LOCKER: kotlin_v0.12.200 FILE: /mit/kotlin_v0.12.200/README.athena CONTENTS: IntelliJ IDEA IDE Kotlin compiler DESCRIPTION: IntelliJ IDEA is a GUI SDK. It includes a plugin for developing Kotlin language applications. Kotlin is a statically typed programming language that compiles to JVM byte codes and JavaScript. It incorporates variable type inference, higher-order functions (closures), extension functions, code in interfaces and first-class delegation. HOW TO RUN: COMMAND: add kotlin idea (to launch IDEA GUI) kotlinc-jvm (to run JVM Kotlin compiler) kotlinc-js (to run JS Kotlin compiler) kotlin (runtime script to allow use of executable Kotlin scripts) FROM UBUNTU PANEL: no INTERFACES: Java GUI (IntelliJ IDEA), command-line (Kotlin) VERSIONS: For Linux 32/64: IntelliJ IDEA 14, Kotlin compiler 0.12.200 DEPENDENCIES: Java, in Athena release DATAFILES: Platform-independent LICENSE SERVER: no ------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUPPORT ISSUES -- I/S SUPPORT: CONSULTING: none TRAINING: none DOCUMENTATION: OTHER SUPPORT: CONSULTING: (none) TRAINING: DOCUMENTATION: API documentation: WEB PAGE: BUG REPORTS: Use sendbug ------------------------------------------------------------------------- LEGAL ISSUES -- STATUS: Apache 2 licensing See for details SITES: any RESTRICTIONS: DOCUMENTATION: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ABOUT THIS LOCKER -- MAINTAINER(S): swmaint (group), alexp DIRECTORY STRUCTURE: idea-IC-141.1010.3 - top of IntelliJ IDEA tree kotlinc - top of Kotlin compiler tree (including Kotlin runtime) MODIFY HISTORY: 6/12/15 - Alex Prengel Created this README.athena, initial locker setup MISCELLANEOUS: We have set configuration defaults to install plugins within the IntelliJ IDEA tree, to allow central installation of the Kotlin plugin. This means that users will not be able to install additional plugins. However we are willing to consider adding additional ones by request (please send these to the mailing list). Currently we add Clojure and Scala to the default plugin set. IMPORTANT: we have configured the ~/.IdeaIC14/system working data set directory to be located at /var/tmp/$USER/IDEA/system on the local machine. If you want to save these files for future use you will need to manually save and restore them yourself. The reason for doing this is that performance of the IDEA SDK will be very slow if these files are on a network file system, and also because the contents of this directory can get very large, on the order of hundreds of megabytes or more. The default location for your project files is below ~/IdeaProjects within your home directory. The Kotlin authors warn that having these files in a network file system can also cause slow performance, but the effect of this is likely to be a lot less than the similar effect of the system files being in a network file system. The "kotlin" script allows users to create Kotlin executable scripts, by prefacing a file containing Kotlin code with first line: #!/usr/bin/env kotlin (the kotlin script must be on your path for this to work, which will be the case if you add the kotlin locker before running such a script). There are several examples ("hello", "hellomain") at the top level of the kotlin_v0.12.200 locker. The "kotlin" script puts working files within a ~/.kotlin-script-cache directory within your home directory. Files and at the top level of the kotlin_v0.12.200 locker have instructions for creating Kotlin projects in IntelliJ IDEA, and standalone compiled Kotlin applications respectively.