%e 2000 %p 5000 %n 1000 %k 500 %a 4000 %o 2000 BW [ ] EW [ .,;!?] %% {BW}file{EW} printf(" stash");plastc(); {BW}send{EW} printf(" t'row");plastc(); {BW}program{EW} printf(" honky code");plastc(); {BW}atlas{EW} printf(" Isaac");plastc(); {BW}unix{EW} printf(" slow mo-fo");plastc(); {BW}UNIX{EW} printf(" that slow mo-fo");plastc(); {BW}takes{EW} printf(" snatch'd");plastc(); {BW}Mexican{EW} printf(" wet-back");plastc(); {BW}mexican{EW} printf(" wet-back");plastc(); {BW}Italian{EW} printf(" greaser");plastc(); {BW}italian{EW} printf(" greaser");plastc(); {BW}take{EW} printf(" snatch");plastc(); {BW}don't{EW} printf(" duzn't");plastc(); {BW}jive{EW} printf(" JIBE");plastc(); {BW}fool{EW} printf(" honkyfool");plastc(); {BW}modem{EW} printf(" doodad");plastc(); "e the " printf("e da damn "); "a the " printf("a da damn "); "t the " printf("t da damn "); "d the " printf("d da damn "); \40+man\40+ printf(" dude "); woman printf("mama"); girl printf("goat"); something printf("sump'n"); \40+lie{EW} printf(" honky jibe");plastc(); -o- printf(" -on rebound- "); [a-e]"." printf("%s Sheeeiit.",yytext); [f-n]"." printf("%s What it is, Mama!",yytext); [w-z]"." printf("%s Ya' know?",yytext); Sure printf("Sho'"); sure printf("sho'"); \40+get printf(" git"); "will have" printf("gots'ta"); "will " printf("gots'ta "); "got to" printf("gots'ta"); "I am" printf("I's gots'ta be"); "am not" printf("aint"); "is not" printf("aint"); "are not" printf("aint"); " are your" printf(" is yo'"); " are you" printf(" you is"); \40+hat\40+ printf(" fedora "); \40+shoe printf(" kicker"); haven't printf("aint"); "have to" printf("gots'ta"); have printf("gots'"); " has" printf(" gots'ta"); "come over" printf("mosey on down"); \40+come\40+ printf(" mosey on down "); ! printf(". Right On! "); buy printf("steal"); \40+car\40+ printf(" wheels "); drive printf("roll"); \40+eat\40+ printf(" feed da bud "); \40+black printf(" brother "); \40+negro printf(" brother"); white printf("honky"); \40+nigger printf(" gentleman "); nice printf("supa' fine"); "person" printf("sucka'"); \40+thing printf(" wahtahmellun"); home printf("plantation"); name printf("dojigger"); \40+path printf(" alley"); computer printf("clunker"); or printf("o'"); killed printf("wasted"); president printf("super-dude"); "prime minister" printf("super honcho"); injured printf("hosed"); government printf("guv'ment"); knew printf("knowed"); because printf("a'cuz"); Because printf("A'cuz"); your printf("yo'"); Your printf("Yo'"); four printf("foe"); got printf("gots"); aren't printf("ain't"); young printf("yung"); you printf("ya'"); You printf("You's"); first printf("fust"); police printf("honky pigs"); \40+string printf(" chittlin'"); \40+read printf(" eyeball"); write printf("scribble"); th printf("d"); Th printf("D"); ing printf("in'"); \40+a\40+ printf(" some "); \40+to\40+ printf(" t'"); tion printf("shun"); \40+almost\40+ printf(" mos' "); " from" printf(" fum"); \40+because\40+ printf(" cuz' "); you're printf("youse"); You're printf("Youse"); alright printf("coo'"); okay printf("coo'"); "er " printf("a' "); known printf("knode"); want printf("wants'"); beat printf("whup'"); exp printf("'sp"); exs printf("'s"); " exc" printf(" 's"); " ex" printf(" 'es"); like printf("likes"); did printf("dun did"); "kind of" printf("kind'a"); women printf("honky chicks"); " men " printf(" dudes "); " mens " printf(" dudes "); " man " printf(" dude "); woman printf("honky chick"); dead printf("wasted"); good printf("baaaad"); "open " printf("jimmey "); "opened " printf("jimmey'd "); " very" printf(" real"); "per" printf("puh'"); "pera" printf("puh'"); "oar" printf("o'"); " can" printf(" kin"); "just " printf("plum "); detroit printf("Mo-town"); "western electric" printf("da' cave"); " believe" printf(" recon'"); [Ii]"ndianapolis" printf("Nap-town"); " "[Jj]"ack" printf(" Buckwheat"); " "[Bb]"ob " printf(" Liva' Lips "); " "[Pp]"hil " printf(" dat fine soul "); " "[Mm]"ark " printf(" Amos "); [Rr]obert printf("Leroy"); [Ss]"andy" printf("dat fine femahnaine ladee"); [Jj]"ohn " printf("Raz'tus "); " "[Pp]"aul" printf(" Fuh'rina"); [Rr]"eagan" printf("Kingfish"); [Dd]"avid" printf("Issac"); [Rr]"onald" printf("Rolo"); " "[Jj]"im " printf(" Bo-Jangles "); " "[Mm]"ary" printf(" Snow Flake"); [Ll]"arry" printf("Remus"); [Jj]"oe" printf("Massa' "); [Jj]"oseph" printf("Massa' "); mohammed printf("liva' lips"); pontiff printf("wiz'"); pope printf("wiz'"); pravda printf("dat commie rag"); broken printf("bugger'd"); "strange " printf("funky "); "dance " printf("boogy "); " house" printf(" crib"); ask printf("ax'"); " so " printf(" so's "); head printf("'haid"); boss printf("main man"); wife printf("mama"); people printf("sucka's"); money printf("bre'd"); [a-z]":" { *(yytext+1) = ','; printf("%s dig dis:",yytext); } amateur printf("begina'"); radio printf("transista'"); " of " printf(" uh "); what printf("whut"); does printf("duz"); was printf("wuz"); " were" printf(" wuz"); "understand it" printf("dig it"); understand printf("dig it"); " my" printf(" mah'"); " "[Ii]" " printf(" ah' "); "meta" printf("meta-fuckin'"); %% plastc() { putchar(yytext[yyleng-1]); }