is larger than 1 which is a sign # of a nobatch/realtime feed in trouble. # - cosmetic: removed spurious
in &PrintOutHeader/$Title2, # the HTML-parser in the client should do the wrapping there. # v4.001 2002/03/23 XJ # - minor changes and bugfixes relative to 3.103 (Diablo version) # - localize LegendLabels to prevent re-use of wrong entries when # less than 7 labels. # - concatenation of ImgDir and logo.gif more flexible (relative URL). # - removed heigth/width specs for logo (thanks to Ronald Esveld). # - suppression of errors like 'pathheader contains TAB' etc. # - show variants of timeout/connection refused errors. # - combine alias mismatch errors (drop the 'in msgid' part before counting). # - df -h instead of df -k on platforms supporting 'human readable' df. # - GetVolume now also for TeraBytes. # - Top1000 now pointing to the Alternative Freenix. # - Set $BatchFull to 0 if $BatchMax==1 (to prevent red alerts for realtime # feeds when QueueShowAll == 1). # - changed ftp-URL for Chart to an existing site (thanks to Ronald Esveld # for noting this). # - added -C CfgDir option, usage '-C /path/to/dir/with/configfiles'). # - updated diablo-stats.sh with -C and -r flags. # - updated diablo-stats.sh with a few double quotes so that variables # containing whitespace are properly shown. # - added rejected volume and total outgoing volume to main index, use # the -r option to activate. # - Version bumped up to 4.x, Copyright changed to The Diablo Project. # Updated 00README, ChangeLog and CREDITS. # # v3.103 2000/06/22 # - Previous attempt to handle Diablo 2.x changes was not correct. # Now using correct code from Josef "Bolo" Burger. # v3.102 2000/04/04 # - Added code to handle Diablo 2.0 changes to the way data is logged # for precommit/postcommit cache hits, etc.... # v3.101 2000/03/06 # - Display all feeds, even those that didn't accept any articles or # transmit any articles that were accepted. This helps you keep an # eye on those feeds that are active and working, even if they're # not currently exchanging articles. # - If a host isn't in the Top1000, then try using just the hostname # to compare ratios of incoming versus outgoing articles & volume. # v3.100 2000/03/01 # - Don't show batch as full if $BatchMax = 1. There's no sense seeing # lots of red if there's nothing you can do about it. # - Convert the script to use the PNG creation code instead of GIF. This # requires the PNG enabled gd library, GD perl module and at least Chart # 0.99. The following have worked for me: # http://www.boutell.com/gd/http/gd-1.7.3.tar.gz # http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/LDS/GD-1.25.tar.gz # http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/N/NI/NINJAZ/Chart-0.99c-pre3.tar.gz # NOTE: WE NO LONGER SUPPORT GIF FORMAT!!! # v3.99 19990818 # - Because of a problem at one of our peers, I was obliged to add a # "TooOld" category to the "Incoming Feeds" tables. I'm not yet finished # with pulling and storing all those stats, so this won't yet be released to # the public. However, what I've got so far does seem to work so far as # it goes. # v3.98 19990816 # - We're now much more aggressive about promoting a peer to the highest # rated path alias for the site (as determined from diablo.hosts, # dnewsfeeds, dnntpspool.ctl, and the Top1000 file). # This makes calculations of ratios a lot easier and more complete. # So, if you get fed by news-spur1.maxwell.syr.edu but you feed # news.maxwell.syr.edu, they'll both show up as #1 (or whatever) # and your ratios will be calculated appropriately. # v3.97 19990809 # - Added code to calculate input vs. output ratios of articles & volume # v3.96 19990511 # - Removed code to sleep. It's a lot easier to just start at 59 minutes # after the hour, and let everything else take it's natural course. # v3.95 19990308 # - Added code to sleep 61 seconds after grabbing the current time. Start # 59 minutes after the hour instead of on the hour. Prevent loss of stats # for 11:00 PM to 12:00 AM. # v3.94 19990301 # - Added option "-H " so that you could go back and fill in old charts # that might have somehow accidentally gotten missed # - Renamed previous %Acc field to be %Tot and created new %Acc field (by host) # v3.93 19990226 # - Added graphs for outgoing feeds corresponding to existing incoming graphs # - Fixed URL to http://validator.w3.org/images/vh40.gif # v3.92 # - fixed HTML code to be valid HTML 4.0 # v3.91 # - added more www pages to feeder-stats.conf # - changed CmdPs to check for Linux and if so use 'ps ax' (was ps -ax) # v3.90 # - added row coloring for all tables # - added color coding for GB, MB and KB values # - added -Q flag to allow all feeds queue info to be shown (3.80 behaviour) # otherwise only feeds whose queues >= $QuePercent1 will be displayed # v3.81 # - fixed typo in titles # v3.80 # - added 'Newsfeed Contact: ' info. Use -a & -A flags to set to your site # - added -m flag to use date/time in images instead of .meta for servers # that don't obey CERN .meta files. # - changed title to put hostname in italics in and look up Freenix rating # of our host and include it if its in the top 1000 # - fixed Y2K problems in date fields # v3.71 # - changed diablo-stats.sh & cyclone-stats.sh to use NUMDAYS=14 (was 30) # - fixed tarball which contained a old patch file # v3.70 # - added better parsing of top1000 file to find aliases for host # - changed GIF images to be 780x480 # - fixed $Total3 variable in &PrintOutgoingFeeds() to print correctly # - fixed diablo-stats.sh script to only delete files that match '[0-9]*' # v3.69 # - changed $DATE variable in diablo-stats.sh to use ${1:-`date +%y%m%d`} # - fixed table headers to use   for better formatting # v3.68 # - added basic support to parse Cyclone logfiles (thanx to David Riley) # - added filename.gif.meta files for correctly expiring cached GIF images # - added check for syslog error msg 'Config line...' # - added check for syslog error msg 'DoSession...' # - changed $MetaRefresh variable to 3600 (secs) # - fixed 1 off error in all GIF images (thanx to Terry Kennedy) # v3.65 # - added 'DIABLO uptime=66:38 ...' to system info at top of page # - added link to Freenix stats page # - changed index.html to not show incoming 'Errs' field # - fixed cosmetic problem with SPAM Top25 table headers # v3.63 # - changed $MetaRefresh variable to 4200 (secs) # - fixed $Month variable in GetMetaExpires() function # - fixed key length in MakeVolKey() function to handle large volumes # v3.62 # - changed table headers to 'bgcolor=lightblue' background # - changed all '' tags to '' tags to save space # v3.60 # - added tag to expire pages every 60 mins # - added tag to refresh pages every 60 mins # - added -e cmdline option to use wall-time when calculating arts/sec etc. # - added system uptime, df | egrep news, Num. Diablo & Num. Dnewslink procs # - added URL: pointer to -h usage output # - added new logo icon for BricBrac Consulting # - changed IconGif to be $ImgDir/logo.gif (was ecrclogo.gif) # - changed border=0 on logo icon # - fixed possible divide by 0 error in GetAvgArtSize() # - fixed alt= tags to use comment # v3.53 # - error message fixups for diablo-1.14 # v3.51 # - cosmetic nitpickings # v3.49 # - added Kb/art field to incoming & outgoing feeds tables # - fixed 1 off error in all GIF images (ouch!) # v3.48 # - added around the GIF images # v3.47 # - fixed graphs to show last hour and not last but 1 # - fixed top1000 code to case insensitive compares # v3.46 # - added check for syslog error msg concerning incorrect Path headers # - fixed spam table to use   for better formatting of empty cells # v3.44 # - fixed Arts/sec & kbps by using feed->{InSecs}->{00} and test if for # each hour >3600 and if so reset to 3600 # - fixed embedded values in incoming table if no diablo lines were parsed # v3.42 # - fixed Art/sec & kbps to use wall seconds instead of feed seconds # v3.41 # - fixed possible divide by zero error for $InSecs & $OutSecs # v3.4 # - added Art/sec & Kbps for incoming & outgoing feed & deleted hh:mm & Cons # - added GIF graphs of incoming feeds for articles, volume & time # - added checks for more syslog error msgs from diablo & dnewslink # - added feed position in Freenix Top1000 list for in & out feeds. # - changed curious table to list only time part of 1st & last dates # - fixed &GetVolume() to handle large numbers correctly # - fixed graphs to not frop to 0 after current hour (used undef values) # - fixed tables to use   for better formatting of empty cells # v3.2 # - added by-hour table showing total arts & vol per hour # - added http links to feedname stats page for reverse feed checks: # link: news.foo.com http://news.foo.com/stats/ # link: feed.bar.com http://feef.bar.com/diablo/ # etc. etc. (default file is /news/diablo-stats.conf) # - added SPAM totals for incoming feeds to top level index.html file # - added logo to page headers (default is logo.gif) + link to www site # - added $BgColor to tags for defining background color # - added rank field to incoming & outgoing tables # - added check for 'lost backchannel to master server' in logfile # - added 1stDate-LastDate to curious table instead of just 1stDate # - changed fields in incoming & outgoing tables for readability # - changed index.html to place Total+Volume as first fields # - changed the 'Total' field text to be centered # - fixed another BigFloat problem when no initialized value is used # - fixed BigFloat panic line 31 error by initializing $InBytes to 0 # - fixed sorted order of >4GB feeds by using &MakeVolKey # v3.0 970801 # - added SPAM table # - added more checks for '400/500/502' type error messages in logfile use Math::BigInt; use Math::BigFloat; require 'getopts.pl'; require "timelocal.pl"; BEGIN { eval "use Chart::Lines;"; $::GraphMode = ($@ eq ""); } $Version = 'v4.003'; # $NewsContactName = ""; $NewsContactMail = ""; # $LogFile = "/var/log/news/news.notice"; # $LogFile = "/news/lognotice"; # $CmdUptime = "uptime"; $Uname = `uname -a`; if ( system("df -h >/dev/null 2>&1") == 0 ) { $CmdDf = "df -h | egrep -i 'avail|news'"; } else { $CmdDf = "df -k | egrep -i 'avail|news'"; } if ($Uname =~ /IRIX|SunOS.*5\./i) { $CmdPs = "ps -defa"; } elsif ($Uname =~ /Linux/i) { $CmdPs = "ps ax"; } else { $CmdPs = "ps -ax"; } # $CfgDir = '/news'; $CfgFile = "$CfgDir/feeder-stats.conf"; $ScriptName = 'feeder-stats'; $DiabloFormat = 1; $MetaMode = 0; $TextUrl = ""; $NameUrl = ""; # # DIABLO $DiabloUrl = "http://www.openusenet.org/"; $CtlFile = "$CfgDir/dnntpspool.ctl"; $QueueCmd = "/news/dbin/doutq"; $DiabloUptime = ""; $CmdDiablo = "$CmdPs | egrep -v grep | egrep diablo | wc -l"; $CmdDnewslink = "$CmdPs | egrep -v grep | egrep dnewslink | wc -l"; # # CYCLONE $CycloneUrl = "http://www.highwind.com/"; # $Top1000Dir = "/news/top1000"; $ImgDir = ""; $ImgLogo = "$ImgDir" . "logo.gif"; $ImgInfo = "border=0"; # $Top1000Url = "http://news.anthologeek.net/"; $FtpUrl = "http://info.news.surf.net/src/feeder-stats-v4.tgz" ; if (defined $ENV{WWWURL}) { $WwwUrl = "$ENV{WWWURL}"; } else { $WwwUrl = "http://www.openusenet.org/"; } if (defined $ENV{IMGTEXT}) { $ImgText = "$ENV{IMGTEXT}"; } else { $ImgText = "www.openusenet.org"; } # if (defined $ENV{BGCOLOR}) { $BgColor = "bgcolor=\"$ENV{BGCOLOR}\""; } else { $BgColor = "bgcolor=\"#FFFFFF\""; } if (defined $ENV{TABLECOLOR}) { $TableColor = "bgcolor=\"$ENV{TABLECOLOR}\""; } else { $TableColor = "bgcolor=\"#8580D0\""; } # $OutFile = ""; $HtmlDir = ""; $Verbose = 0; $Debug = 0; $MaxSpamList = 25; $MaxLinesPNG = 7; $WidthPNG = 780; $HeightPNG = 480; # $MetaRefresh = 3600; $MetaExpires = &GetMetaExpires ($MetaRefresh / 60); # print "EXPIRE=[$MetaExpires]\n"; # $WallTime = 0; $QueueHost = 0; $QueueShowAll = 0; $RejTotReport = 0; $TextFormat = 0; $TotalSpamList = 0; $TopSpamList = 0; chop ($NewsHost = `hostname`); # chop ($GenYear = `date +%y`); chop ($GenYear = `date +%Y`); chop ($GenMonth = `date +%m`); chop ($GenDay = `date +%d`); chop ($CurrHour = `date +%H`); chop ($CurrMin = `date +%M`); chop ($CurrSec = `date +%S`); $GenDate = "$GenYear$GenMonth$GenDay"; $GenTime = "$CurrHour$CurrMin"; $ElapsedSecs = $CurrHour * 3600 + $CurrMin * 60 + $CurrSec; $MaxDays = 0; $CreateIndexAndExit = 0; $BegDate = $EndDate = $GenDate; $BegTime = $EndTime = $FileDate = ""; $GenTime = "$CurrHour$CurrMin"; $TDL = "\n"; } foreach $Key (reverse sort keys %OrderByBatchFull) { $Host = $OrderByBatchFull{$Key}; if ($Feeds{$Host}->{BatchMax}) { if ($TextFormat) { printf FILE "%-30s %9d-%9d %9d %9d %9d\n", &GetQueueHost ($Host), $Feeds{$Host}->{BatchBeg}, $Feeds{$Host}->{BatchEnd}, $Feeds{$Host}->{BatchNum}, $Feeds{$Host}->{BatchMax}, $Feeds{$Host}->{BatchFull}; } else { if ($Feeds{$Host}->{BatchFull} >= $QuePercent6) { $Color = "bgcolor=$QueColor6"; } elsif ($Feeds{$Host}->{BatchFull} >= $QuePercent5) { $Color = "bgcolor=$QueColor5"; } elsif ($Feeds{$Host}->{BatchFull} >= $QuePercent4) { $Color = "bgcolor=$QueColor4"; } elsif ($Feeds{$Host}->{BatchFull} >= $QuePercent3) { $Color = "bgcolor=$QueColor3"; } elsif ($Feeds{$Host}->{BatchFull} >= $QuePercent2) { $Color = "bgcolor=$QueColor2"; } elsif ($Feeds{$Host}->{BatchFull} >= $QuePercent1) { $Color = "bgcolor=$QueColor1"; } else { $Color = ""; } $TDL = "\n%s%s %s%d-%d %s%d %s%d %s%d\n", $TDL, &GetQueueHost ($Host), $TDR, $Feeds{$Host}->{BatchBeg}, $Feeds{$Host}->{BatchEnd}, $TDR, $Feeds{$Host}->{BatchNum}, $TDR, $Feeds{$Host}->{BatchMax}, $TDR, $Feeds{$Host}->{BatchFull}; } } } &PrintTableFooter (""); } sub PrintCuriousActivity { my ($Title) = @_; my ($Key, $BegTime, $EndTime, $RowColor); &PrintTableHeader ($Title); if ($TextFormat) { printf FILE "\n%s %s %-8s %50s\n\n", "1st Time", "Last Time", "# Msgs", "Message"; } else { print FILE "\n"; } foreach $Key (reverse sort keys %OrderByErrorTotal) { $Msg = $OrderByErrorTotal{$Key}; if ($ErrorList{$Msg}->{Tot}) { $BegTime = $EndTime = ""; $BegTime = $1 if ($ErrorList{$Msg}->{BegDate} =~ /(..:..:..)/); $EndTime = $1 if ($ErrorList{$Msg}->{EndDate} =~ /(..:..:..)/); if ($TextFormat) { printf FILE "%s %s %8d %-50s\n", $BegTime, $EndTime, $ErrorList{$Msg}->{Tot}, $Msg; } else { $RowColor = &GetRowColor ($RowColor); printf FILE "\n%s%s %s %s %s%d %s%s\n", $TDL, $BegTime, $TDL, $EndTime, $TDR, $ErrorList{$Msg}->{Tot}, $TDL, $Msg; } } } &PrintTableFooter (""); } sub PrintSpamActivity { my ($Title) = @_; my ($Key, $Time, $Num, $Host, $ByDups, $ByRate, $Total, $RowColor); &PrintTableHeader ($Title); if ($TextFormat) { printf FILE "\n%-50s %8d %8d %8d\n\n", "Host", "By Post Rate", "By Dup Body", "# Articles"; } else { print FILE "\n"; } $Num = 0; foreach $Key (reverse sort keys %OrderBySpamTotal) { if ($Num < $MaxSpamList) { $Host = $OrderBySpamTotal{$Key}; $Total = $SpamList{$Host}->{Total}; $ByRate = $SpamList{$Host}->{ByRate}; $ByDups = $SpamList{$Host}->{ByDups}; # print "SPAM=[$Key] $Host\n"; if ($Total) { if ($TextFormat) { printf FILE "%-50s %8d %8d %8d\n", $Host, $ByRate, $ByDups, $Total; } else { $RowColor = &GetRowColor ($RowColor); printf FILE "\n%s %s %s%d %s%d %s%d\n", $TDL, $Host, $TDR, $ByRate, $TDR, $ByDups, $TDR, $Total; } } $Num++; } else { goto SpamDone; } } SpamDone: &PrintTableFooter (""); } sub PrintTableHeader { my ($Title) = @_; if ($TextFormat) { print FILE "$Title\n"; } else { print FILE <$Title
"; $TDR = ""; $TDC = ""; @DayName = ("Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"); @DayNameShort = ("Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"); %MonthNumByName = ( 'Jan', 1, 'Feb', 2, 'Mar', 3, 'Apr', 4, 'May', 5, 'Jun', 6, 'Jul', 7, 'Aug', 8, 'Sep', 9, 'Oct', 10, 'Nov', 11, 'Dec', 12); %MonthNameByNum = ( '01', 'Jan', '02', 'Feb', '03', 'Mar', '04', 'Apr', '05', 'May', '06', 'Jun', '07', 'Jul', '08', 'Aug', '09', 'Sep', '10', 'Oct', '11', 'Nov', '12', 'Dec'); @XLabelHours = ( '00', '01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23' ); # Colorize outgoing queue. Defaults are 20/25/50/65/80/95% $QueColor1 = 'lightgreen'; $QueColor2 = 'green'; $QueColor3 = 'lightblue'; $QueColor4 = 'lightyellow'; $QueColor5 = 'orange'; $QueColor6 = 'red'; $QuePercent1 = 20; $QuePercent2 = 35; $QuePercent3 = 50; $QuePercent4 = 65; $QuePercent5 = 80; $QuePercent6 = 95; ############################################################################## # # if ($GraphMode == 0 && $TextFormat) { print <) { next unless ($Line =~ /cycloned/o); if ($Line =~ /^(... .. ..:..:..)/o) { $FullDate = $1; $LineDate = &GetYyMmDd ($FullDate); if ($LineDate >= $BegDate && $LineDate <= $EndDate) { chop $Line; # ... cycloned[1]: in foo.org 879408495 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Unknown 18.92 21.01 if ($Line =~ / (\S+) # host \s+ cycloned\[ (\d+) # pid \]: \s+ in \s+ (\S+) # hostname \s+ (\d+) # time \s+ (\d+) # offered \s+ (\d+) # refused \s+ (\d+) # rejected \s+ (\d+) # accepted \s+ (\d+) # bytes \s+ (\d+) # connatt \s+ (\d+) # connsuc \s+ .* # other /xo) { # $CycloneHost = $1; # $CyclonePid = $2; $InHost = $3; $InTime = $4; $InOffered = $5; $InRefused = $6; $InRejected = $7; $InAccepted = $8; $InBytes = $9; $InConnAtt = $10; $InConnSuc = $11; $InHost =~ s/\s//g; $BegTime = $LineDate if !$BegTime; $EndTime = $LineDate; $Feeds{$InHost}->{InOffered} += $InOffered; $Feeds{$InHost}->{InRefused} += $InRefused; $Feeds{$InHost}->{InRejected} += $InRejected; $Feeds{$InHost}->{InAccepted} += $InAccepted; $Feeds{$InHost}->{InBytes} += $InBytes; $Feeds{$InHost}->{InConnAtt} += $InConnAtt; $Feeds{$InHost}->{InConnSuc} += $InConnSuc; &AddToInTimeList ( $FullDate, $InHost, 1, $InAccepted, $InBytes, $InOffered, -1, -1, $InRejected, $InRefused, $InConnAtt, $InConnSuc, -1); print "IN=[$FullDate, $InHost, $InOffered, $InRefused, $InRejected, $InAccepted, $InBytes, $InConnAtt, $InConnSuc]\n" if $Debug; } elsif ($Line =~ / cycloned\[ (\d+) # pid \]: \s+ out \s+ (\S+) # hostname \s+ (\d+) # time \s+ (\d+) # attempted \s+ (\d+) # offered \s+ (\d+) # refused \s+ (\d+) # rejected \s+ (\d+) # dropped \s+ (\d+) # expired \s+ (\d+) # accepted \s+ (\d+) # bytes \s+ (\d+) # backlog \s+ (\d+) # connatt \s+ (\d+) # connsuc \s+ .* # other /xo) { # $CyclonedPid = $1; $OutHost = $2; $OutTime = $3; $OutAttempted = $4; $OutOffered = $5; $OutRefused = $6; $OutRejected = $7; $OutDropped = $8; $OutExpired = $9; $OutAccepted = $10; $OutBytes = $11; $OutBacklog = $12; $OutConnAtt = $13; $OutConnSuc = $14; $OutHost =~ s/\s//g; $BegTime = $LineDate if !$BegTime; $EndTime = $LineDate; $Feeds{$OutHost}->{OutCons} += 1; $Feeds{$OutHost}->{OutAttempted} += $OutAttempted; $Feeds{$OutHost}->{OutOffered} += $OutOffered; $Feeds{$OutHost}->{OutRefused} += $OutRefused; $Feeds{$OutHost}->{OutRejected} += $OutRejected; $Feeds{$OutHost}->{OutDropped} += $OutDropped; $Feeds{$OutHost}->{OutExpired} += $OutExpired; $Feeds{$OutHost}->{OutAccepted} += $OutAccepted; $Feeds{$OutHost}->{OutBytes} += $OutBytes; $Feeds{$OutHost}->{OutBacklog} += $OutBacklog; $Feeds{$OutHost}->{OutConnAtt} += $OutConnAtt; $Feeds{$OutHost}->{OutConnSuc} += $OutConnSuc; &AddToOutTimeList ( $FullDate, $OutHost, 1, $OutAccepted, $OutBytes, $OutRefused, $OutRejected, $OutAttempted, $OutOffered, $OutDropped, $OutExpired, $OutBacklog, $OutConnAtt, $OutConnSuc, -1); print "OUT=[$FullDate, $OutHost, $OutAttempted, $OutOffered, $OutRefused, $OutRejected, $OutDropped, $OutExpired, $OutAccepted, $OutBytes, $OutBacklog, $OutConnAtt, $OutConnSuc]\n" if $Debug; } } } } close (FILE); $Num = 0; foreach $Host (sort keys %Feeds) { # InAccepted $Key = sprintf "%012lu.%03d", $Feeds{$Host}->{InAccepted}, $Num; $OrderByInAccepted{$Key} = $Host; #print "INacc FEED=[$Host] KEY=[$Key]\n"; # InBytes $Key = &MakeVolKey ($Feeds{$Host}->{InBytes}, $Num); $OrderByInBytes{$Key} = $Host; #print "INvol FEED=[$Host] KEY=[$Key]\n"; # OutAccepted $Key = sprintf "%012lu.%03d", $Feeds{$Host}->{OutAccepted}, $Num; $OrderByOutAccepted{$Key} = $Host; #print "OUTacc FEED=[$Host] KEY=[$Key]\n"; # OutBytes $Key = &MakeVolKey ($Feeds{$Host}->{OutBytes}, $Num); $OrderByOutBytes{$Key} = $Host; #print "OUTvol FEED=[$Host] KEY=[$Key]\n"; $Num++; } &DumpTimeList if $Debug; } sub ParseDiabloLogFile { my ($Error, $Line, $FullDate, $LineDate); printf STDERR "Parsing %s for $BegDate - $EndDate ...\n", ($LogFile eq "-" ? "STDIN" : $LogFile) if $Verbose; open (FILE, $LogFile) || die "Error: $LogFile - $!\n"; while ($Line = ) { next unless (($Line =~ /diablo/o) || ($Line =~ /newslink/o)); if ($Line =~ /^(... .. ..:..:..)/o) { # Clean up after Solaris 8 $Line =~ s/: \[ID \d+ \w+\.\w+\]/:/; $FullDate = $1; $LineDate = &GetYyMmDd ($FullDate); if ($LineDate >= $BegDate && $LineDate <= $EndDate) { chop $Line; # ... diablo[230]: news.foo.org stats acc=0 ctl=0 failsafe=0 misshdrs=0 tooold=0 grpfilt=0 spamfilt=0 earlyexp=0 instantexp=0 notinactv=0 ioerr=0 #if ($Line =~ /(.*)\s+diablo\[(\d+)\]:\s+(.*)\s+stats acc=(\d+)\s+ctl=(\d+)\s+failsafe=(\d+)\s+misshdrs=(\d+)\s+tooold=(\d+)\s+.*\s+grpfilt=(\d+)\s+spamfilt=(\d+)\s+earlyexp=(\d+)\s+instantexp=(\d+)\s+notinactv=(\d+)\s+ioerr=(\d+)/o) if ($Line =~ /(.*)\s+diablo\[(\d+)\]:\s+(\S+).* tooold=(\d+)/o) { # $DiabloHost = $1; # $DiabloPid = $2; $InHost = $3; $TooOld = $4; # $Acc = $4; # $Ctl = $5; # $FailSafe = $6; # $MissHdr = $7; # $TooOld = $8; # $GrpFilt = $9; # $SpamFilt = $10; # $EarlyExp = $11; # $InstantExp = $12; # $NotInActiv = $13; # $IOErr = $14; $InHost =~ s/\s//g; $BegTime = $LineDate if !$BegTime; $EndTime = $LineDate; $Feeds{$InHost}->{TooOld} += $TooOld; # $Feeds{$InHost}->{InAccepted} += $Acc; # $Feeds{$InHost}->{Control} += $Ctl; # $Feeds{$InHost}->{FailSafe} += $FailSafe; # $Feeds{$InHost}->{MissHdr} += $MissHdr; # $Feeds{$InHost}->{GrpFilt} += $GrpFilt; # $Feeds{$InHost}->{SpamFilt} += $SpamFilt; # $Feeds{$InHost}->{EarlyExp} += $EarlyExp; # $Feeds{$InHost}->{InstantExp} += $InstantExp; # $Feeds{$InHost}->{NotInActiv} += $NotInActiv; # $Feeds{$InHost}->{IOErr} += $IOErr; # printf STDERR "IN [%s] %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d\n", # $Acc, $Ctl, $FailSafe, $MissHdr, $TooOld, $GrpFilt, # $SpamFilt, $EarlyExp, $InstantExp, $NotInActiv, $IOErr; # if $Debug printf STDERR "IN [%s] %4d\n", $InHost, $TooOld if $Debug; } # ... diablo[230]: news.foo.org secs=15 ihave=0 chk=19 rec=3 rej=0 predup=0 posdup=0 pcoll=101 spam=0 err=0 added=3 bytes=2137 (1/sec) elsif ($Line =~ /(.*)\s+diablo\[(\d+)\]:\s+(.*)\s+secs=(\d+)\s+ihave=(\d+)\s+chk=(\d+)\s+rec=(\d+)\s+rej=(\d+)\s+.*\s+err=(\d+)\s+added=(\d+)/o) { # $DiabloHost = $1; # $DiabloPid = $2; $InHost = $3; $InSecs = $4; $InIhave = $5; $InChk = $6; $InRec = $7; $InRej = $8; $InErr = $9; $InAdded = $10; # Diablo >= 1.10 ... predup=25 posdup=0 pcoll=10 spam=0 ... bytes=18908 if ($Line =~ /predup=(\d+)\s+posdup=(\d+)\s+pcoll=(\d+)\s+spam=(\d+).*\s+bytes=(\d+)/o) { $InPredup = $1; $InPosdup = $2; $InPcoll = $3; $InSpam = $4; $InBytes = $5; } # Diablo >= 1.99 ... precom=0 postcom=0 if ($Line =~ /predup=(\d+)\s+posdup=(\d+)\s+precom=(\d+)\s+postcom=(\d+)\s+his=(\d+)\s+spam=(\d+).*\s+bytes=(\d+)/o) { $InPredup = $1; $InPosdup = $2; $InPcoll = $3 + $4; $InSpam = $6; $InBytes = $7; } $InHost =~ s/\s//g; $InRejBytes=0; if ($InAdded > 0) { $InRejBytes = $InRej * $InBytes / $InAdded; $InRejBytes = int ($InRejBytes + 0.5); } $BegTime = $LineDate if !$BegTime; $EndTime = $LineDate; $Feeds{$InHost}->{InIhave} += $InIhave; $Feeds{$InHost}->{InChk} += $InChk; $Feeds{$InHost}->{InRec} += $InRec; $Feeds{$InHost}->{InRej} += $InRej; $Feeds{$InHost}->{InPredup} += $InPredup; $Feeds{$InHost}->{InPosdup} += $InPosdup; $Feeds{$InHost}->{InPcoll} += $InPcoll; $Feeds{$InHost}->{InSpam} += $InSpam; $Feeds{$InHost}->{InErr} += $InErr; $Feeds{$InHost}->{InAdded} += $InAdded; $Feeds{$InHost}->{InBytes} += $InBytes; $Feeds{$InHost}->{InRejBytes} += $InRejBytes; &AddToInTimeList ( $FullDate, $InHost, $InSecs, $InAdded, $InBytes, $InChk, $InIhave, $InSpam, $InRej, $InErr, -1, -1, $InRejBytes); printf STDERR "IN [%s] Se=%4d H=%4d C=%4d Rc=%4d Rj=%4d Sp=%4d E=%4d A=%4d B=%4d RB=%4d\n", $InHost, $InSecs, $InIhave, $InChk, $InRec, $InRej, $InSpam, $InErr, $InAdded, $InBytes, $InRejBytes if $Debug; } # diablo[57520]: news.foo.org secs=62 ihave=0 chk=503 takethis=496 rec=496 acc=355 ref=0 precom=0 postcom=0 his=0 badmsgid=0 rej=141 ctl=8 spam=0 err=0 recbytes=789201 accbytes=537433 rejbytes=251768 (8/sec) elsif ($Line =~ /(.*)\s+diablo\[(\d+)\]:\s+(.*)\s+secs=(\d+)\s+ihave=(\d+)\s+chk=(\d+)\s+.*\s+rec=(\d+)\s+acc=(\d+)\s+.*\s+rej=(\d+)\s+.*\s+spam=(\d+)\s+err=(\d+)\s+.*\s+accbytes=(\d+)\s+rejbytes=(\d+)/o) { # $DiabloHost = $1; # $DiabloPid = $2; $InHost = $3; $InSecs = $4; $InIhave = $5; $InChk = $6; $InRec = $7; $InAdded = $8; $InRej = $9; $InSpam = $10; $InErr = $11; $InBytes = $12; $InRejBytes=$13; $InHost =~ s/\s//g; $BegTime = $LineDate if !$BegTime; $EndTime = $LineDate; $Feeds{$InHost}->{InIhave} += $InIhave; $Feeds{$InHost}->{InChk} += $InChk; $Feeds{$InHost}->{InRec} += $InRec; $Feeds{$InHost}->{InRej} += $InRej; $Feeds{$InHost}->{InSpam} += $InSpam; $Feeds{$InHost}->{InErr} += $InErr; $Feeds{$InHost}->{InAdded} += $InAdded; $Feeds{$InHost}->{InBytes} += $InBytes; $Feeds{$InHost}->{InRejBytes} += $InRejBytes; &AddToInTimeList ( $FullDate, $InHost, $InSecs, $InAdded, $InBytes, $InChk, $InIhave, $InSpam, $InRej, $InErr, -1, -1, $InRejBytes); printf STDERR "IN [%s] Se=%4d H=%4d C=%4d Rc=%4d Rj=%4d Sp=%4d E=%4d A=%4d B=%4d RB=%4d\n", $InHost, $InSecs, $InIhave, $InChk, $InRec, $InRej, $InSpam, $InErr, $InAdded, $InBytes, $InRejBytes if $Debug; } elsif ($Line =~ /newslink\[(\d+)\]:\s+(.*):(.*)\s+final\s+secs=(\d+)\s+acc=(\d+)\s+dup=(\d+)\s+rej=(\d+)\s+tot=(\d+)/o) { # $NewslinkPid = $1; $OutHost = $2; $OutBatch = $3; $OutSecs = $4; $OutAccepted = $5; $OutDup = $6; $OutRej = $7; $OutHost =~ s/\s//g; $BegTime = $LineDate if !$BegTime; $EndTime = $LineDate; if ($Line =~ /\s+bytes=(\d+)(.*)/o) { $OutBytes = $1; } $OutRejBytes = 0; if ($OutAccepted > 0) { $OutRejBytes = $OutRej * $OutBytes / $OutAccepted; $OutRejBytes = int ($OutRejBytes + 0.5); } $Feeds{$OutHost}->{OutCons} += 1; $Feeds{$OutHost}->{OutAccepted} += $OutAccepted; $Feeds{$OutHost}->{OutDup} += $OutDup; $Feeds{$OutHost}->{OutRej} += $OutRej; $Feeds{$OutHost}->{OutBytes} += $OutBytes; $Feeds{$OutHost}->{OutRejBytes} += $OutRejBytes; &AddToOutTimeList ( $FullDate, $OutHost, $OutSecs, $OutAccepted, $OutBytes, $OutDup, $OutRej, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, $OutRejBytes); printf STDERR "OUT [%s] Se=%4d A=%4d D=%4d Rj=%4d B=%4d RB=%4d\n", $OutHost, $OutSecs, $OutAccepted, $OutDup, $OutRej, $OutBytes, $OutRejBytes if $Debug; # ... newslink[7390]: news.crg.net:/news/dqueue/news.crg.net.S03454 connect: 500 Syntax error or bad command (nostreaming) ... } elsif ($Line =~ /newslink\[(\d+)\]:\s+(.*):(.*)\s+connect:\s+(.*)/o) { # $NewslinkPid = $1; $OutHost = $2; $OutBatch = $3; $OutMsg = $4; if ($OutMsg =~ /((400|500|502)\s+.*)/ || $OutMsg =~ /(Operation timed out.*)/ || $OutMsg =~ /(Connection timed out.*)/ || $OutMsg =~ /(Connection refused.*)/) { $OutHost =~ s/\s//g; $Error = "$OutHost: $1"; &AddToErrorList ($Error, $FullDate, $LineDate); } # ... diablo[423]: SpamFilter/by-post-rate copy #33: <5rplh4$12p@ron.ipa.com> # ... diablo[423]: SpamFilter/by-dup-body copy #1: <5rpvin$8ro$1@demdwu11.telemedia.de> essn-m103-83.pool.mediaways.net # ... diablo[423]: SpamFilter/dnewsfeeds copy #-1: <5r4dpg$le8$1@news.utu.fi> apus.astro.utu.fi } elsif ($Line =~ /diablo.*SpamFilter\/(.*)/o) { &AddToSpamList ($1, $FullDate, $LineDate); # ... diablo[423]: Connection 8 from (no permission) } elsif ($Line =~ /diablo.*Connection.*from\s+(.*)\s+\(no permission\)/o) { $Error = "$1 (no permission)"; &AddToErrorList ($Error, $FullDate, $LineDate); # ... diablo[423]: Connect Limit exceeded for # ... diablo[423]: Connect Limit exceeded (from -M/diablo.config) for (8) } elsif ($Line =~ /diablo.*Connect Limit exceeded .* for\s+(.*)/o) { $Error = "Connect Limit exceeded for $1"; &AddToErrorList ($Error, $FullDate, $LineDate); # ... diablo[423]: diablo.hosts entry for localhost missing label } elsif ($Line =~ /diablo.*diablo.hosts entry for (.*) missing label/o) { $Error = "diablo.hosts entry for $1 missing label"; &AddToErrorList ($Error, $FullDate, $LineDate); # ... diablo[423]: dhistory file corrupted on lookup # ... diablo[423]: dhistory file realigned by 4 @20439040 } elsif ($Line =~ /diablo.*(dhistory file.*)/o) { &AddToErrorList ($1, $FullDate, $LineDate); # ... diablo[423]: lost backchannel to master server } elsif ($Line =~ /diablo.*(lost backchannel to master server)/o) { &AddToErrorList ($1, $FullDate, $LineDate); # ... diablo[423]: NumForks [exceeded|ok, reaccepting] } elsif ($Line =~ /diablo.*(NumForks.*)/o) { &AddToErrorList ($1, $FullDate, $LineDate); # ... diablo[423]: Maximum file descriptors exceeded } elsif ($Line =~ /diablo.*(Maximum file descriptors exceeded.*)/o) { &AddToErrorList ($1, $FullDate, $LineDate); # ... diablo[423]: fork failed: } elsif ($Line =~ /diablo.*(fork failed:.*)/o) { &AddToErrorList ($1, $FullDate, $LineDate); # ... diablo[423]: pipe() failed: } elsif ($Line =~ /diablo.*(pipe\(\) failed:.*)/o) { &AddToErrorList ($1, $FullDate, $LineDate); # ... diablo[423]: failure writing to feed } elsif ($Line =~ /diablo.*(failure writing to feed.*)/o) { &AddToErrorList ($1, $FullDate, $LineDate); # ... diablo[423]: .*diablo.hosts file not found } elsif ($Line =~ /diablo.*(\/.*diablo.hosts file not found.*)/o) { &AddToErrorList ($1, $FullDate, $LineDate); # # ... diablo[423]: message-id mismatch, command: # } elsif ($Line =~ /diablo.*(message-id mismatch, command:.*)/o) { # # &AddToErrorList ($1, $FullDate, $LineDate); # ... diablo[423]: fdopen() of socket failed } elsif ($Line =~ /diablo.*(fdopen\(\) of socket failed.*)/o) { &AddToErrorList ($1, $FullDate, $LineDate); # ... newslink[7390]: article batch corrupted: } elsif ($Line =~ /newslink.*(article batch corrupted:.*)/o) { &AddToErrorList ($1, $FullDate, $LineDate); # ... newslink[26871]: news.example.com:example.com.S94013 hostname lookup failure: Error 0 } elsif ($Line =~ /newslink\[\d+\]:\s+(.*):.*\s+(hostname lookup failure:.*)/o) { $OutMsg = "$1: $2"; &AddToErrorList ($OutMsg, $FullDate, $LineDate); # ... diablo[134]: news.nettuno.it Path element fails to match aliases: news.nettuno.it } elsif ($Line =~ /diablo.*\]: (.*Path element fails to match aliases:\s+\S+)/o) { &AddToErrorList ($1, $FullDate, $LineDate); # ... diablo[1234]: nntp1.njy.teleglobe.net Path header contains tab: # ... diablo[1234]: nntp1.njy.teleglobe.net Newsgroup header contains tab: } elsif ($Process eq "diablo" && $Line =~ /header contains tab:/o) { # ignore # ... diablo[134]: Diablo misconfiguration, label news.maxwell.syr.edu not found in dnewsfeeds } elsif ($Line =~ /diablo.*\]: Diablo misconfiguration, (.*)/o) { &AddToErrorList ($1, $FullDate, $LineDate); # ... diablo[134]: ... Config line ... } elsif ($Line =~ /diablo.*\]:\s+(Config line.*)/o) { &AddToErrorList ($1, $FullDate, $LineDate); # ... diablo[134]: ... DoSession ... } elsif ($Line =~ /diablo.*\]:\s+(DoSession.*)/o) { &AddToErrorList ($1, $FullDate, $LineDate); # ... diablo[2313]: /news/dspool.ctl: Unable to create article dir ... } elsif ($Line =~ /diablo.*\]:\s+\S+:\s+(Unable to create.*)/o) { &AddToErrorList ($1, $FullDate, $LineDate); # } elsif ($Line =~ /diablo.*\]:\s+\S+\s+spoolstats\s.*/o) { # ignore } elsif ($Line =~ /diablo.*\]:\s+\S+\s+rejstats\s.*/o) { # ignore # ... diablo[134]: DIABLO uptime=3:44 arts=83.000K tested=0 bytes=895.835M fed=4.074M } elsif ($Line =~ /(DIABLO uptime=.*)/o) { $DiabloUptime = $1; } } } } close (FILE); $Num = 0; foreach $Host (sort keys %Feeds) { # InAdded $Key = sprintf "%012lu.%03d", $Feeds{$Host}->{InAdded}, $Num; $OrderByInAdded{$Key} = $Host; # InBytes $Key = &MakeVolKey ($Feeds{$Host}->{InBytes}, $Num); $OrderByInBytes{$Key} = $Host; # InRejBytes $Key = &MakeVolKey ($Feeds{$Host}->{InRejBytes}, $Num); $OrderByInRejBytes{$Key} = $Host; # OutAccepted $Key = sprintf "%012lu.%03d", $Feeds{$Host}->{OutAccepted}, $Num; $OrderByOutAccepted{$Key} = $Host; # OutBytes $Key = &MakeVolKey ($Feeds{$Host}->{OutBytes}, $Num); $OrderByOutBytes{$Key} = $Host; # OutRejBytes $Key = &MakeVolKey ($Feeds{$Host}->{OutRejBytes}, $Num); $OrderByOutRejBytes{$Key} = $Host; $Num++; } $Num = 0; foreach $Msg (sort keys %ErrorList) { $Key = sprintf "%08lu.%03d%s", $ErrorList{$Msg}->{Tot}, $Num, $Msg; $OrderByErrorTotal{$Key} = $Msg; $Num++; } $Num = 0; foreach $Host (sort keys %SpamList) { # SpamTotal $Key = sprintf "%08lu.%03d", $SpamList{$Host}->{Total}, $Num; $OrderBySpamTotal{$Key} = $Host; $Num++; } $TotalSpamList = $Num; $TopSpamList = $MaxSpamList; if ($TopSpamList > $TotalSpamList) { $TopSpamList = $TotalSpamList } &DumpTimeList if $Debug; } sub ParseOutQueue { my ($Key, $Host, $Num); print STDERR "Parsing output of $QueueCmd ...\n" if $Verbose; open (CMD, "$QueueCmd |") || die "Error: $QueueCmd - $!\n"; while () { # print if $Debug; chop; # news.foo.de 2699-2700 ( 1/200 files 0% full) 02699 if (/^(.*)\s+(\d+)-(\d+)\s+\((.*)\/(.*)\s+files\s+(\d+)%\s+full\)/o) { $Host = $1; $BatchBeg = $2; $BatchEnd = $3; $BatchNum = $4; $BatchMax = $5; $BatchFull = $6; $BatchFull = 0 if (($BatchMax <= 1) && ($BatchNum <= 1)); $Host =~ s/\s//g; if ($QueueShowAll || (($BatchMax > 1) && ($BatchFull > $QuePercent1))) { $Feeds{$Host}->{BatchBeg} += $BatchBeg; $Feeds{$Host}->{BatchEnd} += $BatchEnd; $Feeds{$Host}->{BatchNum} += $BatchNum; $Feeds{$Host}->{BatchMax} += $BatchMax; $Feeds{$Host}->{BatchFull} += $BatchFull; } printf STDERR "BATCH %-30s %4d %4d %4d %4d %4d\n", $Host, $Feeds{$Host}->{BatchBeg}, $Feeds{$Host}->{BatchEnd}, $Feeds{$Host}->{BatchNum}, $Feeds{$Host}->{BatchMax}, $Feeds{$Host}->{BatchFull} if $Debug; } } close CMD; $Num = 0; foreach $Host (sort keys %Feeds) { $Key = sprintf "%10d.%3d", $Feeds{$Host}->{BatchFull}, $Num; $OrderByBatchFull{$Key} = $Host; $Num++; } } sub GenerateOutputFile { my $ArtAdded = $VolAdded = 0; # print STDERR "OUT=[$OutFile]\n"; if ($OutFile) { open (FILE, "> $OutFile") || warn "Warning: $OutFile - $!\n"; } else { open (FILE, "> STDOUT") || warn "Warning: STDOUT - $!\n"; } &PrintOutHeader; print FILE "



\n" if !$TextFormat; $ArtAdded = &PrintIncomingFeeds ("1. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Article", 0); &PrintSeparator ("02") if !$TextFormat; $VolAdded = PrintIncomingFeeds ("2. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Volume", 1); &PrintSeparator ("03") if !$TextFormat; $RejVolAdded = PrintIncomingFeeds ("3. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume", 2); &PrintSeparator ("04") if !$TextFormat; &PrintIncomingTimes ("4. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Time"); &PrintSeparator ("05") if !$TextFormat; &PrintOutgoingFeeds ("5. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Article", 0, $ArtAdded); &PrintSeparator ("06") if !$TextFormat; &PrintOutgoingFeeds ("6. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Volume", 1, $VolAdded); &PrintSeparator ("07") if !$TextFormat; &PrintOutgoingFeeds ("7. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume", 2, $VolAdded); &PrintSeparator ("08") if !$TextFormat; &PrintOutgoingTimes ("8. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Time"); if ($DiabloFormat) { &PrintSeparator ("09") if !$TextFormat; &PrintQueueStats ("9. Summary of Outgoing Queue"); &PrintSeparator ("10") if !$TextFormat; &PrintCuriousActivity ("10. Summary of Curious Activity"); unless ( $TotalSpamList == 0 ) { &PrintSeparator ("11") if !$TextFormat; &PrintSpamActivity ("11. Summary of SPAM Activity (Top $TopSpamList of $TotalSpamList)") ; } } &PrintSeparator ("end") if !$TextFormat; &PrintOutFooter; close FILE; } sub CreateHtmlIndex { my ($IndexFile) = "$HtmlDir/index.html"; my ($InVolume, $InRejVolume, $InTotVolume, $OutVolume, $OutRejVolume, $OutTotVolume); my (@DailyStats) = ""; my ($NumDays) = 0; my ($Title1, $Title2); my ($Rank) = &GetTop1000 ($NewsHost); my ($RowColor); my ($InColSpan, $InColLabelAdd, $OutColHead, $OutColLabelAdd) ; if ($Rank eq "") { $Title1 = "$TextUrl statistics for $NewsHost"; $Title2 = "$TextUrl statistics for $NewsHost"; } else { $Title1 = "$TextUrl statistics for $NewsHost (Alt Freenix $Rank)"; $Title2 = "$TextUrl statistics for $NewsHost (Alt Freenix $Rank)"; } print STDERR "INDEX=[$IndexFile]\n" if $Debug; print STDERR "TITLE=[$Title]\n" if $Debug; open (DIR, "cd $HtmlDir; find . -name \"[0-9]*.html\" -print | sort -r |") || die "Error: $HtmlDir - $!\n"; open (FILE, ">$IndexFile") || die "Error: $IndexFile - $!\n"; print FILE < $Title1


EOT ; if ($NewsContactName) { print FILE "Newsfeed Contact: $NewsContactName\n

\n"; } &PrintOutCopyright; if ($RejTotReport) { $InColSpan = 6 ; $InColLabelAdd = "

Rej. Vol.Tot. Vol." ; $OutColHead = "Outgoing Estimates" ; $OutColLabelAdd = "Rej. Vol.Tot. Vol." ; } else { $InColSpan = 4 ; $InColLabelAdd = "" ; $OutColHead = "" ; $OutColLabelAdd = "" ; } print FILE <

\n"; } $InAdded = $InBytes = $InErr = $InSpam = $InRej = $InRejBytes = $TooOld = 0; $InSecs = 1; foreach $Key (reverse sort keys %OrderedList) { $Host = $OrderedList{$Key}; if ($Feeds{$Host}->{InAdded} || $Feeds{$Host}->{InIhave} || $Feeds{$Host}->{InChk} || $Feeds{$Host}->{InSpam} || $Feeds{$Host}->{InSecs} || $Feeds{$Host}->{InErr} || $Feeds{$Host}->{InRej}) { $InSecs += $Feeds{$Host}->{InSecs}; $InIhave += $Feeds{$Host}->{InIhave}; $InChk += $Feeds{$Host}->{InChk}; $InSpam += $Feeds{$Host}->{InSpam}; $InErr += $Feeds{$Host}->{InErr}; $InRej += $Feeds{$Host}->{InRej}; $InAdded += $Feeds{$Host}->{InAdded}; $InBytes += $Feeds{$Host}->{InBytes}; $InRejBytes += $Feeds{$Host}->{InRejBytes}; $TooOld += $Feeds{$Host}->{TooOld}; $Feeds{$Host}->{Freenix} = &GetTop1000($Host); } } $InTot = $InChk + $InIhave + $InSpam + $InRej + $InErr; foreach $Key (reverse sort keys %OrderedList) { $Host = $OrderedList{$Key}; printf STDERR "HOST=[$Host] SECS=[$Feeds{$Host}->{InSecs}] ADDED=[$Feeds{$Host}->{InAdded}] BYTES=[$Feeds{$Host}->{InBytes}] REJECTED=[$Feeds{$Host}->{InRej}] REJECTED BYTES=[$Feeds{$Host}->{InRejBytes}]\n" if $Debug; if ($Feeds{$Host}->{InAdded} || $Feeds{$Host}->{InIhave} || $Feeds{$Host}->{InChk} || $Feeds{$Host}->{InSpam} || $Feeds{$Host}->{InSecs} || $Feeds{$Host}->{InErr} || $Feeds{$Host}->{InRej}) { $InSubPercentAcc = &GetPercent ($Feeds{$Host}->{InChk} + $Feeds{$Host}->{InIhave} + $Feeds{$Host}->{InSpam} + $Feeds{$Host}->{InErr} + $Feeds{$Host}->{InRej} + $Feeds{$Host}->{TooOld}, $Feeds{$Host}->{InAdded}); $InSubPercentTot = &GetPercent ($InAdded, $Feeds{$Host}->{InAdded}); $InPercentTot += $InSubPercentTot; $InSubPercentVol = &GetPercent ($InBytes, $Feeds{$Host}->{InBytes}); $InSubPercentRejVol = &GetPercent ($InRejBytes, $Feeds{$Host}->{InRejBytes}); $InPercentVol += $InSubPercentVol; $InPercentRejVol += $InSubPercentRejVol; if ($ListByVolume == 1) { $SubTotal1 = &GetVolume ($Feeds{$Host}->{InBytes}); $SubColor = &GetVolumeColor ($SubTotal1); $SubTotal1 = "$SubTotal1"; $SubTotal2 = $InSubPercentVol; if ($WallTime) { $SubTotal3 = &GetKbps ($Feeds{$Host}->{InBytes}, $ElapsedSecs); } else { $SubTotal3 = &GetKbps ($Feeds{$Host}->{InBytes}, $Feeds{$Host}->{InSecs}); $Total3 += $SubTotal3; } $SubTotal4 = $Feeds{$Host}->{InAdded}; $SubTotal5 = $InSubPercentAcc; $SubTotal6 = $InSubPercentTot; } elsif ($ListByVolume == 0) { $SubTotal1 = $Feeds{$Host}->{InAdded}; $SubTotal2 = $InSubPercentAcc; $SubTotal3 = $InSubPercentTot; if ($WallTime) { if ($ElapsedSecs > 0) { $SubTotal4 = $Feeds{$Host}->{InAdded} / $ElapsedSecs; } else { $SubTotal4 = $Feeds{$Host}->{InAdded}; } } else { if ($Feeds{$Host}->{InSecs} > 0) { $SubTotal4 = $Feeds{$Host}->{InAdded} / $Feeds{$Host}->{InSecs}; } else { $SubTotal4 = $Feeds{$Host}->{InAdded}; } $Total4 += $SubTotal4; } $SubTotal5 = &GetVolume ($Feeds{$Host}->{InBytes}); $SubColor = &GetVolumeColor ($SubTotal5); $SubTotal5 = "$SubTotal5"; $SubTotal6 = $InSubPercentVol; } else { $SubTotal1 = &GetVolume ($Feeds{$Host}->{InRejBytes}); $SubColor = &GetVolumeColor ($SubTotal1); $SubTotal1 = "$SubTotal1"; $SubTotal2 = $InSubPercentRejVol; if ($WallTime) { $SubTotal3 = &GetKbps ($Feeds{$Host}->{InRejBytes}, $ElapsedSecs); } else { $SubTotal3 = &GetKbps ($Feeds{$Host}->{InRejBytes}, $Feeds{$Host}->{InSecs}); $Total3 += $SubTotal3; } $SubTotal4 = $Feeds{$Host}->{InAdded}; $SubTotal5 = $InSubPercentAcc; $SubTotal6 = $InSubPercentTot; } $SubTotal7 = &GetAvgArtSize ($Feeds{$Host}->{InBytes}, $Feeds{$Host}->{InAdded}); if ($TextFormat) { printf FILE "%-30s $AscFormat %8d %8d %8d %8d %8d %8d %8d\n", &GetHostLink ($Host), $SubTotal1, $SubTotal2, $SubTotal3, $SubTotal4, $SubTotal5, $SubTotal6, $SubTotal7, $Feeds{$Host}->{InChk}, $Feeds{$Host}->{InIhave}, $Feeds{$Host}->{InSpam}, $Feeds{$Host}->{TooOld}, $Feeds{$Host}->{InRej}, $Feeds{$Host}->{InErr}; } else { $RowColor = &GetRowColor ($RowColor); printf FILE "\n%s%s%d%s %s%s %s %s $SubFormat %s%d %s%d %s%d %s%d %s%d %s%d\n", $TDR, "", ++$Num, "", $TDL, &GetHostLink ($Host), $TDR, &GetTop1000 ($Host), $TDR, $SubTotal1, $TDR, $SubTotal2, $TDR, $SubTotal3, $TDR, $SubTotal4, $TDR, $SubTotal5, $TDR, $SubTotal6, $TDR, $SubTotal7, $TDR, $Feeds{$Host}->{InChk}, $TDR, $Feeds{$Host}->{InIhave}, $TDR, $Feeds{$Host}->{InSpam}, $TDR, $Feeds{$Host}->{TooOld}, $TDR, $Feeds{$Host}->{InRej}, $TDR, $Feeds{$Host}->{InErr}; } } } if ($InTot > 0) { $InPercentAcc = $inAdded / $InTot; } else { $InPercentAcc = 1.0; } if ($ListByVolume == 1) { $Total1 = &GetVolume ($InBytes); $Total2 = $InPercentVol; if ($WallTime) { $Total3 = &GetKbps ($InBytes, $ElapsedSecs); } $Total4 = $InAdded; $Total5 = $InPercentAcc; $Total6 = $InPercentTot; } elsif ($ListByVolume == 0) { $Total1 = $InAdded; $Total2 = $InPercentAcc; $Total3 = $InPercentTot; if ($WallTime) { if ($ElapsedSecs > 0) { $Total4 = $InAdded / $ElapsedSecs; } else { $Total4 = $InAdded; } } $Total5 = &GetVolume ($InBytes); $Total6 = $InPercentVol; } else { $Total1 = &GetVolume ($InRejBytes); $Total2 = $InPercentRejVol; if ($WallTime) { $Total3 = &GetKbps ($InRejBytes, $ElapsedSecs); } $Total4 = $InAdded; $Total5 = $InPercentAcc; $Total6 = $InPercentTot; } $Total7 = &GetAvgArtSize ($InBytes, $InAdded); if ($TextFormat) { printf FILE "\n%s $AscFormat %8d %8d %8d %8d %8d %8d\n\n", " ", $Total1, $Total2, $Total3, $Total4, $Total5, $Total6, $Total7, $InChk, $InIhave, $InSpam, $TooOld, $InRej, $InErr; } else { $RowColor = &GetRowColor ($RowColor); printf FILE "\n%s%s $Format %s%s%d%s %s%s%d%s %s%s%d%s %s%s%d%s %s%s%d%s %s%s%d%s\n", "\n"; } for ($Num = 0; $Num < 24; $Num++) { $Hour = sprintf ("%02d", $Num); $InSubPercentAcc = &GetPercent ($HourlyStats{Total}->{InAdded}, $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InAdded}); $InPercentAcc += $InSubPercentAcc; $InSubPercentVol = &GetPercent ($HourlyStats{Total}->{InBytes}, $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InBytes}); $InPercentVol += $InSubPercentVol; $InSubVolume = &GetVolume ($HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InBytes}); $SubColor = &GetVolumeColor ($InSubVolume); $InSubVolume = "$InSubVolume"; if ($TextFormat) { printf FILE "%5s %8d %3.2f %8s %3.2f %8d %8d %8d %8d %8d\n", $Hour, $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InAdded}, $InSubPercentAcc, $InSubVolume, $InSubPercentVol, $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InChk}, $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InIhave}, $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InSpam}, $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InRej}, $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InErr}; } else { $RowColor = &GetRowColor ($RowColor); printf FILE "\n%s%s%s%s %s%d %s%3.2f %s%s %s%3.2f %s%d %s%d %s%d %s%d %s%d\n", $TDR, "", $Hour, "", $TDR, $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InAdded}, $TDR, $InSubPercentAcc, $TDR, $InSubVolume, $TDR, $InSubPercentVol, $TDR, $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InChk}, $TDR, $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InIhave}, $TDR, $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InSpam}, $TDR, $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InRej}, $TDR, $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InErr}; } } $InVolume = &GetVolume ($HourlyStats{Total}->{InBytes}); if ($TextFormat) { printf FILE "\n%5s %8d %3.2f %8s %3.2f %8d %8d %8d %8d %8d\n\n", "Total", $HourlyStats{Total}->{InAdded}, $InPercentAcc, $InVolume, $InPercentVol, $HourlyStats{Total}->{InChk}, $HourlyStats{Total}->{InIhave}, $HourlyStats{Total}->{InSpam}, $HourlyStats{Total}->{InRej}, $HourlyStats{Total}->{InErr}; } else { $RowColor = &GetRowColor ($RowColor); printf FILE "\n%s%s%s%s %s%s%d%s %s%s%3.2f%s %s%s%s%s %s%s%3.2f%s %s%s%d%s %s%s%d%s %s%s%d%s %s%s%d%s %s%s%d%s\n", $TDC, "", "Total", "", $TDR, "", $HourlyStats{Total}->{InAdded}, "", $TDR, "", $InPercentAcc, "", $TDR, "", $InVolume, "", $TDR, "", $InPercentVol, "", $TDR, "", $HourlyStats{Total}->{InChk}, "", $TDR, "", $HourlyStats{Total}->{InIhave}, "", $TDR, "", $HourlyStats{Total}->{InSpam}, "", $TDR, "", $HourlyStats{Total}->{InRej}, "", $TDR, "", $HourlyStats{Total}->{InErr}, ""; } &PrintTableFooter (""); &PrintUrlPNG ($FilePNG); } sub PrintOutgoingTimes { my ($Title) = @_; my ($Num, $Hour, $OutVolume, $OutSubVolume, $FilePNG, $RowColor, $SubColor); my ($OutPercentAcc, $OutSubPercentAcc, $OutPercentVol, $OutSubPercentVol); $FilePNG = "$FileDate-out-time.png"; &PrintTableHeader ($Title); if ($TextFormat) { printf FILE "\n%5s %8s %6s %8s %6s %8s %8s\n\n", "Hour", "Accepted", "%Acc", "Volume", "%Vol", "Dups", "Rejs"; } else { print FILE "\n"; } for ($Num = 0; $Num < 24; $Num++) { $Hour = sprintf ("%02d", $Num); $OutSubPercentAcc = &GetPercent ($HourlyStats{Total}->{OutAccepted}, $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{OutAccepted}); $OutPercentAcc += $OutSubPercentAcc; $OutSubPercentVol = &GetPercent ($HourlyStats{Total}->{OutBytes}, $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{OutBytes}); $OutPercentVol += $OutSubPercentVol; $OutSubVolume = &GetVolume ($HourlyStats{$Hour}->{OutBytes}); $SubColor = &GetVolumeColor ($OutSubVolume); $OutSubVolume = "$OutSubVolume"; if ($TextFormat) { printf FILE "%5s %8d %3.2f %8s %3.2f %8d %8d\n", $Hour, $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{OutAccepted}, $OutSubPercentAcc, $OutSubVolume, $OutSubPercentVol, $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{OutDup}, $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{OutRej}, } else { $RowColor = &GetRowColor ($RowColor); printf FILE "\n%s%s%s%s %s%d %s%3.2f %s%s %s%3.2f %s%d %s%d\n", $TDR, "", $Hour, "", $TDR, $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{OutAccepted}, $TDR, $OutSubPercentAcc, $TDR, $OutSubVolume, $TDR, $OutSubPercentVol, $TDR, $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{OutDup}, $TDR, $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{OutRej}, } } $OutVolume = &GetVolume ($HourlyStats{Total}->{OutBytes}); if ($TextFormat) { printf FILE "\n%5s %8d %3.2f %8s %3.2f %8d %8d\n\n", "Total", $HourlyStats{Total}->{OutAccepted}, $OutPercentAcc, $OutVolume, $OutPercentVol, $HourlyStats{Total}->{OutDup}, $HourlyStats{Total}->{OutRej}, } else { $RowColor = &GetRowColor ($RowColor); printf FILE "\n%s%s%s%s %s%s%d%s %s%s%3.2f%s %s%s%s%s %s%s%3.2f%s %s%s%d%s %s%s%d%s\n", $TDC, "", "Total", "", $TDR, "", $HourlyStats{Total}->{OutAccepted}, "", $TDR, "", $OutPercentAcc, "", $TDR, "", $OutVolume, "", $TDR, "", $OutPercentVol, "", $TDR, "", $HourlyStats{Total}->{OutDup}, "", $TDR, "", $HourlyStats{Total}->{OutRej}, "", } &PrintTableFooter (""); &PrintUrlPNG ($FilePNG); } sub PrintOutgoingFeeds { my ($Title, $ListByVolume, $InAdded) = @_; my ($Key, $Comment, $OutCons, $OutSecs, $OutDup, $OutRej, $OutAcc, $OutBytes, $OutRejBytes); my ($Num, $OutPercentAcc, $OutSubPercentAcc, $OutPercentVol, $OutPercentRejVol, $OutSubPercentVol, $OutSubPercentRejVol); my ($OutPercentTot, $OutSubPercentTot, $SubTotal7, $Field7, $Total7); my ($SubTotal1, $SubTotal2, $SubTotal3, $SubTotal4, $SubTotal5, $SubTotal6); my ($Field1, $Field2, $Field3, $Field4, $Field5, $Field6); my ($Total1, $Total2, $Total4, $Total5, $Total6); my ($Format, $SubFormat, $FilePNG, $RowColor, $SubColor, $Freenix, $InHost); my ($OutFreenix, $InBytes); &PrintTableHeader ($Title); if ($ListByVolume == 1) { my ($Total3) = new Math::BigFloat 0; %OrderedList = %OrderByOutBytes; $Field1 = "Volume"; $Field2 = "%Vol"; $Field3 = "Kbps"; $Field4 = "Accepted"; $Field5 = "%Acc"; $Field6 = "%Tot"; $Field7 = "KB/art"; $AscFormat = "%8s %3.2f %3.2f %8d %3.2f %3.2f %3.2f"; $SubFormat = "%s%s %s%3.2f %s%3.2f %s%d %s%3.2f %s%3.2f %s%3.2f"; $Format = "%s%s%s%s %s%s%3.2f%s %s%s%3.2f%s %s%s%d%s %s%s%3.2f%s %s%s%3.2f%s %s%s%3.2f%s"; $FilePNG = "$FileDate-out-vol.png"; $InBytes = $InAdded; # What we were passed is really number # of bytes, not number of articles } elsif ($ListByVolume == 0) { my ($Total3) = 0; %OrderedList = %OrderByOutAccepted; $Field1 = "Accepted"; $Field2 = "%Acc"; $Field3 = "%Tot"; $Field4 = "Art/sec"; $Field5 = "Volume"; $Field6 = "%Vol"; $Field7 = "KB/art"; $AscFormat = "%8d %3.2f %3.2f %3.2f %8s %3.2f %3.2f"; $SubFormat = "%s%d %s%3.2f %s%3.2f %s%3.2f %s%s %s%3.2f %s%3.2f"; $Format = "%s%s%d%s %s%s%3.2f%s %s%s%3.2f%s %s%s%3.2f%s %s%s%s%s %s%s%3.2f%s %s%s%3.2f%s"; $FilePNG = "$FileDate-out-art.png"; } else { my ($Total3) = new Math::BigFloat 0; %OrderedList = %OrderByOutRejBytes; $Field1 = "Rej. Vol."; $Field2 = "%Vol"; $Field3 = "Kbps"; $Field4 = "Accepted"; $Field5 = "%Acc"; $Field6 = "%Tot"; $Field7 = "KB/art"; $AscFormat = "%8s %3.2f %3.2f %8d %3.2f %3.2f %3.2f"; $SubFormat = "%s%s %s%3.2f %s%3.2f %s%d %s%3.2f %s%3.2f %s%3.2f"; $Format = "%s%s%s%s %s%s%3.2f%s %s%s%3.2f%s %s%s%d%s %s%s%3.2f%s %s%s%3.2f%s %s%s%3.2f%s"; $FilePNG = "$FileDate-out-rejvol.png"; $InBytes = $InAdded; # What we were passed is really number # of bytes, not number of articles } if ($TextFormat) { printf FILE "\n%-30s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %14s\n\n", "Outgoing Feed", $Field1, $Field2, $Field3, $Field4, $Field5, $Field6, $Field7, "Dups", "Rejs", "% Ratio (Out/In)"; } else { print FILE "\n"; } $OutAccepted = $OutBytes = $OutRej = $OutRejBytes = $OutDup = 0; $OutSecs = 1; foreach $Key (reverse sort keys %OrderedList) { $Host = $OrderedList{$Key}; if ($Feeds{$Host}->{OutAccepted} || $Feeds{$Host}->{OutSecs} || $Feeds{$Host}->{OutDup} || $Feeds{$Host}->{OutRej}) { $OutSecs += $Feeds{$Host}->{OutSecs}; $OutDup += $Feeds{$Host}->{OutDup}; $OutRej += $Feeds{$Host}->{OutRej}; $OutAccepted += $Feeds{$Host}->{OutAccepted}; $OutBytes += $Feeds{$Host}->{OutBytes}; $OutRejBytes += $Feeds{$Host}->{OutRejBytes}; } if ($Feeds{$Host}->{Freenix}) { $Freenix{$Feeds{$Host}->{Freenix}} = $Host; } } foreach $Key (reverse sort keys %OrderedList) { $Host = $OrderedList{$Key}; if ($Feeds{$Host}->{OutAccepted} || $Feeds{$Host}->{OutSecs} || $Feeds{$Host}->{OutDup} || $Feeds{$Host}->{OutRej}) { $OutSubPercentAcc = &GetPercent ($Feeds{$Host}->{OutRej} + $Feeds{$Host}->{OutDup} + $Feeds{$Host}->{OutAccepted}, $Feeds{$Host}->{OutAccepted}); $OutSubPercentTot = &GetPercent ($OutAccepted, $Feeds{$Host}->{OutAccepted}); $OutPercentTot += $OutSubPercentTot; $OutSubPercentVol = &GetPercent ($OutBytes, $Feeds{$Host}->{OutBytes}); $OutSubPercentRejVol = &GetPercent ($OutRejBytes, $Feeds{$Host}->{OutRejBytes}); $OutPercentVol += $OutSubPercentVol; $OutPercentRejVol += $OutSubPercentRejVol; if ($ListByVolume == 1) { $SubTotal1 = &GetVolume ($Feeds{$Host}->{OutBytes}); $SubColor = &GetVolumeColor ($SubTotal1); $SubTotal1 = "$SubTotal1"; $SubTotal2 = $OutSubPercentVol; if ($WallTime) { $SubTotal3 = &GetKbps ($Feeds{$Host}->{OutBytes}, $ElapsedSecs); } else { $SubTotal3 = &GetKbps ($Feeds{$Host}->{OutBytes}, $Feeds{$Host}->{OutSecs}); $Total3 += $SubTotal3; } $SubTotal4 = $Feeds{$Host}->{OutAccepted}; $SubTotal5 = $OutSubPercentAcc; $SubTotal6 = $OutSubPercentTot; } elsif ($ListByVolume == 0) { $SubTotal1 = $Feeds{$Host}->{OutAccepted}; $SubTotal2 = $OutSubPercentAcc; $SubTotal3 = $OutSubPercentTot; if ($WallTime) { if ($ElapsedSecs > 0) { $SubTotal4 = $Feeds{$Host}->{OutAccepted} / $ElapsedSecs; } else { $SubTotal4 = $Feeds{$Host}->{OutAccepted}; } } else { if ($Feeds{$Host}->{OutSecs} > 0) { $SubTotal4 = $Feeds{$Host}->{OutAccepted} / $Feeds{$Host}->{OutSecs}; } else { $SubTotal4 = $Feeds{$Host}->{OutAccepted}; } $Total4 += $SubTotal4; } $SubTotal5 = &GetVolume ($Feeds{$Host}->{OutBytes}); $SubColor = &GetVolumeColor ($SubTotal5); $SubTotal5 = "$SubTotal5"; $SubTotal6 = $OutSubPercentVol; } else { $SubTotal1 = &GetVolume ($Feeds{$Host}->{OutRejBytes}); $SubColor = &GetVolumeColor ($SubTotal1); $SubTotal1 = "$SubTotal1"; $SubTotal2 = $OutSubPercentRejVol; if ($WallTime) { $SubTotal3 = &GetKbps ($Feeds{$Host}->{OutRejBytes}, $ElapsedSecs); } else { $SubTotal3 = &GetKbps ($Feeds{$Host}->{OutRejBytes}, $Feeds{$Host}->{OutSecs}); $Total3 += $SubTotal3; } $SubTotal4 = $Feeds{$Host}->{OutAccepted}; $SubTotal5 = $OutSubPercentAcc; $SubTotal6 = $OutSubPercentTot; } $SubTotal7 = &GetAvgArtSize ($Feeds{$Host}->{OutBytes}, $Feeds{$Host}->{OutAccepted}); $OutFreenix = &GetTop1000($Host); if ((length $OutFreenix) > 0) { $InHost = $Freenix{$OutFreenix}; } else { $InHost = $Host; } if ($TextFormat) { printf FILE "%-30s $AscFormat %8d %8d", &GetHostLink ($Host), $SubTotal1, $SubTotal2, $SubTotal3, $SubTotal4, $SubTotal5, $SubTotal6, $SubTotal7, $Feeds{$Host}->{OutDup}, $Feeds{$Host}->{OutRej}; if ($Feeds{$InHost}->{InAdded} != 0) { if ($ListByVolume == 1) { printf FILE " %8.2f\n", 100 * $Feeds{$Host}->{OutBytes} / $Feeds{$InHost}->{InBytes}; } elsif ($ListByVolume == 0) { printf FILE " %8.2f\n", 100 * $Feeds{$Host}->{OutAccepted} / $Feeds{$InHost}->{InAdded}; } else { printf FILE " %8.2f\n", 100 * $Feeds{$Host}->{OutRejBytes} / $Feeds{$InHost}->{InBytes}; } } else { if ($ListByVolume == 1) { printf FILE " %8.2f\n", 100 * $Feeds{$Host}->{OutBytes}; } elsif ($ListByVolume == 0) { printf FILE " %8.2f\n", 100 * $Feeds{$Host}->{OutAccepted}; } else { printf FILE " %8.2f\n", 100 * $Feeds{$Host}->{OutRejBytes}; } } } else { $RowColor = &GetRowColor ($RowColor); printf FILE "\n%s%s%d%s %s%s %s %s $SubFormat %s%d %s%d\n", $TDR, "", ++$Num, "", $TDL, &GetHostLink ($Host), $TDR, &GetTop1000 ($Host), $TDR, $SubTotal1, $TDR, $SubTotal2, $TDR, $SubTotal3, $TDR, $SubTotal4, $TDR, $SubTotal5, $TDR, $SubTotal6, $TDR, $SubTotal7, $TDR, $Feeds{$Host}->{OutDup}, $TDR, $Feeds{$Host}->{OutRej}; if ($Feeds{$InHost}->{InAdded} != 0) { if ($ListByVolume == 1) { printf FILE "%s%8.2f", $TDR, 100 * $Feeds{$Host}->{OutBytes} / $Feeds{$InHost}->{InBytes}; } elsif ($ListByVolume == 0) { printf FILE "%s%8.2f", $TDR, 100 * $Feeds{$Host}->{OutAccepted} / $Feeds{$InHost}->{InAdded}; } else { printf FILE "%s%8.2f", $TDR, 100 * $Feeds{$Host}->{OutRejBytes} / $Feeds{$InHost}->{InBytes}; } } else { if ($ListByVolume == 1) { printf FILE "%s%8.2f", $TDR, 100 * $Feeds{$Host}->{OutBytes}; } elsif ($ListByVolume == 0) { printf FILE "%s%8.2f", $TDR, 100 * $Feeds{$Host}->{OutAccepted}; } else { printf FILE "%s%8.2f", $TDR, 100 * $Feeds{$Host}->{OutRejBytes}; } } } } } if ($OutAccepted != 0) { $OutPercentAcc = $OutAccepted / ($OutDup + $OutRej + $OutAccepted); } else { $OutPercentAcc = 0; } if ($ListByVolume == 1) { $Total1 = &GetVolume ($OutBytes); $Total2 = $OutPercentVol; if ($WallTime) { $Total3 = &GetKbps ($OutBytes, $ElapsedSecs); } $Total4 = $OutAccepted; $Total5 = $OutPercentAcc; $Total6 = $OutPercentTot; } elsif ($ListByVolume == 0) { $Total1 = $OutAccepted; $Total2 = $OutPercentAcc; $Total3 = $OutPercentTot; if ($WallTime) { if ($ElapsedSecs > 0) { $Total4 = ($OutAccepted ? $OutAccepted / $ElapsedSecs : 0); } else { $Total4 = ($OutAccepted ? $OutAccepted : 0); } } $Total4 = 0 if ($OutAccepted == 0); $Total5 = &GetVolume ($OutBytes); $Total6 = $OutPercentVol; } else { $Total1 = &GetVolume ($OutRejBytes); $Total2 = $OutPercentRejVol; if ($WallTime) { $Total3 = &GetKbps ($OutRejBytes, $ElapsedSecs); } $Total4 = $OutAccepted; $Total5 = $OutPercentAcc; $Total6 = $OutPercentTot; } $Total7 = &GetAvgArtSize ($OutBytes, $OutAccepted); if ($TextFormat) { printf FILE "\n%s $AscFormat %8d %8d", " ", $Total1, $Total2, $Total3, $Total4, $Total5, $Total6, $Total7, $OutDup, $OutRej; if (($InAdded != 0) && ($OutAccepted != 0)) { if ($ListByVolume == 1) { if ($InBytes > 0) { printf FILE " %8.2f\n\n", $OutBytes / $InBytes; } else { printf FILE " %8.2f\n\n", $OutBytes; } } elsif ($ListByVolume == 0) { if ($InAdded > 0) { printf FILE " %8.2f\n\n", $OutAccepted / $InAdded; } else { printf FILE " %8.2f\n\n", $OutAccepted; } } else { if ($InBytes > 0) { printf FILE " %8.2f\n\n", $OutRejBytes / $InBytes; } else { printf FILE " %8.2f\n\n", $OutRejBytes; } } } else { printf FILE " \n\n"; } } else { $RowColor = &GetRowColor ($RowColor); printf FILE "\n%s%s $Format %s%s%d%s %s%s%d%s", "
Daily StatisticsIncoming FeedsOutgoing Feeds$OutColHead
AcceptedVolumeSpamRejs$InColLabelAddAcceptedVolumeDupsRejs$OutColLabelAdd EOT ; while () { chop; s/^\.\///; if (/^(........)\.html/o && ($MaxDays == 0 || ($NumDays < $MaxDays))) { $NumDays++; $Date = $1; $FancyDate = &GetFancyNameDate ($Date, 1, 0); @DailyStats = &GetDailyStats ($Date); $InVolume = &GetVolume ($DailyStats[3]); $InRejVolume = $DailyStats[10]; if ($InRejVolume == -1) { $InRejVolume = "-"; $InTotVolume = "-"; } else { $InTotVolume = &GetVolume ($InRejVolume + $DailyStats[3]); $InRejVolume = &GetVolume ($InRejVolume); } $OutVolume = &GetVolume ($DailyStats[7]); $OutRejVolume = &GetVolume ($DailyStats[9]); $OutTotVolume = &GetVolume ($DailyStats[7] + $DailyStats[9]); $RowColor = &GetRowColor ($RowColor); $FancyDate =~ s/\ / /g; print FILE < $NumDays  $FancyDate $DailyStats[2] $InVolume $DailyStats[8] $DailyStats[1] EOT ; if ($RejTotReport) { print FILE <$InRejVolume $InTotVolume EOT }; print FILE <$DailyStats[6] $OutVolume $DailyStats[4] $DailyStats[5] EOT ; if ($RejTotReport) { print FILE <$OutRejVolume $OutTotVolume EOT }; } } print FILE <

EOT ; &PrintOutFooter; close (FILE); close (DIR); } sub PrintSeparator { my ($Num) = @_; if ($Num =~ /beg/i) { print FILE "



\n"; } elsif ($Num =~ /end/i) { print FILE "Goto top of page\n"; print FILE "


\n"; } else { print FILE "\n"; # print FILE "Goto top of page, Goto top of table\n"; print FILE "Goto top of page\n"; print FILE "



\n"; } } sub PrintIncomingFeeds { my ($Title, $ListByVolume) = @_; my ($Num, $InSecs, $InIhave, $InChk, $InErr, $InSpam, $InRej, $InRejBytes, $InTot); my ($InRec, $InAdded, $InBytes, $InPercent, $InSubPercent, $Key, $Comment); my ($InPercentAcc, $InSubPercentAcc, $InPercentVol, $InPercentRejVol, $InSubPercentVol, $InSubPercentRejVol, $FilePNG); my ($InPercentTot, $InSubPercentTot, $SubTotal7, $Field7, $Total7); my ($SubTotal1, $SubTotal2, $SubTotal3, $SubTotal4, $SubTotal5, $SubTotal6); my ($Field1, $Field2, $Field3, $Field4, $Field5, $Field6); my ($Total1, $Total2, $Total4, $Total5, $Total6, $TooOld); my ($Format, $SubFormat, $AscFormat, $RowColor, $SubColor, $Freenix, $retval); &PrintTableHeader ($Title); if ($ListByVolume == 1) { my ($Total3) = new Math::BigFloat 0; %OrderedList = %OrderByInBytes; $Field1 = "Volume"; $Field2 = "%Vol"; $Field3 = "Kbps"; $Field4 = "Accepted"; $Field5 = "%Acc"; $Field6 = "%Tot"; $Field7 = "KB/art"; $AscFormat = "%8s %3.2f %3.2f %8d %3.2f %3.2f %3.2f"; $SubFormat = "%s%s %s%3.2f %s%3.2f %s%d %s%3.2f %s%3.2f %s%3.2f"; $Format = "%s%s%s%s %s%s%3.2f%s %s%s%3.2f%s %s%s%d%s %s%s%3.2f%s %s%s%3.2f%s %s%s%3.2f%s"; $FilePNG = "$FileDate-in-vol.png"; } elsif ($ListByVolume == 0) { my ($Total3) = new Math::BigFloat 0; %OrderedList = %OrderByInAdded; $Field1 = "Accepted"; $Field2 = "%Acc"; $Field3 = "%Tot"; $Field4 = "Art/sec"; $Field5 = "Volume"; $Field6 = "%Vol"; $Field7 = "KB/art"; $AscFormat = "%8d %3.2f %3.2f %3.2f %8s %3.2f %3.2f"; $SubFormat = "%s%d %s%3.2f %s%3.2f %s%3.2f %s%s %s%3.2f %s%3.2f"; $Format = "%s%s%d%s %s%s%3.2f%s %s%s%3.2f%s %s%s%3.2f%s %s%s%s%s %s%s%3.2f%s %s%s%3.2f%s"; $FilePNG = "$FileDate-in-art.png"; } else { my ($Total3) = new Math::BigFloat 0; %OrderedList = %OrderByInRejBytes; $Field1 = "Rej. Vol."; $Field2 = "%Vol"; $Field3 = "Kbps"; $Field4 = "Accepted"; $Field5 = "%Acc"; $Field6 = "%Tot"; $Field7 = "KB/art"; $AscFormat = "%8s %3.2f %3.2f %8d %3.2f %3.2f %3.2f"; $SubFormat = "%s%s %s%3.2f %s%3.2f %s%d %s%3.2f %s%3.2f %s%3.2f"; $Format = "%s%s%s%s %s%s%3.2f%s %s%s%3.2f%s %s%s%d%s %s%s%3.2f%s %s%s%3.2f%s %s%s%3.2f%s"; $FilePNG = "$FileDate-in-rejvol.png"; } if ($TextFormat) { printf FILE "\n%-30s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s\n\n", "Incoming Feed", $Field1, $Field2, $Field3, $Field4, $Field5, $Field6, $Field7, "Check", "Ihave", "Spam", "TooOld", "Rejs", "Errs"; } else { print FILE "

Incoming Feed (+ A-Freenix #)$Field1$Field2$Field3$Field4$Field5$Field6$Field7CheckIhaveSpamTooOldRejsErrs
", "Total", $TDR, "", $Total1, "", $TDR, "", $Total2, "", $TDR, "", $Total3, "", $TDR, "", $Total4, "", $TDR, "", $Total5, "", $TDR, "", $Total6, "", $TDR, "", $Total7, "", $TDR, "", $InChk, "", $TDR, "", $InIhave, "", $TDR, "", $InSpam, "", $TDR, "", $TooOld, "", $TDR, "", $InRej, "", $TDR, "", $InErr, ""; } $Comment = "INCOMING ERR=$InErr REJ=$InRej SPAM=$InSpam ADD=$InAdded VOL=$InBytes TooOld=$TooOld REJVOL=$InRejBytes"; &PrintTableFooter ($Comment); &PrintUrlPNG ($FilePNG); if ($ListByVolume == 1) { $retval = $InBytes; } elsif ($ListByVolume == 0) { $retval = $InAdded; } else { $retval = $InRejBytes; } return $retval; } sub PrintIncomingTimes { my ($Title) = @_; my ($Num, $Hour, $InVolume, $InSubVolume, $FilePNG, $RowColor, $SubColor); my ($InPercentAcc, $InSubPercentAcc, $InPercentVol, $InSubPercentVol); $FilePNG = "$FileDate-in-time.png"; &PrintTableHeader ($Title); if ($TextFormat) { printf FILE "\n%5s %8s %6s %8s %6s %8s %8s %8s %8s %8s\n\n", "Hour", "Accepted", "%Acc", "Volume", "%Vol", "Check", "Ihave", "Spam", "Rejs", "Errs"; } else { print FILE "
Outgoing Feed (+ A-Freenix #)$Field1$Field2$Field3$Field4$Field5$Field6$Field7DupsRejs% Ratio (Out/In)
", "Total", $TDR, "", $Total1, "", $TDR, "", $Total2, "", $TDR, "", $Total3, "", $TDR, "", $Total4, "", $TDR, "", $Total5, "", $TDR, "", $Total6, "", $TDR, "", $Total7, "", $TDR, "", $OutDup, "", $TDR, "", $OutRej, ""; if (($InAdded != 0) && ($OutAccepted != 0)) { if ($ListByVolume == 1) { if ($InBytes > 0) { printf FILE "%s%s%8.2f%s\n", $TDR, "", 100 * $OutBytes / $InBytes, ""; } else { printf FILE "%s%s%8.2f%s\n", $TDR, "", $OutBytes, ""; } } elsif ($ListByVolume == 0) { if ($InAdded > 0) { printf FILE "%s%s%8.2f%s\n", $TDR, "", 100 * $OutAccepted / $InAdded, ""; } else { printf FILE "%s%s%8.2f%s\n", $TDR, "", $OutAccepted, ""; } } else { if ($InBytes > 0) { printf FILE "%s%s%8.2f%s\n", $TDR, "", 100 * $OutRejBytes / $InBytes, ""; } else { printf FILE "%s%s%8.2f%s\n", $TDR, "", $OutRejBytes, ""; } } } else { printf FILE "%s \n", $TDR; } } $Comment = "OUTGOING DUP=$OutDup REJ=$OutRej ACC=$OutAccepted VOL=$OutBytes REJ VOL=$OutRejBytes"; &PrintTableFooter ($Comment); &PrintUrlPNG ($FilePNG); } sub PrintQueueStats { my ($Title) = @_; my ($OutCons, $OutSecs, $OutDup, $OutRej, $OutAccepted); my ($Key, $Color, $TDL, $TDR); if (! $TextFormat) { print FILE <
>= $QuePercent1% Full >= $QuePercent2% Full >= $QuePercent3% Full >= $QuePercent4% Full >= $QuePercent5% Full >= $QuePercent6% Full

EOT ; } &PrintTableHeader ($Title); if ($TextFormat) { printf FILE "\n%-30s %19s %9s %9s %9s\n\n", "Outgoing Feed", "Batch Seq", "Batch Num", "Batch Max", "%Full"; } else { print FILE "

Outgoing FeedBatch SeqBatch NumBatch Max%Full
"; $TDR = ""; printf FILE "
1st TimeLast Time# MsgsMessage
HostBy Post RateBy Dup Body# Articles
EOT ; } } sub PrintTableFooter { my ($Comment) = @_; if (! $TextFormat) { print FILE "
\n"; print FILE "\n" if $Comment ne ""; } } sub PrintOutHeader { my ($TimePeriod) = $BegDate; my ($Title, $Title2); my ($Rank) = &GetTop1000 ($NewsHost); if ($BegDate ne $EndDate) { $TimePeriod = "$BegDate - $EndDate"; } else { $TimePeriod = &GetFancyNameDate ($BegDate, 1, 0); } if ($Rank eq "") { $Title = "$TextUrl statistics for $NewsHost on $TimePeriod"; $Title2 = "$TextUrl statistics for $NewsHost on $TimePeriod"; } else { $Title = "$TextUrl statistics for $NewsHost (Alt Freenix $Rank) on $TimePeriod"; $Title2 = "$TextUrl statistics for $NewsHost (Alt Freenix $Rank) on $TimePeriod"; } if ($TextFormat) { print FILE "$Title\n\n\n"; } else { print FILE < $Title


EOT ; if ($NewsContactName) { print FILE "Newsfeed Contact: $NewsContactName\n

\n"; } &PrintOutCopyright; print FILE <

  1. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Article
  2. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Volume
  3. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume
  4. Summary of Incoming Feeds by Time
  5. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Article
  6. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Volume
  7. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Estimated Rejected Volume
  8. Summary of Outgoing Feeds by Time EOT ; if ($DiabloFormat) { print FILE <Summary of Outgoing Queue
  9. Summary of Curious Activity EOT ; unless ( $TotalSpamList == 0 ) { print FILE <Summary of SPAM Activity (Top $TopSpamList of $TotalSpamList) EOT ; } } print FILE "
\n"; chop (($OutputUptime = `$CmdUptime`)); chop (($OutputDf = `$CmdDf`)); chop (($OutputDiablo = `$CmdDiablo`)); chop (($OutputDnewslink = `$CmdDnewslink`)); $OutputDiablo =~ s/ //g; $OutputDnewslink =~ s/ //g; if ($DiabloFormat) { $DiabloProcs = "Diablo running processes: $OutputDiablo Dnewslink running processes: $OutputDnewslink"; $SysInfo = "$DiabloProcs\n\n$DiabloUptime\n\n$OutputUptime\n\n$OutputDf"; } else { $SysInfo = "$OutputUptime\n\n$OutputDf"; } print FILE <

EOT ; } } sub PrintOutFooter { &PrintOutCopyright; if (! $TextFormat) { print FILE < Valid HTML 4.0! \n EOT ; } } sub PrintOutCopyright { if ($TextFormat) { print FILE "\nGenerated on $GenDate $GenTime by $ScriptName $Version. Copyright (C) 2002 The Diablo Project (http://www.openusenet.org/diablo/)\n"; } else { print FILE <$ScriptName $Version. Copyright © 2002 The Diablo Project. EOT ; } } sub GetYyMmDd { my ($Date) = @_; # Apr 10 11:36:54 if ($Date =~ /^(...) (..)/) { return sprintf "%04d%02d%02d", $GenYear, $MonthNumByName{$1}, $2; } else { return ""; } } sub GetHhMmSs { my ($Secs) = @_; # my ($Time) = "00:00:00"; my ($Time) = "00:00"; my ($Hh, $Mm, $Ss); if ($Secs) { $Hh = int($Secs / 3600); $Mm = int(($Secs - ($Hh * 3600)) / 60); $Ss = $Secs % 60; # $Time = sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d", $Hh, $Mm, $Ss; $Time = sprintf "%02d:%02d", $Hh, $Mm; } # print "Secs=[$Secs] Time=[$Time]\n"; return $Time; } sub GetFancyDate { my ($Date) = @_; if (/^(....)(..)(..)/) { $Date = sprintf "%s %s %s", $3, $MonthNameByNum{$2}, $1; } return $Date; } # $Date = &GetFancyNameDate ("19960109", [0|1], [0|1]); # par2: 0 = Long / 1 = Short form of dayname ie. Monday / Mon # par3: 0 = not split / 1 = split returned line ie. Mon\n14 Oct 95 sub GetFancyNameDate { local ($CurDate, $ShortName, $SplitLine) = @_; local ($Break, $DayName); if ($SplitLine) { $Break = '
'; } else { $Break = ' '; } $CurDate =~ /^(....)(..)(..)/; $DayName = &GetDayOfWeek ($1, $2, $3, $ShortName); return "$DayName$Break$3 $MonthNameByNum{$2} $1"; } sub GetDayOfWeek { # Parameters: YYYY, MM, DD, [0|1] my ($Yy, $Mm, $Dd, $ShortName) = @_; my ($DayNum); if ($Yy && $Mm && $Dd) { $DayNum = (localtime(timelocal(0,0,0,$Dd,$Mm-1,$Yy,0,0)))[6]; if ($ShortName) { return $DayNameShort[$DayNum]; } else { return $DayName[$DayNum]; } } else { return "ERROR"; } } sub GetDailyStats { my ($Date) = @_; my ($InErr, $InRej, $InSpam, $InTot, $InVol, $InRejVol, $OutDup, $OutRej, $OutAccepted, $OutVol, $OutRejVol); $InErr = $InRej = $InSpam = $InTot = $InVol = $InRejVol = $OutDup = $OutRej = $OutAccepted = $OutVol = $OutRejVol = 0; if (open (STATS, "$Date.html")) { while () { if (/INCOMING ERR=([\ 0-9]*) REJ=([\ 0-9]*) SPAM=([\ 0-9]*) ADD=([\ 0-9]*) VOL=([\ 0-9]*) TooOld=[\ 0-9]* REJVOL=([\ 0-9]*)/) { $InErr = $1; $InRej = $2; $InSpam = $3; $InTot = $4; $InVol = $5; $InRejVol = $6; } elsif (/INCOMING ERR=([\ 0-9]*) REJ=([\ 0-9]*) SPAM=([\ 0-9]*) ADD=([\ 0-9]*) VOL=([\ 0-9]*)/) { $InErr = $1; $InRej = $2; $InSpam = $3; $InTot = $4; $InVol = $5; $InRejVol = -1; } elsif (/INCOMING ERR=([\ 0-9]*) REJ=([\ 0-9]*) ADD=([\ 0-9]*) VOL=([\ 0-9]*)/) { $InErr = $1; $InRej = $2; $InTot = $3; $InVol = $4; $InRejVol = -1; } elsif (/INCOMING ERR=([\ 0-9]*) REJ=([\ 0-9]*) ADD=([\ 0-9]*)/) { # < v1.10 $InErr = $1; $InRej = $2; $InTot = $3; $InRejVol = -1; } if (/OUTGOING DUP=([\ 0-9]*) REJ=([\ 0-9]*) ACC=([\ 0-9]*) VOL=([\ 0-9]*) REJ VOL=([\ 0-9]*)/) { $OutDup = $1; $OutRej = $2; $OutAccepted = $3; $OutVol = $4; $OutRejVol = $5; } elsif (/OUTGOING DUP=([\ 0-9]*) REJ=([\ 0-9]*) ACC=([\ 0-9]*)/) { # < v1.10 $OutDup = $1; $OutRej = $2; $OutAccepted = $3; } } close STATS; } else { warn "Error: $Date.html - $!\n"; } return ($InErr, $InRej, $InTot, $InVol, $OutDup, $OutRej, $OutAccepted, $OutVol, $InSpam, $OutRejVol, $InRejVol); } sub GetPercent { my ($Total, $SubTotal) = @_; return ($SubTotal && $Total) ? ($SubTotal / $Total) * 100 : 0; } # $Date # $Host # # DIABLO CYCLONE # ------ ------- # $InSecs -1 # $InAdded $InAccepted # $InBytes $InBytes # $InChk $InOffered # $InIhave -1 # $InSpam -1 # $InRej $InRejected # $InErr $InRefused # -1 $InConnAtt # -1 $InConnSuc # $InRejBytes -1 # sub AddToInTimeList { my ($Date, $Host, $InSecs, $InAdded, $InBytes, $InChk, $InIhave, $InSpam, $InRej, $InErr, $InConnAtt, $InConnSuc, $InRejBytes) = @_; # print "IN: $Host, $InSecs, $InAdded, $InBytes, $InChk, $InIhave, $InSpam, $InRej, $InErr\n"; # ... 23:59:59 if ($Date =~ / (..):..:../) { $Hour = $1; $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{InAdded} += $InAdded; $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{InBytes} += $InBytes; $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{InChk} += $InChk; $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{InIhave} += $InIhave; $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{InSpam} += $InSpam; $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{InRej} += $InRej; $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{InRejBytes} += $InRejBytes; $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{InErr} += $InErr; if ($DiabloFormat) { if ($InAdded || $InBytes) { $Feeds{$InHost}->{$Hour}->{InSecs} += $InSecs; } } else { $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{InConnAtt} += $InConnAtt; $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{InConnSuc} += $InConnSuc; $Feeds{$InHost}->{$Hour}->{InSecs} = 1; } # print "IN: $Hour $Host $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{InSecs} $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{InAdded} $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{InBytes}\n"; } } # $Date # $Host # # DIABLO CYCLONE # ------ ------- # $OutSecs -1 # $OutAccepted $OutAccepted # $OutBytes $OutBytes # $OutDup ??? $OutRefused ??? # $OutRej $OutRejected # -1 $OutAttempted # -1 $OutOffered # -1 $OutDropped # -1 $OutExpired # -1 $OutBacklog # -1 $OutConnAtt # -1 $OutConnSuc # $OutRejBytes -1 # sub AddToOutTimeList { my ($Date, $Host, $OutSecs, $OutAccepted, $OutBytes, $OutDup, $OutRej, $OutAttempted, $OutOffered, $OutDropped, $OutExpired, $OutBacklog, $OutConnAtt, $OutConnSuc, $OutRejBytes) = @_; # ... 23:59:59 if ($Date =~ / (..):..:../) { $Hour = $1; $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{OutAccepted} += $OutAccepted; $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{OutBytes} += $OutBytes; $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{OutDup} += $OutDup; $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{OutRej} += $OutRej; $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{OutSecs} += $OutSecs; $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{OutRejBytes} += $OutRejBytes; if (! $DiabloFormat) { $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{OutAttempted} += $OutAttempted; $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{OutOffered} += $OutOffered; $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{OutDropped} += $OutDropped; $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{OutExpired} += $OutExpired; $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{OutBacklog} += $OutBacklog; $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{OutConnAtt} += $OutConnAtt; $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{OutConnSuc} += $OutConnSuc; } } } sub AddToErrorList { my ($Error, $FullDate, $LineDate) = @_; $ErrorList{$Error}->{Tot} += 1; if ($ErrorList{$Error}->{BegDate} eq "") { $ErrorList{$Error}->{BegDate} = $FullDate; } else { $ErrorList{$Error}->{EndDate} = $FullDate; } print "$LineDate $Error\n" if $Debug; } sub AddToSpamList { my ($Spam, $FullDate, $LineDate) = @_; my ($Num, $Host, $MsgId, $ByDups, $ByRate, $ByFeed); $ByDups = $ByRate = $ByFeed = 0; # ... by-post-rate copy #33: <5rplh4$12p@ron.ipa.com> # ... by-dup-body copy #1: <5rpvin$8ro$1@telemedia.de> essn.mediaways.net # ... dnewsfeeds copy #-1: <5r4dpg$le8$1@news.utu.fi> apus.astro.utu.fi if ($Spam =~ /by-post-rate copy #([\-0-9]*):\s+([A-z0-9\.\-_\<>\$@]*)\s+([A-z0-9\.\-_]*)/) { $Num = $1; $MsgId = $2; $Host = $3; $ByRate = 1; } elsif ($Spam =~ /by-dup-body copy #([\-0-9]*):\s+([A-z0-9\.\-_\<>\$@]*)\s+([A-z0-9\.\-_]*)/) { $Num = $1; $MsgId = $2; $Host = $3; $ByDups = 1; } elsif ($Spam =~ /dnewsfeeds copy #([\-0-9]*):\s+([A-z0-9\.\-_\<>\$@]*)\s+([A-z0-9\.\-_]*)/) { $Num = $1; $MsgId = $2; $Host = $3; $ByFeed = 1; } if ($ByRate || $ByDups || $ByFeed) { $SpamList{$Host}->{Total} += 1; $SpamList{$Host}->{ByRate} += $ByRate; $SpamList{$Host}->{ByDups} += $ByDups; $SpamList{$Host}->{ByFeed} += $ByFeed; print "SPAM: Type=$ByDups ($SpamList{$Host}->{ByDups})| $ByRate ($SpamList{$Host}->{ByRate})| $ByFeed ($SpamList{$Host}->{ByFeed}) MsgID=$MsgId Site=$Host\n" if $Debug; } } sub GetVolume { # This is disgusting, but fcmp does lexical compares of floats expressed in # scientific notation, which is completely useless... If I knew more Perl I # could probably compute Int from instead of having duplicate defines. #print "GetVolume(@_)\n"; $_[0] += 0; # In case $_[0] is empty my ($Bytes) = new Math::BigFloat @_; my ($BytesInt) = new Math::BigInt @_; my ($Vol) = new Math::BigFloat "0.0"; my ($Tb) = new Math::BigFloat "1099511627776.0"; my ($TbInt) = new Math::BigInt "1099511627776"; my ($Gb) = new Math::BigFloat "1073741824.0"; my ($GbInt) = new Math::BigInt "1073741824"; my ($Mb) = new Math::BigFloat "1048576.0"; my ($MbInt) = new Math::BigInt "1048576"; my ($Kb) = new Math::BigFloat "1024.0"; my ($KbInt) = new Math::BigInt "1024"; #print "Bytes=[$Bytes] BytesInt=[$BytesInt]"; if ($BytesInt > $TbInt) { $Sign = "TB"; $Vol = $Bytes / $Tb; } elsif ($BytesInt > $GbInt) { CalcGB: $Sign = "GB"; $Vol = $Bytes / $Gb; } elsif ($BytesInt > $MbInt) { CalcMb: $Sign = "MB"; $Vol = $Bytes / $Mb; } else { CalcKb: $Sign = "KB"; $Vol = $Bytes / $Kb; } #printf "Num=$Bytes Format(%g)=%3.2f%s\n", $Vol, $Vol, $Sign; $Vol = sprintf "%3.2f%s", $Vol, $Sign; return $Vol; } sub GetKbps { $_[0] += 0; # In case @_[0] bytes is empty my ($KBytes) = new Math::BigFloat ($_[0] / 1024); my ($Secs) = new Math::BigFloat $_[1]; my ($Zero) = new Math::BigFloat 0.0; my ($One) = new Math::BigFloat 1.0; my ($Eight) = new Math::BigFloat 8.0; my ($Kbps) = new Math::BigFloat 0.0; if ($Secs > $Zero) { $Kbps = new Math::BigFloat (($KBytes * $Eight) / $Secs); } else { $Kbps = new Math::BigFloat ($KBytes * $Eight); } #print "KBytes=[$KBytes] Secs=[$Secs] Kbps=[$Kbps]\n"; return $Kbps; } sub GetAvgArtSize { $_[0] += 0; # In case @_[0] bytes is empty my ($KBytes) = new Math::BigFloat ($_[0] / 1024); my ($NumArts) = $_[1]; my ($Size); if ($NumArts) { $Size = sprintf "%3.2f", $KBytes / $NumArts; } else { $Size = sprintf "%3.2f", 0; } # print "NEW: KBytes=[$KBytes] NumArts=[$NumArts] KbSize=[$Size]\n"; return $Size; } sub GetQueueHost { my ($QHost) = @_; my ($QLine, $First, $Second, $Rest); $QHost =~ s/[ \t]+//; if ($QueueHost) { if ( open (QFILE, $CtlFile) ) { do { $QLine = ; chop ($QLine); ($First, $Second, $Rest) = split(/[ \t]+/, $QLine, 3); } until ($First eq $QHost || eof); close (QFILE); } else { # # Perhaps dnewsfeeds is being used instead of dnntpspool.ctl. # Try running doutq to substitute for it. # if (open (FD, "$QueueCmd -h $QHost |")) { while () { ($First, $Second) = /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)/; } close (FD) ; } } if ($Second eq '') { $Rest = $QHost; } $Rest = $Second.' ('.$QHost.')'; return $Rest; } else { return $QHost; } } sub MakeVolKey { my ($Bytes, $Num) = @_; printf STDERR "BEFORE: Bytes=$Bytes, Num=$Num\t" if $Debug; until (length($Bytes) > 11) { $Bytes = "0" . $Bytes; } until (length($Num) > 2) { $Num = "0" . $Num; } printf STDERR " AFTER: Bytes=$Bytes, Num=$Num\n" if $Debug; return "$Bytes.$Num"; } sub GetHostLink { my ($Host) = @_; my ($Link, $HostLink, $Pos1000); $HostLink = $Host; if ($HostLink) { $Link = $HostLinkList{$Host}; if ($Link) { $HostLink = sprintf ("%s", $Link, $Host); } print "HOST: Host=[$Host] Link=[$Link] HostLink=[$HostLink]\n" if $Debug; } return $HostLink; } sub ReadCfgFile { if (open (FILE, $CfgFile)) { while () { if (/^link:\s+([A-z0-9_\.\/\-\~:]*)\s+([A-z0-9_\.\/\-\~:]*)\n/) { $Host = $1; $Link = $2; $HostLinkList{$Host} = $Link; print "LINK: [$Host]==[$HostLinkList{$Host}]\n" if $Debug; } if (/^top1000:\s+([A-z0-9_\.\/\-\~:]*)\s+([A-z0-9_\.\/\-\~:]*)\n/) { $Host = lc $1; $TopHost = $2; $Top1000Host{$Host} = $TopHost; print "TOP1000: [$Host]==[$Top1000Host{$Host}]\n" if $Debug; } } close FILE; } } sub CalcHourlyStats { my ($Num, $Hour); print "Calculating hourly statistics ...\n"; for ($Num = 0; $Num < 24; $Num++) { $Hour = sprintf ("%02d", $Num); foreach $Host (keys %Feeds) { # Incoming feeds $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InAdded} += $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{InAdded}; $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InBytes} += $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{InBytes}; $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InChk} += $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{InChk}; $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InIhave} += $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{InIhave}; $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InSpam} += $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{InSpam}; $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InRej} += $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{InRej}; $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InRejBytes} += $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{InRejBytes}; $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InErr} += $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{InErr}; # reset if multiple connections have more than 1 hour walltime if ($Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{InSecs} > 3600) { # print "IN SECS: [$Hour] [$Host] Secs=[$Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{InSecs}]\n"; $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{InSecs} = 3600; } $Feeds{$Host}->{InSecs} += $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{InSecs}; # Outgoing feeds $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{OutAccepted} += $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{OutAccepted}; $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{OutBytes} += $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{OutBytes}; $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{OutDup} += $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{OutDup}; $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{OutRej} += $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{OutRej}; $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{OutRejBytes} += $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{OutRejBytes}; # reset if multiple connections have more than 1 hour walltime if ($Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{OutSecs} > 3600) { # print "OUT SECS: [$Hour] [$Host] Secs=[$Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{OutSecs}]\n"; $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{OutSecs} = 3600; } $Feeds{$Host}->{OutSecs} += $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{OutSecs}; # print "HOST: [$Hour] [$Host] [$HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InAdded}] [$Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{InAdded}]\n"; } # Incoming feeds $HourlyStats{Total}->{InAdded} += $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InAdded}; $HourlyStats{Total}->{InBytes} += $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InBytes}; $HourlyStats{Total}->{InChk} += $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InChk}; $HourlyStats{Total}->{InIhave} += $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InIhave}; $HourlyStats{Total}->{InSpam} += $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InSpam}; $HourlyStats{Total}->{InRej} += $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InRej}; $HourlyStats{Total}->{InRejBytes} += $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InRejBytes}; $HourlyStats{Total}->{InErr} += $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InErr}; # Outgoing feeds $HourlyStats{Total}->{OutAccepted} += $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{OutAccepted}; $HourlyStats{Total}->{OutBytes} += $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{OutBytes}; $HourlyStats{Total}->{OutDup} += $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{OutDup}; $HourlyStats{Total}->{OutRej} += $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{OutRej}; $HourlyStats{Total}->{OutRejBytes} += $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{OutRejBytes}; # printf "HOUR: [$Hour] Acc=%d Vol=%ld Chk=%d Ihave=%d Spam=%d Rejs=%d Errs=%d\n", # $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InAdded}, $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InBytes}, # $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InChk}, $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InIhave}, # $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InSpam}, $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InRej}, # $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InErr}; } # printf "TOTAL: Acc=%d Vol=%ld Chk=%d Ihave=%d Spam=%d Rejs=%d Errs=%d\n", # $HourlyStats{Total}->{InAdded}, $HourlyStats{Total}->{InBytes}, # $HourlyStats{Total}->{InChk}, $HourlyStats{Total}->{InIhave}, # $HourlyStats{Total}->{InSpam}, $HourlyStats{Total}->{InRej}, # $HourlyStats{Total}->{InErr}; } sub MakeIncomingByTimePNG { my ($File, $Title, $WidthPNG, $HeightPNG) = @_; my ($Num, $Hour, $Graph); my (@LegendLabels) = ('Accepted', 'Spam', 'Rejected', 'Errors'); my (@Data1) = ( undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef); my (@Data2) = ( undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef); my (@Data3) = ( undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef); my (@Data4) = ( undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef); my ($CurrHourForPNG) = &GetCurrHourForPNG ($CurrHour, $CurrMin); $Graph = Chart::Lines->new ($WidthPNG, $HeightPNG); $Graph->set ('x_label' => $Title); $Graph->set ('transparent' => 'true'); $Graph->set ('grid_lines' => 'true'); $Graph->set ('legend_placement' => 'bottom'); $Graph->add_dataset (@XLabelHours); for ($Num = 0; $Num < $CurrHourForPNG; $Num++) { $Hour = sprintf ("%02d", $Num); if ($HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InAdded}) { $Data1[$Num] = $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InAdded}; } else { $Data1[$Num] = 0; } if ($HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InSpam}) { $Data2[$Num] = $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InSpam}; } else { $Data2[$Num] = 0; } if ($HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InRej}) { $Data3[$Num] = $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InRej}; } else { $Data3[$Num] = 0; } if ($HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InErr}) { $Data4[$Num] = $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InErr}; } else { $Data4[$Num] = 0; } } $Graph->add_dataset (@Data1); $Graph->add_dataset (@Data2); $Graph->add_dataset (@Data3); $Graph->add_dataset (@Data4); $Graph->set ('legend_labels' => \@LegendLabels); # print "TIME PNG=$File\n" if $Verbose; $Graph->png ($File); &CreateMetaFile ($File, $MetaExpires); } sub MakeIncomingByArticlePNG { my ($File, $Title, $WidthPNG, $HeightPNG) = @_; my (@Data, $Num, $Hour, $Graph, $Key, $Host, $NumLinesPNG) = 0; my (@LegendLabels); my ($CurrHourForPNG) = &GetCurrHourForPNG ($CurrHour, $CurrMin); my (@Total) = ( undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef); $Graph = Chart::Lines->new ($WidthPNG, $HeightPNG); $Graph->set ('x_label' => $Title); $Graph->set ('transparent' => 'true'); $Graph->set ('grid_lines' => 'true'); $Graph->set ('legend_placement' => 'bottom'); $Graph->add_dataset (@XLabelHours); foreach $Key (reverse sort keys %OrderByInAdded) { $Host = $OrderByInAdded{$Key}; if ($NumLinesPNG < $MaxLinesPNG) { $LegendLabels[$NumLinesPNG] = $Host; @Data = ( undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef); for ($Num = 0; $Num < $CurrHourForPNG; $Num++) { $Hour = sprintf ("%02d", $Num); if ($Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{InAdded}) { $Data[$Num] = $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{InAdded}; } else { $Data[$Num] = 0; } # $Total[$Num] += $Data[$Num]; # printf STDERR "TEST [$Host] [$Hour] [$Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{InAdded}]\n"; } # printf STDERR "HOST: [%s] [%s]\n", $Host, join (" ", @Data); if ($Feeds{$Host}->{InAdded}) { $Graph->add_dataset (@Data); $NumLinesPNG++; } } else { goto IncomingByArticleDone; } # $Total[$Num] += $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{InAdded}; } IncomingByArticleDone: for ($Num = 0; $Num < $CurrHourForPNG; $Num++) { $Hour = sprintf ("%02d", $Num); $Total[$Num] = $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{InAdded}; } $LegendLabels[$NumLinesPNG] = "TOTAL (all feeds)"; $Graph->set ('legend_labels' => \@LegendLabels); $Graph->add_dataset (@Total); # print "ARTS PNG=$File\n" if $Verbose; $Graph->png ($File); &CreateMetaFile ($File, $MetaExpires); } sub MakeIncomingByVolumePNG { my ($File, $Title, $WidthPNG, $HeightPNG) = @_; my (@Data, $Num, $Hour, $Graph, $Key, $Host, $NumLinesPNG) = 0; my (@LegendLabels); my (@Total) = ( undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef); my ($CurrHourForPNG) = &GetCurrHourForPNG ($CurrHour, $CurrMin); $Graph = Chart::Lines->new ($WidthPNG, $HeightPNG); $Graph->set ('x_label' => $Title); $Graph->set ('transparent' => 'true'); $Graph->set ('grid_lines' => 'true'); $Graph->set ('legend_placement' => 'bottom'); $Graph->add_dataset (@XLabelHours); foreach $Key (reverse sort keys %OrderByInBytes) { $Host = $OrderByInBytes{$Key}; if ($NumLinesPNG < $MaxLinesPNG) { $LegendLabels[$NumLinesPNG] = $Host; @Data = ( undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef); for ($Num = 0; $Num < $CurrHourForPNG; $Num++) { $Hour = sprintf ("%02d", $Num); if ($Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{InBytes}) { $Data[$Num] = $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{InBytes} / 1024; # KB } else { $Data[$Num] = 0; } $Total[$Num] += $Data[$Num]; # printf STDERR "TEST [$Host] [$Hour] [$Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{InBytes}]\n"; } # printf STDERR "HOST: [%s] [%s]\n", $Host, join (" ", @Data); if ($Feeds{$Host}->{InAdded}) { $Graph->add_dataset (@Data); $NumLinesPNG++; } } else { goto IncomingByVolumeDone; } } IncomingByVolumeDone: $LegendLabels[$NumLinesPNG] = "TOTAL (all feeds)"; $Graph->set ('legend_labels' => \@LegendLabels); $Graph->add_dataset (@Total); # print "VOL PNG=$File\n" if $Verbose; $Graph->png ($File); &CreateMetaFile ($File, $MetaExpires); } sub MakeIncomingByRejectVolumePNG { my ($File, $Title, $WidthPNG, $HeightPNG) = @_; my (@Data, $Num, $Hour, $Graph, $Key, $Host, $NumLinesPNG) = 0; my (@LegendLabels); my (@Total) = ( undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef); my ($CurrHourForPNG) = &GetCurrHourForPNG ($CurrHour, $CurrMin); $Graph = Chart::Lines->new ($WidthPNG, $HeightPNG); $Graph->set ('x_label' => $Title); $Graph->set ('transparent' => 'true'); $Graph->set ('grid_lines' => 'true'); $Graph->set ('legend_placement' => 'bottom'); $Graph->add_dataset (@XLabelHours); foreach $Key (reverse sort keys %OrderByInRejBytes) { $Host = $OrderByInRejBytes{$Key}; if ($NumLinesPNG < $MaxLinesPNG) { $LegendLabels[$NumLinesPNG] = $Host; @Data = ( undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef); for ($Num = 0; $Num < $CurrHourForPNG; $Num++) { $Hour = sprintf ("%02d", $Num); if ($Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{InRejBytes}) { $Data[$Num] = $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{InRejBytes} / 1024; # KB } else { $Data[$Num] = 0; } $Total[$Num] += $Data[$Num]; # printf STDERR "TEST [$Host] [$Hour] [$Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{InRejBytes}]\n"; } # printf STDERR "HOST: [%s] [%s]\n", $Host, join (" ", @Data); if ($Feeds{$Host}->{InAdded}) { $Graph->add_dataset (@Data); $NumLinesPNG++; } } else { goto IncomingByRejectVolumeDone; } } IncomingByRejectVolumeDone: $LegendLabels[$NumLinesPNG] = "TOTAL (all feeds)"; $Graph->set ('legend_labels' => \@LegendLabels); $Graph->add_dataset (@Total); # print "Reject Volume PNG=$File\n" if $Verbose; $Graph->png ($File); &CreateMetaFile ($File, $MetaExpires); } sub MakeOutgoingByTimePNG { my ($File, $Title, $WidthPNG, $HeightPNG) = @_; my ($Num, $Hour, $Graph); my (@LegendLabels) = ('Accepted', 'Duplicates', 'Rejected'); my (@Data1) = ( undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef); my (@Data2) = ( undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef); my (@Data3) = ( undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef); my ($CurrHourForPNG) = &GetCurrHourForPNG ($CurrHour, $CurrMin); $Graph = Chart::Lines->new ($WidthPNG, $HeightPNG); $Graph->set ('x_label' => $Title); $Graph->set ('transparent' => 'true'); $Graph->set ('grid_lines' => 'true'); $Graph->set ('legend_placement' => 'bottom'); $Graph->add_dataset (@XLabelHours); for ($Num = 0; $Num < $CurrHourForPNG; $Num++) { $Hour = sprintf ("%02d", $Num); if ($HourlyStats{$Hour}->{OutAccepted}) { $Data1[$Num] = $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{OutAccepted}; } else { $Data1[$Num] = 0; } if ($HourlyStats{$Hour}->{OutDup}) { $Data2[$Num] = $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{OutDup}; } else { $Data2[$Num] = 0; } if ($HourlyStats{$Hour}->{OutRej}) { $Data3[$Num] = $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{OutRej}; } else { $Data3[$Num] = 0; } } $Graph->add_dataset (@Data1); $Graph->add_dataset (@Data2); $Graph->add_dataset (@Data3); $Graph->set ('legend_labels' => \@LegendLabels); # print "TIME PNG=$File\n" if $Verbose; $Graph->png ($File); &CreateMetaFile ($File, $MetaExpires); } sub MakeOutgoingByArticlePNG { my ($File, $Title, $WidthPNG, $HeightPNG) = @_; my (@Data, $Num, $Hour, $Graph, $Key, $Host, $NumLinesPNG) = 0; my (@LegendLabels); my ($CurrHourForPNG) = &GetCurrHourForPNG ($CurrHour, $CurrMin); my (@Total) = ( undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef); $Graph = Chart::Lines->new ($WidthPNG, $HeightPNG); $Graph->set ('x_label' => $Title); $Graph->set ('transparent' => 'true'); $Graph->set ('grid_lines' => 'true'); $Graph->set ('legend_placement' => 'bottom'); $Graph->add_dataset (@XLabelHours); foreach $Key (reverse sort keys %OrderByOutAccepted) { $Host = $OrderByOutAccepted{$Key}; if ($NumLinesPNG < $MaxLinesPNG) { $LegendLabels[$NumLinesPNG] = $Host; @Data = ( undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef); for ($Num = 0; $Num < $CurrHourForPNG; $Num++) { $Hour = sprintf ("%02d", $Num); if ($Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{OutAccepted}) { $Data[$Num] = $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{OutAccepted}; } else { $Data[$Num] = 0; } # $Total[$Num] += $Data[$Num]; # printf STDERR "TEST [$Host] [$Hour] [$Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{OutAccepted}]\n"; } # printf STDERR "HOST: [%s] [%s]\n", $Host, join (" ", @Data); if ($Feeds{$Host}->{OutAccepted}) { $Graph->add_dataset (@Data); $NumLinesPNG++; } } else { goto OutgoingByArticleDone; } # $Total[$Num] += $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{OutAccepted}; } OutgoingByArticleDone: for ($Num = 0; $Num < $CurrHourForPNG; $Num++) { $Hour = sprintf ("%02d", $Num); $Total[$Num] = $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{OutAccepted}; } $LegendLabels[$NumLinesPNG] = "TOTAL (all feeds)"; $Graph->set ('legend_labels' => \@LegendLabels); $Graph->add_dataset (@Total); # print "ARTS PNG=$File\n" if $Verbose; $Graph->png ($File); &CreateMetaFile ($File, $MetaExpires); } sub MakeOutgoingByVolumePNG { my ($File, $Title, $WidthPNG, $HeightPNG) = @_; my (@Data, $Num, $Hour, $Graph, $Key, $Host, $NumLinesPNG) = 0; my (@LegendLabels); my (@Total) = ( undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef); my ($CurrHourForPNG) = &GetCurrHourForPNG ($CurrHour, $CurrMin); $Graph = Chart::Lines->new ($WidthPNG, $HeightPNG); $Graph->set ('x_label' => $Title); $Graph->set ('transparent' => 'true'); $Graph->set ('grid_lines' => 'true'); $Graph->set ('legend_placement' => 'bottom'); $Graph->add_dataset (@XLabelHours); foreach $Key (reverse sort keys %OrderByOutBytes) { $Host = $OrderByOutBytes{$Key}; if ($NumLinesPNG < $MaxLinesPNG) { $LegendLabels[$NumLinesPNG] = $Host; @Data = ( undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef); for ($Num = 0; $Num < $CurrHourForPNG; $Num++) { $Hour = sprintf ("%02d", $Num); if ($Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{OutBytes}) { $Data[$Num] = $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{OutBytes} / 1024; # KB } else { $Data[$Num] = 0; } # $Total[$Num] += $Data[$Num]; # printf STDERR "TEST [$Host] [$Hour] [$Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{OutBytes}]\n"; } # printf STDERR "HOST: [%s] [%s]\n", $Host, join (" ", @Data); if ($Feeds{$Host}->{OutAccepted}) { $Graph->add_dataset (@Data); $NumLinesPNG++; } } else { goto OutgoingByVolumeDone; } } OutgoingByVolumeDone: for ($Num = 0; $Num < $CurrHourForPNG; $Num++) { $Hour = sprintf ("%02d", $Num); $Total[$Num] = $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{OutBytes} / 1024; } $LegendLabels[$NumLinesPNG] = "TOTAL (all feeds)"; $Graph->set ('legend_labels' => \@LegendLabels); $Graph->add_dataset (@Total); # print "VOL PNG=$File\n" if $Verbose; $Graph->png ($File); &CreateMetaFile ($File, $MetaExpires); } sub MakeOutgoingByRejectVolumePNG { my ($File, $Title, $WidthPNG, $HeightPNG) = @_; my (@Data, $Num, $Hour, $Graph, $Key, $Host, $NumLinesPNG) = 0; my (@LegendLabels); my (@Total) = ( undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef); my ($CurrHourForPNG) = &GetCurrHourForPNG ($CurrHour, $CurrMin); $Graph = Chart::Lines->new ($WidthPNG, $HeightPNG); $Graph->set ('x_label' => $Title); $Graph->set ('transparent' => 'true'); $Graph->set ('grid_lines' => 'true'); $Graph->set ('legend_placement' => 'bottom'); $Graph->add_dataset (@XLabelHours); foreach $Key (reverse sort keys %OrderByOutRejBytes) { $Host = $OrderByOutRejBytes{$Key}; if ($NumLinesPNG < $MaxLinesPNG) { $LegendLabels[$NumLinesPNG] = $Host; @Data = ( undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef, undef); for ($Num = 0; $Num < $CurrHourForPNG; $Num++) { $Hour = sprintf ("%02d", $Num); if ($Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{OutBytes}) { $Data[$Num] = $Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{OutRejBytes} / 1024; # KB } else { $Data[$Num] = 0; } # $Total[$Num] += $Data[$Num]; # printf STDERR "TEST [$Host] [$Hour] [$Feeds{$Host}->{$Hour}->{OutBytes}]\n"; } # printf STDERR "HOST: [%s] [%s]\n", $Host, join (" ", @Data); if ($Feeds{$Host}->{OutAccepted}) { $Graph->add_dataset (@Data); $NumLinesPNG++; } } else { goto OutgoingByRejVolumeDone; } } OutgoingByRejVolumeDone: for ($Num = 0; $Num < $CurrHourForPNG; $Num++) { $Hour = sprintf ("%02d", $Num); $Total[$Num] = $HourlyStats{$Hour}->{OutRejBytes} / 1024; } $LegendLabels[$NumLinesPNG] = "TOTAL (all feeds)"; $Graph->set ('legend_labels' => \@LegendLabels); $Graph->add_dataset (@Total); # print "VOL PNG=$File\n" if $Verbose; $Graph->png ($File); &CreateMetaFile ($File, $MetaExpires); } sub PrintUrlPNG { my ($FilePNG) = @_; if ($GraphMode) { print FILE <

EOT ; } } sub CreateMetaFile { if ($MetaMode == 0) { my ($File, $Time) = @_; my ($MetaFile) = "$File.meta"; if (open (META, ">$MetaFile")) { print META "Expires: $Time\n"; close META; } } } sub ParseTop1000 { my ($File) = "$Top1000Dir/current"; my ($Index); print "FILE: $File\n" if $Debug; if (open (FILE, $File)) { print "Parsing Freenix Top1000 file $File ...\n" if $Verbose; while () { if (/^\s+(\d+)\s+[0-9\.]*\s+(.*)/o) { print "$1 $2\n" if $Debug; $Index = lc $2; $Top1000List{$Index} = $1; } } close (FILE); } } sub GetTop1000 { my ($Host) = @_; my ($TopHost, $CurrPos1000, $Pos1000, $i) = ""; my @Aliases; $Host = lc $Host; $TopHost = $Top1000Host{$Host} ? $Top1000Host{$Host} : $Host; if ($Top1000List{$TopHost}) { $Pos1000 = "$Top1000List{$TopHost}"; print "POS: Host = $Host TopHost = $TopHost Pos = $Pos1000\n" if $Debug; } # # This host may have multiple path aliases. # Try them all. # @Aliases = split(/:/, $TopAliases{$Host}); foreach $i (@Aliases) { $i = lc $i; if ($CurrPos1000 = $Top1000List{$i}) { print "Trying i = $i ... " if $Debug; if (($Pos1000 eq "") || ($CurrPos1000 < $Pos1000)) { print "CurrPos = $CurrPos1000 < Pos = $Pos1000\n" if $Debug; $Pos1000 = $CurrPos1000; } } } if ($Pos1000 eq "") { print "Error: Pos1000 is empty for host $Host\n"; } else { $Pos1000 = "#$Pos1000"; print "POS: TopHost = $TopHost i = $i Pos = $Pos1000\n" if $Debug; } return $Pos1000; } sub GetCurrHourForPNG { my ($Hour, $Min) = @_; my ($CurrHour) = $Hour; if (defined($GenHour)) { $CurrHour = $GenHour; } else { if ($Min > 28) { # already ~30 minutes into current hour $CurrHour++; $CurrHour = 0 if ($Hour > 23); } } return $CurrHour; } sub GetMetaExpires { my ($Time) = time + $_[0] * 60 + 5; my ($Wday) = ('Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat')[(gmtime($Time))[6]]; my ($Month) = ('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep', 'Oct','Nov','Dec')[(gmtime($Time))[4]]; my ($Mday, $Year, $Hour, $Min, $Sec) = (gmtime($Time))[3,5,2,1,0]; if ($Mday < 10) {$Mday = "0$Mday"}; if ($Hour < 10) {$Hour = "0$Hour"}; if ($Min < 10) {$Min = "0$Min";} if ($Sec < 10) {$Sec = "0$Sec";} return "$Wday, $Mday $Month " . ($Year + 1900) . " $Hour:$Min:$Sec GMT"; } # # Read the dnewsfeeds, diablo.hosts and dnntpspool.ctl files. # sub ReadDiabloConf { my ($state, $label, $alias, $host, $i); my (%dnewsfeeds, %dhosts); # # First read dnewsfeeds, save the aliases. # open (FD, "$CfgDir/dnewsfeeds") || die ("Error: $CfgDir/dnewsfeeds - $!"); $state = 0; while () { if (/^label/) { $state = 0; ($label) = /^label\s+(\S+)/; next if ($label =~ m/^(GLOBAL|DEFAULT)$/); $state = 1; next; } next if ($state == 0); if (/^end/) { $state = 0; next; } if (/^\s*alias/) { ($alias) = /^\s*alias\s+(\S+)/; # # Add '# Stats-Ignore' after an alias entry in # /etc/news/dnewsfeeds if you want it ignored. # $dnewsfeeds{$label} .= "$alias:" unless (/stats-ignore/i); } if (/^\s*hostname/) { ($host) = /^\s*hostname\s+(\S+)/; # # new versions of diablo put hostname here $dhosts{$host} = $label; } if (/^\s*inhost/) { ($host) = /^\s*inhost\s+(\S+)/; # # new versions of diablo put hostname here $dhosts{$host} = $label; } } close FD; # # Read diablo.hosts file. Save it in an array _by hostname_ # if (open (FD, "$CfgDir/diablo.hosts")) { while () { next if (/^(#|$)/); ($host, $label) = /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)/; next if ($host eq '' || $label eq ''); $dhosts{$host} = $label; } close FD; } # # Read dnntpspool file. Save it in an array _by hostname_ # # No file is not an error # if (open (FD, $CtlFile)) { while () { next if (/^(#|$)/); ($label, $host) = /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)/; next if ($host eq '' || $label eq ''); $dhosts{$host} = $label; } close FD; } else { # # Perhaps dnewsfeeds is being used instead of dnntpspool.ctl. # Try running doutq to substitute for it. # if (open (FD, "$QueueCmd -h |")) { while () { ($label, $host) = /^(\S+)\s+(\S+)/; $dhosts{$host} = $label; } close FD ; } } # # Now create the TopAliases array. # foreach $i (keys %dhosts) { $label = $dhosts{$i}; $TopAliases{$i} .= lc $dnewsfeeds{$label}; } } sub GetVolumeColor { my ($Volume) = @_; my ($Color); if ($Volume =~ /GB/) { $Color = "#C01010"; # red } elsif ($Volume =~ /MB/) { $Color = "#1020A0"; # blue } else { $Color = "#255510"; # green } return $Color; } sub GetRowColor { my ($Color) = @_; return ($Color =~ /#C5C5C5/ ? "#DFDFDF" : "#C5C5C5"); }