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6. Other programs you may need to upgrade or patch

Even though the shadow suite contains replacement programs for most programs that need to access passwords, there are a few additional programs on most systems that require access to passwords.

There is a package of pre-compiled binaries that are compiled for shadow support available on

This package contains: ftpd, pop2d, pop3d, mesg, wall, finger, and xdm. I can't imagine why finger, wall, or mesg would ever need access to passwords. Also, you don't get the source code, so I don't recommend this package, but it's location in included for completeness.

The remainder of this section discusses how to upgrade adduser, wu_ftpd, ftpd, pop3d, xlock, and sudo so that they support the shadow suite.

See the section Adding Shadow Support to a C program for a discussion on how to put shadow support into any other program that needs it (although the program must then be run SUID root or SGID shadow to be able to actually access the shadow file).

6.1 Slackware adduser program

Slackware distributions (and possibly some others) contain a interactive program for adding users called /sbin/adduser. A shadow version of this program can be obtained from system/Admin/accounts/adduser.shadow-1.4.tar.gz.

Installation is simple:

# tar -xzvf adduser.shadow-1.4.tar.gz
# cd adduser.shadow.1.4
# make adduser
# chmod 700 adduser
# make install

6.2 The wu_ftpd Server

Most Linux systems some with the wu_ftpd server. If your distribution does not come with shadow installed, then your wu_ftpd will not be compiled for shadow. wu_ftpd is launched from inetd/tcpd as a root process. If you are running an old wu_ftpd daemon, you will want to upgrade it anyway because older ones had a bug that would allow the root account to be compromised (For more info see the Linux security home page).

Fortunately, you only need to get the source code and recompile it with shadow enabled.

The wu_ftp server can be found on Sunsite as wu-ftp-2.4-fixed.tar.gz

Once you retrieve the server, put it in /usr/src, then type:

# cd /usr/src
# tar -xzvf wu-ftpd-2.4-fixed.tar.gz
# cd wu-ftpd-2.4-fixed
# cp ./src/config/config.lnx.shadow ./src/config/config.lnx
# ./build lnx
# cp /usr/sbin/wu.ftpd /usr/sbin/wu.ftpd.old
# cp ./bin/ftpd /usr/sbin/wu.ftpd

This uses the Linux shadow configuration file, compiles and installs the server.

On my Slackware 3.0 system I also had to do the following before running build:

# cd /usr/include/netinet
# ln -s in_systm.h in_system.h
# cd -

6.3 Standard ftpd

If you are running the standard ftpd server, I would recommend that you upgrade to the wu_ftpd server. Aside from the known bug discussed above, it's generally thought to be more secure.

If you insist on the standard one, or you need NIS support, Sunsite has ftpd-shadow-nis.tgz

6.4 pop3d (Post Office Protocol 3)

If you need to support the third Post Office Protocol (POP3), you will need to recompile a pop3d program. pop3d is normally run by inetd/tcpd as root.

There are two versions available from Sunsite: pop3d-1.00.4.linux.shadow.tar.gz and pop3d+shadow+elf.tar.gz

Both of these are fairly straight forward to install.

6.5 xlock

If you install the shadow suite, and then run X-windows and lock the screen without upgrading your xlock, you will have to use CNTL-ALT-Fx to switch to another tty, login, and kill the xlock process (or use CNTL-ALT-BS to kill the X server). Fortunately it's fairly easy to upgrade your xlock program.

If you are running XFree86 Versions 3.x.x, you are probably using xlockmore (which is a great screen-saver in addition to a lock). This package supports shadow with a recompile. If you have an older xlock, I recommend that you upgrade to this one.

xlockmore-3.5.tgz is available at:

Basically, this is what you need to do:

Get the xlockmore-3.5.tgz file and put it in /usr/src unpack it:

# tar -xzvf xlockmore-3.5.tgz

Edit the file: /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/config/, and change the line:

#define HasShadowPasswd    NO


#define HasShadowPasswd    YES

Then build the executables:

# cd /usr/src/xlockmore
# xmkmf
# make depend
# make

Then move everything into place and update file ownerships and permissions:

# cp xlock /usr/X11R6/bin/
# cp XLock /var/X11R6/lib/app-defaults/
# chown root.shadow /usr/X11R6/bin/xlock
# chmod 2755 /usr/X11R6/bin/xlock
# chown root.shadow /etc/shadow
# chmod 640 /etc/shadow

Your xlock will now work correctly.

6.6 sudo

The program sudo allows a system administrator to let users run programs that would normally require root access. This is handy because it lets the administrator limit access to the root account itself while still allowing users to do things like mounting drives.

sudo needs to read passwords because it verifies the users password when it's invoked. sudo already runs SUID root, so accessing the /etc/shadow file is not a problem.

sudo for the shadow suite, is available as at:

The package is already setup for shadow, so all that's required is to recompile the package (put it in /usr/src):

# cd /usr/src
# tar -xzvf sudo-1.2-shadow.tgz
# cd sudo-1.2-shadow
# make all
# make install

6.7 imapd (E-Mail pine package)

imapd is an e-mail server similar to pop3d. imapd comes with the pine e-mail package. The documentation that comes with the package states that the default for Linux systems is to include support for shadow. However, I have found that this is not true. Furthermore, the build script / Makefile combination on this package is something that I just haven't figured out yet, so I was unable to add shadow support for imapd.

If anyone has this figured out, please e-mail me, and I'll include it here.

6.8 pppd (Point-to-Point Protocol Server)

The pppd server can be setup to use several types of authentication: Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) and Cryptographic Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP). The pppd server usually reads the password strings that it uses from /etc/ppp/chap-secrets and/or /etc/ppp/pap-secrets. If you are using this default behavior of pppd, it is not necessary to reinstall pppd.

pppd also allows you to use the login parameter (either on the command line, or in the configuration or options file). If the login option is given, then pppd will use the /etc/passwd file for the username and passwords for the PAP. This, of course, will no longer work now that our password file is shadowed. For pppd-1.2.1d this requires adding code for shadow support.

The example given in the next section is adding shadow support to pppd-1.2.1d (an older version of pppd).

pppd-2.2.0 already contains shadow support.

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