Linux Installation and Getting Started ------------------------------------------------------------------------ by Matt Welsh, Version 2.0, 14 January 1994. Copyright (c) 1992--1994 Matt Welsh This book is an installation and new-user guide for the Linux system, meant for UNIX novices and gurus alike. Contained herein is information on how to obtain Linux, installation of the software, a beginning tuto­ rial for new UNIX users, and an introduction to system administration. It is meant to be general enough to be applicable to any distribution of the Linux software. Anyone with interest in installing and running Lin­ ux should read this book first. This book is freely distributable; you may copy and redistribute it under certain conditions. Please see the copyright and distribution statement on page 7. Please note: This is the plain ASCII version of this book. It is made possible by a lot of hacking and manual editing, and is therefore far from perfect. Some examples extend beyond the end of the line, some of the tables don't line up. There aren't any fonts. The chapter and section numbers are off by one (the text conversion tool thinks that the preface is Chapter 1). However, despite these problems, it is still very readable. But the quality pales in comparison to the PostScript and .dvi versions of the book, which may be found on If you have the ability to print or view PostScript or .dvi files (for instance, with a PostScript printer, using Ghostscript/Ghostview, using xdvi, etc.) I strongly suggest that you read one of those versions instead. This plain ASCII is a kludge for those with absolutely no way to view the book otherwise. Thanks to Olaf Kirch for his work on the tools used to produce this version. You may order a nicely printed and bound copy of this book from SSC, Inc. It is US$15 plus shipping ($3 in the U.S.). They can accept credit card orders (Visa, MasterCard or AmEx). Orders can be phoned in at +1 206 FOR-UNIX or +1 206 527 3385, FAXed to +1 206 527 2806, or mailed SSC, P.O. Box 55549, Seattle, WA 98155, Inc. They may be contacted via Internet e-mail at - 2 - 1. Preface ``You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike.'' Before you looms one of the most complex and utterly intimidating systems ever written. Linux, the free operating system for the 80386 and 80486. Linux, the great accomplishment of the free software world. Linux---the name is enough to strike terror into the hearts of men (and, of course, women, and perhaps small animals as well). Not only is it difficult to pronounce, it's almost impossible to comprehend. Linux was produced by a mishmash team of UNIX gurus, hackers, and the occasional loon. The system itself reflects this complex heritage. The jungle is deep and dangerous. You are entering the realm of black magic and deep wizardry, of voodoo programming and subtle obfuscation. Monsters lurk behind every tree, ready to pounce. Making your way though it alone---well, you can forget about that. You hold in your very hands the map and guidebook to the many- faceted world of Linux. Armed with this guide, neither the novice nor the guru need fear this system ever again. In fact, setting up your own Linux system can be a great deal of fun. Sit back. Relax. Read on. This is the second edition of this book. The first edition was spe­ cific to the then-popular SLS distribution of Linux. Since that time, Linux has diversified in many ways, and many separate distributions are becoming available. This version is a complete installation and new-user guide, intended to be general for any distribution. The first three chapters have been bagged and replaced with two new chapters, much more comprehensive than the original. The appendices have been revised, and various sections have been tweaked to remain up-to-date with the many changes taking place within the Linux community. Audience This book is for any personal computer user who wants to install and use Linux on their system. We assume that you have basic knowledge about personal computers and operating systems such as MS-DOS. No previous knowledge about Linux or UNIX is assumed. Despite this, we strongly suggest that UNIX novices invest in one of the many good UNIX books out there. (Several of them are listed in Appendix A). This book contains information useful to new Linux users, but for more advanced information, you'll have to look elsewhere! - 2 - Organization In addition to the preface (by a quirk of design, which ended up as `Chapter 1' in this plain ASCII version), this book contains the following chapters. Chapter 2, Introduction to Linux, gives a general introduction to what Linux is, what it can do for you, and what is required to run it on your system. It also provides helpful hints for getting help and reduc­ ing overall stress. Chapter 3, Obtaining and Installing Linux, explains how to obtain the Linux software, as well as how to install it---from repartitioning your drive, creating filesystems, and loading the software on the sys­ tem. It contains instructions meant to be general for any distribution of Linux, and relies on the documentation provided for your particular release to fill in any gaps. Chapter 4, Linux Tutorial, is a complete introduction to using the Linux system for UNIX novices. If you have previous UNIX experience, most of this material should be familiar. Chapter 5, System Administration, introduces many of the important concepts of system administration under Linux. This will also be of interest to UNIX system administrators who want to know about the Linux- specific issues of running a system. Chapter 6, Advanced Features, introduces the reader to a number of advanced features supported by Linux, such as the X Window System and TCP/IP networking. Appendix A, Sources of Linux Information, is a listing of other sources of information about Linux, including newsgroups, mailing lists, online documents, and books. Appendix B, Linux Distribution and Mail Order List, provides a short list of available Linux distributions and where to get them. Appendix C, FTP Tutorial and Site List, is a tutorial for down­ loading files from the Internet with FTP. This appendix also includes a listing of FTP archive sites which carry Linux software. Appendix D, Linux BBS List, is a listing of bulletin board sys­ tems worldwide which carry Linux software. Because most Linux users are do not have access to the Internet, it is important that information on BBS systems becomes available. - 3 - Appendix D, The GNU General Public License, contains a copy of the GNU GPL, the license agreement under which Linux is distributed. It is very important that Linux users understand the GPL; many disagree­ ments over the terms of the GPL have been raised in recent months. Acknowledgments This book has been long in the making, and many people are responsible for the outcome. In particular, I would like to thank Larry Greenfield and Karl Fogel for their work on the first version of Chapter 4, and to Lars Wirzenius for his work on Chapter 5. Thanks to Michael K. Johnson for his assistance with the LDP and the LaTeX conventions used in this manual, and to Ed Chi, who was nice enough to send me a printed copy of the book for edition. I would also like to thank Andy Oram, Lar Kauf­ man, and Bill Hahn at O'Reilly and Associates for their assistance and interest in the Linux Documentation Project. And, of course, a special thanks to the many activists, especially Linus Torvalds and Peter Mac­ Donald, without whom this would not have been possible. Last but not least, thanks to the myriad of readers who have sent their helpful comments and corrections. Who needs a spell checker, when you have an audience? Matt Welsh 13 January 1994 Credits and Legalese The Linux Documentation Project is a loose team of writers, proofread­ ers, and editors who are working on a set of definitive Linux manuals. The overall coordinator of the project is Matt Welsh, aided by Lars Wirzenius and Michael K. Johnson. This manual is but one in a set of several being distributed by the Linux Documentation Project, including a Linux User's Guide, System Administrator's Guide, and Kernel Hacker's Guide. These manuals are all available in LaTeX source format and Postscript output for anonymous FTP from, in the directory /pub/Linux/docs/LDP. We encourage anyone with a penchant for writing or editing to join us in improving Linux documentation. If you have Internet e-mail access, you can join the DOC channel of the Linux-Activists mailing list by sending mail to - 4 - with the line X-Mn-Admin: join DOC as the first line of the message body. Feel free to get in touch with the author and coordinator of this manual if you have questions, postcards, money, or ideas. Matt Welsh can be reached via Internet e-mail at, and in real life at 205 Gray Street Wilson, N.C. 27893 U.S.A. - 5 - - 6 - UNIX is a trademark of Unix System Laboratories. Linux is not a trademark, and has no connection to UNIX(tm) or Unix Sys­ tem Laboratories. The X Window System is a trademark of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows are trademarks of Microsoft, Inc. Copyright (C) 1992--1994 Matt Welsh 205 Gray Street NE, Wilson NC, 27893 USA Linux Installation and Getting Started may be reproduced and distributed in whole or in part, subject to the following conditions: 01. The copyright notice above and this permission notice must be pre­ served complete on all complete or partial copies. 02. Any translation or derivative work of Linux Installation, Setup, and Getting Started must be approved by the author in writing before distribution. 03. If you distribute Linux Installation and Getting Started in part, instructions for obtaining the complete version of this manual must be included, and a means for obtaining a complete version provided. 04. Small portions may be reproduced as illustrations for reviews or quotes in other works without this permission notice if proper citation is given. 05. The GNU General Public License referenced below may be reproduced under the conditions given within it. 06. Several sections of this document are held under separate copy­ right. When these sections are covered by a different copyright, the separate copyright is noted. If you distribute Linux Instal­ lation and Getting Started in part, and that part is, in whole, covered under a separate, noted copyright, the conditions of that copyright apply. - 7 - Exceptions to these rules may be granted for academic purposes: Write to Matt Welsh, at the above address, or email, and ask. These restrictions are here to protect us as authors, not to restrict you as educators and learners. I encourage distributors of Linux software in any medium to use the book as an installation and new user guide. After all, that's why I wrote it! Given the copyright above, you are free to print and dis­ tribute copies of this book with your distribution. You may wish to include a short ``installation supplement'' for your release, as this book only contains general installation material. Nevertheless, many readers have found it to be useful. All source code in Linux Installation and Getting Started is placed under the GNU General Public License. See Appendix D for a copy of the GNU ``GPL.'' Documentation Conventions These conventions should be obvious, but we'll include them here for the pedantic. (Please note that this ASCII version doesn't include fonts, because not all terminals will be able to handle them.) * Bold Used to mark new concepts, WARNINGS, and keywords in a language. * italics Used for emphasis in text, and occasionally for quotes or introductions at the beginning of a section. Also used to indicate commands for the user to type when showing screen interaction (see below). * Used to mark meta-variables in the text, especially in representations of the command line. For example, ls -l where would ``stand for'' a filename, such as /bin/cp. * Typewriter Used to represent screen interaction, as in - 8 - $ ls -l /bin/cp -rwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 12104 Sep 25 15:53 /bin/cp Also used for code examples, whether it is C code, a shell script, or something else, and to display general files, such as configuration files. When necessary for clarity's sake, these examples or figures will be enclosed in thin boxes. * `Key' Represents a key to press. You will often see it in this form: Press `return' to continue. * <> A diamond in the margin, like a black diamond on a ski hill, marks ``danger'' or ``caution.'' Read paragraphs marked this way carefully. - 9 - 2. Introduction to Linux Linux is quite possibly the most important achievement of free software since the original Space War, or, more recently, Emacs. This book will be your guide to its shifting and many-faceted world. Linux has developed into the operating system for businesses, education, and personal productivity. It is no longer just for UNIX wizards who sit for hours in front of the glowing console (although we assure you that quite a number of users still fall into this category). This book will help you get the most out of it. Linux (pronounced with a short i, as in LIH-nucks) is a clone of the UNIX operating system that runs on Intel 80386 and 80486 computers. It supports a wide range of software, from TeX to X Windows to the GNU C/C++ compiler to TCP/IP. It's a versatile, bona fide implementation of UNIX, freely distributed by the terms of the GNU General Public License (see Appendix D). Linux can turn any 386 or 486 PC into a workstation. It will give you the full power of UNIX at your fingertips. Businesses are installing Linux on entire networks of machines, using the operating system to man­ age financial and hospital records, a distributed user computing envi­ ronment, telecommunications, and more. Universities worldwide are using Linux for teaching courses on operating systems programming and design. And, of course, computing enthusiasts everywhere are using Linux at home, for programming, productivity, and all-around hacking. What makes Linux so different is that it is a free implementation of UNIX. It was and still is developed by a group of volunteers, primar­ ily on the Internet, exchanging code, reporting bugs, and fixing prob­ lems in an open-ended environment. Anyone is welcome to join in the Linux development effort: all it takes is interest in hacking a free UNIX clone and some kind of programming know-how. The book that you hold in your hands is your tour guide. 2.1 About This Book This book is an installation and entry-level guide to the Linux system. The purpose is to get new users up and running with the system by con­ solodating as much important material as possible into one book. Instead of covering many of the volatile technical details, those things which tend to change with rapid development, we give you enough back­ ground to find out more on your own. Linux is not difficult to install and use. However, as with any implementation of UNIX, there is often some black magic involved to get - 10 - everything working correctly. We hope that this book will get you on the Linux tourbus and show you how groovy this operating system can be. In this book, we cover the following topics. * What is Linux? The design and philosophy of this unique oper­ ating system, and what it can do for you. * All of the details of what is needed to run Linux, including suggestions on what kind of hardware configuration is recom­ mended for a complete system. * How to obtain and install Linux. There are many distributions of the Linux software. We present a number of them, and dis­ cuss how to install the Linux software from one of the avail­ able distributions. * A brief introductory UNIX tutorial, for those users who have never had experience with UNIX before. This tutorial should, hopefully, provide enough material for complete novices to have enough basic know-how to find their way around the sys­ tem. * An introduction to systems administration with Linux. This covers the most important tasks that new Linux administrators will need to be familiar with, such as creating users, manag­ ing filesystems, and so forth. * A cursory overview of advanced features of Linux, such as the X Window System, networking with TCP/IP and SLIP, and the setup of electronic mail and news systems. This book is for the personal computer user wishing to get started with Linux. We don't assume previous UNIX experience, but do expect novices to refer to other materials along the way. For those unfamiliar with UNIX, a list of useful sources of information is given in Appendix A. In general, this book is meant to be read along with another book on basic UNIX concepts. 2.2 A Brief History of Linux UNIX is one of the most popular operating systems worldwide because of - 11 - its large support base and distribution. It was originally developed as a multitasking system for minicomputers and mainframes in the mid-1970's, but has since grown to become one of the most widely used operating systems anywhere, despite its sometimes confusing interface and lack of central standardization. The real reason for UNIX's popularity? Many hackers feel that UNIX is the Right Thing---the One True Operating System. Hence, the develop­ ment of Linux by an expanding group of UNIX hackers who want to get their hands dirty with their own system. Versions of UNIX exist for many systems---ranging from personal computers to to supercomputers such as the Cray Y-MP. Most versions of UNIX for personal computers are quite expensive and cumbersome. At the time of this writing, a one-machine version of AT&T's System V for the 386 runs at about US$1500. Linux is a freely distributable version of UNIX developed primarily by Linus Torvalds (1) at the University of Helsinki in Finland. Linux was developed with the help of many UNIX programmers and wizards across the Internet, allowing anyone with enough know-how and gumption the ability to develop and change the system. The Linux kernel uses no code from AT&T or any other proprietary source, and much of the software available for Linux is developed by the GNU project at the Free Software Foundation in Cambridge, Massachusetts. However, programmers all over the world have contributed to the growing pool of Linux software. Linux was originally developed as a hobby project by Linus Tor­ valds. It was inspired by Minix, a small UNIX system developed by Andy Tanenbaum, and the first discussions about Linux were on the USENET newsgroup comp.os.minix. These discussions were concerned mostly with the development of a small, academic UNIX system for Minix users who wanted more. The very early development of Linux was mostly dealing with the task-switching features of the 80386 protected-mode interface, all writ­ ten in assembly code. Linus writes, 1. - 12 - ``After that is was plain sailing: hairy coding still, but I had some devices, and debugging was easier. I started using C at this stage, and it certainly speeds up developement. This is also when I start to get serious about my megalomaniac ideas to make "a better Minix than Minix". I was hoping I'd be able to recompile gcc under Linux some day... ``Two months for basic setup, but then only slightly longer until I had a disk-driver (seriously buggy, but it happened to work on my machine) and a small filesystem. That was about when I made 0.01 available [around late August of 1991]: it wasn't pretty, it had no floppy driver, and it couldn't do much anything. I don't think anybody ever compiled that version. But by then I was hooked, and didn't want to stop until I could chuck out Minix.'' No announcement was ever made for Linux version 0.01. The 0.01 sources weren't even executable: they contained only the bare rudiments of the kernel source, and assumed that you had access to a Minix machine to compile and play with them. On 5 October 1991, Linus announced the first ``official'' version of Linux, version 0.02. At this point, Linus was able to run bash (the GNU Bourne Again Shell) and gcc (the GNU C compiler), but not very much else was working. Again, this was intended as a hacker's system. The primary focus was kernel development---none of the issues of user sup­ port, documenation, distribution, and so on had even been addressed. Today, the Linux community still seems to treat these ergonomic issues as secondary to the ``real programming''---kernel development. Linus wrote in comp.os.minix, ``Do you pine for the nice days of Minix-1.1, when men were men and wrote their own device drivers? Are you without a nice project and just dying to cut your teeth on a OS you can try to modify for your needs? Are you finding it frustrating when everything works on Minix? No more all-nighters to get a nifty program working? Then this post might be just for you. ``As I mentioned a month ago, I'm working on a free ver­ sion of a Minix-lookalike for AT-386 computers. It has finally reached the stage where it's even usable (though may not be depending on what you want), and I am willing to put out the sources for wider distribution. It is just version 0.02...but I've successfully run bash, gcc, gnu-make, gnu-sed, compress, etc. under it.'' - 13 - After version 0.03, Linus bumped the version number up to 0.10, as more people started to work on the system. After several further revi­ sions, Linus increased the version number to 0.95, to reflect his expec­ tation that the system was ready for an ``official'' release very soon. (Generally, software is not assigned the version number 1.0 until it is theoretically complete or bug-free.) This was in March of 1992. Almost a year and a half later, in late December of 1993, the Linux kernel was still at version 0.99.pl14---asymptotically approaching 1.0. Some felt that version 1.0 would never make it. Today, Linux is a complete UNIX, capable of running X Windows, TCP/IP, Emacs, UUCP, mail and news software, you name it. Almost all of the major free software packages have been ported to Linux, and commer­ cial software is becoming available. Much more hardware is supported than in original versions of the kernel. Many people have executed benchmarks on 80486 Linux systems and found them comparable with mid- range workstations from Sun Microsystems and Digital Equipment Corpora­ tion. Who would have ever guessed that this ``little'' UNIX clone would have grown up to take on the entire world of personal computing? 2.3 System Features Linux supports most of the features found in other implementations of UNIX, plus quite a few that aren't found elsewhere. This section is a nickel tour of the Linux kernel features. Linux is a complete multitasking, multiuser operating system (just like all other versions of UNIX). This means that many users can be logged into the same machine at once, running multiple programs simulta­ neously. The Linux system is mostly compatible with a number of UNIX stan­ dards (inasmuch as UNIX has standards) on the source level, including IEEE POSIX.1, System V, and BSD features. It was developed with source portability in mind: therefore, you are most likely to find commonly- used features in the Linux system which are shared across multiple implementations. A great deal of free UNIX software available on the Internet and elsewhere compiles on Linux out of the box. In addition, all source code for the Linux system, including the kernel, device drivers, libraries, user programs, and development tools, is freely dis­ tributable. Other specific internal features of Linux include POSIX job control (used by shells such as csh and bash), pseudoterminals (pty devices), and support for national or customized keyboards using dynamically- loadable keyboard drivers. Linux also supports virtual consoles, which allow you to switch between multiple login sessions from the system con­ sole in text mode. Users of the ``screen'' program will find the Linux virtual console implementation familiar. - 14 - The kernel is able to emulate 387-FPU instructions itself, so that systems without a math coprocessor can run programs that require float­ ing-point math instructions. Linux supports various filesystem types for storing data. Various filesystems, such as the ext2fs filesystem, have been developed specifi­ cally for Linux. Other filesystem types, such as the Minix-1 and Xenix filesystems, are also supported. The MS-DOS filesystem has been imple­ mented as well, allowing you to access MS-DOS files directly by mounting an MS-DOS partition or floppy. The ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem type, which reads all standard formats of CD-ROMs, is also supported. We'll talk more about filesystems in Chapters 3. and 5.. Linux provides a complete implementation of TCP/IP networking. This includes device drivers for many popular Ethernet cards, SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol, allowing you to access a TCP/IP network via a serial connection), PLIP (Parallel Line Internet Protocol), PPP (Point- to-Point Protocol), NFS, and so on. The complete range of TCP/IP clients and services is supported, such as FTP, telnet, NNTP, and SMTP. We'll talk more about networking in Chapter 6.. The Linux kernel is developed to use the special protected-mode features of the Intel 80386 and 80486 processors. In particular, Linux makes use of the protected-mode descriptor-based memory management paradigm and many of the other advanced features of these processors. Anyone familiar with 80386 protected-mode programming knows that this chip was designed for a multitasking system such as UNIX (or, actually, Multics). Linux exploits this functionality. The Linux kernel supports demand-paged loaded executables. That is, only those segments of a program which are actually used are read into memory from disk. Also, copy-on-write pages are shared among executa­ bles, meaning that if several instances of a program are running at once, they will share pages in physical memory, reducing overall memory usage. In order to increase the amount of available memory, Linux also implements disk paging: that is, up to 256 megabytes of ``swap space''(2) can be allocated on disk. When the system requires more phys­ ical memory, it will swap out inactive pages to disk, thus allowing you to run larger applications and support more users at once. However, swap is no substitute for physical RAM---it is much slower due to drive access latency times. 2. Swap space is inappropriately named: entire processes are not swapped, but rather individual pages. Of course, in many cases entire processes will be swapped out, but this is not neccessarily always the case. - 15 - The kernel also implements a unified memory pool for user programs and disk cache. In this way, all free memory is used for caching, and the cache is reduced when running large programs. Executables use dynamically linked shared libraries, meaning that executables share common library code in a single library file found on disk, not unlike the SunOS shared library mechanism. This allows exe­ cutable files to occupy much less space on disk, especially those that use many library functions. There are also statically-linked libraries for those who wish to use object debugging or maintain ``complete'' exe­ cutables without the need for shared libraries to be in place. Linux shared libraries are dynamically linked at run-time, allowing the pro­ grammer to replace modules of the libraries with their own routines. To facilitate debugging, the Linux kernel does core dumps for post- mortem analysis. Using a core dump and an executable linked with debug­ ging support, it is possible to determine what caused a program to crash. 2.4 Software Features In this section, we'll introduce you to many of the software applica­ tions available for Linux, and talk about a number of common computing tasks. After all, the most important part of the system is the wide range of software available for it. The fact that most of this software is freely distributable is even more impressive. 2.4.1 Basic commands and utilities Virtually every utility that you would expect to find on standard imn­ plementations of UNIX has been ported to Linux. This includes basic com­ mands such as ls, awk, tr, sed, bc, more, and so on. You name it, Linux has it. Therefore, you can expect your familiar working environment on other UNIX systems to be duplicated on Linux. All of the standard com­ mands and utilities are there. (Novice Linux users should see Chapter 4. for an introduction to these basic UNIX commands.) Many text editors are available, including vi, ex, pico, jove, as well as GNU Emacs and variants such as Lucid Emacs (which incorporates extensions for use under X Windows) and joe. Whatever text editor you're accustomed to using has more than likely been ported to Linux. The choice of a text editor is an interesting one. Many UNIX users still use ``simple'' editors such as vi (in fact, the author wrote this book using vi under Linux). However, vi has many limitations, due to its age, and more modern (and complex) editors such as Emacs are gaining popularity. Emacs supports a complete LISP-based macro language and interpreter, a powerful command syntax, and other fun-filled extensions. - 16 - Emacs macro packages exist to allow you to read electronic mail and news, edit the contents of directories, and even engage in an artifi­ cially intelligent psychotherapy session (indispensible for stressed-out Linux hackers). One interesting note is that most of the basic Linux utilities are GNU software. These GNU utilities support advanced features not found in the standard versions from BSD or AT&T. For example, GNU's version of the vi editor, elvis, includes a structured macro language which differs from the original AT&T implementation. However, the GNU utilities strive to remain compatible with their BSD and System V counterparts. Many people consider the GNU versions of these programs superior to the originals. The most important utility to many users is the shell. The shell is a program which reads and executes commands from the user. In addi­ tion, many shells provide features such as job control (allowing the user to manage several running processes at once---not as Orwellian as it sounds), input and output redirection, and a command language for writing shell scripts. A shell script is a file containing a program in the shell command language, analogous to a ``batch file'' under MS-DOS. There are many types of shells available for Linux. The most impor­ tant difference between shells is the command language. For example, the C Shell (csh) uses a command language somewhat like the C programming language. The classic Bourne Shell uses a different command language. One's choice of a shell is often based on the command language that it provides. The shell that you use defines, to some extent, your working environment under Linux. No matter what shell you're accustomed to, some version of it has probably been ported to Linux. The most popular shell is the GNU Bourne Again Shell (bash), a Bourne shell variant which includes many advanced features, such as job control, command history, command and filename completion, an Emacs-like interface for editing the command line, and powerful extensions to the standard Bourne shell language. Another popu­ lar shell is tcsh, a version of the C Shell with advanced functionality similar to that found in bash. Other shells include zsh, a small Bourne-like shell; the Korn shell (ksh); BSD's ash; and rc, the Plan 9 shell. What's so important about these of basic utilities? Linux gives you the unique opportunity to tailor a custom system to your needs. For example, if you're the only person who uses your system, and you prefer to exclusively use the vi editor, and bash as your shell, there's no reason to install other editors or shells. The ``do it yourself'' atti­ tude is prevalent among Linux hackers and users. - 17 - 2.4.2 Text processing and word processing Almost every computer user has a need for some kind of document prepara­ tion system. (How many computer enthusiasts do you know who still use pen and paper? Not many, we'll wager.) In the PC world, word processing is the norm: it involves editing and manipulating text (often in a ``What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get'' environment) and producing printed copies of the text, complete with figures, tables, and other garneshes. In the UNIX world, text processing is much more common, which is quite different than the classical concept of word processing. With a text processing system, text is entered by the author using a ``typeset­ ting language'', which describes how the text should be formatted. Instead of entering the text within a special word processing envion­ ment, the source may be modified with any text editor such as vi or Emacs. Once the source text (in the typesetting language) is complete, the user formats the text with a separate program, which converts the source to a format suitable for printing. This is somewhat analogous to programming in a language such as C, and ``compiling'' the document into a printable form. There are many text processing systems available for Linux. One is groff, the GNU version of the classic nroff text formatter originally developed by Bell Labs and still used on many UNIX systems worldwide. Another modern text processing system is TeX, developed by Donald Knuth of computer science fame. Dialects of TeX, such as LaTeX, are also available. Text processors such as TeX and groff differ mostly in the syntax of their formatting languages. The choice of one formatting system over another is also based upon what utilities are available to satisfy your needs, as well as personal taste. For example, some people consider the groff formatting language to be a bit obscure, so they use TeX, which is more readable by humans. However, groff is capable of producing plain ASCII output, viewable on a terminal, while TeX is intended primarily for output to a printing device. However, various programs exist to produce plain ASCII from TeX- formatted documents, or to convert TeX to groff, for example. Another text processing system is texinfo, an extension to TeX used for software documentation by the Free Software Foundation. texinfo is capable of producing a printed document, or an online-browsable hyper­ text ``Info'' document from a single source file. Info files are the main format of documentation used by GNU software such as Emacs. Text processors are used widely in the computing community for pro­ ducing papers, theses, magazine articles, and books (in fact, this book - 18 - was produced using LaTeX). The ability to process the source language as a plain text file opens the door to many extensions to the text proces­ sor itself. Because source documents are not stored in an obscure for­ mat, readable only by a particular word processor, programmers are able to write parsers and translators for the formatting language, extending the system. What does such a formatting language look like? In general, the formatting language source consists mostly of the text itself, along with ``control codes'' to produce a particular effect, such as changing fonts, setting margins, creating lists, and so on. As an example, take the following text: Mr. Torvalds: We are very upset with your current plans to implement post-hypnotic suggestion in the Linux terminal driver code. We feel this way for three reasons: 01. Planting subliminal messages in the terminal driver is not only immoral, it is a waste of time; 02. It has been proven that ``post-hypnotic sugges­ tions'' are ineffective when used upon unsuspecting UNIX hackers; 03. We have already implemented high-voltage electric shocks, as a security measure, in the code for login. We hope you will reconsider. This text would appear in the LaTeX formatting language as the fol­ lowing: - 19 - \\begin\{quote\} Mr. Torvalds: We are very upset with your current plans to implement \{\\em post-hypnotic suggestion\\/\} in the \{\\bf Linux\} terminal driver code. We feel this way for three reasons: \\begin\{enumerate\} \\item Planting subliminal messages in the kernel driver is not only immoral, it is a waste of time\; \\item It has been proven that ``post-hypnotic suggestions'' are ineffective when used upon unsuspecting UNIX hackers\; \\item We have already implemented high-voltage electric shocks, as a security measure, in the code for \{\\tt login\}. \\end\{enumerate\} We hope you will reconsider. \\end\{quote\} The author enters the above ``source'' text using any text editor, and generates the formatted output by processing the source with LaTeX. At first glance, the typesetting language may appear to be obscure, but it's actually quite easy to learn. Using a text processing system enforces typographical standards when writing. For example, all enumer­ ated lists within a document will look the same, unless the author modi­ fies the definition of the enumerated list ``environment''. The primary goal is to allow the author to concentrate on writing the actual text, instead of worrying about typesetting conventions. WYSIWYG word processors are attractive for many reasons; they pro­ vide a powerful (and sometimes complex) visual interface for editing the document. However, this interface is inherently limited to those aspects of text layout which are accessible to the user. For example, many word processors provide a special ``format language'' for producing compli­ cated expressions such as mathematical formulae. This is identical text processing, albeit on a much smaller scale. The subtle benefit of text processing is that the system allows you to specify exactly what you mean. Also, text processing systems allow you to edit the source text with any text editor, and the source is eas­ ily converted to other formats. The tradeoff for this flexibility and power is the lack of a WYSIWYG interface. Many users of word processors are used to seeing the formatted text as they edit it. On the other hand, when writing with a text processor, one generally does not worry about how the text will appear when format­ ted. The writer learns to expect how the text should look from the for­ matting commands used in the source. - 20 - There are programs which allow you to view the formatted document on a graphics display before printing. For example, the xdvi program displays a ``device independent'' file generated by the TeX system under the X Windows environment. Other software applications, such as xfig, provide a WYSIWYG graphics interface for drawing figures and diagrams, which are subsequently converted to the text processing language for inclusion in your document. Admittedly, text processors such as nroff were around long before word processing was available. However, many people still prefer to use text processing, because it is more versatile and independent of a graphics environment. In either case, the idoc word processor is also available for Linux, and before long we expect to see commercial word processors becoming available as well. If you absolutely don't want to give up word processing for text processing, you can always run MS-DOS, or some other operating system, in addition to Linux. There are many other text-processing-related utilities available. The powerful METAFONT system, used for designing fonts for TeX, is included with the Linux port of TeX. Other programs include ispell, an interactive spell checker and corrector; makeindex, used for generating indicies in LaTeX documents; as well as many groff and TeX-based macro packages for formatting many types of documents and mathematical texts. Conversion programs to translate between TeX or groff source to a myriad of other formats are available. 2.4.3 Programming languages and utilities Linux provides a complete UNIX programming environment, including all of the standard libraries, programming tools, compilers, and debuggers that you would expect to find on other UNIX systems. Within the UNIX soft­ ware development world, applications and systems programming is usually done in C or C++. The standard C and C++ compiler for Linux is GNU's gcc, which is an advanced, modern compiler supporting many options. It also capable of compiling C++ (including AT&T 3.0 features) as well as Objective-C, another object-oriented dialect of C. Besides C and C++, many other compiled and interpreted programming languages have been ported to Linux, such as Smalltalk, FORTRAN, Pascal, LISP, Scheme, and Ada (if you're masochistic enough to program in Ada---we're not going to stop you). In addition, various assemblers for writing protected-mode 80386 code are available, as are UNIX hacking favorites such as Perl (the script language to end all script languages) and Tcl/Tk (a shell-like command processing system including support for developing simple X Windows applications). The advanced gdb debugger has been ported, which allows you to step through a program to find bugs, or examine the cause for a crash using a core dump. gprof, a profiling utility, will give you performance - 21 - statistics for your program, letting you know where your program is spending most of its time executing. The Emacs text editor provides an interactive editing and compilation environment for various programming languages. Other tools include GNU make and imake, used to manage com­ pilation of large applications; and RCS, a system for source locking and revision control. Linux implements dynamically-linked shared libraries, which allow binaries to be much smaller as the subroutine code is linked at run- time. These DLL libraries also allow the applications programmer to override function definitions with their own code. For example, if a programmer wished to write her own version of the malloc() library rou­ tine, the linker would use the programmer's new routine instead of the one found in the libraries. Linux is ideal for developing UNIX applications. It provides a mod­ ern programming environment with all of the bells and whistles. Various standards such as POSIX.1 are supported, allowing software written for Linux to be easily ported to other systems. Professional UNIX program­ mers and system administrators can use Linux to develop software at home, and then transfer the software to UNIX systems at work. This not only can save a great deal of time and money, but will also let you work in the comfort of your own home, on a single-user system.(3) Computer Science students can use Linux to learn UNIX programming and to explore other aspects of the system, such as kernel architechture. With Linux, not only do you have access to the complete set of libraries and programming utilities, but you also have the complete ker­ nel and library source code at your fingertips. (Just imagine the end­ less mischief arising there!) 2.4.4 The X Window System The X Window System is the standard graphics interface for UNIX machines. It is a powerful environment supporting many applications. Using X Windows, the user can have multiple terminal windows on the screen at once, each one containing a different login session. A point­ ing device such as a mouse is often used with the X interface, although it isn't required. Many X-specific applications have been written, such as games, graphics utilities, programming and documentation tools, and so on. With Linux and X, your system is a bona fide workstation. Coupled with TCP/IP networking, you can even display X applications running on other machines on your Linux display, as is possible with other systems 3. The author uses his Linux system to develop and test X Windows applications at home, which can be directly compiled on workstations elsewhere. - 22 - running X. The X Window System was originally developed at MIT, and is freely distributable. However, may commercial vendors have distributed propri­ etary enhancements to the original X Windows software. The version of X Windows available for Linux is known as XFree86, a port of X11R5 made freely distributable for 80386-based UNIX systems such as Linux. XFree86 supports a wide range of video hardware, including VGA, Super VGA, and a number of accelerated video adaptors. This is a complete distribution of the X Windows software, containing the X server itself, many applica­ tions and utilities, programming libraries, and documentation. Standard X applications include xterm (a terminal emulator used for most text-based applications within an X window); xdm (the X Session Manager, which handles logins); xclock (a simple clock display); xman (an X-based man page reader), and more. The many X applications avail­ able for Linux are too numerous to mention here, but the base XFree86 distribution includes the ``standard'' applications found in the origi­ nal MIT release. Many others are available separately, and theoretically any application written for X Windows should compile cleanly under Linux. The look and feel of the X Windows interface is controlled to a large extent by the window manager. This friendly program is in charge of the placement of windows, the user interface for resizing, iconify­ ing, and moving windows, the appearance of window frames, and so on. The standard XFree86 distribution includes twm, the classic MIT window man­ ager, although more advanced window managers such as the Open Look Vir­ tual Window Manager (olvwm) are available as well. One window manager that is popular among Linux users is fvwm. This is a small window man­ ager, requiring less than half of the memory used by twm. It provides a 3-D appearance for windows, as well a virtual desktop---if the user moves the mouse to the edge of the screen, the entire desktop is shifted as if the display were much larger than it actually is. fvwm is greatly customizable, and allows all functions to be accessed from the keyboard as well as the mouse. Many Linux distributions use fvwm as the standard window manager. The XFree86 distribution contains programming libraries and include files for those wily programmers who wish to develop X applications. Various widget sets, such as Athena, Open Look, and Xaw3D are supported. All of the standard fonts, bitmaps, man pages, and documentation are included. PEX (a programming interface for 3-D graphics) is also sup­ ported. Many X applications programmers use the proprietary Motif widget set for development. Several vendors sell single and multiple-user licenses for a binary version of Motif for Linux. Because Motif itself is relatively expensive, not many Linux users own it. However, binaries - 23 - statically linked with Motif routines may be freely distributed. There­ fore, if you write a program using Motif and wish to distribute it freely, you may provide a binary so that users without Motif can use the program. The only major caveats with X Windows are the hardware and memory requirements. A 386 with 4 megabytes of RAM is capable of running X, but 8 megabytes or more of physical RAM are needed to use it comfort­ ably. A faster processor is nice to have as well, but having enough physical RAM is much more important. In addition, to achieve really slick video performance, an accelerated video card (such as a local bus S3-chipset card) is strongly recommended. Performance ratings in excess of 140,000 xstones have been acheived with Linux and XFree86. With suf­ ficient hardware, you'll find that running X and Linux is as fast, or faster, than running X on other UNIX workstations. In Chapter 6. we'll discuss how to install and use X on your sys­ tem. 2.4.5 Networking Interested in communicating with the world? Yes? No? Maybe? Linux sup­ ports the two primary networking protocols for UNIX systems: TCP/IP and UUCP. TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, for acronym aficionados) is the set of networking paradigms that allow sys­ tems all over the world to communicate on a single network known as the Internet. With Linux, TCP/IP, and a connection to the network, you can communicate with users and machines across the Internet via electronic mail, USENET news, file transfers with FTP, and more. There are many Linux systems currently on the Internet. Most TCP/IP networks use Ethernet as the physical network trans­ port. Linux supports many popular Ethernet cards and interfaces for personal computers, including the D-Link pocket Ethernet adaptor for laptops. However, because not everyone has an Ethernet drop at home, Linux also supports SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol), which allows you to connect to the Internet via modem. In order to use SLIP, you'll need to have access to a SLIP server, a machine connected to the network which allows dial-in access. Many businesses and universities provide such SLIP servers. In fact, if your Linux system has an Ethernet connection as well as a modem, you can configure it as a SLIP server for other hosts. NFS (Network File System) allows your system to seamlessly share files with other machines on the network. FTP (File Transfer Protocol) allows you to transfer files between other machines. Other applications - 24 - include sendmail, a system for sending and receiving electronic mail using the SMTP protocol; NNTP-based electronic news systems such as C- News and INN; telnet, rlogin, and rsh, which allow you to login and exe­ cute commands on other machines on the network; and finger, which allows you to get information on other Internet users. There are literally tons of TCP/IP-based applications and protocols out there. The full range of mail and news readers are available for Linux, such as elm, pine, rn, nn, and tin. Whatever your preference, you can configure your Linux system to send and receive electronic mail and news from all over the world. If you have experience with TCP/IP applications on other UNIX sys­ tems, Linux will be very familiar to you. The system provides a standard socket programming interface, so virtually any program which uses TCP/IP can be ported to Linux. The Linux X server also supports TCP/IP, allow­ ing you to display applications running on other systems on your Linux display. In Chapter 6. we'll discuss configuration and setup of TCP/IP, including SLIP, for Linux. UUCP (UNIX-to-UNIX Copy) is an older mechanism used to transfer files, electronic mail, and electronic news between UNIX machines. Clas­ sically, UUCP machines connected to each other over the phone lines via modem, but UUCP is able to transport over a TCP/IP network as well. If you do not have access to a TCP/IP network or a SLIP server, you can configure your system to send and receive files and electronic mail using UUCP. See Chapter 6. for more information. 2.4.6 Telecommunications and BBS software If you have a modem, you will be able to communicate with other machines using one of the telecommunications packages available for Linux. Many people use telecommunications software to access bulletin board systems (BBSs), as well as commercial online services such as Prodigy, Com­ puServe, and America On-Line. Other people use their modems to connect to a UNIX system at work or school. You can even use your modem and Linux system to send and receive facsimiles. Telecommunications software under Linux is very similar to that found under MS-DOS or other operat­ ing systems. Anyone who has ever used a telecommunications package will find the Linux equivalent familiar. One of the most popular communications packages for Linux is Seyon, an X application providing a customizable, ergonomic interface, with built-in support for various file transfer protocols such as Kermit, ZModem, and so on. Other telecommunications programs include C-Kermit, pcomm, and minicom. These are similar to communications programs found - 25 - on other operating systems, and are quite easy to use. If you do not have access to a SLIP server (see the previous sec­ tion), you can use term to multiplex your serial line. term will allow you to open multiple login sessions over the modem connection to a remote machine. term will also allow you to redirect X client connec­ tions to your local X server, through the serial line, allowing you to display remote X applications on your Linux system. Another software package, KA9Q, implements a similar SLIP-like interface. Running a bulletin board system (BBS) is a favorite hobby (and means of income) for many people. Linux supports a wide range of BBS software, most of which is more powerful than what is available for other operating systems. With a phone line, a modem, and Linux, you can turn your system into a BBS, providing dial-in access to your system to users worldwide. BBS software for Linux includes XBBS and the UniBoard BBS packages. Most BBS software locks the user into a menu-based system where only certain functions and applications are available. An alternative to BBS access is full UNIX access, which would allow users to dial into your system and login as a regular user. While this would require a fair amount of maintenance on the part of the system administrator, it can be done, and providing public UNIX access from your Linux system is not difficult to do. Along with a TCP/IP network, you can provide elec­ tronic mail and news access to users on your system. If you do not have access to a TCP/IP network or UUCP feed, Linux will also allow you to communicate with a number of BBS networks, such as FidoNet, with which you can exchange electronic news and mail via the phone line. More information on telecommunications and BBS software under Linux can be found in Chapter 6.. 2.4.7 Interfacing with MS-DOS Various utilities exist to interface with the (somewhat perverse, we admit) world of MS-DOS. The most well-known application is the Linux MS- DOS Emulator, which allows you to run many MS-DOS applications directly from Linux. Although Linux and MS-DOS are completely different operat­ ing systems, the 80386 protected-mode environment allows certain tasks to behave as if they were running in 8086-emulation mode, as MS-DOS applications do. The MS-DOS emulator is still under development, yet many popular applications run under it. Understandably, however, MS-DOS applications which use bizarre or esoteric features of the system may never be sup­ ported, because it is only an emulator. For example, you wouldn't expect to be able to run any programs which use 80386 protected-mode features, - 26 - such as Microsoft Windows (in 386 enhanced mode, that is). Applications which run successfully under the Linux MS-DOS Emulator include 4DOS (a command interpreter), Foxpro 2.0, Harvard Graphics, MathCad, Stacker 3.1, Turbo Assembler, Turbo C/C++, Turbo Pascal, Microsoft Windows 3.0 (in real mode), and WordPerfect 5.1. Standard MS- DOS commands and utilities (such as PKZIP, and so on) work with the emu­ lator as well. The MS-DOS Emulator is meant mostly as an ad hoc solution for those people who need MS-DOS only for a few applications, but use Linux for everything else. It's not meant to be a complete implementation of MS- DOS. Of course, if the Emulator doesn't satisfy your needs, you can always run MS-DOS as well as Linux on the same system. Using the LILO boot loader, you can specify at boot time which operating system to start. Linux can coexist with other operating systems, such as OS/2, as well. Linux provides a seamless interface for transferring files between Linux and MS-DOS. You can mount an MS-DOS partition or floppy under Linux, and directly access MS-DOS files as you would any other. Currently under development is a project known as WINE---a Microsoft Windows emulator for the X Window System under Linux. Once WINE is complete, users will be able to run MS-Windows applications directly from Linux. This is similar to the proprietary WABI Windows emulator from Sun Microsystems. At the time of this writing, WINE is still in the early stages of development, but the outlook is good. In Chapter 6. we'll talk about the MS-DOS tools available for Linux. 2.4.8 Other applications A host of miscellany is available for Linux, as one would expect from such a hodgepodge operating system. Linux's primary focus is currently for personal UNIX computing, but this is rapidly changing. Business and scientific software is expanding, and commercial software vendors are beginning to contribute to the growing pool of applications. Several relational databases are available for Linux, including Postgres, Ingres, and Mbase. These are full-featured, professional client/server database applications similar to those found on other UNIX platforms. /rdb, a commercial database system, is available as well. Scientific computing applications include FELT (a finite element - 27 - analysis tool); gnuplot (a plotting and data analysis application); Octave (a symbolic mathematics package, similar to MATLAB); xspread (a spreadsheet calculator); xfractint, an X-based port of the popular Fractint fractal generator; xlispstat (a statistics package), and more. Other applications include Spice (a circuit design and analysis tool) and Khoros (an image/digital signal processing and visualization sys­ tem). Of course, there are many more such applications which have been, and can be, ported to run on Linux. Whatever your field, porting UNIX- based applications to Linux should be quite straightforward. Linux pro­ vides a complete UNIX programming interface, sufficient to serve as the base for any scientific application. As with any operating system, Linux has its share of games. These include classic text-based dungeon games such as Nethack and Moria; MUDs (multi-user dungeons, which allow many users to interact in a text-based adventure) such as DikuMUD and TinyMUD; as well as a slew of X games such as xtetris, netrek, and gnuchess. True, UNIX never has lent itself to the modern trend of dazzling shoot-em-up arcade games, but you know what they say: ``All work and no play makes Linux a dull toy.'' For audiophiles, Linux has support for various sound cards and related software, such as CDplayer (a program which can control a CD-ROM drive as a conventional CD player, surprisingly enough), MIDI sequencers and editors (allowing you to compose music for playback through a syn­ thesizer or other MIDI-controlled instrument), and sound editors for digitized sounds. Can't find the application you're looking for? The Linux Software Map, described in Appendix A, contains a list of many software pack­ ages which have been written and ported to Linux. While this list is far from complete, it contains a great deal of software. Another way to find Linux applications is to look at the INDEX files found on Linux FTP sites, if you have Internet access. Just by poking around you'll find a great deal of software just waiting to be played with. If you absolutely can't find what you need, you can always attempt to port the application from another platform to Linux. Most freely dis­ tributable UNIX-based software will compile on Linux with few problems. Or, if all else fails, you can write the application yourself. If it's a commercial application you're looking for, there may be a free ``clone'' available. Or, you can encourage the software company to consider releasing a Linux binary version. Several individuals have contacted software companies, asking them to port their applications to Linux, and have met with various degrees of success. - 28 - 2.5 About Linux's Copyright Linux is covered by what is known as the GNU General Public License, or GPL. The GPL was developed for the GNU project by the Free Software Foundataion. It makes a number of provisions for the distribution and modification of ``free software''. ``Free'' in this sense refers to freedom, not just cost. The GPL has always been subject to misinterpre­ tation, and we hope that this summary will help you to understand the extent and goals of the GPL and its effect on Linux. A complete copy of the GPL is included in Appendix D. Originally, Linus Torvalds released Linux under a license more restrictive than the GPL, which allowed the software to be freely dis­ tributed and modified, but prevented any money changing hands for its distribution and use. On the other hand, the GPL allows people to sell and make profit from free software, but does not allow them to restrict the right for others to distribute the software in any way. First, it should be explained that ``free software'' covered by the GPL is not in the public domain. Public domain software is software which is not copyrighted, and is literally owned by the public. Software covered by the GPL, on the other hand, is copyrighted to the author or authors. This means that the software is protected by standard interna­ tional copyright laws, and that the author of the software is legally defined. Just because the software may be freely distributed does not mean that it is in the public domain. GPL-licensed software is also not ``shareware''. Generally, ``shareware'' software is owned and copyrighted by the author, but the author requires users to send in money for its use after distribution. On the other hand, software covered by the GPL may be distributed and used free of charge. The GPL also allows people to take and modify free software, and distribute their own versions of the software. However, any derived works from GPL software must also be covered by the GPL. In other words, a company could not take Linux, modify it, and sell it under a restric­ tive license. If any software is derived from Linux, that software must be covered by the GPL as well. The GPL allows free software to be distributed and used free of charge. However, it also allows a person or organization to distribute GPL software for a fee, and even to make a profit from its sale and dis­ tribution. However, in selling GPL software, the distributor cannot take those rights away from the purchaser; that is, if you purchase GPL soft­ ware from some source, you may distribute the software for free, or sell it yourself as well. - 29 - This might sound like a contradiction at first. Why sell software for profit when the GPL allows anyone to obtain it for free? As an exam­ ple, let's say that some company decided to bundle a large amount of free software on a CD-ROM and distribute it. That company would need to charge for the overhead of producing and distributing the CD-ROM, and the company may even decide to make profit from the sales of software. This is allowed by the GPL. Organizations which sell free software must follow certain restric­ tions set forth in the GPL. First, they cannot restrict the rights of users who purchase the software. This means that if you buy a CD-ROM of GPL software, you can copy and distribute that CD-ROM free of charge, or resell it yourself. Secondly, distributors must make it obvious to users that the software is indeed covered by the GPL. Thirdly, distribu­ tors must provide, free of charge, the complete source code for the software being distributed. This will allow anyone who purchases GPL software to make modifications of that software. Allowing a company to distribute and sell free software is a very good thing. Not everyone has access to the Internet to download soft­ ware, such as Linux, for free. The GPL allows companies to sell and dis­ tribute software to those people who do not have free (cost-wise) access to the software. For example, many organizations sell Linux on diskette, tape, or CD-ROM via mail order, and make profit from these sales. The developers of Linux may never see any of this profit; that is the understanding that is reached between the developer and the distrib­ utor when software is licensed by the GPL. In other words, Linus knew that companies may wish to sell Linux, and that he may not see a penny of the profits from those sales. In the free software world, the important issue is not money. The goal of free software is always to develop and distribute fantastic software and to allow anyone to obtain and use it. In the next section, we'll discuss how this applies to the development of Linux. 2.6 The Design and Philosophy of Linux When new users encounter Linux, they often have a few misconceptions and false expectations of the system. Linux is a unique operating system, and it is important to understand its philosophy and design in order to use it effectively. Time enough for a soapbox. Even if you are an aged UNIX guru, what follows is probably of interest to you. In commercial UNIX development houses, the entire system is devel­ oped with a rigorous policy of quality assurance, source and revision control systems, documentation, and bug reporting and resolution. Devel­ opers are not allowed to add features or to change key sections of code on a whim: they must validate the change as a response to a bug report and consequently ``check in'' all changes to the source control system, - 30 - so that the changes can be backed out if necessary. Each developer is assigned one or more parts of the system code, and only that developer may alter those sections of the code while it is ``checked out''. Internally, the quality assurance department runs rigorous regres­ sion test suites on each new pass of the operating system, and reports any bugs. It is the responsibility of the developers to fix these bugs as reported. A complicated system of statistical analysis is employed to ensure that a certain percentage of bugs are fixed before the next release, and that the operating system as a whole passes certain release criteria. In all, the process used by commercial UNIX developers to maintain and support their code is very complicated, and quite reasonably so. The company must have quantative proof that the next revision of the operating system is ready to be shipped; hence, the gathering and analy­ sis of statistics about the operating system's performance. It is a big job to develop a commercial UNIX system, often large enough to employ hundreds (if not thousands) of programmers, testers, documentors, and administrative personel. Of course, no two commercial UNIX vendors are alike, but you get the general picture. With Linux, you can throw out the entire concept of organized development, source control systems, structured bug reporting, or sta­ tistical analysis. Linux is, and more than likely always will be, a hacker's operating system.(4) Linux is primarily developed as a group effort by volunteers on the Internet from all over the world. Across the Internet and beyond, any­ one with enough know-how has the opportunity to aid in developing and debugging the kernel, porting new software, writing documentation, or helping new users. There is no single organization responsible for developing the system. For the most part, the Linux community communi­ cates via various mailing lists and USENET newsgroups. A number of con­ ventions have sprung up around the development effort: for example, any­ one wishing to have their code included in the ``official'' kernel should mail it to Linus Torvalds, which he will test and include in the kernel (as long as it doesn't break things or go against the overall design of the system, he will more than likely include it). The system itself is designed with a very open-ended, feature- minded approach. While recently the number of new features and critical changes to the system have diminished, the general rule is that a new 4. What I mean by ``hacker'' is a feverishly dedicated programmer, a person who enjoys exploiting computers and generally doing interesting things with them. This is in contrast to the common denotation of ``hacker'' as a computer wrongdoer or outlaw. - 31 - version of the kernel will be released about every few months (sometimes even more frequently than this). Of course, this is a very rough fig­ ure: it depends on a several factors including the number of bugs to be fixed, the amount of feedback from users testing pre-release versions of the code, and the amount of sleep that Linus has had this week. Let it suffice to say that not every single bug has been fixed, and not every problem ironed out between releases. As long as the system appears to be free of critical or oft-manifesting bugs, it is considered ``stable'' and new revisions will be released. The thust behind Linux development is not an effort to release perfect, bug-free code: it is to develop a free implementation of UNIX. Linux is for the developers, more than anyone else. Anyone who has a new feature or software application to add to the system generally makes it available in an ``alpha'' stage---that is, a stage for testing by those brave or unwary users who want to bash out problems with the initial code. Because the Linux community is largely based on the Internet, alpha software is usually uploaded to one or more of the various Linux FTP sites (see Appendix C) and a message posted to one of the Linux USENET newsgroups about how to get and test the code. Users who download and test alpha software can then mail results, bug fixes, or questions to the author. After the initial problems in the alpha code have been fixed, the code enters a ``beta'' stage, in which it is usually considered stable but not complete (that is, it works, but not all of the features may be present). Otherwise, it may go directly to a ``final'' stage in which the software is considered complete and usable. For kernel code, once it is complete the developer may ask Linus to include it in the standard kernel, or as an optional add-on feature to the kernel. Keep in mind that these are only conventions---not rules. Some peo­ ple feel so confident with their software that they don't need to release an alpha or test version. It is always up to the developer to make these decisions. You might be amazed that such a nonstructured system of volunteers, programming and debugging a complete UNIX system, could get anything done at all. As it turns out, it is one of the most efficient and moti­ vated development efforts ever employed. The entire Linux kernel was written from scratch, without employing any code from proprietary sources. A great deal of work was put forth by volunteers to port all of the free software under the sun to the Linux system. Libraries were written and ported, filesystems developed, and hardware drivers written for many popular devices. The Linux software is generally released as a distribution, which - 32 - is a set of pre-packaged software making up an entire system. It would be quite difficult for most users to build a complete system from the ground up, starting with the kernel, adding utilities, and installing all of the necessary software by hand. Instead, there are a number of software distributions including everything that you need to install and run a complete system. Again, there is no standard distribution---there are many, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. We'll talk more about the various available Linux distributions in Section 3.1. Despite the completeness of the Linux software, you will still need a bit of UNIX know-how to install and run a complete system. No distri­ bution of Linux is completely bug-free, so you may be required to fix small problems by hand after installation. Running a UNIX system is not an easy task, not even for commercial versions of UNIX. If you're seri­ ous about Linux, bear in mind that it will take a considerable amount of effort and attention on your part to keep the system running and take care of things: this is true of any UNIX system, and Linux is no excep­ tion. Because of the diversity of the Linux community and the many needs which the software is attempting to meet, not eveything can be taken care of for you all of the time. 2.6.1 Hints for UNIX novices One of the greatest mistakes often made by new UNIX users is attempting to install and run a complete Linux system without much background UNIX knowledge. To put it simply, without previous UNIX experience, installing and running Linux is going to prove difficult at best. This is the case with all implementations of UNIX. Nobody can expect to go from being a UNIX novice to a UNIX system administrator overnight. Too much of the time, MS-DOS users are tempted to dive into the Linux world, expecting that it will be easy to pick up ``as you go along'' without any external help. As the expression goes, ``This isn't Kansas any­ more.'' UNIX is not like MS-DOS or Microsoft Windows. No implementation of UNIX is expected to run trouble- and maintenance-free. Every UNIX system needs a system administrator, and if you are the system adminis­ trator for your soon-to-be-Linux system, you need to learn quite a few things about using and running UNIX before you begin. This may sound like a tall order, but it really isn't so bad. There are many good introductory UNIX books on the market: See Appendix A for a list. Many new UNIX users expect to install Linux in order to learn UNIX, but we're afraid that it's supposed to work the other way around. Installing and setting up a UNIX system of your own is a chal­ lenging task even for very experienced system administrators. This is not to say that it is difficult, but only that you will benefit greatly from UNIX experience and an understanding of the process. Should you have trouble installing the system, you will know how to investigate and fix the problem yourself without having to find outside help. You must be aptly prepared for the journey which lies ahead. Otherwise, if you're new to UNIX, you may very well become overly frustrated with the system. It is very important to do some reading and experimentation with UNIX - 33 - systems before attempting to run your own Linux system. 2.6.2 Hints for UNIX gurus Even those people with years of UNIX programming and systems administra­ tion experience may need assitance before they are able to pick up and install Linux. There are still aspects of the system that UNIX wizards will need to be familiar with before diving in. For one thing, Linux is not a commercial UNIX system. It does not attempt to uphold the same standards as other UNIX systems you have may have come across. To be more specific, while stability is an important factor in the development of Linux, it is not the only factor. More important, perhaps, is functionality. In many cases, new code will make it into the standard kernel even though it is still buggy and not functionally complete. The assumption is that it is more important to release code which users can test and use than delay a release until it is ``complete''. As an example, WINE (the Microsoft Windows Emulator for Linux) had an ``official'' alpha release before it was completely tested. In this way, the Linux community at large had a chance to work with the code, test it, and help develop it, while those who found the alpha code ``good enough'' for their needs could use it. Commercial UNIX vendors rarely, if ever, release software in this manner. If you have been a UNIX systems administrator for more than a decade, and have used every commercial UNIX system under the Sun (no pun intended), Linux may take some getting used to. The system is very mod­ ern and dynamic. A new kernel release is made approximately every few months. New software is constantly being released. One day your system may be completely up-to-date with the current trend, and the next day the same system is considered to be in the Stone Age. With all of this dynamic activity, how can you be expected to keep up with the ever-changing Linux world? For the most part, it is best to upgrade incrementally; that is, upgrade only those parts of the system that need upgrading, and then only when you think an upgrade is neces­ sary. For example, if you never use Emacs, there is little reason to continuously install every new release of Emacs on your system. Further­ more, even if you are an avid Emacs user, there is usually no reason to upgrade it unless you find that some feature is missing that is in the next release. There is little or no reason to always be on top of the newest version of software. We hope that Linux will meet or exceed your expectations of a home­ brew UNIX system. At the very core of Linux is the spirit of free soft­ ware, of constant development and growth. The Linux community favors expansion over stability, and that is a difficult concept to swallow for many people, especially those so steeped in the world of commercial UNIX. You cannot expect Linux to be perfect; nothing ever is in the free - 34 - software world. However, we believe that Linux really is as complete and useful as any other implementation of UNIX. 2.7 Differences Between Linux and Other Operating Systems It is important to understand the differences between Linux and other operating systems, such as MS-DOS, OS/2, and other implementations of UNIX for the personal computer. First of all, it should be made clear that Linux will coexist happily with other operating systems on the same machine: that is, you can run MS-DOS and OS/2 along with Linux on the same system without problems. There are even ways to interact between the various operating systems, as we'll see. 2.7.1 Why use Linux? Why use Linux instead of a well-known, well-tested, and well-documented commercial operating system? We could give you a thousand reasons. One of the most important, however, is that Linux is an excellent choice for personal UNIX computing. If you're a UNIX software developer, why use MS-DOS at home? Linux will allow you to develop and test UNIX software on your PC, including database and X Windows applications. If you're a student, chances are that your university computing systems run UNIX. With Linux, you can run your own UNIX system and tailor it to your own needs. Installing and running Linux is also an excellent way to learn UNIX if you don't have access to other UNIX machines. But let's not lose sight. Linux isn't just for personal UNIX users. It is robust and complete enough to handle large tasks, as well as dis­ tributed computing needs. Many businesses---especially small ones---are moving to Linux in lieu of other UNIX-based workstation environments. Universities are finding Linux to be perfect for teaching courses in operating systems design. Larger commercial software vendors are start­ ing to realize the opportunities that a free operating system can pro­ vide. The following sections should point out the most important differ­ ences between Linux and other operating systems. We hope that you'll find that Linux can meet your computing needs, or (at least) enhance your current computing environment. Keep in mind that they best way to get a taste for Linux is just to try it out---you needn't even install a complete system to get a feel for it. In Chapter 3., we'll show you how. 2.7.2 Linux vs. MS-DOS It's not uncommon to run both Linux and MS-DOS on the same system. Many Linux users rely on MS-DOS for applications such as word processing. While Linux provides its own analogues for these applications (for exam­ ple, TeX), there are various reasons why a particular user would want to run MS-DOS as well as Linux. If your entire dissertation is written - 35 - using WordPerfect for MS-DOS, you may not be able to easily convert it to TeX or some other format. There are many commercial applications for MS-DOS which aren't available for Linux, and there's no reason why you can't use both. As you might know, MS-DOS does not fully utilize the functionality of the 80386 and 80486 processors. On the other hand, Linux runs com­ pletely in the processor's protected mode, and exploits all of the fea­ tures of the processor. You can directly access all of your available memory (and beyond, using virtual RAM). Linux provides a complete UNIX interface not available under MS-DOS---developing and porting UNIX applications under Linux is easily done, while under MS-DOS you are lim­ ited to a small subset of the UNIX programming functionality. Because Linux is a true UNIX system, you do not have these limitations. We could debate the pros and cons of MS-DOS and Linux for pages on end. However, let it suffice to say that Linux and MS-DOS are com­ pletely different entities. MS-DOS is inexpensive (compared to other commerical operating systems), and has a strong foothold in the PC com­ puting world. support the system. No other operating system for the PC has reached the level of popularity of MS-DOS---largely because the cost of these other operating systems is unapproachable to most personal com­ puter users. Very few PC users can imagine spending $1000 or more on the operating system alone. Linux, however, is free, and you finally have the chance to decide. We will allow you to make your own judgments of Linux and MS-DOS based on your expectations and needs. Linux is not for everybody. If you have always wanted to run a complete UNIX system at home, without the high cost of other UNIX implementations for the PC, Linux may be what you're looking for. There are tools available to allow you to interact between Linux and MS-DOS. For example, it is easy to access MS-DOS files from Linux. There is also an MS-DOS emulator available, which allows you to run many popular MS-DOS applications. A Microsoft Windows emulator is currently under development. 2.7.3 Linux vs. The Other Guys A number of other advanced operating systems are on the rise in the PC world. Specifically, IBM's OS/2 and Microsoft's Windows NT are becoming very popular as more users move away from MS-DOS. Both OS/2 and Windows NT are full multitasking operating systems, much like Linux. Technically, OS/2, Windows NT, and Linux are quite sim­ ilar: they support roughly the same features in terms of user interface, networking, security, and so forth. However, the real difference between - 36 - Linux and The Other Guys is the fact that Linux is a version of UNIX, and hence benefits from the contributions of the UNIX community at large. What makes UNIX so important? Not only is it the most popular oper­ ating system for multiuser machines, it is also the foundation for the majority of the free software world. If you have access to the Internet, nearly all of the free software available there is written specifically for UNIX systems. (The Internet itself is largely UNIX-based.) There are many implementations of UNIX, from many vendors, and no single organization is responsible for distribution. There is a large push in the UNIX community for standardization in the form of open sys­ tems, but no single corporation controls this design. Hence, any vendor (or, as it turns out, any hacker) may implement these standards in an implementation of UNIX. OS/2 and Windows NT, on the other hand, are proprietary systems. The interface and design are controlled by a single corporation, and only that corporation may implement that design. (Don't expect to see a free version of OS/2 anytime in the near future.) In one sense, this kind of organization is beneficial: it sets a strict standard for the programming and user interface unlike that found even in the open sys­ tems community. OS/2 is OS/2 wherever you go---the same holds for Win­ dows NT. However, the UNIX interface is constantly developing and changing. Several organizations are attempting to standardize the programming model, but the task is very difficult. Linux, in particular, is mostly compliant with the POSIX.1 standard for the UNIX programming interface. As time goes on, it is expected that the system will adhere to other such standards, but standardization is not the primary issue in the Linux development community. 2.7.4 Other implementations of UNIX There are several other implementations of UNIX for the 80386 and 80486. The 80386 architechture lends itself to the UNIX design, and a number of vendors have taken advantage of this. Feature-wise, other implementations of UNIX for the PC are quite similar to Linux. You will see that almost all commercial versions of UNIX support roughly the same software, programming environment, and networking features. However, there are some strong differences between Linux and commercial versions of UNIX. First of all, Linux supports a different range of hardware from - 37 - commercial implementations. In general, Linux supports the most well- known hardware devices, but support is still limited to that hardware which developers actually have access to. However, Commercial UNIX ven­ dors generally have a wider support base, and tend to support more hard­ ware, although Linux is not far behind. We'll cover the hardware requirements for Linux in Section 2.8. Secondly, commercial implementations of UNIX usually come bundled with a complete set of documentation as well as user support from the vendor. In contrast, most of the documentation for Linux is limited to documents available on the Internet---and books such as this one. In Section 2.9 we'll list sources of Linux documentation and other informa­ tion. As far as stability and robustness are concerned, many users have reported that Linux is at least as stable as commercial UNIX systems. Linux is still under development, and certain features (such TCP/IP net­ working) are less stable but improve as time goes by. The most important factor to consider for many users is price. The Linux software is free, if you have access to the Internet (or another computer network) and can download it. If you do not have access to such a network, you may need to purchase it via mail order on diskette, tape, or CD-ROM (see Appendix B). Of course, you may copy Linux from a friend who may already have the software, or share the cost of purchas­ ing it with someone else. If you are planning to install Linux on a large number of machines, you need only purchase a single copy of the software---Linux is not distributed on a ``single machine'' license. The value of commercial UNIX implementations should not be demeaned: along with the price of the software itself, one usually pays for documentation, support, and assurance of quality. These are very important factors for large institutions, but personal computer users may not require these benefits. In any case, many businesses and univer­ sities are finding that running Linux on a lab of inexpensive personal computers is preferrable to running a commercial version of UNIX in a lab of workstations. Linux can provide the functionality of a worksta­ tion on PC hardware at a fraction of the cost. As a ``real-world'' example of Linux's use within the computing community, Linux systems have travelled the high seas of the North Pacific, managing telecommunications and data analysis for an oceano­ graphic research vessel. Linux systems are being used at research sta­ tions in Antarctia. As a more mundane example, perhaps, several hospi­ tals are using Linux to maintain patient records. It is proving to be as reliable and useful as other implementations of UNIX. There are other free or inexpensive implementations of UNIX for the - 38 - 386 and 486. One of the most well-known is 386BSD (often known as ``NetBSD''), an implementation and port of BSD UNIX for the 386. 386BSD is comparable to Linux in many ways, but which one is ``better'' depends on your own personal needs and expectations. The only strong distinc­ tion that we can make is that Linux is developed openly (where any vol­ unteer can aid in the development process), while 386BSD is developed within a closed team of programmers who maintain the system. Because of this, serious philosophical and design differences exist between the two projects. The goals of the two projects are entirely different: the goal of Linux is to develop a complete UNIX system from scratch (and have a lot of fun in the process), and the goal of 386BSD is in part to modify the existing BSD code for use on the 386. Another project of note is HURD, an effort by the Free Software Foundation to develop and distribute a free version of UNIX for many platforms. Contact the Free Software Foundation (the address is given in Appendix D) for more information about this project. At the time of this writing, HURD is still in early stages of development. Other inexpensive versions of UNIX exist as well, such as Coherent (available for about $99) and Minix (an academic but useful UNIX clone upon which early development of Linux was based). Some of these imple­ mentations are of mostly academic interest, while others are full- fledged systems for real productivity. Needless to say, however, many personal UNIX users are moving to Linux. 2.8 Hardware Requirements Now you must be convinced of how wonderful Linux is, and all of the great things that it can do for you. However, before you rush out and install the software, you need to be aware of the hardware requirements and limitations that Linux has. Keep in mind that Linux was developed by its users. This means, for the most part, that the hardware which is supported by Linux is only the hardware which the users and developers actually have access to. As it turns out, most of the popular hardware and peripherals for 80386/80486 systems are supported (in fact, Linux supports more hardware than some commercial implementations of UNIX). However, some of the more obscure and esoteric of devices aren't supported yet. As time goes on, a wider range of hardware is supported, so if your favorite devices aren't listed here, chances are that support for them if forthcoming. Another drawback for hardware support under Linux is that many com­ panies have decided to keep the hardware interface proprietary. The upshot of this is that volunteer Linux developers simply can't write drivers for those devices (if they could, those drivers would be owned by the company that owned the interface, which would violate the GPL). The companies that maintain proprietary interfaces write their own - 39 - drivers for operating systems such as MS-DOS and Microsoft Windows; the end user (that's you) never needs to know about the interface. Unfortu­ nately, this does not allow Linux developers to write drivers for those devices. There is very little that can be done about the situation. In some cases, programmers have attempted to write hackish drivers based on assumptions about the interface. In other cases, developers will work with the company in question and attempt to obtain information about the device interface, with varying degrees of success. In the following sections, we'll attempt to summarize the hardware requirements for Linux. The Linux Hardware Compatibility List (see Sec­ tion 2.9) contains a more complete listing of hardware supported by Linux. Disclaimer: a good deal of hardware support for Linux is currently in the development stage. Some distributions may or may not support these experimental features. This section primarily lists hardware which has been supported for some time and is known to be stable. When in doubt, consult the documentation for the distribution of Linux you are using (see Section 3.1 for more information on Linux distributions). 2.8.1 Motherboard and CPU requirements Linux currently supports systems with an Intel 80386 or 80486 CPU. This includes all variations on this CPU type, such as the 386SX, 486SX, 486DX, and 486DX2. Linux should also work on Intel's Pentium processor with minor changes. Non-Intel ``clones'', such as AMD and Cyrix proces­ sors, work with Linux as well. If you have a 80386 or 80486SX, you may also wish to use a math coprocessor, although one isn't required (the Linux kernel can do FPU emulation if you do not have a math coprocessor). All standard FPU cou­ plings are supported, such as IIT, Cyrix FasMath, and Intel coproces­ sors. The system motherboard must use ISA or EISA bus architecture. There terms define how the system interfaces with peripherals and other compo­ nents on the main bus. Most systems sold today are either ISA or EISA bus. IBM's MicroChannel (MCA) bus, found on machines such as the IBM PS/2, is not currently supported. Systems which use a local bus architecture (for faster video and disk access) are supported as well. It is suggested that you have a standard local bus architecture such as the VESA Local Bus (``VLB''). - 40 - 2.8.2 Memory requirements Linux requires very little memory to run compared to other advanced operating systems. You should have at the very least 2 megabytes of RAM; however, it is strongly syggested that you have 4 megabytes. The more memory you have, the faster the system will run. Linux can support the full 32-bit address range of the 386/486; in other words, it will utilize all of your RAM automatically. Linux will run happily with only 4 megabytes of RAM, including all of the bells and whistles such as X Windows, Emacs, and so on. However, having more memory is almost as important as having a faster processor. 8 megabytes is more than enough for personal use; 16 megabytes or more may be needed if you are expecting a heavy user load on the system. Most Linux users allocate a portion of their hard drive as swap space, which is used as virtual RAM. Even if you have a great deal of physical RAM in your machine, you may wish to use swap space. While swap space is no replacement for actual physical RAM, it can allow your sys­ tem to run larger applications by swapping out inactive portions of code to disk. The amount of swap space that you should allocate depends on several factors; we'll come back to this question in Section 3.2.3. 2.8.3 Hard drive controller requirements You do not need to have a hard drive to run Linux; you can run a minimal system completely from floppy. However, this is slow and very limited, and many users have access to hard drive storage anyway. You must have an AT-standard (16-bit) controller. There is support in the works for XT-standard (8 bit) controllers; however, most controllers used today are AT-standard. Linux should support all MFM, RLL, ESDI, and IDE con­ trollers. The general rule for non-SCSI hard drive and floppy controllers is that if you can access the drive from MS-DOS or another operating sys­ tem, you should be able to access it from Linux. Linux also supports a number of popular SCSI drive controllers, although support for SCSI is more limited because of the wide range of controller interface standards. Supported SCSI controllers include the Adaptec AHA1542B, AHA1742A (BIOS version 1.34), AHA1740, AHA1740 (SCSI-2 controller, BIOS 1.34 in Enhanced mode); Future Domain 1680, TMC-850, TMC-950; Seagate ST-02; UltraStor SCSI; Western Digital WD7000FASST. Clones which are based on these cards should work as well. - 41 - 2.8.4 Hard drive space requirements Of course, to install Linux, you'll need to have some amount of free space on your hard drive. Linux will support multiple hard drives in the same machine; you can allocate space for Linux across multiple drives if necessary. The amount of hard drive space that you will require depends greatly on your needs and the amount of software that you're installing. Linux is relatively small as UNIX implementations go; you could run a complete system in 10 to 20 megabytes of space on your drive. However, if you want to have room for expansion, and for larger packages such as X Windows, you will need more space. If you plan to allow multiple users to use the machine, you will need to allocate storage for their files. Also, unless you have a large amount of physical RAM (16 megabytes or more), you will more than likely want to allocate swap space, to be used as virtual RAM. We will discuss all of the details of installing and using swap space in Section 3.2.3. Each distribution of Linux usually comes with some literature that should help you to gauge the precise amount of required storage depend­ ing on the amount of software you plan to install. You can run a minimal system with less than 20 megabytes; a complete system with all of the bells and whistles in 80 megabytes or less; and a very large system with room for many users and space for future expansion in the range of 100-150 megabytes. Again, these figures are meant only as a ballpark approximation; you will have to look at your own needs and goals in order to determine your specific storage requirements. 2.8.5 Monitor and video adapator requirements Linux supports all standard Hercules, CGA, EGA, VGA, and Super VGA video cards and monitors for the default text-based interface. In general, if the video card and monitor coupling works under another operating system such as MS-DOS, it should work fine with Linux. Graphical environments such as the X Window System have video hard­ ware requirements of their own. Instead of listing these requirements here, we relegate the discussion to Section 6.1.1. 2.8.6 Miscellaneous hardware The above sections described the hardware which is required to run a Linux system. However, most users have a number of ``optional'' devices such as tape and CD-ROM storage, sound boards, and so on, and are inter­ ested in whether or not this hardware is supported by Linux. Read on. - 42 - Mice and other pointing devices For the most part, you will only be using a mouse under a graphical environment such as the X Window System. However, several Linux applica­ tions not associated with a graphics environment do make use of the mouse. Linux supports all standard serial mice, including Logitech, MM series, Mouseman, Microsoft (2-button) and Mouse Systems (3-button). Linux also supports Microsoft, Logitech, and ATIXL busmice. The PS/2 mouse interface is supported as well. All other pointing devices, such as trackballs, which emulate the above mice, should work as well. CD-ROM storage Almost all CD-ROM drives use the SCSI interface. As long as you have a SCSI adaptor supported by Linux, then your CD-ROM drive should work. A number of CD-ROM drives have been verified to work under Linux, includ­ ing the NEC CDR-74, Sony CDU-541, and Texel DM-3024. The Sony internal CDU-31a and the Mistsumi CD-ROM drives are supported by Linux as well. Linux supports the standard ISO-9660 filesystem for CD-ROMs. Tape drives There are several types of tape drives available on the market. Most of them use the SCSI interface, all of which should be supported by Linux. Among the verified SCSI tape drives are the Sankyo CP150SE; Tandberg 3600; Wangtek 5525ES, 5150ES, and 5099EN with the PC36 adaptor. Other QIC-02 drives should be supported as well. Drivers are currently under development for various other tape devices, such as Colorado drives which hang off of the floppy con­ troller. Printers Linux supports the complete range of parallel printers. If you are able to access your printer via the parallel port from MS-DOS or another operating system, you should be a able to access it from Linux as well. The Linux printing software consists of the UNIX standard lp and lpr software. This software also allows you to print remotely via the net­ work, if you have one available. Modems As with printer support, Linux supports the full range of serial modems, both internal and external. There is a great deal of telecommunications software available for Linux, including Kermit, pcomm, minicom, and - 43 - Seyon. If your modem is accessible from another operating system on the same machine, you should be able to access it from Linux with no diffi­ culty. 2.8.7 Ethernet cards Many popular Ethernet cards and LAN adaptors are supported by Linux. These include: * 3com 3c503, 3c503/16 * Novell NE1000, NE2000 * Western Digital WD8003, WD8013 * Hewlett Packard HP27245, HP27247, HP27250 The following clones are reported to work: * LANNET LEC-45 * Alta Combo * Artisoft LANtastic AE-2 * Asante Etherpak 2001/2003, * D-Link Ethernet II * LTC E-NET/16 P/N 8300-200-002 * Network Solutions HE-203, * SVEC 4 Dimension Ethernet * 4-Dimension FD0490 EtherBoard 16 * D-Link DE-600 Clones which are compatible with any of the above cards should work as well. 2.9 Sources of Linux Information As you have probably guessed, there are many sources of information about Linux available apart from this book. In particular, there are a number of books, not specific to Linux but rather about UNIX in general, that will be of importance, especially to those readers without previous UNIX experience. If you are new to the UNIX world, we seriously suggest that you take the time to peruse one of these books before you attempt - 44 - to brave the jungles of Linux. Specifically, the book Learning the UNIX Operating System, by Grace Todino and John Strang, is a good place to start. Many of the following sources of information are available online in some electronic form. That is, you must have access to an online net­ work, such as the Internet, USENET, or Fidonet, in order to access the information contained therein. If you do not have online access to any of this material, you might be able to find someone kind enough to give you hardcopies of the documents in question. Read on. 2.9.1 Online documents If you have access to the Internet, there are many Linux documents available via anonymous FTP from archive sites all over the world. If you do not have direct Internet access, these documents may still be available to you: they are distributed on many other networks as well, such as Fidonet and CompuServe. If you are able to send mail to Internet sites, you may be able to retrieve these files using one of the ftpmail servers which will electronically mail you the documents or files from FTP archive sites. See Appendix C for more information on using ftp­ mail. There is a great number of FTP archive sites which carry Linux software and related documents. A list of well-known Linux archive sites is given in Appendix C. In order to reduce network traffic, you should always use the FTP site which is geographically (network-wise) closest to you. Appendix A contains a listing of some of the Linux documents which are available via anonymous FTP. The filenames will differ depend­ ing on the archive site in question; most sites keep Linux-related docu­ ments in the docs subdirectory of their Linux archive space. For exam­ ple, on the FTP site, Linux files are stored in the directory /pub/Linux, with Linux-related documentation being found in /pub/Linux/docs. Examples of available online documents are the Linux FAQ, a collec­ tion of freqeuently asked questions about Linux; the Linux HOWTO docu­ ments, each describing a specific aspect of the system---including the Installation HOWTO, the Printing HOWTO, and the Ethernet HOWTO; and, the Linux META-FAQ, a list of other sources of Linux information on the Internet. Most of these documents are also regularly posted to one or more Linux-related USENET newsgroups; see Section 2.9.3 below. - 45 - 2.9.2 Books and other published works At this time, there are few published works specifically about Linux. Most noteworthy are the books from the Linux Documentation Project, a project carried out over the Internet to write and distribute a bona fide set of ``manuals'' for Linux. These manuals are analogues to the documentation sets available with commercial versions of UNIX: they cover everything from installing Linux, to using and running the system, programming, networking, kernel development, and more. The Linux Documentation Project manuals are available via anonymous FTP from the Internet, as well as via mail order from several sources. Appendix A lists the manuals which are available and covers means of obtaining them in detail. There are not many books specifically about Linux currently avail­ able. Several books have been published in Germany and Japan, including a translation of the Linux Documentation Project book Linux Installation and Getting Started. However, there are a large number of books about UNIX in general which are certainly applicable to Linux---as far as using and programming the system is concerned, Linux does not differ greatly from other implementations of UNIX. In short, almost everything you want to know about using and programming Linux can be found in sources meant for a general UNIX audience. In fact, this book is meant to be complimented by the large library of UNIX books currently avail­ able; here, we present the most important Linux-specific details and hope that you will look to other sources for more in-depth information. Armed with a number of good books about using UNIX, as well as the book you hold in your hands, you should be able to tackle just about anything. Appendix A includes a list of highly-recommended UNIX books, both for UNIX newcomers and UNIX wizards alike. 2.9.3 USENET newsgroups USENET is a worldwide electronic news and discussion forum with a heavy contingent of so-called ``newsgroups''---discussion areas devoted to a particular topic. Much of the development of Linux has been done over the waves of the Internet and USENET, and not suprisingly there are a number of USENET newsgroups available for discussions about Linux. The original Linux newsgroup was alt.os.linux, and was created to move some of the discussions about Linux out of comp.os.minix and the various mailing lists. Soon, the traffic on alt.os.linux grew to be large enough that a newsgroup in the comp hierarchy was warranted; a vote was taken in February of 1992, and comp.os.linux was created. - 46 - comp.os.linux quickly became one of the most popular (and loudest) USENET groups; more popular than any other comp.os group. In December of 1992, a vote was taken to split the newsgroup in order to reduce traf­ fic; only comp.os.linux.announce passed this vote. In July of 1993, the group was finally split into the new hierarchy. Almost 2000 people voted in the comp.os.linux reorganization, making it one of the largest USENET CFV's ever. If you do not have direct USENET access, but are able to send and receive electronic mail from the Internet, there are mail-to-news gate­ ways available for each of the newsgroups below. * comp.os.linux.announce comp.os.linux.announce is a moderated newsgroup for announcements and important postings about the Linux system (such as bug reports, important patches to soft­ ware, and so on). If you read any Linux newsgroups at all, read this one. Often, the important postings in this group are not crossposted to other groups. This group also contains many periodic postings about Linux, including many of the online documents described in the last section and listed in Appendix A. Postings to this newsgroup must be approved by the moder­ ators, Matt Welsh and Lars Wirzenius. If you wish to submit and article to this group, in most cases you can simply post the article as you normally would (using Pnews or whatever posting software that you have available); the news software will automatically forward the article to the moderators for approval. However, if your news system is not set up cor­ rectly, you may need to mail the article directly; the submis­ sion address is The rest of the Linux newsgroups listed below are unmod­ erated. * This is the most popular Linux newsgroup. It is for questions and answers about using, setting up, or otherwise running a Linux system. If you are having problems with Linux, you may post to this newsgroup, and hopefully receive a reply from someone who might be able to help. How­ ever, it is strongly suggested that you read all of the avail­ able Linux documentation before posting questions to this newsgroup. * comp.os.linux.admin This newsgroup is for questions and dis­ cussion about running a Linux system, most commonly in an - 47 - active, multi-user environment. Any discussion about adminis­ trative issues of Linux (such as packaging software, making backups, handling users, and so on) is welcome here. * comp.os.linux.development This is a newsgroup for discussions about development of the Linux system. All issues related to kernel and system software development should be discussed here. For example, if you are writing a kernel driver and need help with certain aspects of the programming, this would be the place to ask. This newsgroup is also for discussions about the direction and goals behind the Linux development effort, as described (somewhat) in Section 2.6. It should be noted that this newsgroup is not (techni­ cally) for discussions about development of software for Linux, but rather for discussions of development of Linux. That is, issues dealing with applications programming under Linux should be discussed in another Linux newsgroup; comp.os.linux.development is about developing the Linux system itself, including the kernel, system libraries, and so on. * comp.os.linux.misc This newsgroup is for all discussion which doesn't quite fit into the other available Linux groups. In particular, advocacy wars (the incessant ``Linux versus Win­ dows NT'' thread, for example), should be waged here, as opposed to in the technical Linux groups. Any nontechnical or metadiscourse about the Linux system should remain in comp.os.linux.misc. It should be noted that the newsgroup comp.os.linux, which was originally the only Linux group, has been superceded by the new hierar­ chy of groups. If you have access to comp.os.linux, but not to the newer Linux groups listed above, encourage your news administrator to create the new groups on your system. 2.9.4 Internet mailing lists If you have access to Internet electronic mail, you can participate in a number of mailing lists even if you do not have USENET access. Note that if you are not directly on the Internet, you can join one of these mailing lists as long as you are able to exchange electronic mail with the Internet (for example, UUCP, FidoNET, CompuServe, and other networks all have access to Internet mail). The ``Linux Activists'' mailing list is primarily for Linux - 48 - developers and people interested in aiding the development process. This is a ``multi-channel'' mailing list, in which you join one or more ``channels'' based on your particular interests. Some of the available channels include: NORMAL, for general Linux-related issues; KERNEL, for kernel development; GCC, for discussions relating to the gcc compiler and library development; NET, for discussions about the TCP/IP network­ ing code; DOC, for issues relating to writing and distributing Linux documentation; and more. For more information about the Linux Activists mailing list, send mail to You will receive a list of currently available channels, including information on how to subscribe and unsubscribe to particular channels on the list. Quite a few special-purpose mailing lists about and for Linux exist as well. The best way to find out about these is to watch the Linux USENET newsgroups for announcements, as well as to read the list of pub­ licly-available mailing lists, periodically posted to the USENET group news.answers. 2.10 Getting Help You will undoubtedly require some degree of assistance during your adventures in the Linux world. Even the most wizardly of UNIX wizards occasionally is stumped by some quirk or feature of Linux, and it's important to know how and where to find help when you need it. The primary means of getting help in the Linux world are via Inter­ net mailing lists and USENET newsgroups, as discussed in Section 2.9. If you don't have online access to these sources, you might be able to find comparable Linux discussion forums on other online services, such as on local BBS's, CompuServe, and so on. A number of businesses are providing commercial support for Linux. This will allow you to pay a ``subscription fee'' which will allow you to call the consutants for help with your Linux problems. Appendix B contains a list of commercial sources for Linux support. However, if you have access to USENET and Internet mail, you may find the free support found there to be just as useful. Keeping the following suggestions in mind will greatly improve your experiences with Linux and will guarantee you more success in finding - 49 - help to your problems. Consult all available documentation...first! The first thing you should do when encountering a problem is consult the various sources of information listed in Section 1.9 and Appendix A. These documents were laboriously written for people like you---people who need help with the Linux system. Even books written for UNIX in general are applicable to Linux, and you should take advantage of them. More than likely, you will find the answer to your problems somewhere in this documentation, as impossible as it may seem. If you have access to USENET news or any of the Linux-related mail­ ing lists, be sure to actually read the information there before posting for help with your problem. Many times, solutions to common problems are not easy to find in documentation, and instead are well-covered in the newsgroups and mailing lists devoted to Linux. If you only post to these groups, and don't actually read them, you are asking for trouble. Learn to appreciate self-maintenance. In most cases, it is prefer­ able to do as much independent research and investigation into the prob­ lem as possible before seeking outside help. After all, you asked for it, by running Linux in the first place! Remember that Linux is all about hacking and fixing problems yourself. It is not a commerical oper­ ating system, nor does it try to look like one. Hacking won't kill you. In fact, it will teach you a great deal about the system to investigate and solve problems yourself---maybe even enough to one day call yourself a Linux guru. Learn to appreciate the value of hacking the system, and how to fix problems yourself. You can't expect to run a complete, home­ brew Linux system without some degree of handiwork. Remain calm. It is vital to refrain from getting frustrated with the system, at all costs. Nothing is earned by taking an axe---or worse, a powerful electromagnet---to your Linux system in a fit of anger. The authors have found that a large punching bag or similar inanimate object is a wonderful way to relieve the occasional stress attack. As Linux matures and distributions become more reliable, we hope that this prob­ lem will go away. However, even commercial UNIX implementations can be tricky at times. When all else fails, sit back, take a few deep breaths, and go after the problem again when you feel relaxed. Your mind and con­ science will be clearer. Refrain from posting spuriously. Many people make the mistake of posting or mailing messages pleading for help prematurely. When encoun­ tering a problem, do not---we repeat, do not---rush immediately to your nearest terminal and post a message to one of the Linux USENET news­ groups. Often, you will catch your own mistake five minutes later and find yourself in the curious situation of defending your own sanity in a public forum. Before posting anything any of the Linux mailing lists or newsgroups, first attempt to resolve the problem yourself and be - 50 - absolutely certain what the problem is. Does your system not respond when switched on? Perhaps the machine is unplugged. If you do post for help, make it worthwhile. If all else fails, you may wish to post a message for help in any of the number of elec­ tronic forums dedicated to Linux, such as USENET newsgroups and mailing lists. When posting, remember that the people reading your post are not there to help you. The network is not your personal consulting service. Therefore, it is important to remain as polite, terse, and informative as possible. How can one accomplish this? First, you should include as much (relevant) information about your system and your problem as possible. Posting the simple request, ``I cannot seem to get e-mail to work'' will probably get you nowhere unless you include information on your system, what software you are using, what you have attempted to do so far and what the results were. When including technical information, it is usu­ ally a good idea to include general information on the version(s) of your software (Linux kernel version, for example), as well as a brief summary of your hardware configuration. However, don't overdo it---including information on the brand and type of monitor that you have probably is irrelevant if you're trying to configure networking software. Secondly, remember that you need to make some attempt---however feeble---at solving your problem before you go to the Net. If you have never attempted to set up electronic mail, for instance, and first decide to ask folks on the Net how to go about doing it, you are making a big mistake. There are a number of documents available (see the Sec­ tion 2.9) on how to get started with many common tasks under Linux. The idea is to get as far along as possible on your own and then ask for help if and when you get stuck. Also remember that the people reading your message, however help­ ful, may occasionally get frustrated by seeing the same problem over and over again. Be sure to actually read the Linux newsgroups and mailing lists before posting your problems. Many times, the solution to your problem has been discussed repeatedly, and all that's required to find it is to browse the current messages. Lastly, when posting to electronic newsgroups and mailing lists, try to be as polite as possible. It is much more effective and worth­ while to be polite, direct, and informative---more people will be will­ ing to help you if you master a humble tone. To be sure, the flame war is an art form across many forms of electronic communication, but don't allow that to preoccupy your and other people's time. Save the network undue wear and tear by keeping bandwidth as low as possible, and by pay­ ing as much attention to other sources of information which are avail­ able to you. The network is an excellent way to get help with your Linux - 51 - problems---but it is important to know how to use the network effec­ tively. - 52 - 3. Obtaining and Installing Linux In this chapter, we'll describe how to obtain the Linux software, in the form of one of the various pre-packaged distributions, and how to install the distribution that you choose. As we have mentioned, there is no single ``official'' distribution of the Linux software; there are, in fact, many distributions, each of which serves a particular purpose and set of goals. These distributions are available via anonymous FTP from the Internet, on BBS systems world­ wide, and via mail on diskette, tape, and CD-ROM. Here, we present only a general overview of the installation pro­ cess. Each distribution has its own specific installation instructions, but armed with the concepts presented here you should be able to feel your way through any installation. Appendix A lists sources of infor­ mation for installation instructions and other help, if you're at a total loss. 3.1 Distributions of Linux Because Linux is free software, no single organization or entity is responsible for releasing and distributing the software. Therefore, almost anyone is free to put together and distribute the Linux software, as long as the restrictions in the GPL are observed. The upshot of this is that there are many distributions of Linux, available via anonymous FTP or via mail order. You are now faced with the task of deciding upon a particular dis­ tribution of Linux which suits your needs. Not all distributions are alike. Many of them come with just about all of the software you'd need to run a complete system---and then some. Other Linux distributions are ``small'' distributions intended for users without copious amounts of diskspace. Many distributions contain only the core Linux software, and you are expected to install larger software packages, such as the X Win­ dow System, yourself. (In Chapter 5. we'll show you how.) In Appendix B, a brief list of Linux distributions is given. You should be able to contact the maintainers of each distribution for more information, should you need it. This is only a cursory list of Linux releases; for a more complete list, including information on other ser­ vices, see the Linux Distribution HOWTO (information on which is in Appendix A). How can you decide among all of these distributions? If you have access to USENET news, or another computer conferencing system, you might want to ask there for personal opinions from people who have installed Linux. Even better, if you know someone who has installed - 53 - Linux, ask them for help and advice. There are many factors to consider when choosing a distribution, however, everyone's needs and opinions are different. In actuality, most of the popular Linux distributions contain roughly the same set of software, so the distribution that you select is more or less arbitrary. 3.1.1 Getting Linux from the Internet If you have access to the Internet, the easiest way to obtain Linux is via anonymous FTP.(1) Appendix C lists a number of FTP archive sites which carry Linux software. One of these is, and the various Linux distributions can be found in the directory /pub/Linux/distributions there. Many distributions are released via anonymous FTP as a set of disk images. That is, the distribution consists of a set of files, and each file contains the binary image of a floppy. In order to copy the con­ tents of the image file onto the floppy, you can use the RAWRITE.EXE program under MS-DOS. This program copies, block-for-block, the contents of a file to a floppy, without regard for disk format.(2) RAWRITE.EXE is available on the various Linux FTP sites, including in the directory /pub/Linux/system/Install/rawwrite Therefore, in many cases, you simply download the set of diskette images, and use RAWRITE.EXE with each image in turn to create a set of diskettes. You boot from the so-called ``boot diskette'' and you're 1. If you do not have direct Internet access, you can obtain Linux via the ftpmail service, provided that you have the ability to exchange e-mail with the Internet. See Appendix C for details. 2. If you have access to a UNIX workstation with a floppy drive, you can also use the dd command to copy the file image directly to the floppy. A command such as ``dd of=/dev/rfd0 if=foo bs=16k'' will ``raw write'' the contents of the file foo to the floppy device on a Sun workstation. Consult your local UNIX gurus for more information on your system's floppy devices and the use of dd. - 54 - ready to roll. The software is usually installed directly from the flop­ pies, although some distributions allow you to install from an MS-DOS partition on your hard drive. Some distributions allow you to install over a TCP/IP network. The documentation for each distribution should describe these installation methods if they are available. Other Linux distributions are installed from a set of MS-DOS format floppies. For example, the SLS distribution of Linux requires only one of the image---the ``a1'' diskette---to be written diskette using RAWRITE.EXE. The rest of the files are copied to MS-DOS format diskettes labelled a2, a3, and so forth, using the MS-DOS COPY command. The system installs the software directly from the MS-DOS floppies. This saves you the trouble of having to use RAWRITE.EXE for many image files, although it requires you to have access to an MS-DOS system to create the diskettes. Each distribution of Linux available via anonymous FTP should include a README file describing how to download and prepare the diskettes for installation. Be sure to read all of the available docu­ mentation for the release that you are using---this book is only meant to give you the general idea. When downloading the Linux software, be sure to use binary mode for all file transfers (with most FTP clients, the command ``binary'' enables this mode). 3.1.2 Getting Linux from other online sources If you have access to another computer network such as CompuServe or Prodigy, there may be a means to download the Linux software from these sources. In addition, many bulletin board (BBS) systems carry Linux software. Not all Linux distributions are available from these computer networks, however---many of them, especially the various CD-ROM distributions, are only available via mail order. 3.1.3 Getting Linux via mail order If you don't have Internet or BBS access, many Linux distributions are available via mail order on diskette, tape, or CD-ROM. Appendix B lists a number of these distributors. Many of them accept credit cards as well as international orders, so if you're not in the United States or Canada you still should be able to obtain Linux in this way. Linux is free software, although distributors are allowed by the GPL to charge a fee for it. Therefore, ordering Linux via mail order might cost you between US$30 and US$150, depending on the distribution. However, if you know someone who has already purchased or downloaded a - 55 - release of Linux, you are free to borrow or copy their software for your own use. Linux distributors are not allowed to restrict the license or redistribution of the software in any way. If you are thinking about installing an entire lab of machines with Linux, for example, you only need to purchase a single copy of one of the distributions, which can be used to install all of the machines. 3.2 Preparing to Install Linux After you have obtained a distribution of Linux, you're ready to prepare your system for installation. The most important pre-installation step is repartitioning your drive to allocate space for Linux. This takes a certain degree of planning, especially if you're already running other operating systems. In the following sections we'll describe how to plan for the Linux installation. 3.2.1 Installation overview While each release of Linux is different, in general the method used to install the software is as follows: 01. Repartition your hard drive(s). If you have other operating sys­ tems already installed, you will need to repartition the drives in order to allocate space for Linux. This is discussed in Section 3.2.4, below. 02. Boot the Linux installation media. Each distribution of Linux has some kind of installation media---usually a ``boot floppy''---which is used to install the software. Booting this media will either present you with some kind of installation pro­ gram, which will step you through the Linux installation, or allow you to install the software by hand. 03. Create Linux partitions. After repartitioning to allocate space for Linux, you create Linux partitions on that empty space. This is accomplished with the Linux fdisk program, covered in Section 3.3.3. 04. Create filesystems and swap space. At this point, you will create one or more filesystems, used to store files, on the newly-created partitions. In addition, if you plan to use swap space, you will create the swap space on one of your Linux partitions. This is covered in Sections 3.3.4 and 3.3.5. - 56 - 05. Install the software on the new filesystems. Finally, you will install the Linux software on your newly-created filesystems. After this, it's smooth sailing---if all goes well. This is cov­ ered in Section 3.3.6. Later, in Section 3.5, we describe what to do if anything goes wrong. Many distributions of Linux provide an installation program which will step you through the installation process, and automate one or more of the above steps for you. Keep in mind throughout this chapter that any number of the above steps may be automated for you, depending on the distribution. Important hint: While preparing to install Linux, the best advice that we can give is to take notes during the entire procedure. Write down everything that you do, everything that you type, and everything that you see that might be out of the ordinary. The idea here is simple: if (or when!) you run into trouble, you want to be able to retrace your steps and find out what went wrong. Installing Linux isn't difficult, but there are many details to remember. You want to have a record of all of these details so that you can experiment with other methods if some­ thing goes wrong. Also, keeping a notebook of your Linux installation experience is useful when you want to ask other people for help, for example, when posting a message to one of the Linux-related USENET groups. Your notebook is also something that you'll want to show to your grandchildren someday.(3) 3.2.2 Repartitioning concepts In general, hard drives are divided into partitions, where a single par­ tition is devoted to a single operating system. For example, on one hard drive, you may have several separate parititions---one devoted to, say, MS-DOS, another to OS/2, and another to Linux. If you already have other software installed on your system, you may need to resize those partitions in order to free up space for Linux. You will then create one or more Linux partitions on the resulting free space for storing the Linux software and swap space. We call this pro­ cess repartitioning. Many MS-DOS systems utilize a single partition inhabiting the entire drive. To MS-DOS, this partition is known as C:. If you have more 3. The author shamefully admits that he kept a notebook of all of his tribulations with Linux for the first few months of working with the system. It is now gathering dust on his bookshelf. - 57 - than one partition, MS-DOS names them D:, E:, and so on. In a way, each partition acts like a separate hard drive. On the first sector of the disk is a master boot record along with a partition table. The boot record (as the name implies) is used to boot the system. The partition table contains information about the locations and sizes of your partitions. There are three kinds of partitions: primary, extended, and logi­ cal. Of these, primary partitions are used most often. However, because of a limit in the size of the partition table, you can only have four primary partitions on any given drive. The way around this four-partition limit is to use an extended par­ tition. An extended partition doesn't hold any data by itself; instead, it acts as a ``container'' for logical partitions. Therefore, you could create one extended partition, covering the entire drive, and within it create many logical partitions. However, you may have only one extended partition per drive. 3.2.3 Linux partition requirements Before we explain how to repartition your drives, you need to have an idea of how much space you will be allocating for Linux. We will be dis­ cussing how to create these partitions later, in Section 3.3.3. On UNIX systems, files are stored on a filesystem, which is essen­ tially a section of the hard drive (or other medium, such as CD-ROM or diskette) formatted to hold files. Each filesystem is associated with a specific part of the directory tree; for example, on many systems, there is a filesystem for all of the files in the directory /usr, another for /tmp, and so on. The root filesystem is the primary filesystem, which corresponds to the topmost directory, /. Under Linux, each filesystem lives on a seperate partition on the hard drive. For instance, if you have a filesystem for / and another for /usr, you will need two partitions to hold the two filesystems. Before you install Linux, you will need to prepare filesystems for storing the Linux software. You must have at least one filesystem (the root filesystem), and therefore one partition, allocated to Linux. Many Linux users opt to store all of their files on the root filesystem, which is in most cases easier to manage than several filesystems and partitions. However, you may create multiple filesystems for Linux if you - 58 - wish---for example, you may want to use seperate filesystems for /usr and /home. Those readers with UNIX system administration experience will know how to use multiple filesystems creatively. In Chapter 5. we dis­ cuss the use of multiple partitions and filesystems. Why use more than one filesystem? The most commonly stated reason is safety; if, for some reason, one of your filesystems is damaged, the others will (usually) be unharmed. On the other hand, if you store all of your files on the root filesystem, and for some reason the filesystem is damaged, then you may lose all of your files in one fell swoop. This is, however, rather uncommon; if you backup the system regularly you should be quite safe.(4) Another reason to use multiple filesystems is to divvy up storage between multiple hard drives. If you have, say, 40 megabytes free on one hard drive, and 50 megabytes free on another, you might want to create a 40-megabyte root filesystem on the first drive and a 50-megabyte /usr filesystem on the other. Currently it is not possible for a single filesystem to span multiple drives; if your free hard drive storage is fragmented between drives you will need to use multiple filesystems to utilize it all. In summary, Linux requires at least one partition, for the root filesystem. If you wish to create multiple filesystems, you will need a seperate partition for each additional filesystem. Some distributions of Linux automatically create partitions and filesystems for you, so you may not need to worry about these issues at all. Another issue to consider when planning your partitions is swap space. If you wish to use swap space with Linux, you have two options. The first is to use a swap file which exists on one of your Linux filesystems. You will create the swap file for use as virtual RAM after you install the software. The second option is to create a swap parti­ tion, an individual partition to be used only as swap space. Most people use a swap partition instead of a swap file. A single swap file or partition may be up to 16 megabytes in size. If you wish to use more than 16 megabytes of swap, you can create multi­ ple swap partitions or files---up to eight in all. For example, if you need 32 megabytes of swap, you can create two 16-megabyte swap parti­ tions. Setting up a swap partition is covered in Section 3.3.4, and set­ ting up a swap file in Chapter 5.. 4. The author uses a single 200-megabyte filesystem for all of his Linux files, and hasn't had any problems (so far). - 59 - Therefore, in general, you will create at least two partitions for Linux: one for use as the root filesystem, and the other for use as swap space. There are, of course, many variations on the above, but this is the minimal setup. You are not required to use swap space with Linux, but if you have less than 16 megabytes of physical RAM it is strongly suggested that you do. Of course, you need to be aware of how much space these partitions will require. The size of your Linux filesystems (containing the soft­ ware itself) depends greatly on how much software you're installing and what distribution of Linux you are using. Hopefully, the documentation that came with your distribution will give you an approximation of the space requirements. A small Linux system can use 20 megabytes or less; a larger system anywhere from 80 to 100 megabytes, or more. Keep in mind that in addition to the space required by the software itself, you need to allocate extra space for user directories, room for future expansion, and so forth. The size of your swap partition (should you elect to use one) depends on how much virtual RAM you require. A rule of thumb is to use a swap partition that is twice the space of your physical RAM; for exam­ ple, if you have 4 megabytes of physical RAM, an 8-megabyte swap parti­ tion should suffice. Of course, this is mere speculation---the actual amount of swap space that you require depends on the software which you will be running. If you have a great deal of physical RAM (say, sixteen megabytes or more), you may not wish to use swap space at all. Important note: Many SCSI adaptors are incapable of booting soft­ ware from partitions using cylinders numbered over 1024. Therefore, when setting aside space for Linux, keep in mind that you may not want to use a partition in the >1024-cylinder range for your Linux root filesystem. Linux can still use partitions with cylinders numbered over 1024, how­ ever, you may not be able to boot Linux from such a partition. This advice may seem premature, but it is important to know while planning your drive layout. If you absolutely must use a partition with cylinders numbered over 1024 for your Linux root filesystem, you can always boot Linux from floppy. This is not so bad, actually---it only takes a few seconds longer to boot than from the hard drive. At any rate, it's always an option. 3.2.4 Repartitioning your drives In this section, we'll describe how to resize your current partitions (if any) to make space for Linux. If you are installing Linux on a ``clean'' hard drive, you can skip this section and proceed to Section 3.3, below. - 60 - The usual way to resize an existing partition is to delete it (thus destroying all of the data on that partition) and recreate it. Before repartitioning your drives, backup your system. After resizing the par­ titions, you can reinstall your original software from the backup. How­ ever, there are several programs available for MS-DOS which are able to resize partitions nondestructively. One of these is known as ``FIPS'', and can be found on many Linux FTP sites. Also, keep in mind that because you'll be shrinking your original partitions, you may not have space to reinstall everything. In this case, you need to delete enough unwanted software to allow the rest to fit on the smaller partitions. The program used to repartition is known as fdisk. Each operating system has its own analogue of this program; for example, under MS-DOS, it is invoked with the FDISK command. You should consult your documenta­ tion for whatever operating systems you are currently running for infor­ mation on repartitioning. Here, we'll discuss how to resize partitions for MS-DOS using FDISK, but this information should be easily extrapo­ lated to other operating systems. Please consult the documentation for your current operating systems before repartitioning your drive. This section is meant to be a general overview of the process; there are many subtleties that we do not cover here. You can lose all of the software on your system if you do not repartition the drive correctly. A warning: Do not modify or create partitions for any other operat­ ing systems (including Linux) using FDISK under MS-DOS. You should only modify partitions for a particular operating system with the version of fdisk included with that operating system; for example, you will create Linux partitions using a version of fdisk for Linux. Later, in Section 3.3.3, we describe how to create Linux partitions, but for now we are concerned with resizing your current ones. Let's say that you have a single hard drive on your system, cur­ rently devoted entirely to MS-DOS. Hence, your drive consists of a sin­ gle MS-DOS partition, commonly known as ``C:''. Because this reparti­ tioning method will destroy the data on that partition, you need to cre­ ate a bootable MS-DOS ``system disk'' which contains everything neces­ sary to run FDISK and restore the software from backup after the repar­ titioning is complete. In many cases, you can use the MS-DOS installation disks for this purpose. However, if you need to create your own system disk, format a floppy with the command - 61 - FORMAT /s A: Copy onto this floppy all of the necessary MS-DOS utilities (usu­ ally most of the software in the directory \DOS on your drive), as well as the programs FORMAT.COM and FDISK.EXE. You should now be able to boot this floppy, and run the command FDISK C: to start up FDISK. Use of FDISK should be self-explanatory, but consult the MS-DOS documentation for details. When you start FDISK, use the menu option to display the partition table, and write down the information displayed there. It is important to keep a record of your original setup in case you want to back out of the Linux installation. To delete an existing partition, choose the FDISK menu option ``Delete an MS-DOS Partition or Logical DOS Drive''. Specify the type of partition that you wish to delete (primary, extended, or logical) and the number of the partition. Verify all of the warnings. Poof! To create a new (smaller) partition for MS-DOS, just choose the FDISK option ``Create an MS-DOS Partition or Logical DOS Drive''. Spec­ ify the type of partition (primary, extended, or logical), and the size of the partition to create (specified in megabytes). FDISK should create the partition and you're ready to roll. After you're done using FDISK, you should exit the program and reformat any new partitions. For example, if you resized the first DOS partition on your drive (C:) you should run the command FORMAT /s C: You may now reinstall your original software from backup. 3.3 Installing the Linux software After you have resized your existing partitions to make space for Linux, you are ready to install the software. Here is a brief overview of the procedure: - 62 - * Boot the Linux installation media; * Run fdisk under Linux to create Linux partitions; * Run mke2fs and mkswap to create Linux filesystems and swap space; * Install the Linux software; * Finally, either install the LILO boot loader on your hard drive, or create a boot floppy in order to boot your new Linux system. As we have said, one (or more) of these steps may be automated for you by the installation procedure, depending on the distribution of Linux which you are using. Please consult the documentation for your distribution for specific instructions. 3.3.1 Booting Linux The first step is to boot the Linux installation media. This may be a floppy, tape, or CD-ROM, depending on the distribution. In most cases, the installation media is a ``boot floppy'' which contains a small Linux system. Upon booting the floppy, you will be pre­ sented with an installation menu of some kind which will lead you through the steps of installing the software. On other distributions, you will be presented with a login prompt when booting this floppy. Here, you usually login as root or install to begin the installation process. The documentation which came with your particular distribution will explain what is necessary to boot Linux from the installation media. 3.3.2 Drives and partitions under Linux Many distributions require you to create Linux partitions by hand using the fdisk program. Others may automatically create partitions for you. Either way, you should know the following information about Linux parti­ tions and device names. Drives and partitions under Linux are given different names than their counterparts under other operating systems. Under MS-DOS, floppy drives are referred to as A: and B:, while hard drive partitions are named C:, D:, and so on. Under Linux, the naming convention is quite different. - 63 - Device drivers, found in the directory /dev, are used to communi­ cate with devices on your system (such as hard drives, mice, and so on). For example, if you have a mouse on your system, you access it through the driver /dev/mouse. Floppy drives, hard drives, and individual parti­ tions are all given individual device drivers of their own. Don't worry about the device driver interface for now; it is important only to undertstand how the various devices are named in order to use them. Table 3.3.2 lists the names of these various device drivers. A few notes about this table. Note that /dev/fd0 corresponds to the first floppy drive (A: under MS-DOS) and /dev/fd1 corresponds to the second floppy (B:). Also, SCSI hard drives are named differently than other drives. IDE, MFM, and RLL drives are accessed through the devices /dev/hda, /dev/hdb, and so on. The individual partitions on the drive /dev/hda are /dev/hda1, /dev/hda2, and so on. However, SCSI drives are named /dev/sda, /dev/sdb, etc., with partition names such as /dev/sda1 and /dev/sda2. Here's an example. Let's say that you have a single IDE hard drive, with 3 primary partitions. The first two are set aside for MS-DOS, and the third is an extended partition which contains two logical parti­ tions, both for use by Linux. The devices referring to these partitions would be: +---------------------------------------------+ |First MS-DOS partition (C:) /dev/hda1 | |Second MS-DOS partition (D:) /dev/hda2 | |Extended partition /dev/hda3 | |First Linux logical partition /dev/hda5 | |Second Linux logical partition /dev/hda6 | +---------------------------------------------+ Note that /dev/hda4 is skipped; it corresponds to the fourth pri­ mary partition, which we don't have in this example. Logical partitions are named consecutively starting with /dev/hda5. 3.3.3 Creating Linux partitions Now you are ready to create Linux partitions with the fdisk command. As described in Section 3.2.3, in general you will need to create at least one partition for the Linux software itself, and another partition for - 64 - +----------------------------------------------------------+ | | |Device Name | | | |First floppy (A:) /dev/fd0 | |Second floppy (B:) /dev/fd1 | |First hard drive (entire drive) /dev/hda | |First hard drive, primary partition 1 /dev/hda1 | |First hard drive, primary partition 2 /dev/hda2 | |First hard drive, primary partition 3 /dev/hda3 | |First hard drive, primary partition 4 /dev/hda4 | |First hard drive, logical partition 1 /dev/hda5 | |First hard drive, logical partition 2 /dev/hda6 | |... | |Second hard drive (entire drive) /dev/hdb | |Second hard drive, primary partition 1 /dev/hdb1 | |... | |First SCSI hard drive (entire drive) /dev/sda | |First SCSI hard drive, primary partition 1 /dev/sda1 | |... | |Second SCSI hard drive (entire drive) /dev/sdb | |Second SCSI hard drive, primary partition 1 /dev/sdb1 | |... | +----------------------------------------------------------+ TABLE 1. Linux partition names swap space. After booting the installation media, run fdisk by typing fdisk where is the Linux device name of the drive you plan to add partitions to (see Table 3.3.2). For instance, if you want to run fdisk on the first SCSI disk in your system, use the command fdisk /dev/sda. /dev/hda (the first IDE drive) is the default if you don't specify one. If you are creating Linux partitions on more than one drive, run fdisk once for each drive. - 65 - # fdisk /dev/hda Command (m for help): Here fdisk is waiting for a command; you can type m to get a list of options. Command (m for help): m Command action a toggle a bootable flag d delete a partition l list known partition types m print this menu n add a new partition p print the partition table q quit without saving changes t change a partition's system id u change display/entry units v verify the partition table w write table to disk and exit x extra functionality (experts only) Command (m for help): The n command is used to create a new partition. Most of the other options you won't need to worry about. To quit fdisk without saving any changes, use the q command. To quit fdisk and write the changes to the partition table to disk, use the w command. The first thing you should do is display your current partition table and write the information down, for later reference. Use the p command. Command (m for help): p Disk /dev/hda: 16 heads, 38 sectors, 683 cylinders Units = cylinders of 608 * 512 bytes Device Boot Begin Start End Blocks Id System /dev/hda1 * 1 1 203 61693 6 DOS 16-bit >=32M Command (m for help): In this example, we have a single MS-DOS partition on /dev/hda1, which is 61693 blocks (about 60 megs). This partition starts at cylinder number 1, and ends on cylinder 203. We have a total of 683 cylinders in this disk; so there are 480 cylinders left to create Linux partitions - 66 - on. To create a new partition, use the n command. In this example, we'll create two primary partitions (/dev/hda2 and /dev/hda3) for Linux. Command (m for help): n Command action e extended p primary partition (1-4) p Here, fdisk is asking the type of the partition to create: extended or primary. In our example, we're creating only primary partitions, so we choose p. Partition number (1-4): fdisk will then ask for the number of the partition to create; since partition 1 is already used, our first Linux partition will be number 2. Partition number (1-4): 2 First cylinder (204-683): Now enter the starting cylinder number of the partition. Since cylinders 204 through 683 are unused, we'll use the first available one (numbered 204). There's no reason to leave empty space between parti­ tions. First cylinder (204-683): 204 Last cylinder or +size or +sizeM or +sizeK (204-683): fdisk is asking for the size of the partition to create. We can either specify an ending cylinder number, or a size in bytes, kilobytes, or megabytes. Since we want our partition to be 80 megs in size, we specify +80M. When specifying a partition size in this way, fdisk will round the actual partition size to the nearest number of cylinders. - 67 - Last cylinder or +size or +sizeM or +sizeK (204-683): +80M Warning: Linux cannot currently use 33090 sectors of this partition If you see a warning message such as this, it can be ignored. fdisk prints the warning because it's an older program, and dates before the time that Linux partitions were allowed to be larger than 64 megabytes. Now we're ready to create our second Linux partition. For sake of demonstration, we'll create it with a size of 10 megabytes. Command (m for help): n Command action e extended p primary partition (1-4) p Partition number (1-4): 3 First cylinder (474-683): 474 Last cylinder or +size or +sizeM or +sizeK (474-683): +10M Lastly, we'll display the partition table. Again, write down all of this information---especially the block sizes of your new partitions. You'll need to know the sizes of the partitions when creating filesys­ tems, later. Also, verify that none of your partitions overlap. Command (m for help): p Disk /dev/hda: 16 heads, 38 sectors, 683 cylinders Units = cylinders of 608 * 512 bytes Device Boot Begin Start End Blocks Id System /dev/hda1 * 1 1 203 61693 6 DOS 16-bit >=32M /dev/hda2 204 204 473 82080 81 Linux/MINIX /dev/hda3 474 474 507 10336 81 Linux/MINIX As you can see, /dev/hda2 is now a partition of size 82080 blocks (which corresponds to about 80 megabytes), and /dev/hda3 is 10336 blocks (about 10 megs). - 68 - In the example above, the remaining cylinders on the disk (numbered 508 to 683) are unused. You may wish to leave unused space on the disk, in case you wish to create additional partitions later. Finally, we use the w command to write the changes to disk and exit fdisk. Command (m for help): w # Keep in mind that none of the changes you make while running fdisk will take effect until you give the w command, so you can toy with dif­ ferent configurations and save them when you're done. Also, if you want to quit fdisk at any time without saving the changes, use the q command. Remember that you shouldn't modify partitions for operating systems other than Linux with the Linux fdisk program. Remember that you may not be able to boot Linux from a partition using cylinders numbered over 1024. Therefore, you should try to create your Linux root partition within the sub-1024 cylinder range. Again, if this is impossible, you can simply boot Linux from floppy. Some Linux distributions require you to reboot the system after running fdisk. This is to allow the changes to the partition table to take effect before installing the software. Newer versions of fdisk automatically update the partition information in the kernel, so reboot­ ing isn't necessary. To be on the safe side, after running fdisk you should reboot the installation media, as before, before proceeding. 3.3.4 Creating the swap space If you are planning to use a swap partition for virtual RAM, you're ready to prepare it for use.(5) In Chapter 5. we will discuss the prepa­ ration of a swap file in case you don't want to use an individual parti­ tion. Many distributions require you to create and activate swap space before installing the software. If you have a small amount of physical RAM, the installation procedure may not be successful unless you have some amount of swap space enabled. 5. Again, some distributions of Linux will prepare the swap space automatically for you, or via an installation menu option. - 69 - The command used to prepare a swap partition is mkswap, and it takes the form mkswap -c where is the name of the swap partition, and is the size of the partition, in blocks.(6) For example, if your swap par­ tition is /dev/hda3 and is 10336 blocks in size, use the command # mkswap -c /dev/hda3 10336 The -c option tells mkswap to check for bad blocks on the partition when creating the swap space. If you are using multiple swap partitions, you will need to execute the appropriate mkswap command for each partition. After formatting the swap space, you need to enable it for use by the system. Usually, the system automatically enables swap space at boot time. However, because you have not yet installed the Linux software, you need to enable it by hand. The command to enable swap space is mkswap, and it takes the form swapon In the example above, to enable the swap space on /dev/hda3, we use the command # swapon /dev/hda3 3.3.5 Creating the filesystems Before you can use your Linux partitions to store files, you must create filesystems on them. Creating a filesystem is analogous to formatting a partition under MS-DOS or other operating systems. We discussed filesys­ tems briefly in Section 3.2.3. 6. This is the size as reported by fdisk, using the p menu option. A block under Linux is 1024 bytes. - 70 - There are several types of filesystems available for Linux. Each filesystem type has its own format and set of characteristics (such as filename length, maximum file size, and so on). Linux also supports sev­ eral ``third-party'' filesystem types such as the MS-DOS filesystem. The most commonly used filesystem type is the Second Extended Filesystem, or ext2fs. The ext2fs is one of the most efficient and flex­ ible filesystems; it allows filenames up to 256 characters and filesys­ tem sizes of up to 4 terabytes. In Chapter 5., we'll discuss the various filesystem types available for Linux. Initially, however, we suggest that you use the extfs filesystem. To create an ext2fs filesystem, use the command mke2fs -c where is the name of the partition, and is the size of the partition in blocks. For example, to create a 82080-block filesystem on /dev/hda2, use the command # mke2fs -c /dev/hda2 82080 If you're using multiple filesystems for Linux, you'll need to use the appropriate mke2fs command for each filesystem. If you have encountered any problems at this point, see Section 3.5 at the end of this chapter. 3.3.6 Installing the software Finally, you are ready to install the software on your system. Every distribution has a different mechanism for doing this. Many distribu­ tions have a self-contiained program which will step you through the installation. On other distributions, you will have to mount your filesystems in a certain subdirectory (such as /mnt) and copy the soft­ ware to them by hand. On CD-ROM distributions, you may be given the option to install a portion of the software on your hard drives, and leave most of the software on the CD-ROM. Some distributions offer several different ways to install the software. For example, you may be able to install the software directly from an MS-DOS partition on your hard drive, instead of from floppies. Or, you may be able to install over a TCP/IP network via FTP or NFS. See - 71 - your distribution's documentation for details. As an example, the SLS distribution of Linux uses the doinstall command to install the software. It takes the form doinstall ... where is the name of your root filesystem, and are the names of an additional filesystem and the mount point for that filesystem, and so on. For example, if you have a single filesystem for Linux on /dev/hda2, you would install the software with the command # doinstall /dev/hda2 If you had an additional filesystem on /dev/hda4 for /usr, you would instead use the command # doinstall /dev/hda2 /dev/hda4 /usr Again, the above commands are meant only as examples. The exact method used to install the Linux software differs greatly with each dis­ tribution. We're hoping that installing the Linux software should be self-explanatory, as it is with most distributions. 3.3.7 Creating the boot floppy or installing LILO Every distribution provides some means of booting your new Linux system after you have installed the software. In many cases, the installation procedure will create a ``boot floppy'' which contains a Linux kernel configured to use your newly-created root filesystem. In order to boot Linux, you would boot from this floppy, and control would be tranferred to your hard drive after booting. On other distributions, this ``boot floppy'' is the installation floppy itself. Many distributions give you the option of installing LILO on your hard drive. LILO is a program that is installed on your drive's master boot record. It is able to boot a number of operating systems, including MS-DOS and Linux, and allows you to select at startup time which to boot. - 72 - In order for LILO to be installed sucessfully, it needs to know a good deal of information about your drive configuration---for example, which partitions contain which operating systems, how to boot each oper­ ating system, and so on. Many distributions, when installing LILO, attempt to ``guess'' at the appropriate parameters for your configura­ tion. Although it's not often, the automated LILO installation provided by some distributions can fail, and leave your master boot record in shambles (although it's very doubtful that any damage to the actual data on your hard drive will take place). In particular, if you use OS/2's Boot Manager, you should not install LILO using the automated proce­ dure---there are special instructions for using LILO with the Boot Man­ ager, which will be covered later. In many cases, it is best to use a boot floppy, until you have a change to configure LILO yourself, by hand. If you're feeling exception­ ally trustworthy, though, you can go ahead with the automated LILO installation if it is provided with your distribution. In Chapter 5., we'll cover in detail how to configure and install LILO for your particular setup. If everything goes well, then congratulations! You have just installed Linux on your system. Go have a Diet Coke or something---you deserve it. In case you did run into any trouble, the next section will describe the most common sticking points for Linux installations, and how to get around them. 3.3.8 Additional installation procedures Some distributions of Linux provide a number of additional installation procedures, allowing you to configure various software packages such as TCP/IP networking, the X Window System, and so on. If you are provided with these configuration options during installation, you may wish to read ahead in this book for more information on how to configure this software. Otherwise, you should put off these installation procedures until you have a complete understanding of how to configure the soft­ ware. It's up to you; if all else fails, just go with the flow and see what happens. It's very doubtful that anything that you do incorrectly now cannot be undone in the future. (Knock on wood.) 3.4 Postinstallation procedures After you have completed installing the Linux software, there should be - 73 - very little left to do before you can begin to use the system. In most cases, you should be able to reboot the system, login as root, and begin exploring the system. (Each distribution has a different method for doing this---follow the instructions given by the distribution.) At this point it's a good idea to explain how to reboot and shut­ down the system as you're using it. You should never reboot or shutdown your Linux system by pressing the reset switch or with the old ``Vulcan Nerve Pinch''---that is, by pressing `ctrl-alt-del' in unison. You shouldn't simply switch off the power, either. As with most UNIX sys­ tems, Linux caches disk writes in memory. Therefore, if you suddenly reboot the system without shutting down ``cleanly'', you can corrupt the data on your drives, causing untold damage. The easiest way to shut down the system is with the shutdown com­ mand. As an example, to shutdown and reboot the system immediately, use the following command as root: # shutdown -r now This will cleanly reboot your system. The man page for shutdown describes the other command-line arguments that are available. Note, however, that many Linux distributions do not provide the shutdown command on the installation media. This means that the first time you reboot your system after installation, you may need to use the `ctrl-alt-del' combination after all. Thereafter, you should always use the shutdown command. After you have a chance to explore and use the system, there are several configuration chores that you should undertake. The first is to create a user account for yourself (and, optionally, for any other users that might have access to the system). Creating user accounts is described in Section 5.4. If you created more than one filesystem for Linux, or if you're using a swap partition, you may need to edit the file /etc/fstab in order for those filesystems to be available automatically after reboot­ ing. (For example, if you're using a separate filesystem for /usr, and none of the files that should be in /usr don't appear to be present, you may simply need to mount that filesystem.) Section 5.8 describes this procedure. 3.5 Running Into Trouble Almost everyone runs into some kind of snag or hangup when attempting to - 74 - install Linux the first time. Most of the time, the problem is caused by a simple misunderstanding. Sometimes, however, it can be something more serious, such as an oversight by one of the developers, or a bug. This section will describe some of the most common installation problems, and how to solve them. If your installation appears to be suc­ cessful, but you received unexpected error messages during the installa­ tion, these are described here as well. 3.5.1 Problems with booting the installation media When attempting to boot the installation media for the first time, you may encounter a number of problems. These are listed below. Note that the following problems are not related to booting your newly-installed Linux system. See Section 3.5.4 for information on these kinds of pit­ falls. * Floppy or media error when attempting to boot. The most popular cause for this kind of problem is a cor­ rupt boot floppy. Either the floppy is physically damaged, in which case you should re-create the disk with a brand new floppy, or the data on the floppy is bad, in which case you should verify that you downloaded and transferred the data to the floppy correctly. In many cases, simply re-creating the boot floppy will solve your problems. Retrace your steps and try again. If you received your boot floppy from a mail order vendor or some other distributor, instead of downloading and creating it yourself, contact the distributor and ask for a new boot floppy---but only after verifying that this is indeed the problem. * System ``hangs'' during boot or after booting. After the installation media boots, you will see a number of messages from the kernel itself, indicating which devices were detected and configured. After this, you will usually be presented with a login prompt, allowing you to proceed with installation (some distributions instead drop you right into an installation program of some kind). The system may appear to ``hang'' during several of these steps. During all of these steps, be patient; loading software from floppy is very slow. In many cases, the system has not hung at all, but is merely - 75 - taking a long time. Verify that there is no drive or system activity for at least several minutes before assuming that the system is hung. 01. After booting from the LILO prompt, the system must load the kernel image from floppy. This may take several sec­ onds; you will know that things are going well if the floppy drive light is still on. 02. While the kernel boots, SCSI devices must be probed for. If you do not have any SCSI devices installed, the sys­ tem will ``hang'' for up to 15 seconds while the SCSI probe continues; this usually occurs after the line lp init: lp1 exists (0), using polling driver appears on your screen. 03. After the kernel is finished booting, control is trans­ ferred to the system bootup files on the floppy. Finally, you will be presented with a login prompt, or be dropped into an installation program. If you are pre­ sented with a login prompt such as Linux login: you should then login (usually as root or install---this varies with each distribution). After entering the username, the system may pause for 20 sec­ onds or more while the installation program or shell is being loaded from floppy. Again, the floppy drive light should be on. Don't assume that the system is hung. Any of the above items may be the source of your problem. However, it is possible that the system actually may ``hang'' while booting, which can be due to several causes. First of all, you may not have enough available RAM to boot the instal­ lation media. (See the following item for information on dis­ abling the ramdisk to free up memory.) The cause of many system hangs is hardware - 76 - incompatibility. Section 2.8 in the last chapter presented an overview of supported hardware under Linux. Even if your hard­ ware is supported, you may run into problems with incompatible hardware configurations which are causing the system to hang. See Section 3.5.2, below, for a discussion of hardware incom­ patibilities. * System reports out of memory errors while attempting to boot or install the software. This item deals with the amount of available RAM that you have available. On systems with 4 megabytes of RAM or less, you may run into trouble booting the installation media or installing the software itself. This is because many distribu­ tions use a ``ramdisk'', which is a filesystem loaded directly into RAM, for operations while using the installation media. The entire image of the installation boot floppy, for example, may be loaded into a ramdisk, which may require more than a megabyte of RAM. The solution to this problem is to disable the ramdisk option when booting the install media. Each release has a dif­ ferent procedure for doing this; on the SLS release, for exam­ ple, you type ``floppy'' at the LILO prompt when booting the a1 disk. See your distribution's documentation for details. You may not see an ``out of memory'' error when attempt­ ing to boot or install the software; instead, the system may unexpectedly hang, or fail to boot. If your system hangs, and none of the explanations in the previous section seem to be the cause, try disabling the ramdisk. Keep in mind that Linux itself requires at least 2 megabytes of RAM to run at all; some distributions of Linux require 4 megabytes or more. * The system reports an error such as ``permission denied'' or ``file not found'' while booting. This is an indication that your installation bootup media is corrupt. If you attempt to boot from the installation media (and you're sure that you're doing everything correctly), you should not see any errors such as this. Contact the distribu­ tor of your Linux software and find out about the problem, and perhaps obtain another copy of the boot media if necessary. If you downloaded the bootup disk yourself, try re-creating the bootup disk, and see if this solves your problem. - 77 - * The system reports the error ``VFS: Unable to mount root'' when booting. This error message means that the root filesystem (found on the boot media itself), could not be found. This means that either your boot media is corrupt in some way, or that you are not booting the system correctly. For example, many CD-ROM distributions require that you have the CD-ROM in the drive when booting. Also be sure that the CD-ROM drive is on, and check for any activity. It's also possible that the system is not locating your CD-ROM drive at boot time; see Section 3.5.2 for more information. If you're sure that you are booting the system correctly, then your bootup media may indeed be corrupt. This is a very uncommon problem, so try other solutions before attempting to use another boot floppy or tape. 3.5.2 Hardware problems The most common form of problem when attempting to install or use Linux is an incompatibility with hardware. Even if all of your hardware is supported by Linux, a misconfiguration or hardware conflict can some­ times cause strange results---your devices may not be detected at boot time, or the system may hang. It is important to isolate these hardware problems if you suspect that they may be the source of your trouble. In the following sections we will describe some common hardware problems and how to resolve them. Isolating hardware problems If you experience a problem that you believe to be hardware-related, the first thing that you should to do is attempt to isolate the problem. This means eliminating all possible variables and (usually) taking the system apart, piece-by-piece, until the offending piece of hardware is isolated. This is not as frightening as it may sound. Basically, you should remove all nonessential hardware from your system, and then determine which device is actually causing the trouble---possibly by reinserting each device, one at a time. This means that you should remove all hard­ ware other than the floppy and video controllers, and of course the key­ board. Even innocent-looking devices such as mouse controllers can wreak - 78 - unknown havoc on your peace of mind unless you consider them nonessen­ tial. For example, let's say that the system hangs during the Ethernet board detection sequence at boot time. You might hypothesize that there is a conflict or problem with the Ethernet board in your machine. The quick and easy way to find out is to pull the Ethernet board, and try booting again. If everything goes well, then you know that either (a) the Ethernet board is not supported by Linux (see Section 2.8 for a list of compatible boards), or (b) there is an address or IRQ conflict with the board. ``Address or IRQ conflict?'' What on earth does that mean? All devices in your machine use an IRQ, or interrupt request line, to tell the system that they need something done on their behalf. You can think of the IRQ as a cord that the device tugs when it needs the system to take care of some pending request. If more than one device is tugging on the same cord, the kernel won't be able to detemine which device it needs to service. Instant mayhem. Therefore, be sure that all of your installed devices are using unique IRQ lines. In general the IRQ for a device can be set by jumpers on the card; see the documentation for the particular device for details. Some devices do not require the use of an IRQ at all, but it is suggested that you configure them to use one if possible (the Seagate ST01 and ST02 SCSI controllers being good examples). In some cases, the kernel provided on your installation media is configured to use a certain IRQ for certain devices. For example, on some distributions of Linux, the kernel is preconfigured to use IRQ 5 for the TMC-950 SCSI controller, the Mitsumi CD-ROM controller, and the bus mouse driver. If you want to use two or more of these devices, you'll need to first install Linux with only one of these devices enabled, then recompile the kernel in order to change the default IRQ for one of them. (See Chapter 5. for information on recompiling the kernel.) Another area where hardware conflicts can arise is with DMA (direct memory access) channels, I/O addresses, and shared memory addresses. All of these terms describe mechanisms through which the system inter­ faces with hardware devices. Some Ethernet boards, for example, use a shared memory address as well as an IRQ to interface with the system. If any of these are in conflict with other devices, then the system may bahave unexpectedly. You should be able to change the DMA channel, I/O or shared memory addresses for your various devices with jumper set­ tings. (Unfortunately, some devices don't allow you to change these set­ tings.) - 79 - The documentation for your various hardware devices should specify the IRQ, DMA channel, I/O address, or shared memory address that the devices use, and how to configure them. Again, the simple way to get around these problems is just to temporarily disable the conflicting devices until you have time to determine the cause of the problem. Table is a list of IRQ and DMA channels used by various ``standard'' devices found on most systems. Almost all systems will have these some of devices, so you should avoid setting the IRQ or DMA of other devices in conflict with these values. Problems recognizing hard drive or controller When Linux boots, you should see a series of messages on your screen such as: Console: colour EGA+ 80x25, 8 virtual consoles Serial driver version 3.96 with no serial options enabled tty00 at 0x03f8 (irq = 4) is a 16450 tty03 at 0x02e8 (irq = 3) is a 16550A lp init: lp1 exists (0), using polling driver ... Here, the kernel is detecting the various hardware devices present on your system. At some point, you should see the line Partition check: followed by a list of recognized partitions, for example: Partition check: hda: hda1 hda2 hdb: hdb1 hdb2 hdb3 If, for some reason, your drives or partitions are not recognized, then you will not be able to access them in any way. There are several things that can cause this to happen: * Hard drive or controller not supported. If you are using a hard drive controller (IDE, SCSI, or otherwise) that is not supported by Linux, the kernel will not recognize your parti­ tions at boot time. - 80 - +----------------------------------------------------------+ | | |Device I/O address IRQ DMA | | | |ttyS0 (COM1) 3f8 4 n/a | |ttyS1 (COM2) 2f8 3 n/a | |ttyS2 (COM3) 3e8 4 n/a | |ttyS3 (COM4) 2e8 3 n/a | |lp0 (LPT1) 378 - 37f 7 n/a | |lp1 (LPT2) 278 - 27f 5 n/a | |fd0, fd1 (floppies 1 and 2) 3f0 - 3f7 6 2 | |fd2, fd3 (floppies 3 and 4) 370 - 377 10 3 | +----------------------------------------------------------+ TABLE 2. Common device settings * Drive or controller improperly configured. Even if your con­ troller is supported by Linux, it may not be configured cor­ rectly. (This is particularly a problem for SCSI controllers; most non-SCSI controllers should work fine without any addi­ tional configuration). Refer to the documentation for your hard drive and/or controller for information on solving these kinds of problems. In particular, many hard drives will need to have a jumper set if they are to be used as a ``slave'' drive (for example, as the second hard drive). The acid test for this kind of condi­ tion is to boot up MS-DOS, or some other operating system, known to work with your drive and controller. If you can access the drive and controller from another operating system, then it is not a problem with your hardware configuration. See Section, above, for information on resolving possible device conflicts, and Section, below, for information on configuring SCSI devices. * Controller properly configured, but not detected. Some BIOS- less SCSI controllers require the user to specify information about the controller at boot time. Section, below, describes how to force hardware detection for these con­ trollers. - 81 - * Hard drive geometry not recognized. Some systems, such as the IBM PS/ValuePoint, do not store hard drive geometry informa­ tion in the CMOS memory, where Linux expects to find it. Also, certain SCSI controllers need to be told where to find drive geometry in order for Linux to recognize the layout of your drive. Most distributions provide a bootup option to specify the drive geometry. In general, when booting the installation media, you can specify the drive geometry at the LILO boot prompt with a command such as: boot: linux hd=,, where , , and correspond to the number of cylinders, heads, and sectors per track for your hard drive. After installing the Linux software, will be able to install LILO, allowing you to boot from the hard drive. At that time, you can specify the drive geometry to the LILO installation procedure, making it unnecessary to enter the drive geometry each time you boot. See Chapter 5. for more about LILO. Problems with SCSI controllers and devices Presented here are some of the most common problems with SCSI con­ trollers and devices such as CD-ROMs, hard drives, and tape drives. If you are having problems getting Linux to recognize your drive or con­ troller, read on. The Linux SCSI HOWTO (see Appendix A) contains much useful infor­ mation on SCSI devices in addition to that listed here. SCSI can be par­ ticularly tricky to configure at times. * A SCSI device is detected at all possible ID's. This is caused by strapping the device to the same address as the controller. You need to change the jumper settings so that the drive uses a different address from the controller itself. - 82 - * Linux reports sense errors, even if the devices are known to be error-free. This can be caused by bad cables, or by bad termination. If your SCSI bus is not terminated at both ends, you may have errors accessing SCSI devices. When in doubt, always check your cables. * SCSI devices report timeout errors. This is usually caused by a conflict with IRQ, DMA, or device addresses. Also check that interrupts are enabled correctly on your controller. * SCSI controllers using BIOS are not detected. Detection of controllers using BIOS will fail if the BIOS is disabled, or if your controller's ``signature'' is not recognized by the kernel. See the Linux SCSI HOWTO for more information about this. * Controllers using memory mapped I/O do not work. This is caused when the memory-mapped I/O ports are incorrectly cached. Either mark the board's address space as uncacheable in the XCMOS settings, or disable cache altogether. * When partitioning, you get a warning that ``cylinders > 1024'', or you are unable to boot from a partition using cylinders numbered above 1024. BIOS limits the number of cylinders to 1024, and any partition using cylinders numbered above this won't be accessible from the BIOS. As far as Linux is concerned, this affects only booting; once the system has booted you should be able to access the partition. Your options are to either boot Linux from a boot floppy, or boot from a partition using cylinders numbered below 1024. See Sec­ tion 3.3.7 for information on creating a boot diskette or installing LILO. * CD-ROM drive or other removeable media devices are not recog­ nized at boot time. Try booting with a CD-ROM (or disk) in the drive. This is necessary for some devices. If your SCSI controller is not recognized, you may need to force hardware detection at boot time. This is particularly important for BIOS-less SCSI controllers. Most distributions allow you to specify the controller IRQ and shared memory address when booting the installation media. For example, if you are using a TMC-8xx controller, you may be able to enter - 83 - boot: linux tmx8xx=, at the LILO boot prompt, where is the IRQ of con­ troller, and is the shared memory address. Whether or not you will be able to do this depends on the distribution of Linux you are using; consult your documentation for details. 3.5.3 Problems installing the software Actually installing the Linux software should be quite trouble-free, if you're lucky. The only problems that you might experience would be related to corrupt installation media or lack of space on your Linux filesystems. Here is a list of these common problems. * System reports ``Read error'', ``file not found'', or other errors while attempting to install the software. This is indicative of a problem with your installation media. If you are installing from floppy, keep in mind that floppies are quite succeptible to media errors of this type. Be sure to use brand-new, newly-formatted floppies. If you have an MS-DOS partition on your drive, many Linux distributions allow you to install the software from the hard drive. This may be faster and more reliable than using floppies. If you are using a CD-ROM, be sure to check the CD for scratches, dust, or other problems which might cause media errors. The cause of the problem may be that the media is in the incorrect format. For example, if using floppies, many Linux distributions require that the floppies be formatted in high- density MS-DOS format. (The boot floppy is the exception; it is not in MS-DOS format in most cases.) If all else fails, either obtain a new set of floppies, or recreate the floppies (using new diskettes) if you downloaded the software yourself. * System reports errors such as ``tar: read error'' or ``gzip: not in gzip format''. This problem is usually caused by cor­ rupt files on the installation media itself. In other words, your floppy may be error-free, but the data on the floppy is in some way corrupted. For example, if you downloaded the Linux software using text mode, rather than binary mode, then your files will be corrupt, and unreadable by the installation software. - 84 - * System reports errors such as ``device full'' while installing. This is a clear-cut sign that you have run out of space when installing the software. Not all Linux distribu­ tions will be able to cleanly pick up the mess; you shouldn't be able to abort the installation and expect the system to work. The solution is usually to re-create your filesystems (with the mke2fs command) which will delete the partially- installed software. You can then attempt to re-install the software, this time selecting a smaller amount of software to install. In other cases, you may need to start completely from scratch, and rethink your partition and filesystem sizes. * System reports errors such as ``read intr: 0x10'' while accessing the hard drive. This is usually an indication of bad blocks on your drive. However, if you receive these errors while using mkswap or mke2fs, the system may be having trouble accessing your drive. This can either be a hardware problem (see Section 3.5.2), or it might be a case of poorly specified geometry. If you used the hd=,, option at boot time to force detection of your drive geometry, and incorrectly specified the geometry, you could be prone to this problem. This can also happen if your drive geometry is incorrectly specified in the system CMOS. * System reports errors such as ``file not found'' or ``permis­ sion denied''. This problem can occur if not all of the neces­ sary files are present on the installation media (see the next paragraph) or if there is a permissions problem with the installation software. For example, some distributions of Linux have been known to have bugs in the installation soft­ ware itself. These are usually fixed very rapidly, and are quite infrequent. If you suspect that the distribution soft­ ware contains bugs, and you're sure that you have not done anything wrong, contact the maintainer of the distribution to report the bug. If you have other strange errors when installing Linux (especially if you downloaded the software yourself), be sure that you actually obtained all of the necessary files when downloading. For example, some people use the FTP command - 85 - mget *.* when downloading the Linux software via FTP. This will download only those files that contain a ``.'' in their filenames; if there are any files without the ``.'', you will miss them. The correct command to use in this case is mget * The best advice is to retrace your steps when something goes wrong. You may think that you have done everything correctly, when in fact your forgot a small but important step somewhere along the way. In many cases, just attempting to re-download or re-install the Linux software can solve the problem. Don't beat your head against the wall any longer than you have to! Also, if Linux unexpectedly hangs during installation, there may be a hardware problem of some kind. See Section 3.5.2 for hints. 3.5.4 Problems after installing Linux You've spent an entire afternoon installing Linux. In order to make space for it, you wiped your MS-DOS and OS/2 partitions, and tearfully deleted your copies of SimCity and Wing Commander. You reboot the sys­ tem, and nothing happens. Or, even worse, something happens, but it's not what should happen. What do you do? In Section 3.5.1, we covered some of the most common problems that can occur when booting the Linux installation media---many of those problems may apply here. In addition, you may be victim to one of the following maladies. Problems booting Linux from floppy If you are using a floppy to boot Linux, you may need to specify the location of your Linux root partition at boot time. This is especially true if you are using the original installation floppy itself, and not a custom boot floppy created during installation. While booting the floppy, hold down `shift' or `ctrl'. This should present you with a boot menu; press `tab' to see a list of available options. For example, many distributions allow you to type - 86 - boot: linux hd= at the boot menu, where is the name of the Linux root partition, such as /dev/hda2. Consult the documentation for your distri­ bution for details. Problems booting Linux from the hard drive If you opted to install LILO, instead of creating a boot floppy, then you should be able to boot Linux from the hard drive. However, the auto­ mated LILO installation procedure used by many distributions is not always perfect. It may make incorrect assumptions about your partition layout, in which case you will need to re-install LILO to get everything right. Installing LILO is covered in Chapter 5.. * System reports ``Drive not bootable---Please insert system disk.'' You will get this error message if the hard drive's master boot record is corrupt in some way. In most cases, it's harmless, and everything else on your drive is still intact. There are several ways around this: 01. While partitioning your drive using fdisk, you may have deleted the partition that was marked as ``active''. MS- DOS and other operating systems attempt to boot the ``active'' partition at boot time (Linux pays no atten­ tion to whether the partition is ``active'' or not). You may be able to boot MS-DOS and run FDISK to set the active flag on your MS-DOS paritition, and all will be well. Another command to try (with MS-DOS 5.0 and higher) is FDISK /MBR This command will attempt to rebuild the hard drive master boot record for booting MS-DOS, overwriting LILO. If you no longer have MS-DOS on your hard drive, you'll need to boot Linux from floppy and attempt to install LILO later. 02. If you created an MS-DOS partition using Linux's version of fdisk, or vice versa, you may get this error. You - 87 - should create MS-DOS partitions only using MS-DOS's ver­ sion FDISK. (The same applies to operating systems other than MS-DOS.) The best solution here is either to start from scratch and repartition the drive correctly, or to merely delete and re-create the offending partitions using the correct version of fdisk. 03. The LILO installation procedure may have failed. In this case, you should either boot from your Linux boot floppy (if you have one), or from the original installation media. Either of these should provide options for speci­ fying the Linux root partition to use when booting. Hold down `shift' or `ctrl' at boot time, and press `tab' from the boot menu for a list of options. * When booting the system from the hard drive, MS-DOS (or another operating system) starts instead of Linux. First of all, be sure that you actually installed LILO when installing the Linux software. If not, then the system will still boot MS-DOS (or whatever other operating system you may have) when you attempt to boot from the hard drive. In order to boot Linux from the hard drive, you will need to install LILO (see Chapter 5.). On the other hand, if you did install LILO, and another operating system boots instead of Linux, then you have LILO configured to boot that other operating system by default. While the system is booting, hold down `shift' or `ctrl', and press `tab' at the boot prompt. This should present you with a list of possible operating systems to boot; select the appropriate option (usually just ``linux'') to boot Linux. If you wish to select Linux as the default operating sys­ tem to boot, you will need to re-install LILO. See Chapter 5.. It also may be possible that you attempted to install LILO, but the installation procedure failed in some way. See the previous item. - 88 - Problems logging in After booting Linux, you should be presented with a login prompt, like so: linux login: At this point, either the distribution's documentation or the sys­ tem itself will tell you what to do. For many distributions, you simply login as root, with no password. Other possible usernames to try are guest or test. Most newly-installed Linux systems should not require a password for the initial login. However, if you are asked to enter a password, there may be a problem. First, try using a password equivalent to the username; that is, if you are logging in as root, use ``root'' as the password. If you simply can't login, there may be a problem. First, consult your distribution's documentation; the username and password to use may be buried in there somewhere. The username and password may have been given to you during the installation procedure, or they may be printed on the login banner. One cause of this may be a problem with installing the Linux login and initialization files. In this is the case, you may need to reinstall (at least parts of) the Linux software, or boot your installation media and attempt to fix the problem by hand---see Chapter 5. for hints. Problems using the system If login is successful, you should be presented with a shell prompt (such as ``#'' or ``$'') and can happily roam around your system. How­ ever, there are some initial problems with using the system that some­ times creep up. The most common initial configuration problem is incorrect file or directory permissions. This can cause the error message Shell-init: permission denied to be printed after logging in (in fact, any time you see the mes­ sage ``permission denied'' you can be fairly certain that it is a prob­ lem with file permissions). In many cases, it's a simple matter of using the chmod command to - 89 - fix the permissions of the appropriate files or directories. For exam­ ple, some distributions of Linux once used the (incorrect) file mode 0644 for the root directory (/). The fix was to issue the command # chmod 755 / as root. However, in order to issue this command, you needed to boot from the installation media and mount your Linux root filesystem by hand---a hairy task for most newcomers. As you use the system, you may run into places where file and directory permissions are incorrect, or software does not work as con­ figured. Welcome to the world of Linux! While most distributions are quite trouble-free, very few of them are perfect. We don't want to cover all of those problems here. Instead, throughout the book we help you to solve many of these configuration problems by teaching you how to find them and fix them yourself. In Chapter 2. we discussed this philos­ ophy in some detail. In Chapter 5., we give hints for fixing many of these common configuration problems. - 90 - 4. Linux Tutorial 4.1 Introduction New users of UNIX and Linux may be a bit intimidated by the size and apparent complexity of the system before them. There are many good books on using UNIX out there, for all levels of expertise from novice to expert. However, none of these books covers, specifically, an introduc­ tion to using Linux. While 95% of using Linux is exactly like using other UNIX systems, the most straightforward way to get going on your new system is with a tutorial tailored for Linux. Herein is such a tuto­ rial. This chapter does not go into a large amount of detail or cover many advanced topics. Instead, it is intended to get the new Linux user running, on both feet, so that he or she may then read a more general book about UNIX and understand the basic differences between other UNIX systems and Linux. Very little is assumed here, except perhaps some familiarity with personal computer systems, and MS-DOS. However, even if you're not an MS-DOS user, you should be able to understand everything here. At first glance, UNIX looks a lot like MS-DOS (after all, MS-DOS was modeled on the CP/M operating system, which in turn was modeled on UNIX). However, only the very superficial features of UNIX resemble MS-DOS in any way. Even if you're completely new to the PC world, this tutorial should be of help. And, before we begin: Don't be afraid to experiment. The system won't bite you. You can't destroy anything by working on the system. UNIX has some amount of security built in, to prevent ``normal'' users (the role which you will now assume) from damaging files which are essential to the system. Even so, the absolute worst thing that can hap­ pen is that you'll delete all of your files---and you'll have to go back and re-install the system. So, at this point, you have nothing to lose. 4.2 Basic UNIX Concepts UNIX is a multitasking, multiuser operating system. This means that there can be many people using one computer at the same time, running many different applications. (This differs from MS-DOS, where only one person can use the system at any one time.) Under UNIX, for users to identify themselves to the system, they must log in, which entails two steps: Entering your login name (the name which the system identifies you as), and entering your password, which is your personal secret key to logging into your account. Because only you know your password, no one else can login to the system under your username. On traditional UNIX systems, the system administrator will assign - 91 - you a username and an initial password when you are given an account on the system. However, because you are the system administrator, you must set up your own account before you can login---see Section 4.2.1, below. For the following discussions, we'll use the imaginary username ``larry''. In addition, each UNIX system has a hostname assigned to it. It is this hostname that gives your machine a name, gives it character and charm. The hostname is used to identify individual machines on a net­ work, but even if your machine isn't networked, it should have a host­ name. In Section 5.10.2 we'll cover setting your system's hostname. For our examples, below, the system's hostname is ``mousehouse''. 4.2.1 Creating an account Before you can use the system, you must set up a user account for your­ self. This is because it's usually not a good idea to use the root account for normal use. The root account should be reserved for running priveleged commands and for maintaining the system, as discussed in Sec­ tion 5.1. In order to create an account for yourself, you need to login as root and use the useradd or adduser command. See Section 5.4 for infor­ mation on this procedure. 4.2.2 Logging in At login time, you'll see a prompt resembling the following on your screen: mousehouse login: Here, enter your username, and press the `Return' key. Our hero, larry, would type the following: mousehouse login: larry Password: Now, enter your password. It won't be echoed to the screen when you login, so type carefully. If you mistype your password, you'll see the message - 92 - Login incorrect and you'll have to try again. Once you have correctly entered the username and password, you are officially logged into the system, and are free to roam. 4.2.3 Virtual consoles The system's console is the monitor and keyboard connected directly to the system. (Because UNIX is a multiuser operating system, you may have other terminals connected to serial ports on your system, but these would not be the console.) Linux, like some other versions of UNIX, pro­ vides access to virtual consoles (or VC's), which allow you to have more than one login session from your console at a time. To demonstrate this, login to your system (as demonstrated above). Now, press `alt-F2'. You should see the login: prompt again. You're looking at the second virtual console---you logged into the first. To switch back to the first VC, press `alt-F1'. Voila! You're back to your first login session. A newly-installed Linux system probably allows you to access the first four VC's, using `alt-F1' through `alt-F4'. However, it is possi­ ble to enable up to 12 VC's---one for each function key on your key­ board. As you can see, use of VC's can be very powerful---you can be working on several different VC's at once. While the use of VC's is somewhat limiting (after all, you can only be looking at one VC at a time), it should give you a feel for UNIX's multiuser capabilities. While you're working on VC #1, you can switch over to VC #2 and start working on something else. 4.2.4 Shells and commands For most of your explorations in the world of UNIX, you'll be talking to the system through the use of a shell. A shell is just a program which takes user input (e.g., commands which you type) and translates them into instructions. This can be compared to the COMMAND.COM program under MS-DOS, which does essentially the same thing. The shell is just one interface to UNIX. There are many possible interfaces---such as the X Window System, which lets you run commands by using the mouse and key­ board in conjunction. As soon as you login, the system starts the shell, and you can type commands to it. Here's a quick example. Here, Larry logs in, and is left - 93 - sitting at the shell prompt. mousehouse login: larry Password: larry's password Welcome to Mousehouse! /home/larry# ``/home/larry#'' is the shell's prompt, indicating that it's ready to take commands. (More on what the prompt itself means later.) Let's try telling the system to do something interesting: /home/larry# make love make: *** No way to make target `love'. Stop. /home/larry# Well, as it turns out make was the name of an actual program on the system, and the shell executed this program when given the command. (Unfortunately, the system was being unfriendly.) This brings us to one burning question: What are commands? What happens when you type ``make love''? The first word on the command line, ``make'', is the name of the command to be executed. Everything else on the command line is taken as arguments to this command. Examples: /home/larry# cp foo bar Here, the name of the command is ``cp'', and the arguments are ``foo'' and ``bar''. When you type a command, the shell does several things. First of all, it looks at the command name, and checks to see if it is a command which is internal to the shell. (That is, a command which the shell knows how to execute itself. There are a number of these commands, and we'll go into them later.) The shell also checks to see if the command is an alias, or substitute name, for another command. If neither of these conditions apply, the shell looks for a program, on the disk, with the command's name. If it finds such a program, the shell runs it, giv­ ing the program the arguments specified on the command line. In our example, the shell looks for the program called make, and runs it with the argument love. Make is a program often used to compile large programs, and it takes as arguments the name of a ``target'' to compile. In the case of ``make love'', we instructed make to compile the target love. Because make can't find a target by this name, it fails with a humorous error message, and we are returned to the shell prompt. - 94 - What happens if we type a command to a shell, and the shell can't find a program with the command name to run? Well, we can try it: /home/larry# eat dirt eat: command not found /home/larry# Quite simply, if the shell can't find a program with the name given on the command line (here, ``eat''), it prints an error message which should be self-explanatory. You'll often see this error message if you mistype a command (for example, if you had typed ``mkae love'' instead of ``make love''). 4.2.5 Logging out Before we delve much further, we should tell you how to log out of the system. At the shell prompt, use the command /home/larry# exit to logout. There are other ways of logging out as well, but this is the most foolproof one. 4.2.6 Changing your password You should also be aware of how to change your password. The command passwd will prompt you for your old password, and your new password. It will ask you to reenter the new password for validation. Be careful not to forget your password---if you do, you will have to ask the system administrator to reset it for you. (If you're the system administrator, see Section 5.4.) 4.2.7 Files and directories Under most operating systems (UNIX included), there is the concept of a file, which is just a bundle of information which is given a name (called a filename). Examples of files would be your history term paper, an e-mail message, or an actual program which can be executed. Essen­ tially, anything which is saved on disk is saved in an individual file. Files are identified by their filenames. For example, the file con­ taining your history paper might be saved with the filename history- paper. These names usually identify the file and its contents in some form which is meaningful to you. There is no standard format for file­ names as there is under MS-DOS and other operating systems; in general, filenames may contain any character (except /---see the discussion of pathnames, below), and are limited to 256 characters in length. - 95 - With the concept of files comes the concept of directories. A directory is just a collection of files. It can be thought of as a ``folder'' which contains many different files. Directories themselves are given names, with which you can identify them. Furthermore, direc­ tories are maintained in a tree-like structure; that is, directories may contain other directories. A file may be referred to by its pathname, which is made up of the filename, preceded by the name of the directory which contains the file. For example, let's say that Larry has a directory called papers, which contains three files: history-final, english-lit, and masters-thesis. (Each of these three files contains information for three of Larry's ongoing projects.) To refer to the file english-lit, Larry can specify the file's pathname: papers/english-lit As you can see, the directory and file names are separated by a single slash (/). For this reason, filenames themselves cannot contain the / character. MS-DOS users will find this convention familiar, although in the MS-DOS world, the backslash (\) is used instead. As mentioned, directories can be nested within each other as well. For example, let's say that Larry has another directory, within papers, called notes. This directory contains the files math-notes and cheat- sheet. The pathname of the file cheat-sheet would be papers/notes/cheat-sheet Therefore, the pathname really is a ``path'' which you take to locate a certain file. The directory above a given subdirectory is known as the parent directory. Here, the directory papers is the parent of the notes directory. 4.2.8 The directory tree Most UNIX systems have a standard layout for files, so that system resources and programs can be easily located. This layout forms a direc­ tory tree, which starts at the ``/'' directory, also known as ``the root directory''. Directly underneath / are some important subdirectories: /bin, /etc, /dev, and /usr, among others. These directories in turn con­ tain other directories which contain system configuration files, pro­ grams, and so on. - 96 - In particular, each user has a home directory, which is the direc­ tory set aside for that user to store his or her files. In the examples above, all of Larry's files (such as cheat-sheet and history-final) were contained in Larry's home directory. Usually, user home directories are contained under /home, and are named for the user who owns that direc­ tory. Therefore, Larry's home directory is /home/larry. 4.2.9 The current working directory At any given time, commands that you type to the shell are given in terms of your current working directory. You can think of your working directory as the directory in which you are currently ``located''. When you first login, your working directory is set to your home direc­ tory---/home/larry in our case. Whenever you reference a file, you may refer to it in relationship to your current working directory, instead of specifying the full pathname of the file. Here's an example. Larry has the directory papers, and papers con­ tains the file history-final. If Larry wants to look at this file, he can use the command /home/larry# more /home/larry/papers/history-final The more command simply displays a file, one screen at a time. However, because Larry's current working directory is /home/larry, he can instead refer to the file relative to his current location. The com­ mand would be /home/larry# more papers/history-final Therefore, if you begin a filename (such as papers/final) with a character other than ``/'', the system assumes that you're referring to the file in terms relative to your current working directory. This is known as a relative pathname. On the other hand, if you begin a filename with a ``/'', the system interprets this as a full pathname---that is, a pathname including the entire path to the file, starting from the root directory, /. This is known as an absolute pathname. 4.2.10 Referring to home directories Under both Tcsh and Bash on Linux, your home directory can be referred to using the tilde character (``~''). For example, the command - 97 - /home/larry# more ~/papers/history-final is equivalent to /home/larry# more /home/larry/papers/history-final The ``~'' character is simply replaced with the name of your home directory by the shell. In addition, you can specify other user's home directories with the tilde as well. The pathname ``~karl/letters'' translates to ``/home/karl/letters'' by the shell (if /home/karl is karl's home direc­ tory). The use of the tilde is simply a shortcut; there is no directory named ``~''---it's just syntactic sugar provided by the shell. 4.3 First Steps into UNIX Before we begin, it is important to note that all file and command names on a UNIX system are case-sensitive (unlike operating systems such as MS-DOS). For example, the command make is very different than Make or MAKE. The same hold for file and directory names. 4.3.1 Moving around Now that we can login, and know how to refer to files using pathnames, how can we change our current working directory, to make life easier? The command for moving around in the directory structure is cd, short for ``change directory''. You'll notice that many often-used Unix commands are two or three letters. The usage of the cd command is: cd where is the name of the directory which you wish to change to. As we said, when you login, you begin in your home directory. If Larry wanted to move down into the papers subdirectory, he'd use the command /home/larry# cd papers /home/larry/papers# - 98 - As you can see, Larry's prompt changes to reflect his current work­ ing directory (so he knows where he is). Now that he's in the papers directory, he can look at his history final with the command /home/larry/papers# more history-final Now, Larry is stuck in the papers subdirectory. To move back up to the parent directory, use the command /home/larry/papers# cd .. /home/larry# (Note the space between the ``cd'' and the ``..''.) Every direc­ tory has an entry named ``..'' which refers to the parent directory. Similarly, every directory has an entry named ``.'' which refers to itself. Therefore, the command /home/larry/papers# cd . gets us nowhere. You can also use absolute pathnames in the cd command. To cd into Karl's home directory, we can use the command /home/larry/papers# cd /home/karl /home/karl# Also, using cd with no argument will return you to your own home directory. /home/karl# cd /home/larry# 4.3.2 Looking at the contents of directories Now that you know how to move around directories you probably think, ``So what?'' The basic skill of moving around directories is fairly useless, so let's introduce a new command, ls. ls prints a listing of files and directories, by default from your current directory. For exam­ ple: - 99 - /home/larry# ls Mail letters papers /home/larry# Here we can see that Larry has three entries in his current direc­ tory: Mail, letters, and papers. This doesn't tell us much---are these directories or files? We can use the -F option on the ls command to tell us more. /home/larry# ls -F Mail/ letters/ papers/ /home/larry# From the / appended to each filename, we know that these three entries are in fact subdirectories. Using ls -F may also append ``*'' to the end of a filename. This indicates that the file is an executable, or a program which can be run. If nothing is appended to the filename using ls -F, the file is a ``plain old file'', that is, it's neither a directory, or an executable. In general, each UNIX command may take a number of options in addi­ tion to other arguments. These options usually begin with a ``-'', as demonstrated above with ls -F. The -F option tells ls to give more information about the type of the files involved---in this case, print­ ing a / after each directory name. If you give ls a directory name, it will print the contents of that directory. /home/larry# ls -F papers english-lit history-final masters-thesis notes/ /home/larry# Or, for a more interesting listing, let's see what's in the sys­ tem's /etc directory. - 100 - /home/larry# ls /etc Images ftpusers lpc shells adm getty magic rc0.d startcons bcheckrc gettydefs motd rc1.d swapoff brc group mount rc2.d swapon brc~ inet mtab rc3.d syslog.conf csh.cshrc init mtools rc4.d csh.login init.d pac rc5.d syslogd.reload default initrunlvl passwd rmt termcap disktab inittab printcap rpc umount fdprm inittab.old profile rpcinfo update fstab issue psdatabase securetty utmp ftpaccess lilo rc services wtmp /home/larry# (For those MS-DOS users out there, notice how the filenames can be longer than 8 characters, and can contain periods in any position. It is even possible to have more than one period in a filename.) Let's cd up to the top of the directory tree, using ``cd ..'', and then down to another directory: /usr/bin. /home/larry# cd .. /home# cd .. /# cd usr /usr# cd bin /usr/bin# You can also move into directories in multiple steps, as in cd /usr/bin. Try moving around various directories, using ls and cd. In some cases, you may run into a foreboding ``Permission denied'' error mes­ sage. This is simply the concept of UNIX security kicking in: in order to ls or to cd into a directory, you must have permission to do so. We'll talk more about this in Section 4.9. 4.3.3 Creating new directories It's time to learn how to create directories. This involves the use of the mkdir command. Try the following: - 101 - /home/larry# mkdir foo /home/larry# ls -F Mail/ foo/ letters/ papers/ /home/larry# cd foo /home/larry/foo# ls /home/larry/foo# Congrats! You've just made a new directory and moved into it. Since there aren't any files in this new directory, let's learn how to copy files from one place to another. 4.3.4 Copying files Copying files is done with the command cp: /home/larry/foo# cp /etc/termcap . /home/larry/foo# cp /etc/shells . /home/larry/foo# ls -F shells termcap /home/larry/foo# cp shells bells /home/larry/foo# ls -F bells shells termcap /home/larry/foo# The cp command copies the files listed on the command line to the file or directory given as the last argument. Notice how we use the directory ``.'' to refer to the current directory. 4.3.5 Moving files A new command named mv moves files, instead of copying them. The syntax is very straightforward. /home/larry/foo# mv termcap sells /home/larry/foo# ls -F bells sells shells /home/larry/foo# Notice how termcap no longer exists, but in its place is the file sells. This can be used to rename files, as we have just done, but also to move a file to a completely new directory. - 102 - <> Note: mv and cp will overwrite the destination file (if it already exists) without asking you. Be careful when you move a file into another directory: there may already be a file with the same name in that direc­ tory, which you'll overwrite! 4.3.6 Deleting files and directories You now have an ugly rhyme developing with the use of the ls command. To delete a file, use the rm command. (``rm'' stands for ``remove''). /home/larry/foo# rm bells sells /home/larry/foo# ls -F shells /home/larry/foo# We're left with nothing but shells, but we won't complain. Note that rm by default won't prompt you before deleting a file---so be care­ ful. A related command to rm is rmdir. This command deletes a directory, but only if the directory is empty. If the directory contains any files or subdirectories, rmdir will complain. 4.3.7 Looking at files The commands more and cat are used for viewing the contents of files. more displays a file, one screenful at a time, while cat displays the whole file at once. To look at the file shells, we can use the command /home/larry/foo# more shells In case you're interested what shells contains, it's a list of valid shell programs on your system. On most systems, this includes /bin/sh, /bin/bash, and /bin/csh. We'll talk about these different types of shells later. While using more, press `Space' to display the next page of text, and `b' to display the previous page. There are other commands available in more as well, these are just the basics. Pressing `q' will quit more. - 103 - Quit more and try cat /etc/termcap. The text will probably fly by much too quickly for you to read it. The name ``cat'' actually stands for ``concatenate'', which is the real use of the program. The cat com­ mand can be used to concatenate the contents of several files and save the result to another file. This will be discussed later. 4.3.8 Getting online help Almost every UNIX system, Linux included, provides a facility known as ``manual pages'', or ``man pages'' for short. These man pages contain online documentation for all of the various system commands, resources, configuration files, and so on. The command used to access man pages is man. For example, if you're interested in finding out about the other options of the ls command, you can type /home/larry# man ls and the man page for ls will be displayed. Unfortunately, most of the man pages out there are written for those who already have some idea of what the command or resource does. For this reason, man pages usually only contain the hardcore technical details of the command, without a lot of tutorial. However, man pages can be an invaluable resource for jogging your memory if you forget the syntax of a command. Man pages will also tell you a lot about the com­ mands which we won't tell you in this book. I suggest that you try man for the commands we've already gone over, and whenever I introduce a new command. You'll notice some of these commands won't have man pages. This could be for several reasons. For one, the man pages haven't been written yet (the Linux Documentation Project is responsible for man pages under Linux as well. We are gradu­ ally accumulating most of the man pages available for the system). Sec­ ondly, the the command might be an internal shell command, or an alias (as discussed in Section 4.2.4), in which case it would not have a man page of its own. One example is cd, which is a shell internal command. The shell actually processes the cd---there is no separate program which contains this command. 4.4 Summary of Basic Commands This section introduces some of the most useful basic commands on a UNIX system, including those covered in the last section. - 104 - Note that options usually begin with a ``-'', and in most cases multiple one-letter options may be combined using a single ``-''. For example, instead of using the command ls -l -F, it is adequate to use ls -lF. Instead of listing all of the options available for each of these commands, we'll only talk about those which are useful or important at this time. In fact, most of these commands have a large number of options (most of which you'll never use). You can use man to see the manual pages for each command, which list all of the available options. Also note that many of these commands take a list of files or directories as arguments, denoted by `` ...''. For exam­ ple, the cp command takes as arguments a list of files to copy, followed by the destination file or directory. When copying more than one file, the destination must be a directory. * cd Change the current working directory. Syntax: cd is the directory to change to. (``.'' refers to the current directory, ``..'' the parent directory.) Example: cd ../foo sets the current directory to ../foo. * ls Displays information about the named files and directories. Syntax: ls ... Where through are the filenames or directories to list. Options: There are more options than you want to think about. The most commonly used are -F (used to display some information about the type of the file), and -l (gives a ``long'' listing including file size, owner, permissions, and so on. This will be covered in detail later.) Example: ls -lF /home/larry will display the contents of the directory /home/larry. * cp Copies file(s) to another file or directory. Syntax: cp ... Where through are the files to copy, and is the destination file or directory. Example: cp ../frog joe copies the file ../frog to the file or directory joe. * mv Moves file(s) to another file or directory. This command does the equivalent of a copy followed by the deletion of the original. This can be used to rename files, as in the MS-DOS command RENAME. - 105 - Syntax: mv ... Where through are the files to move, and is the destination file or directory. Example: mv ../frog joe moves the file ../frog to the file or directory joe. * rm Deletes files. Note that when files are deleted under UNIX, they are unrecoverable (unlike MS-DOS, where you can usually ``undelete'' the file). Syntax: rm ... Where through are the filenames to delete. Options: -i will prompt for confirmation before deleting the file. Example: rm -i /home/larry/joe /home/larry/frog deletes the files joe and frog in /home/larry. * mkdir Creates new directories. Syntax: mkdir ... Where through are the directories to create. Example: mkdir /home/larry/test creates the directory test under /home/larry. * rmdir This command deletes empty directories. When using rmdir, your current working directory must not be within the directory to be deleted. Syntax: rmdir ... Where through are the directories to delete. Example: rmdir /home/larry/papers deletes the directory /home/larry/papers, if it is empty. * man Displays the manual page for the given command or resource (that is, any system utility which isn't a command, such as a library function.) Syntax: man Where is the name of the command or resource to get help on. Example: man ls gives help on the ls command. * more Displays the contents of the named files, one screenful at a time. Syntax: more ... Where through are the files to display. Example: more papers/history-final displays the file papers/history-final. * cat Officially used to concatenate files, cat is also used to display the entire contents of a file at once. Syntax: cat ... Where through are the files to display. - 106 - Example: cat letters/from-mdw displays the file letters/from- mdw. * echo Simply echoes the given arguments. Syntax: echo ... Where through are the arguments to echo. Example: echo "Hello world" displays the string ``Hello world''. * grep Display all of the lines in the named file(s) matching the given pattern. Syntax: grep ... Where is a regular expression pattern, and through are the files to search. Example: grep loomer /etc/hosts will display all lines in the file /etc/hosts which contain the pattern ``loomer''. 4.5 Exploring the File System The file system is the collection of files and the hierarchy of directo­ ries on your system. I promised before to escort you around the filesys­ tem and the time has come. First, change to the root directory (cd /), and do an ls -F. You'll probably see these directories(1) : bin, dev, etc, home, install, lib, mnt, proc, root, tmp, user, usr, and var. Let's take a look at each of these directories. * /bin /bin is short for ``binaries'', or executables. This is where many essential system programs reside. Use the command ``ls -F /bin'' to list the files here. If you look down the list you may see a few commands that you recognize, such as cp, ls, and mv. These are the actual programs for these com­ mands. When you use the cp command, you're running the program /bin/cp. Using ls -F, you'll see that most (if not all) of the 1. You may see others, and you might not see all of them. Don't worry. Every release of Linux differs in some respects. - 107 - files in /bin have an asterisk (``*'') appended to their file­ names. This indicates that the files are executables, as described in Section 4.3.2. * /dev Next on our stop is /dev. Take a look, again with ls -F. The ``files'' in /dev are known as device drivers---they are used to access system devices and resources, such as disk drives, modems, memory, and so on. For example, just as you can read data from a file, you can read input from the mouse by accessing /dev/mouse. The filenames beginning with fd are floppy disk devices. fd0 is the first floppy disk drive, fd1 the second. Now, the astute among you will notice that there are more floppy disk devices then just the two I've listed above: they represent specific types of floppy disks. For example, fd1H1440 will access high-density, 3.5" diskettes in drive 1. Here is a list of some of the most commonly used device files. Note that even though you may not have some of the devices listed below, the chances are that you'll have entries in /dev for them anyway. * /dev/console refers to the system's console---that is, the monitor connected directly to your system. * The various /dev/ttyS and /dev/cua devices are used for accessing serial ports. For example, /dev/ttyS0 refers to ``COM1'' under MS-DOS. The /dev/cua devices are ``callout'' devices, which are used in conjunction with a modem. * The device names beginning with hd access hard drives. /dev/hda refers to the whole first hard disk, while hda1 refers to the first partition on /dev/hda. * The device names beginning with sd are SCSI drives. If you have a SCSI hard drive, instead of accessing it through /dev/hda, you would access /dev/sda. SCSI tapes are accessed via st devices, and SCSI CD-ROM via sr devices. - 108 - * The device names beginning with lp access parallel ports. /dev/lp0 refers to ``LPT1'' in the MS-DOS world. * /dev/null is used as a ``black hole''---any data sent to this device is gone forever. Why is this useful? Well, if you wanted to suppress the output of a command appearing on your screen, you could send that output to /dev/null. We'll talk more about this later. * The device names beginning with /dev/tty refer to the ``virtual consoles'' on your system (accessed via by pressing `alt-F1', `alt-F2', and so on). /dev/tty1 refers to the first VC, /dev/tty2 refers to the second, and so on. * The device names beginning with /dev/pty are ``pseudo-terminals''. They are used to provide a ``terminal'' to remote login sessions. For example, if your machine is on a network, incoming telnet logins would use one of the /dev/pty devices. * /etc /etc contains just about everything which can be labeled ``et cetera''---many system configuration files, programs, and utilities. Most of the programs found in /etc are for use by the system administrator only. We'll cover these in depth in Chapter 5.. * /home /home contains user's home directories. For example, /home/larry is the home directory for the user ``larry''. On a newly-installed system, there may not be any users in this directory. * /lib /lib contains shared library images. These files contain code which many programs share in common. Instead of each pro­ gram containing its own copy of these shared routines, they are all stored in one common place, in /lib. This makes exe­ cutable files smaller, and saves space on your system. * /proc /proc is a ``virtual filesystem'', the files in which are stored in memory, not on the drive. They refer to the var­ ious processes running on the system, and allow you to get information about what programs and processes are running at any given time. We'll go into more detail in Section 4.10.1. - 109 - * /tmp Many programs have a need to generate some information and store it in a temporary file. The canonical location for these files is in /tmp. * /usr /usr is a very important directory. It contains a number of subdirectories which in turn contain some of the most important and useful programs and configuration files used on the system. The various directories described above are essential for the system to operate, but most of the things found in /usr are optional for the system. However, it is those optional things which make the system useful and interesting. Without /usr, you'd more or less have a boring system, only with pro­ grams like cp and ls. /usr contains most of the larger soft­ ware packages and the configuration files which accompany them. * /usr/X386 /usr/X386 contains The X Window System, if you installed it. The X Window System is a large, powerful graph­ ical environment which provides a large number of graphical utilities and programs, displayed in ``windows'' on your screen. If you're at all familiar with the Microsoft Windows or Macintosh environments, X Windows will look very familiar. The /usr/X386 directory contains all of the X Windows executa­ bles, configuration files, and support files. This will be covered in more detail in Section 6.1. * /usr/adm /usr/adm contains various files of interest to the system administrator, specifically system logs, which record any errors or problems with the system. Other files record logins to the system, as well as failed login attempts. This will be covered in Chapter 5.. * /usr/bin /usr/bin is the real warehouse for software on any UNIX system. It contains most of the executables for programs not found in other places, such as /bin. * /usr/etc Just as /etc contained miscellaneous system programs and configuration files, /usr/etc contains even more of these utilities and files. In general, the files found in /usr/etc are not essential to the system, unlike those found in /etc, which are. * /usr/include /usr/include contains include files for the C compiler. These files (most of which end in .h, for ``header'') declare data structure names, subroutines, and - 110 - constants used when writing programs in C. Those files found in /usr/include/sys are generally used when programming on the UNIX system level. If you are familiar with the C programming language, here you'll find header files such as stdio.h, which declares functions such as printf(). * /usr/g++-include /usr/g++-include contains include files for the C++ compiler (much like /usr/include). * /usr/lib /usr/lib contains the ``stub'' and ``static'' library equivalents to the files found in /lib. When compiling a pro­ gram, the program is ``linked'' with the libraries found in /usr/lib, which then directs the program to look in /lib when it needs the actual code in the library. In addition, various other programs store configuration files in /usr/lib. * /usr/local /usr/local is a lot like /usr---it contains various programs and files not essential to the system, but which make the system fun and exciting. In general, those programs found in /usr/local are specialized for your system specifi­ cally---that is, /usr/local differs greatly between UNIX sys­ tems. Here, you'll find large software packages such as TeX (a document formatting system) and Emacs (a large and powerful editor), if you installed them. * /usr/man This directory contains the actual man pages. There are two subdirectories for every man page ``section'' (use the command man man for details). For example, /usr/man/man1 con­ tains the source (that is, the unformatted original) for man pages in section 1, and /usr/man/cat1 contains the formatted man pages for section 1. * /usr/spool /usr/spool contains files which are to be ``spooled'' to another program. For example, if your machine is connected to a network, incoming mail will be stored in /usr/spool/mail, until you read it or delete it. Outgoing or incoming news articles may be found in /usr/spool/news, and so on. * /usr/src /usr/src contains the source code (the uncompiled program) for various programs on your system. The most impor­ tant thing here is /usr/src/linux, which contains the source code for the Linux kernel. - 111 - 4.6 Types of shells As I have mentioned too many times before, UNIX is a multitasking, mul­ tiuser operating system. Multitasking is very useful, and once you get used to it, you'll use it all of the time. Before long, you'll be able to run programs in the ``background'', switch between multiple tasks, and ``pipeline'' programs together to achieve complicated results with a single command. Many of the features we'll be covering in this section are features provided by the shell itself. Be careful not to confuse UNIX (the actual operating system) with the shell---the shell is just an interface to the underlying system. The shell provides a great deal of functionality on top of UNIX itself. The shell is not only an interpreter for your interactive commands, which you type at the prompt. It is also a powerful programming lan­ guage, which allows you to write shell scripts, to ``batch'' several shell commands together in a file. MS-DOS users will recognize the simi­ larity to ``batch files''. Use of shell scripts is a very powerful tool, which will allow you to automate and expand you usage of UNIX. See Section 4.12.1 for more information. There are several types of shells in the UNIX world. The two major types are the ``Bourne shell'' and the ``C shell''. The Bourne shell uses a command syntax like the original shell on early UNIX systems, such as System III. The name of the Bourne shell on most UNIX systems is /bin/sh (where sh stands for ``shell''). The C shell (not to be confused with sea shell) uses a different syntax, somewhat like the programming language C, and on most UNIX systems is named /bin/csh. Under Linux, there are several variations of these shells avail­ able. The two most commonly used are the Bourne Again Shell, or ``Bash'' (/bin/bash), and Tcsh (/bin/tcsh). Bash is a form of the Bourne shell with many of the advanced features found in the C shell. Because Bash supports a superset of the Bourne shell syntax, any shell scripts written in the standard Bourne shell should work with Bash. For those who prefer to use the C shell syntax, Linux supports Tcsh, which is an expanded version of the original C shell. The type of shell that you decide to use is mostly a religious issue. Some folks prefer the Bourne shell syntax with the advanced fea­ tures of Bash, and some prefer the more structured C shell syntax. As far as normal commands, such as cp and ls, are concerned, the type of shell you're using doesn't matter---the syntax is the same. Only when you start to write shell scripts or use some of the advanced features of the shell do the differences between shell types begin to matter. - 112 - As we're discussing some of the features of the shell, below, we'll note those differences between Bourne and C shells. However, for the purposes of this manual, most of those differences are minimal. (If you're really curious at this point, read the man pages for bash and tcsh). 4.7 Wildcards A key feature of most Unix shells is the ability to reference more than one filename using special characters. These so-called wildcards allow you to refer to, say, all filenames which contain the character ``n''. The wildcard ``*'' refers to any character or string of characters in a filename. For example, when you use the character ``*'' in a file­ name, the shell replaces it with all possible substitutions from file­ names in the directory which you're referencing. Here's a quick example. Let's suppose that Larry has the files frog, joe, and stuff in his current directory. /home/larry# ls frog joe stuff /home/larry# To access all files with the letter ``o'' in the filename, we can use the command /home/larry# ls *o* frog joe /home/larry# As you can see, the use of the ``*'' wildcard was replaced with all substitutions which matched the wildcard from filenames in the current directory. The use of ``*'' by itself simply matches all filenames, because all characters match the wildcard. /home/larry# ls * frog joe stuff /home/larry# Here are a few more examples. - 113 - /home/larry# ls f* frog /home/larry# ls *ff stuff /home/larry# ls *f* frog stuff /home/larry# ls s*f stuff /home/larry# The process of changing a ``*'' into filenames is called wildcard expansion and is done by the shell. This is important: the individual commands, such as ls, never see the ``*'' in their list of parameters. The shell expands the wildcard to include all of the filenames which match. So, the command /home/larry# ls *o* is expanded by the shell to actually be /home/larry# ls frog joe One important note about the ``*'' wildcard. Using this wildcard will not match filenames which begin with a single period (``.''). These files are treated as "hidden" files---while they are not really hidden, they don't show up on normal ls listings, and aren't touched by the use of the ``*'' wildcard. Here's an example. We already mentioned that each directory has two special entries in it: ``.'' refers to the current directory, and ``..'' refers to the parent directory. However, when you use ls, these two entries don't show up. /home/larry# ls frog joe stuff /home/larry# If you use the -a switch with ls, however, you can display file­ names which begin with ``.''. Observe: - 114 - /home/larry# ls -a . .. .bash profile .bashrc frog joe stuff /home/larry# Now we can see the two special entries, ``.'' and ``..'', as well as two other ``hidden'' files---.bash profile and .bashrc. These two files are startup files used by bash when larry logs in. More on them in Section 4.12.3. Note that when we use the ``*'' wildcard, none of the filenames beginning with ``.'' are displayed. /home/larry# ls * frog joe stuff /home/larry# This is a safety feature: if the ``*'' wildcard matched filenames beginning with ``.'', it would also match the directory names ``.'' and ``..''. This can be dangerous when using certain commands. Another wildcard is ``?''. The ``?'' wildcard will only expand a single character. Thus, ``ls ?'' will display all one character file­ names, and ``ls termca?'' would display ``termcap'' but not ``term­ cap.backup''. Here's another example: /home/larry# ls j?e joe /home/larry# ls f??g frog /home/larry# ls ????f stuff /home/larry# As you can see, wildcards allow you to specify many files at one time. In the simple command summary, in Section 4.4, we said that the cp and mv commands actually can copy or move multiple files at one time. For example, /home/larry# cp /etc/s* /home/larry will copy all filenames in /etc beginning with ``s'' to the direc­ tory /home/larry. Therefore, the format of the cp command is really - 115 - cp ... where through is a list of filenames to copy, and is the destination file or directory to copy them to. mv has an identical syntax. Note that if you are copying or moving more than one file, the must be a directory. You can only copy or move a single file to another file. 4.8 UNIX Plumbing 4.8.1 Standard input and output Many UNIX commands get input from what is known as standard input and send their output to standard output (often abbreviated as ``stdin'' and ``stdout''). Your shell sets things up so that standard input is your keyboard, and standard output is the screen. Here's an example using the command cat. Normally, cat reads data from all of the filenames given on the command line and sends this data directly to stdout. Therefore, using the command /home/larry/papers# cat history-final masters-thesis will display the contents of the file history-final followed by masters-thesis. However, if no filenames are given to cat as parameters, it instead reads data from stdin, and sends it back to stdout. Here's an example. /home/larry/papers# cat Hello there. Hello there. Bye. Bye. `ctrl-D' /home/larry/papers# As you can see, each line that the user types (displayed in ital­ ics) is immediately echoed back by the cat command. When reading from standard input, commands know that the input is ``finished'' when they receive an EOT (end-of-text) signal. In general, this is generated by - 116 - pressing `ctrl-D'. Here's another example. The command sort reads in lines of text (again, from stdin, unless files are given on the command line), and sends the sorted output to stdout. Try the following. /home/larry/papers# sort bananas carrots apples `ctrl-D' apples bananas carrots /home/larry/papers# Now we can alphabetize our shopping list... isn't UNIX useful? 4.8.2 Redirecting input and output Now, let's say that we wanted to send the output of sort to a file, to save our shopping list elsewhere. The shell allows us to redirect stan­ dard output to a filename, using the ``>'' symbol. Here's how it works. /home/larry/papers# sort > shopping-list bananas carrots apples `ctrl-D' /home/larry/papers# As you can see, the result of the sort command isn't displayed, instead it's saved to the file shopping-list. Let's look at this file. /home/larry/papers# cat shopping-list apples bananas carrots /home/larry/papers# Now we can sort our shopping list, and save it, too! But let's suppose that we were storing our unsorted, original shopping list in the file items. One way of sorting the information and saving it to a file would be to give sort the name of the file to read, in lieu of standard input, and redirect standard output as we did above. As so: - 117 - /home/larry/papers# sort items > shopping-list /home/larry/papers# cat shopping-list apples bananas carrots /home/larry/papers# However, there's another way of doing this. Not only can we redi­ rect standard output, but we can redirect standard input as well, using the ``<'' symbol. /home/larry/papers# sort < items apples bananas carrots /home/larry/papers# Technically, sort < items is equivalent to sort items, but the for­ mer allows us to demonstrate the point: sort < items behaves as if the data in the file items was typed to standard input. The shell handles the redirection. sort wasn't given the name of the file (items) to read; as far as sort is concerned, it was still reading from standard input as if you had typed the data from your keyboard. This introduces the concept of a filter. A filter is a program which reads data from standard input, processes it in some way, and sends the processed data to standard output. Using redirection, standard input and/or standard output can be referenced from files. sort is a simple filter: it sorts the incoming data and sends the result to stan­ dard output. cat is even simpler: it doesn't do anything with the incom­ ing data, it simply outputs whatever was given to it. 4.8.3 Using pipes We've already demonstrated how to use sort as a filter. However, these examples assumed that you had data in a file somewhere, or were willing to type the data to standard input yourself. What if the data you wanted to sort came from the output of another command, such as ls? For exam­ ple, using the -r option with sort sorts the data in reverse- alphabetical order. If you wanted to list the files in your current directory in reverse order, one way to do it would be: - 118 - /home/larry/papers# ls english-list history-final masters-thesis notes /home/larry/papers# ls > file-list /home/larry/papers# sort -r file-list notes masters-thesis history-final english-list /home/larry/papers# Here, we saved the output of ls in a file, and then ran sort -r on that file. But this is unwieldy and causes us to use a temporary file to save the data from ls. The solution is to use pipelining. Pipelining is another feature of the shell which allows you to connect a string of commands in a ``pipe'', where the stdout of the first command is sent directly to the stdin of the second command, and so on. Here, we wish to send the std­ out of ls to the stdin of sort. The ``|'' symbol is used to create a pipe: /home/larry/papers# ls | sort -r notes masters-thesis history-final english-list /home/larry/papers# This command is much shorter, and obviously easier to type. Another useful example---using the command /home/larry/papers# ls /usr/bin is going to display a long list a files, most of which will fly past the screen too quickly for you to read them. Instead, let's use more to display the list of files in /usr/bin. /home/larry/papers# ls /usr/bin | more Now you can page down the list of files at your own leisure. - 119 - But the fun doesn't stop here! We can pipe more than two commands together. The command head is a filter which displays the first lines from an input stream (here, input from a pipe). If we wanted to display the last filename in alphabetical order in the current directory, we can use: /home/larry/papers# ls | sort -r | head -1 notes /home/larry/papers# where head -1 simply displays the first line of input that it receives (in this case, the stream of reverse-sorted data from ls). 4.8.4 Non-destructive redirection Using ``>'' to redirect output to a file is destructive: in other words, the command /home/larry/papers# ls > file-list overwrites the contents of the file file-list. If, instead, you redirect with the symbol ``>>'', the output will be appended to the named file, instead of overwriting it. /home/larry/papers# ls >> file-list will append the output of the ls command to file-list. Just keep in mind that redirection and using pipes are features provided by the shell---the shell provides this handy syntax using ``>'' and ``>>'' and ``|''. It has nothing to do with the commands used them­ selves, but the shell. 4.9 File Permissions 4.9.1 Concepts of file permissions Because there are multiple users on a UNIX system, in order to protect individual user's files from tampering by other users, UNIX provides a mechanism known as file permissions. This mechanism allows files and directories to be ``owned'' by a particular user. As an example, because Larry created the files in his home directory, Larry owns those files, and has access to them. UNIX also allows files to be shared between users and groups of - 120 - users. If Larry so desired, he could cut off access to his files, such that no other user could access them. However, on most systems the default is to allow other users to read your files, but not modify or delete them in any way. As explained above, every file is owned by a particular user. How­ ever, files are also owned by a particular group, which is a system- defined group of users. Every user is placed into at least one group when that user is created. However, the system administrator may also grant the user access to more than one group. Groups are usually defined by the type of users which access the machine. For example, on a university UNIX system, users may be placed into the groups student, staff, faculty or guest. There are also a few system-defined groups (such as bin and admin) which are used by the sys­ tem itself to control access to resources---very rarely do actual users belong to these system groups. Permissions fall into three main divisions: read, write, and exe­ cute. These permissions may be granted to three classes of users: the owner of the file, the group to which the file belongs, and to all users, regardless of group. Read permission allows a user to read the contents of the file, or in the case of directories, to list the contents of the directory (using ls). Write permission allows the user to write to and modify the file. For directories, write permission allows the user to create new files or delete files within that directory. Finally, execute permission allows the user to run the file as a program or shell script (if the file hap­ pens to be a program or shell script, that is). For directories, having execute permission allows the user to cd into the directory in question. 4.9.2 Interpreting file permissions Let's look at an example to demonstrate file permissions. Using the ls command with the -l option will display a ``long'' listing of the file, including file permissions. /home/larry/foo#/home/larry/foo# ls -l stuff -rw-r--r-- 1 larry users 505 Mar 13 19:05 stuff /home/larry/foo# The first field printed in the listing represents the file permis­ sions. The third field is the owner of the file (larry), and the fourth field is the group to which the file belongs (users). Obviously, the - 121 - last field is the name of the file (stuff), and we'll cover the other fields later. This file is owned by larry, and belongs to the group users. Let's look at the file permissions. The string -rw-r--r-- lists, in order, the permissions granted to the file's owner, the file's group, and everybody else. The first character of the permissions string (``-'') represents the type of file. A ``-'' just means that this is a regular file (as opposed to a directory or device driver). The next three letters (``rw-'') represent the permissions granted to the file's owner, larry. The ``r'' stands for ``read'' and the ``w'' stands for ``write''. Thus, larry has read and write permission to the file stuff. As we mentioned, besides read and write permission, there is also ``execute'' permission---represented by an ``x''. However, there is a ``-'' here in place of the ``x'', so Larry doesn't have execute permis­ sion on this file. This is fine, the file stuff isn't a program of any kind. Of course, because Larry owns the file, he may grant himself exe­ cute permission for the file if he so desires. This will be covered shortly. The next three characters, r--, represent the group's permissions on the file. The group which owns this file is users. Because only an ``r'' appears here, any user which belongs to the group users may read this file. The last three characters, also r--, represent the permissions granted to every other user on the system (other than the owner of the file and those in the group users). Again, because only an ``r'' is pre­ sent, other users may read the file, but not write to it or execute it. Here are some other examples of group permissions. * -rwxr-xr-x The owner of the file may read, write, and execute the file. Users in the file's group, and all other users, may read and execute the file. * -rw------- The owner of the file may read and write the file. No other user can access the file. * -rwxrwxrwx All users may read, write, and execute the file. - 122 - 4.9.3 Dependencies It is important to note that the permissions granted to a file also depend on the permissions of the directory in which the file is located. For example, even if a file is set to -rwxrwxrwx, other users cannot access the file unless they have read and execute access to the direc­ tory in which the file is located. For example, if Larry wanted to restrict access to all of his files, he could simply set the permissions on his home directory /home/larry to -rwx------. In this way, no other user has access to his directory, and all files and directories within it. Larry doesn't need to worry about the individual permissions on each of his files. In other words, to access a file at all, you must have execute access to all directories along the file's pathname, and read access to the file itself. Usually, users on a UNIX system are very open with their files. The usual set of permissions given to files is -rw-r--r--, which will allow other users to read the file, but not change it in any way. The usual set of permissions given to directories is -rwxr-xr-x, which will allow other users to look through your directories, but not create or delete files within them. However, many users wish to keep other users out of their files. Setting the permissions of a file to -rw------- will not allow any other user to access the file. Likewise, setting the permissions of a direc­ tory to -rwx------ will keep other users out of the directory in ques­ tion. 4.9.4 Changing permissions The command chmod is used to set the permissions on a file. Only the owner of a file may change the permissions on that file. The syntax of chmod is: chmod {a,u,g,o}{+,-}{r,w,x} Briefly, you supply one or more of all, user, group, or other. Then you specify whether you are adding rights (+) or taking them away (-). Finally, you specify one or more of read, write, and execute. Some exam­ ples of legal commands are: - 123 - * chmod a+r stuff Gives all users read access to the file. * chmod +r stuff Same as above---if none of a, u, g, or o is specified, a is assumed. * chmod og-x stuff Remove execute permission from users other than the owner. * chmod u+rwx stuff Allow the owner of the file to read, write, and execute the file. * chmod o-rwx stuff Remove read, write, and execute permission from users other than the owner and users in the file's group. 4.10 Job Control 4.10.1 Jobs and processes Job control is a feature provided by many shells (Bash and Tcsh included) which allows you to control multiple running commands, or jobs, at once. Before we can delve much further, we need to talk about processes. Every time you run a program, you start what is known as a pro­ cess---which is just a fancy name for a running program. The command ps displays a list of currently running processes. Here's an example: /home/larry# ps PID TT STAT TIME COMMAND 24 3 S 0:03 (bash) 161 3 R 0:00 ps /home/larry# The PID listed in the first column is the process ID, a unique num­ ber given to every running process. The last column, COMMAND, is the name of the running command. Here, we're only looking at the processes which Larry is currently running(2) . These are bash (Larry's shell), and the ps command itself. As you can see, bash is running concurrently with the ps command. bash executed ps when Larry typed the command. After ps is finished running (after the table of processes is dis­ played), control is returned to the bash process, which displays the prompt, ready for another command. A running process is known as a job to the shell. The terms process and job are interchangeable. However, a process is usually referred to 2. There are many other processes running on the system as well---``ps -aux'' lists them all. - 124 - as a ``job'' when used in conjunction with job control---a feature of the shell which allows you to switch between several independent jobs. In most cases users are only running a single job at a time---that being whatever command they last typed to the shell. However, using job control, you can run several jobs at once, switching between them as needed. How might this be useful? Let's say that you're editing a text file and need to suddenly interrupt your editing and do something else. With job control, you can temporarily suspend the editor, and back at the shell prompt start to work on something else. When you're done, you can start the editor back up, and be back where you started, as if you never left the editor. This is just one example. There are many practi­ cal uses for job control. 4.10.2 Foreground and background Jobs can either be in the foreground or in the background. There can only be one job in the foreground at any one time. The foreground job is the job which you interact with---it receives input from the keyboard and sends output to your screen. (Unless, of course, you have redirected input or output, as described in Section 4.8). On the other hand, jobs in the background do not receive input from the terminal---in general, they run along quietly without need for interaction. Some jobs take a long time to finish, and don't do anything inter­ esting while they are running. Compiling programs is one such job, as is compressing a large file. There's no reason why you should sit around being bored while these jobs complete their tasks; you can just run them in the background. While the jobs are running in the back­ ground, you are free to run other programs. Jobs may also be suspended. A suspended job is a job that is not currently running, but is temporarily stopped. After you suspend a job, you can tell the job to continue, in the foreground or the background as needed. Resuming a suspended job will not change the state of the job in any way---the job will continue to run where it left off. Note that suspending a job is not equal to interrupting a job. When you interrupt a running process (by hitting your interrupt key, which is usually `ctrl-C')(3) , it kills the process, for good. Once the job is killed, there's no hope of resuming it; you'll have to re-run the com­ mand. Also note that some programs trap the interrupt, so that hitting `ctrl-C' won't immediately kill the job. This is to allow the program to perform any necessary cleanup operations before exiting. In fact, some programs simply don't allow you to kill them with an interrupt at all. 3. The interrupt key can be set using the stty command. The default on most systems is `ctrl-C', but we can't guarantee the same for your system. - 125 - 4.10.3 Backgrounding and killing jobs Let's begin with a simple example. The command yes is a seemingly use­ less command which sends an endless stream of y's to standard output. (This is actually useful. If you piped the output of yes to another com­ mand which asked a series of yes and no questions, the stream of y's would confirm all of the questions.) Try it out. /home/larry# yes y y y y y The y's will continue ad infinitum. You can kill the process by hitting your interrupt key, which is usually `ctrl-C'. So that we don't have to put up with the annoying stream of y's, let's redirect the stan­ dard output of yes to /dev/null. As you may remember, /dev/null acts as a ``black hole'' for data. Any data sent to it will disappear. This is a very effective method of quieting an otherwise verbose program. /home/larry# yes > /dev/null Ah, much better. Nothing is printed, but the shell prompt doesn't come back. This is because yes is still running, and is sending those inane y's to /dev/null. Again, to kill the job, hit the interrupt key. Let's suppose that we wanted the yes command to continue to run, but wanted to get our shell prompt back to work on other things. We can put yes into the background, which will allow it to run, but without need for interaction. One way to put a process in the background is to append an ``&'' character to the end of the command. /home/larry# yes > /dev/null & [1] 164 /home/larry# As you can see, we have our shell prompt back. But what is this ``[1] 164''? And is the yes command really running? - 126 - The ``[1]'' represents the job number for the yes process. The shell assigns a job number to every running job. Because yes is the one and only job that we're currently running, it is assigned job number 1. The ``164'' is the process ID, or PID, number given by the system to the job. Either number may be used to refer to the job, as we'll see later. You now have the yes process running in the background, continu­ ously sending a stream of y's to /dev/null. To check on the status of this process, use the shell internal command jobs. /home/larry# jobs [1]+ Running yes >/dev/null & /home/larry# Sure enough, there it is. You could also use the ps command as demonstrated above to check on the status of the job. To terminate the job, use the command kill. This command takes either a job number or a process ID number as an argument. This was job number 1, so using the command /home/larry# kill %1 will kill the job. When identifying the job with the job number, you must prefix the number with a percent (``%'') character. Now that we've killed the job, we can use jobs again to check on it: /home/larry# jobs [1]+ Terminated yes >/dev/null /home/larry# The job is in fact dead, and if we use the jobs command again noth­ ing should be printed. You can also kill the job using the process ID (PID) number, which is printed along with the job ID when you start the job. In our example, the process ID is 164, so the command /home/larry# kill 164 is equivalent to - 127 - /home/larry# kill %1 You don't need to use the ``%'' when referring to a job by its pro­ cess ID. 4.10.4 Stopping and restarting jobs There is another way to put a job into the background. You can start the job normally (in the foreground), stop the job, and then restart it in the background. We'll demonstrate this below. First, start the yes process in the foreground, as you normally would: /home/larry# yes > /dev/null Again, because yes is running in the foreground, you shouldn't get your shell prompt back. Now, instead of interrupting the job with `ctrl-C', we'll suspend the job. Suspending a job doesn't kill it: it only temporarily stops the job until you restart it. To do this, you hit the suspend key, which is usually `ctrl-Z'. /home/larry# yes > /dev/null `ctrl-Z' [1]+ Stopped yes >/dev/null /home/larry# While the job is suspended, it's simply not running. No CPU time is used for the job. However, you can restart the job, which will cause the job to run again as if nothing ever happened. It will continue to run where it left off. To restart the job in the foreground, use the command fg (for ``foreground''). /home/larry# fg yes >/dev/null The shell prints the name of the command again so you're aware of which job you just put into the foreground. Stop the job again, with `ctrl-Z'. This time, use the command bg to put the job into the back­ ground. This will cause the command to run just as if you started the - 128 - command with ``&'' as in the last section. /home/larry# bg [1]+ yes >/dev/null & /home/larry# And we have our prompt back. jobs should report that yes is indeed running, and we can kill the job with kill as we did before. How can we stop the job again? Using `ctrl-Z' won't work, because the job is in the background. The answer is to put the job in the fore­ ground, with fg, and then stop it. As it turns out you can use fg on either stopped jobs or jobs in the background. There is a big difference between a job in the background and a job which is stopped. A stopped job is not running---it's not using any CPU time, and it's not doing any work (the job still occupies system memory, although it may be swapped out to disk). A job in the background is run­ ning, and using memory, as well as completing some task while you do other work. However, a job in the background may try to display text on to your terminal, which can be annoying if you're trying to work on something else. For example, if you used the command /home/larry# yes & without redirecting stdout to /dev/null, a stream of y's would be printed to your screen, without any way of interrupting it (you can't use `ctrl-C' to interrupt jobs in the background). In order to stop the endless y's, you'd have to use the kill command (without being able to see what you're typing). Another note. The fg and bg commands normally foreground or back­ ground the job which was last stopped (indicated by a ``+'' next to the job number when you use the command jobs). If you are running multiple jobs at once, you can foreground or background a specific job by giving the job ID as an argument to fg or bg, as in /home/larry# fg %2 (to foreground job number 2), or /home/larry# bg %3 (to background job number 3). You can't use process ID numbers with - 129 - fg or bg. Furthermore, using the job number alone, as in /home/larry# %2 is equivalent to /home/larry# fg %2 Just remember that using job control is a feature of the shell. The commands fg, bg and jobs are internal to the shell. If for some reason you use a shell which does not support job control, don't expect to find these commands available. In addition, there are some aspects of job control which differ between Bash and Tcsh. In fact, some shells don't provide job control at all---however, most shells available for Linux support job control. 4.11 Using the vi Editor A text editor is simply a program used to edit files which contain text, such as a letter, C program, or a system configuration file. While there are many such editors available for Linux, the only editor which you are guaranteed to find on any UNIX system is vi--- the ``visual edi­ tor''. vi is not the easiest editor to use, nor is it very self- explanatory. However, because it is so common in the UNIX world, and at times you may be required to use it, it deserves some documentation here. The editor which you prefer to use is mostly a question of personal taste and style. Many users prefer the baroque, self-explanatory and powerful Emacs---an editor with more features than any single program in the UNIX world. For example, Emacs has its own built-in dialect of the LISP programming language, and has many extensions (one of which is an ``Eliza''-like AI program). However, because Emacs and all of its sup­ port files are relatively large, you may not have access to it on many systems. vi, on the other hand, is small and powerful, but more diffi­ cult to use. However, once you know your way around vi, it's actually very easy. It's just the learning curve which is sometimes difficult to cross. This section is a coherent introduction to vi---we won't discuss - 130 - all of its features, just the ones you need to know to get you started. You can refer to the man page for vi if you're interested in learning about more of this editor's features. Or, you can read the book Learning the vi Editor from O'Reilly and Associates. See Appendix A for infor­ mation. 4.11.1 Concepts While using vi, at any one time you are in one of three modes of opera­ tion. These modes are known as command mode, edit mode, and last line mode. When you start up vi, you are in command mode. This mode allows you to use certain commands to edit files or to change to other modes. For example, typing ``x'' while in command mode deletes the character under­ neath the cursor. The arrow keys move the cursor around the file which you're editing. Generally, the commands used in command mode are one or two characters long. You actually insert or edit text within edit mode. When using vi, you'll probably spend most of your time within this mode. You start edit mode by using a command such as ``i'' (for ``insert'') from command mode. While in edit mode, you are inserting text into the document from your current cursor location. To end edit mode and return to command mode, press `esc'. Last line mode is a special mode used to give certain extended com­ mands to vi. While typing these commands, they appear on the last line of the screen (hence the name). For example, when you type ``:'' from command mode, you jump into last line mode, and can use commands such as ``wq'' (to write the file and quit vi), or ``q!'' (to quit vi without saving changes). Last line mode is generally used for vi commands which are longer than one character. 4.11.2 Starting vi The best way to understand these concepts is to actually fire up vi and edit a file. In the example ``screens'' below, we're only going to show a few lines of text, as if the screen was only six lines high (instead of twenty-five). The syntax for vi is vi where is the name of the file that you wish to edit. - 131 - Start up vi by typing /home/larry# vi test which will edit the file test. You should see something like ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "test" [New file] The column of ``~'' characters indicates that you are the end of the file. 4.11.3 Inserting text You are now in command mode; in order to insert text into the file, press `i' (which will place you into edit mode), and begin typing. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ While inserting text, you may type as many lines as you wish (pressing `return' after each, of course), and you may correct mistakes using the backspace key. To end edit mode, and return to command mode, press `esc'. While in command mode, you can use the arrow keys to move around the file. Here, because we only have one line of text, trying to use the up- or down-arrow keys will probably cause vi to beep at you. - 132 - There are several ways to insert text, other than using the i com­ mand. For example, the a command inserts text beginning after the cur­ rent cursor position, instead of on the current cursor position. For example, use the left arrow key to move the cursor between the words ``good'' and ``men''. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of the party. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Press `a', to start edit mode, type ``wo'', and then hit `esc' to return to command mode. Now is the time for all good women to come to the aid of the party. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ To begin inserting text at the line below the current one, use the o command. For example, press `o' and type another line or two: Now is the time for all good women to come to the aid of the party. Afterwards, we'll go out for pizza and beer. ~ ~ ~ ~ Just remember that at any time you're either in command mode (where commands such as i, a, or o are valid), or in edit mode (where you're inserting text, followed by `esc' to return to command mode). - 133 - 4.11.4 Deleting text From command mode, the x command deletes the character under the cursor. If you press `x' five times, you'll end up with: Now is the time for all good women to come to the aid of the party. Afterwards, we'll go out for pizza and ~ ~ ~ ~ Now press `a', insert some text, followed by `esc': Now is the time for all good women to come to the aid of the party. Afterwards, we'll go out for pizza and Diet Coke. ~ ~ ~ ~ You can delete entire lines using the command dd (that is, press `d' twice in a row). If your cursor is on the second line, and you type dd, Now is the time for all good women to come to the aid of the party. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ To delete the word which the cursor is on, use the dw command. Place the cursor on the word ``good'', and type dw. - 134 - Now is the time for all women to come to the aid of the party. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4.11.5 Changing text You can replace sections of text using the R command. Place the cursor on the first letter in ``party'', press `R', and type the word ``hun­ gry''. Now is the time for all women to come to the aid of the hungry. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Using R to edit text is much like the i and a commands, but R over­ writes text, instead of inserting it. The r command replaces the single character under the cursor. For example, move the cursor to the beginning of the word ``Now'', and type r followed by C, you'll have: Cow is the time for all women to come to the aid of the hungry. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The ``~'' command changes the case of the letter under the cursor from upper- to lower-case, and vise versa, For example, if you place the cursor on the ``o'' in ``Cow'', above, and repeatedly press `~', you'll end up with: - 135 - COW IS THE TIME FOR ALL WOMEN TO COME TO THE AID OF THE HUNGRY. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 4.11.6 Moving commands You already know how to use the arrow keys to move around the document. In addition, you can use the h, j, k, and l commands to move the cursor left, down, up, and right, respectively. This comes in handy when (for some reason) your arrow keys aren't working correctly. The w command moves the cursor to the beginning of the next word; the b moves it to the beginning of the previous word. The 0 (that's a zero) command moves the cursor to the beginning of the current line, and the $ command moves it to the end of the line. When editing large files, you'll want to move forwards or backwards through the file a screenful at a time. Pressing `ctrl-F' moves the cur­ sor one screenful forward, and `ctrl-B' moves it a screenful back. In order to move the cursor to the end of the file, type G. You can also move to an arbitrary line; for example, typing the command 10G would move the cursor to line 10 in the file. To move to the beginning of the file, use 1G. You can couple moving commands with other commands, such as dele­ tion. For example, the command d$ will delete everything from the cur­ sor to the end of the line; dG will delete everything from the cursor to the end of the file, and so on. 4.11.7 Saving files and quitting vi To quit vi without making changes to the file, use the command :q!. When you type the ``:'', the cursor will move to the last line on the screen; you'll be in last line mode. - 136 - COW IS THE TIME FOR ALL WOMEN TO COME TO THE AID OF THE HUNGRY. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : In last line mode, certain extended commands are available. One of them is q!, which quits vi without saving. The command :wq saves the file and then exits vi. The command ZZ (from command mode, without the ``:'') is equivalent to :wq. To save the file without quitting vi, just use :w. 4.11.8 Editing another file To edit another file, use the :e command. For example, to stop editing test, and edit the file foo instead, use the command COW IS THE TIME FOR ALL WOMEN TO COME TO THE AID OF THE HUNGRY. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :e foo If you use :e without saving the file first, you'll get the error message No write since last change (":edit!" overrides) which simply means that vi doesn't want to edit another file until you save the first one. At this point, you can use :w to save the origi­ nal file, and then use :e, or you can use the command - 137 - COW IS THE TIME FOR ALL WOMEN TO COME TO THE AID OF THE HUNGRY. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :e! foo The ``!'' tells vi that you really mean it---edit the new file without saving changes to the first. 4.11.9 Including other files If you use the :r command, you can include the contents of another file in the current file. For example, the command :r foo.txt would insert the contents of the file foo.txt in the text at the current cursor location. 4.11.10 Running shell commands You can also run shell commands from within vi. The :r! command works like :r, but instead of reading a file, it inserts the output of the given command into the buffer at the current cursor location. For exam­ ple, if you use the command :r! ls -F you'll end up with COW IS THE TIME FOR ALL WOMEN TO COME TO THE AID OF THE HUNGRY. letters/ misc/ papers/ ~ ~ You can also ``shell out'' of vi, in other words, run a command - 138 - from within vi, and return to the editor when you're done. For example, if you use the command :! ls -F the ls -F command will be executed, and the results displayed on the screen, but not inserted into the file which you're editing. If you use the command :shell vi will start an instance of the shell, allowing you to temporarily put vi ``on hold'' while you execute other commands. Just logout of the shell (using the exit command) to return to vi. 4.11.11 Getting help vi doesn't provide much in the way of interactive help (most UNIX pro­ grams don't), but you can always read the man page for vi. vi is a visual front-end to the ex editor; it is ex which handles many of the last-line mode commands in vi. So, in addition to reading the man page for vi, see ex as well. 4.12 Customizing your Environment The shell provides many mechanisms to customize your work environment. As we've mentioned before, the shell is more than a command inter­ preter---it is also a powerful programming language. While writing shell scripts is an extensive subject, we'd like to introduce you to some of the ways that you can simplify your work on a UNIX system by using these advanced features of the shell. As we have mentioned before, different shells use different syn­ taxes when executing shell scripts. For example, Tcsh uses a C-like syn­ tax, while Bourne shells use another type of syntax. In this section, we won't be running into many of the differences between the two, but we will assume that shell scripts are executed using the Bourne shell syn­ tax. 4.12.1 Shell scripts Let's say that you use a series of commands often, and would like to shorten the amount of required typing by grouping all of them together into a single ``command''. For example, the commands - 139 - /home/larry# cat chapter1 chapter2 chapter3 > book /home/larry# wc -l book /home/larry# lp book would concatenate the files chapter1, chapter2, and chapter3 and place the result in the file book. Then, a count of the number of lines in book would be displayed, and finally book would be printed with the lp command. Instead of typing all of these commands, you could group them into a shell script. We described shell scripts briefly in Section 4.12.1. The shell script used to run all of these commands would look like #!/bin/sh # A shell script to create and print the book cat chapter1 chapter2 chapter3 > book wc -l book lp book If this script was saved in the file makebook, you could simply use the command /home/larry# makebook to run all of the commands in the script. Shell scripts are just plain text files; you can create them with an editor such as emacs or vi (4) . Let's look at this shell script. The first line, ``#!/bin/sh'', identifies the file as a shell script, and tells the shell how to exe­ cute the script. It instructs the shell to pass the script to /bin/sh for execution, where /bin/sh is the shell program itself. Why is this important? On most UNIX systems, /bin/sh is a Bourne-type shell, such as Bash. By forcing the shell script to run using /bin/sh, we are ensuring that the script will run under a Bourne-syntax shell (instead of, say, a C shell). This will cause your script to run using the Bourne syntax even if you use Tcsh (or another C shell) as your login shell. The second line is a comment. Comments begin with the character ``#'' and continue to the end of the line. Comments are ignored by the shell---they are commonly used to identify the shell script to the pro­ grammer. 4. vi is covered in Section 4.11. - 140 - The rest of the lines in the script are just commands, as you would type them to the shell directly. In effect, the shell reads each line of the script and runs that line as if you had typed it at the shell prompt. Permissions are important for shell scripts. If you create a shell script, you must make sure that you have execute permission on the script in order to run it(5) . The command /home/larry# chmod u+x makebook can be used to give yourself execute permission on the shell script makebook. 4.12.2 Shell variables and the environment The shell allows you to define variables, as most programming languages do. A variable is just a piece of data which is given the name. <> Note that Tcsh, as well as other C-type shells, use a different mechanism for setting variables than is described here. This discussion assumes the use of a Bourne shell, such as Bash (which you're probably using). See the Tcsh man page for details. When you assign a value to a variable (using the ``='' operator), you can access the variable by prepending a ``$'' to the variable name, as demonstrated below. /home/larry# foo="hello there" The variable foo is given the value ``hello there''. You can now refer to this value by the variable name, prefixed with a ``$'' charac­ ter. The command /home/larry# echo $foo hello there /home/larry# produces the same results as 5. When you create text files, the default permissions usually don't include execute permission. - 141 - /home/larry# echo "hello there" hello there /home/larry# These variables are internal to the shell. This means that only the shell can access these variables. This can be useful in shell scripts; if you need to keep track of a filename, for example, you can store it in a variable, as above. Using the command set will display a list of all defined shell variables. However, the shell allows you to export variables to the environ­ ment. The environment is the set of variables which all commands that you execute have access to. Once you define a variable inside the shell, exporting it makes that variable part of the environment as well. The export command is used to export a variable to the environment. <> Again, here we differ between Bash and Tcsh. If you're using Tcsh, another syntax is used for setting environment variables (the setenv command is used). See the Tcsh man page for more information. The environment is very important to the UNIX system. It allows you to configure certain commands just by setting variables which the com­ mands know about. Here's a quick example. The environment variable PAGER is used by the man command. It specifies the command to use to display man pages one screenful at a time. If you set PAGER to be the name of a command, it will use that command to display the man pages, instead of more (which is the default). Set PAGER to ``cat''. This will cause output from man to be dis­ played to the screen all at once, without breaking it up into pages. /home/larry# PAGER="cat" Now, export PAGER to the environment. /home/larry# export PAGER Try the command man ls. The man page should fly past your screen without pausing for you. - 142 - Now, if we set PAGER to ``more'', the more command will be used to display the man page. /home/larry# PAGER="more" Note that we don't have to use the export command after we change the value of PAGER. We only need to export a variable once; any changes made to it thereafter will automatically be propagated to the environ­ ment. The man pages for a particular command will tell you if the command uses any environment variables; for example, the man man page explains that PAGER is used to specify the pager command. Some commands share environment variables; for example, many commands use the EDITOR envi­ ronment variable to specify the default editor to use when one is needed. The environment is also used to keep track of important information about your login session. An example is the HOME environment variable, which contains the name of your home directory. /home/larry/papers# echo $HOME /home/larry Another interesting environment variable is PS1, which defines the main shell prompt. For example, /home/larry# PS1="Your command, please: " Your command, please: To set the prompt back to our usual (which contains the current working directory followed by a ``#'' symbol), Your command, please: PS1="\w# " /home/larry# The bash man page describes the syntax used for setting the prompt. The PATH environment variable When you use the ls command, how does the shell know where to find the ls executable itself? In fact, ls is found in /bin/ls on most systems. The shell uses the environment variable PATH to locate executable files - 143 - for commands which you type. For example, your PATH variable may be set to: /bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:. This is a list of directories for the shell to search, each direc­ tory separated by a ``:''. When you use the command ls, the shell first looks for /bin/ls, then /usr/bin/ls, and so on. Note that the PATH has nothing to do with finding regular files. For example, if you use the command /home/larry# cp foo bar The shell does not use PATH to locate the files foo and bar---those filenames are assumed to be complete. The shell only uses PATH to locate the cp executable. This saves you a lot of time; it means that you don't have to remember where all of the command executables are stored. On many sys­ tems, executables are scattered about in many places, such as /usr/bin, /bin, or /usr/local/bin. Instead of giving the command's full pathname (such as /usr/bin/cp), you can simply set PATH to the list of directo­ ries that you want the shell to automatically search. Notice that PATH contains ``.'', which is the current working directory. This allows you to create a shell script or program and run it as a command from your current directory, without having to specify it directly (as in ./makebook). If a directory isn't on your PATH, then the shell will not search it for commands to run---this includes the current directory. 4.12.3 Shell initialization scripts In addition to shell scripts that you create, there are a number of scripts that the shell itself uses for certain purposes. The most impor­ tant of these are your initialization scripts, scripts automatically executed by the shell when you login. The initialization scripts themselves are simply shell scripts, as described above. However, they are very useful in setting up your envi­ ronment by executing commands automatically when you login. For example, if you always use the mail command to check your mail when you login, - 144 - you place the command in your initialization script so it will be exe­ cuted automatically. Both Bash and Tcsh distinguish between a login shell and other invocations of the shell. A login shell is a shell invoked at login time; usually, it's the only shell which you'll use. However, if you ``shell out'' of another program, such as vi, you start another instance of the shell, which isn't your login shell. In addition, whenever you run a shell script, you automatically start another instance of the shell to execute the script. The initialization files used by Bash are: /etc/profile (set up by the system administrator, executed by all Bash users at login time), $HOME/.bash profile (executed by a login Bash session), and $HOME/.bashrc (executed by all non-login instances of Bash). If .bash profile is not present, .profile is used instead. Tcsh uses the following initialization scripts: /etc/csh.login (executed by all Tcsh users at login time), $HOME/.tcshrc (executed a login time and by all new instances of Tcsh), and $HOME/.login (executed at login time, following .tcshrc). If .tcshrc is not present, .cshrc is used instead. To fully understand the function of these files, you'll need to learn more about the shell itself. Shell programming is a complicated subject, far beyond the scope of this book. See the man pages for bash and/or tcsh to learn more about customizing your shell environment. 4.13 So You Want to Strike Out on Your Own? Hopefully we have provided enough information to give you a basic idea of how to use the system. Keep in mind that most of the interesting and important aspects of Linux aren't covered here---these are the very basics. With this foundation, before long you'll be up and running com­ plicated applications and fulfilling the potential of your system. If things don't seem exciting at first, don't despair---there is much to be learned. One indispensable tool for learning about the system is to read the man pages. While many of the man pages may appear confusing at first, if you dig beneath the surface there is a wealth of information contained therein. We also suggest reading a complete book on using a UNIX system. There is much more to UNIX than meets the eye---unfortunately, most of it is beyond the scope of this book. Some good UNIX books to look at are listed in Appendix A. - 145 - 5. System Administration This chapter is an overview to Linux system administration, including a number of advanced features which aren't necessarily for system adminis­ trators only. Just as every dog has its day, every system has its admin­ istrator, and running the system is a very important and sometimes time- consuming job, even if you're the only user on your system. We have tried to cover here the most important things about system administration you need to know when you use Linux, in sufficient detail to get you comfortably started. In order to keep it short and sweet, we have only covered the very basics, and have skipped many an important detail. You should read the Linux System Administrator's Guide if you are serious about running Linux. It will help you understand better how things work, and how they hang together. At least skim through it so that you know what it contains and know what kind of help you can expect from it. 5.1 About Root, Hats, and the Feeling of Power As you know, UNIX differentiates between different users, so that what they do to each other and to the system can be regulated (one wouldn't want anybody to be able to read one's love letters, for instance). Each user is given an account, which includes a username, home directory, and so on. In addition to accounts given to real people, there are special system-defined accounts which have special privileges. The most impor­ tant of these is the root account, for the username root. 5.1.1 The root account Ordinary users are generally restricted so that they can't do harm to anybody else on the system, just to themselves. File permissions on the system are arranged such that normal users aren't allowed to delete or modify files in directories shared by all users (such as /bin and /usr/bin. Most users also protect their own files with the appropriate file permissions so that other users can't access or modify those files. There are no such restrictions on root. The user root can read, modify, or delete any file on the system, change permissions and owner­ ships on any file, and run special programs, such as those which parti­ tion the drive or create filesystems. The basic idea is that the person or persons who run and take care of the system logs in as root whenever it is necessary to perform tasks that cannot be executed as a normal user. Because root can do anything, it is easy to make mistakes that have catastrophic consequences when logged in using this account. For example, as a normal user, if you inadvertently attempt to delete all of the files in /etc, the system will not permit you to do so. However, when logged in as root, the system won't complain at all. - 146 - It is very easy to trash your system when using root. The best way to prevent accidents is to: * Sit on your hands before you press `return' on a command which may cause damage. For example, if you're about to clean out a directory, before hitting `return', re-read the entire command and make sure that it is correct. * Don't get accustomed to using root. The more comfortable you are in the role of the root user, the more likely you are to confuse your privileges with those of a normal user. For exam­ ple, you might think that you're logged in as larry, when you're really logged in as root. * Use a different prompt for the root account. You should change root's .bashrc or .login file to set the shell prompt to some­ thing other than your regular user prompt. For example, many people use the character ``$'' in prompts for regular users, and reserve the character ``#'' for the root user prompt. * Only login as root when absolutely necessary. And, as soon as you're finished with your work as root, log out. The less you use the root account, the less likely you'll be to do damage on your system. Of course, there is a breed of UNIX hackers out there who use root for virtually everything. But every one of them has, at some point, made a silly mistake as root and trashed the system. The general rule is, until you're familiar with the lack of restrictions on root, and are comfort­ able using the system without such restrictions, login as root spar­ ingly. Of course, everyone makes mistakes. Linus Torvalds himself once accidentally deleted the entire kernel directory tree on his system. Hours of work were lost forever. Fortunately, however, because of his knowledge of the filesystem code, he was able to reboot the system and reconstruct the directory tree by hand on disk. Put another way, if you picture using the root account as wearing a special magic hat that gives you lots of power, so that you can, by wav­ ing your hand, destroy entire cities, it is a good idea to be a bit careful about what you do with your hands. Since it is easy to move your hand in a destructive way by accident, it is not a good idea to wear the magic hat when it is not needed, despite the wonderful feeling. - 147 - 5.1.2 Abusing the system Along with the feeling of power comes the tendency to do harm. This is one of the grey areas of UNIX system administration, but everyone goes through it at some point in time. Most users of UNIX systems never have the ability to wield this power---on university and business UNIX sys­ tems, only the highly-paid and highly-qualified system administrators ever login is root. In fact, at many such institutions, the root pass­ word is a highly guarded secret: it is treated as the Holy Grail of the institution. A large amount of hubbub is made about logging in as root; it is portrayed as a wise and fearsome power, given only to an exclusive cabal. This kind of attitude towards the root account is, quite simply, the kind of thing which breeds malice and contempt. Because root is so fluffed-up, when some users have their first opportunity to login as root (either on a Linux system or elsewhere), the tendency is to use root's privileges in a harmful manner. I have known so-called ``system administrators'' who read other user's mail, delete user's files without warning, and generally behave like children when given such a powerful ``toy''. Because root has such privilege on the system, it takes a great deal of maturity and self-control to use the account as it was intended---to run the system. There is an unspoken code of honor which exists between the system administrator and the users on the system. How would you feel if your system administrator was reading your e-mail or looking over your files? There is still no strong legal precedent for electronic privacy on time-sharing computer systems. On UNIX systems, the root user has the ability to forego all security and privacy mecha­ nisms on the system. It is important that the system administrator develop a trusting relationship with the users on the system. I can't stress that enough. 5.1.3 Dealing with users UNIX security is rather lax by design. Security on the system was an afterthought---the system was originally developed in an environment where users intruding upon other users was simply unheard of. Because of this, even with security measures, there is still the ability for normal users to do harm. System administrators can take two stances when dealing with abu­ sive users: they can be either paranoid or trusting. The paranoid system administrator usually causes more harm than he or she prevents. One of my favorite sayings is, ``Never attribute to malice anything which can be attributed to stupidity.'' Put another way, most users don't have the ability or knowledge to do real harm on the system. 90% of the time, when a user is causing trouble on the system (by, for instance, filling up the user partition with large files, or running multiple instances of - 148 - a large program), the user is simply unaware that what he or she is doing is a problem. I have come down on users who were causing a great deal of trouble, but they were simply acting out of ignorance---not mal­ ice. When you deal with users who are causing potential trouble, don't be accusative. The old rule of ``innocent until proven guilty'' still holds. It is best to simply talk to the user, and question about the trouble, instead of causing a confrontation. The last thing you want to do is be on the user's bad side. This will raise a lot of suspicion about you---the system administrator---running the system correctly. If a user believes that you distrust or dislike them, they might accuse you of deleting files or breaching privacy on the system. This is certainly not the kind of position that you want to be in. If you do find that a user has been attempting to ``crack'' the system, or was intentionally doing harm to the system, don't return the malicious behavior with malice of your own. Instead, simply provide a warning---but be flexible. In many cases, you may catch a user ``in the act'' of doing harm to the system---give them a warning. Tell them not to let it happen again. However, if you do catch them causing harm again, be absolutely sure that it is intentional. I can't even begin to describe the number of cases where it appeared as though a user was causing trouble, when in fact it was either an accident or a fault of my own. 5.1.4 Setting the rules The best way to run a system is not with an iron fist. That may be how you run the military, but UNIX was not designed for such discipline. It makes sense to lay down a simple and flexible set of guidelines for users---but remember, the fewer rules you have, the less chance there is of breaking them. Even if your rules for using the system are perfectly reasonable and clear, users will always at times break these rules with­ out intending to. This is especially true in the case of new UNIX users, who are just learning the ropes of the system. It's not patently obvi­ ous, for example, that you shouldn't download a gigabyte of files and mail them to everyone on the system. Users need help understanding the rules, and why they are there. If you do specify usage guidelines for your system, make sure that the reason behind a particular guideline is made clear. If you don't, then users will find all sorts of creative ways to get around the rule, and not know that they are in fact breaking it. 5.1.5 What it all means We can't tell you how to run your system to the last detail. Most of the philosophy depends on how you're using the system. If you have many - 149 - users, things are much different than if you only have a few users, or if you're the only user on the system. However, it's always a good idea---in any situation---to understand what being the system adminis­ trator really means. Being the system administrator doesn't make you a UNIX wizard. There are many system admins out there who know very little about UNIX. Likewise, there are many ``normal'' users out there who know more about UNIX than any system administrator could. Also, being the system admin­ istrator does not allow you to use malice against your users. Just because the system gives you the privilege to mess with user files does not mean that you have any right to do so. Lastly, being the system administrator is really not a big deal. It doesn't matter if your system is a little 386 or a Cray supercomputer. Running the system is the same, regardless. Knowing the root password isn't going to get you money, fame, or girls. It will allow you to main­ tain the system, and keep it running. That's it. 5.2 Booting the System There are several ways to boot the system, either from floppy or from the hard drive. 5.2.1 Using a boot floppy Many people boot Linux using a ``boot floppy'' which contains a copy of the Linux kernel. This kernel has the Linux root partition coded into it, so it will know where to look on the hard drive for the root filesystem. (The rdev command can be used to set the root partition in the kernel image; see below.) This is the type of floppy created by SLS during installation, for example. To create your own boot floppy, first locate the kernel image on your hard disk. It should be in the file /Image or /etc/Image. Some installations use the file /vmlinux for the kernel. You may instead have a compressed kernel. A compressed kernel uncompresses itself into memory at boot time, and takes up much less space on the hard drive. If you have a compressed kernel, it may be found in the file /zImage or /etc/zImage. Once you know where the kernel is, set the root device in the ker­ nel image to the name of your Linux root partition with the rdev com­ mand. The format of the command is - 150 - rdev where is the name of the kernel image, and is the name of the Linux root partition. For example, to set the root device in the kernel /etc/Image to /dev/hda2, use the command # rdev /etc/Image /dev/hda2 rdev can set other options in the kernel as well, such as the default SVGA mode to use at boot time. Just use ``rdev'' with no argu­ ments to get a help message. After setting the root device, you can simply copy the kernel image to the floppy. Whenever copying data a floppy, it's a good idea to MS- DOS format the floppy first. This lays down the sector and track infor­ mation on the floppy, so it can be detected as either high or low den­ sity. For example, to copy the kernel in the file /etc/Image to the floppy in /etc/fd0, use the command # cp /etc/Image /dev/fd0 This floppy should now boot Linux. 5.2.2 Using LILO Another method of booting is to use LILO, a program which resides in the boot sector of your hard disk. This program is executed when the system is booted from the hard disk, and can automatically boot up Linux from a kernel image stored on the hard drive itself. LILO can also be used as a first-stage boot loader for several operating systems, allowing you to select at boot time which operating system (such as Linux or MS-DOS) to boot. When you boot using LILO, the default operating system is booted unless you press `ctrl', `alt', or `shift' during the bootup sequence. If you press any of these keys, you will be provided with a boot prompt, at which you type the name of the operating system to boot (such as ``linux'' or ``msdos''). If you press `tab' at the boot prompt, a listing of available operating systems will be provided. - 151 - LILO is located in the directory /etc/lilo (if you have it). The easy way to install LILO is to edit the configuration file, /etc/lilo/config, and then run the command # /etc/lilo/lilo The LILO configuration file contains a ``stanza'' for each operat­ ing system that you want to boot. The best way to demonstrate this is with an example LILO config file. The below setup is for a system which has a Linux root partition on /dev/hda1, and an MS-DOS partition on /dev/hda2. # Tell LILO to modify the boot record on /dev/hda (the first # non-SCSI hard drive). If you boot from a drive other than /dev/hda, # change the following line. boot = /dev/hda # Name of the boot loader. No reason to modify this unless you're doing # some serious hacking on LILO. install = /etc/lilo/boot.b # Have LILO perform some optimization. compact # Stanza for Linux root partition on /dev/hda1. image = /etc/Image # Location of kernel label = linux # Name of OS (for the LILO boot menu) root = /dev/hda1 # Location of root partition vga = ask # Tell kernel to ask for SVGA modes at boot time # Stanza for MSDOS partition on /dev/hda2. other = /dev/hda2 # Location of partition table = /dev/hda # Location of partition table for /dev/hda2 label = msdos # Name of OS (for boot menu) The first operating system stanza in the config file will be the default OS for LILO to boot. You can select another OS to boot at the LILO boot prompt, as discussed above. The program /etc/lilo/QuickInst will ask you questions about your setup and generate a LILO config file for you. Remember that every time you update the kernel image on disk, you - 152 - should rerun /etc/lilo/lilo in order for the changes to be reflected on the boot sector of your drive. Also note that if you use the ``root ='' line, above, there's no reason to use rdev to set the root partition in the kernel image. LILO sets it for you at boot time. The Linux FAQ (see Appendix A) provides more information on LILO, including how to use LILO to boot with OS/2's Boot Manager. 5.3 Shutting Down Shutting down a Linux system is a bit tricky. Remember that you should never just turn off the power or hit the reset switch while the system is running. The kernel keeps track of disk I/O in memory buffers. If you reboot the system without giving the kernel the chance to write its buffers to disk, you can corrupt your filesystems. Other precautions are taken at shutdown time as well. All processes are sent a signal, which allows them to die gracefully (writing and closing all files, and so on). Filesystems are unmounted for safety. If you wish, the system can also alert users that the system is going down and give them a change to log off. The easiest way to shutdown is with the shutdown command. The for­ mat of the command is shutdown