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11. Setting up the PPP options file

The options to use when PPP is started up can be controlled using command line options to the pppd command or stored in a file that the PPP daemon (this is what pppd is) reads when it is invoked.

11.1 Using PPP and root privileges

Because PPP needs to set up networking devices, change the kernel routing table and so forth, it requires root privileges to do this.

The pppd program should be setuid root on installation :-

-r-sr-xr-x   1 root     root        95225 Jul 11 00:27 /usr/sbin/pppd

If /usr/sbin/pppd is not set up this way, then as root issue the command chmod u+s /usr/sbin/pppd

Depending on how you want your system to operate - specifically if you want ANY user on your system to be able to initiate a PPP, you should make your ppp-on/off scripts world read/execute. (This is probably fine if your PC is used ONLY by you).

However, if you do NOT want just anyone to be able to start up a PPP connection (for example, your children have accounts on your Linux PC and you do not want them hooking into the Internet without your supervision), you will need to establish a PPP group (edit /etc/group) and :-

You should end up with the following ownerships and permissions in response to ls -l /usr/sbin/ppp-*

  -rwxr-x---   1 root     PPP           587 Mar 14  1995 /usr/sbin/ppp-on
  -rwxr-x---   1 root     PPP           631 Mar 14  1995 /usr/sbin/ppp-off

11.2 Setting up the files

You now need to be logged in as root to create the directories and edit the files needed to set up PPP, even if you want PPP to be accessible to all users.

In your /etc directory there should be a directory:-

drwxrwxr-x   2 root     root         1024 Oct  9 11:01 ppp

If it does not exist - create it, cd /etc; mkdir ppp

If the directory already existed, it should contain a template options file called options.tpl. This file is at the end of this document. Print it out as it contains an explanation of all the PPP options (these are useful to read in conjunction with the pppd man pages). Whilst you can use this file as the basis of your /etc/ppp/options file, it is probably better to create your own options file that does not include all the comments in the template - it will be much shorter and easier to read/maintain.

If you have multiple serial lines/modems (typically the case for PPP servers), create an EMPTY /etc/ppp/options file and set up individual option files for each serial line on which you will be establishing a PPP connection. These are named options.ttyS1, options.ttyS2 and so forth. If there are ppp options that are common for all lines, then you can put these in the options file and the port specific options in the relevant options.ttySx file.

However, for a single PPP connection, you can happily use the /etc/ppp/options file. Alternatively, you can put all the options as arguments in the pppd command itself.

It is easier to maintain a setup that uses /etc/ppp/options.ttySx files. If you use PPP to connect to a number of different sites, you can create option files for each site in /etc/ppp/ and then specify the option file as a parameter to the PPP command as you connect.

11.3 What options should I use?

Well, as in all things that depends (sigh)...the following is a basic options file that should work for most client connections that do NOT use PAP/CHAP.

However, if it does NOT work, read through /etc/ppp/options.tpl and the pppd man pages. Speaking to the sysadmin/user support people who run the server into which you are connecting may also be worthwhile.

In case this file is missing, here is a shortened version covering the basic options.

# /etc/ppp/options (NO PAP/CHAP)
# use the modem control lines
# use hardware flow control
# create a default route for this connection in the routing table
# do NOT set up any "escaped" control sequences
asyncmap 0
# use a maximum transmission packet size of 552 bytes
mtu 552
# use a maximum receive packet size of 552 bytes
mru 552
#-------END OF SAMPLE /etc/ppp/options

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