Anne's Web Stuff > Anne's Personal Page > Origami > Origami Books > Book Details: Little Animals

Little Animals

Giunta, Alfredo
Little Animals
Publisher: l Castello - Collane Tecniche
1989, 119 pages, softcover
Italian. ISBN: none

I Piccoli animali

Print Status:
Out of Print

8 pages of color photos; diagrams black and white with red shading representing the colored side of the paper.

This book has a nice range of models all very lifelike. Many would lend themselves well to wet-folding methods. Most models are from square paper, though a few use rectangles of various proportions.

Il Pesce 1 (Fish 1)
14 steps
Il Pesce 2 (Fish 2)
16 steps
La Sardina (Sardine)
18 steps
Il Pesce Tropicale (Tropic Fish)
12 steps
Il Granchio (Crab)
18 steps, 4x1 rectangle

Il Cavalluccio Marino (Seahorse)
22 steps

Il Gamberetto (Shrimp)
17 steps

La Conchiglia (Seashell)
13 steps

Il Pesce Volante (Flying Fish)
32 steps
La Rana (Frog)
12 steps
L'Onisco (Porcellino di Terra) (Pillbug)
18 steps, 2x1 rectangle
Il Millepiedi (Millipede)
13 steps, 1x4 rectangle

La Chiocciola (Snail)
18 steps

La Chiocciola 2 (Snail 2)
18 steps
Lo Scorpione (Scorpion)
38 steps, 1x6 rectangle
Il Gattino (Kitten)
two-piece; head, 15 steps, body, 13 steps
Lo Scoiattolo (Squirrel)
35 steps
Il Serpentello (Snake)
15 steps
Il Topolino (Mouse)
27 steps
Il Ragno (Spider)
52 steps, 4x1 rectangle
La Farfalla (Butterfly)
21 steps
La Libellula (Dragonfly)
28 steps
Il Pappagallino (Parrot)
23 steps
L'Uccellino (Little Bird)
18 steps
Il Passero in Volo (Sparrow in Flight)
11 steps
La Rondine (Swallow)
15 steps
Il Passerotto (Baby Sparrow)
21 steps, duo paper (same color both sides)
Il Merlo (bird, species unknown)
26 steps
Il Pipistrello 1 (Bat 1)
20 steps
Il Pipistrello 2 (Bat 2)
11 steps

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Last modified: Friday, 21-Nov-2003 17:57:44 EST
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