FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE SEPTEMBER 27, 1997 RUTH DISQUALIFIED FROM DISTRICT 31 TOASTMASTERS TALL TALES COMPETITION FOR TELLING THE TRUTH Ruth Levitsky, the expected winner for the District 31 Toastmasters Tall Tales Competition was disqualified for presenting the *true* story of her cooking expertise in "Dinner with Ruth". The judges realized that Ruth wasn't kidding as live ants crawled out of the sandwiches she offered them. Several took notes on how to get a crisp turkey skin (use VO5) and the secret for Ruth's meatloaf (use kitty litter for extra crunch). Says an anonymous judge from his hospital bed, "I was the only one who thought Ruth was kidding. She has never told the truth before!! Who would have guessed that the three-month old chicken salad with chalk was really made of chicken that was in someone's car three months ago." Ruth Levitsky plans to enter her speech in the International Prison Toastmasters Competition. For a sample of the leftovers, contact Ruth at her work, the Poison Control Center, 1-800-U-R-DEAD. end rip ###