Welcome to the MIT Libertarians Home Page!
We are a grass roots
student organization open to members of the entire
MIT community
seeking to increase awareness and understanding of libertarian principles and
policy as well as supporting candidates of the
Libertarian Party.
Libertarianism is a political philosophy. The basic premise of libertarianism
is that each individual should be free to do as he or she pleases so long as
he or she does not harm others. In practice this means that libertarians
are strongly liberal on social policy yet just as strongly in favor of the
free market. This is sometimes called Clasical Liberalism or
Market Liberalism.
We have a growing locker of interesting and useful files in various
formats. (The afs path is /afs/athena.mit.edu/activity/l/libertarians).
The Massachusetts affiliate of the Libertarian Party has memberhship
information, campaign and activism updates, meeting schedules, news,
press releases, and contact information on line.
Many useful on-line services, ftp sites, political sites, and other
organizations should be of interest to libertarians.