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4. Installing the Software

(Much of this section is taken verbatim from the README file in the Taylor UUCP v1.05 sources - it's provided here so I can help you "rtfm" instead of just telling you to do so)

Detailed compilation instructions are in uucp.texi in the sources.

You can grab "known good" conf.h and policy.h files for Linux from the newspak distribution referred to in the "other sources of information" section above. In that case, you can probably go right to typing "make".

4.1 Extracting the compressed sources

To extract a gzip'd tar archive, I do the following:

                gunzip -c filename.tar.z | tar xvf -
A "modern" tar can just do a:
               tar -zxvf filename.tgz

4.2 Edit to set installation directories.

Here, I set "prefix" to "/usr" rather than the default of "/usr/local"

4.3 Run "configure"

Type "sh configure".

The configure script will compile a number of test programs to see what is available on your system and will calculate many things.

The configure script will create conf.h from and Makefile from It will also create config.status, which is a shell script which actually creates the files.

4.4 Configure the future setup of the software

Examine conf.h and Makefile to make sure they're right.

I took the defaults

Edit policy.h for your local system.

4.5 Compile and install the software

4.6 Set up the config files

I'd recommend you start by taking the attached known-good config files for HDB mode and installing them.

4.7 Give it a try

        /usr/lib/uucp/uucico -r 1 -x 9 -s remote_system_name

The -x 9 will have maximum debugging information written to the /usr/spool/uucp/.Admin/audit.local file for help in initial setup.

I normally run -x 4 here since that level logs details that help me with login problems. Obviously, this contains cleartext information from your Systems file (account/password) so protect it against world-read.

4.8 It doesn't work - now what ?

In general, you can refer to the documentation mentioned above if things don't work. You can also refer to your more experienced UUCP neighbors for help. Usually, it's something like a typo anyway.

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