A National Conference
May 8-9, 1998

Speakers and Moderators

Stephen Ansolabehere is Associate Professor of Political Science at MIT. He is the author of The Media Game (1993) and of Going Negative: How Political Advertisements Shrink and Polarize the Electorate (1996), which won the Goldsmith Book Prize. He has also written on campaign finance and party politics in the United States and Britain.

Benjamin Barber is the Whitman Professor of Political Science at Rutgers University and Director of the Walt Whitman Center for the Culture and Politics of Democracy. Among his fourteen books are Strong Democracy, Jihad Versus McWorld and the forthcoming A Passion for Democracy. His new study of civil society, A Place for Us: How to Make Society Civil and Democracy Strong will be published in 1998.

Nolan Bowie is Associate Professor in the School of Communications and Theatre, Temple University. He has served as a Visiting Scholar at the Shorenstein Barone Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy and as a Visiting Lecturer in Public Policy at the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University.

Joshua Cohen is a Professor of Philosophy and the Arthur and Ruth Sloan Professor of Political Science at MIT. He is the editor of the Boston Review and the co-author, with Joel Rogers, of several books about politics and democratic theory, including On Democracy.

Yaron Ezrahi is a Professor of Political Science at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem. Since 1993, Prof. Ezrahi has been a senior fellow at the Israel Democracy Institute in Jerusalem where he directs the project "Mass Communications and the Democratic Process." His books include The Descent of Icarus, Science and the Transformation of Contemporary Democracy (1990), and Rubber Bullets: Power and Conscience in Modern Israel (1997).

Lawrence Grossman is the author of The Electronic Republic: Reshaping Democracy in the Information Age, and writes a regular column for the Columbia Journalism Review called "In the Public Interest." From 1984-1988 he served as President of NBC News. He is also a past President and past CEO of the Public Broadcasting System.

Christopher Harper holds the Roy H. Park Distinguished Chair at Ithaca College and is the author of Journalism 2001, What’s Next in Mass Communications, and That’s The Way It Will Be: News and Information in a Digital World due out in June 1998. He has spent more than twenty years in journalism with the Associated Press, Newsweek and ABC News.

Tom Horan is the Executive Director of the Claremont Graduate University Research Institute and Director of its Digital Communities Initiative. He has published widely on emergent information technologies, including a 1996 report to the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy entitled "Stalking the Invisible Revolution: Impact of Information Technology on Human Settlement Patterns."

Ellen Hume, author of the prize-winning study Tabloids, Talk Radio and the Future of the News, is the Executive Director of PBS's Democracy Project. She supervised the creation of Follow the Money, PBS's weekly series on the 1997 campaign finance hearings and reform efforts. She has also served as Executive Director of the Shorenstein Center at the Kennedy School of Government.

Roger Hurwitz is a Research Scientist at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and a developer of systems for electronic publication, intelligent routing and wide area collaboration. His publications include Communication Flows, a study of media development in the US and Japan, co-authored with Ithiel de Sola Pool and Hiroshi Inose. In 1995, he organized the First International Workshop on Online Survey Methodology and Web Demographics.

Henry Jenkins, Director of Film and Media Studies at MIT, has published widely on contemporary media. His books include a study of movie comedy in the 1930s and Textual Poachers, an influential account of media audiences. His latest publication is The Children's Culture Reader.

Eric Loeb is co-founder and Chief Technology Officer of NetCapitol, Inc. a developer of internet-based products for public affairs and political organizations. One of the founders of the Intelligent Information Infrastructure Project at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab, he designed the 1992 Clinton/Gore Internet campaign, the 1994 Kennedy Senate Internet campaign, and the 1996 Kerry Senate Internet campaign.

Ira Magaziner is Senior Advisor to the President for Policy Development. Since August 1995, Mr. Magaziner has chaired a joint National Economic Council/National Security Council initiative to increase U.S. exports. He recently completed a document outlining U.S. government strategy for promoting global commerce on the Internet. Before joining the Clinton administration, he was an influential corporate strategist and consultant, directing policy analysis for major corporations.

Lloyd Morrisett helped found the Children's Television Workshop, producers of Sesame Street and other television programs for children. In January 1998 he retired as President of the Markle Foundation, a post he had held since 1969. During his tenure at Markle he initiated the Foundation's program in Communications and Information Technology. His early support for the work of the late Ithiel de Sola Pool was instrumental in the establishment of the MIT Communications Forum.

Charles Nesson is the William F. Weld Professor of Law and Director of the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School. He has served since 1974 as Television and Seminar Moderator for the Media and Society program of the Ford Foundation and Columbia University. His many publications include Borders in Cyberspace (1997), coauthor Brian Kahin, and an article about the Communications Decency Act titled "The Day the Internet Met the First Amendment," forthcoming in the Harvard Journal of Law and Technology. He has served as counsel in major civil liberties cases, including US v. Berrigan and US v. Ellsberg (the Pentagon Papers case).

Mitchel Resnick is Associate Professor at the MIT Media Laboratory. He is the author of Turtles, Termites and Traffic Jams (1994), about new technologies and human cognition, and the co-founder of the Computer Clubhouse project, a network of after-school learning centers for youth.

Michael Schudson is Professor of Communication at the University of California, San Diego, and author of Discovering the News (1978), Advertising, The Uneasy Persuasion (1984), Watergate in American Memory (1992), and forthcoming in September, The Good Citizen: A History of American Public Life. He is the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship, a MacArthur Foundation Fellowship, and a residential fellowship at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences. He is chair-elect of the Sociology of Culture Section of the American Sociological Association, a member of the Penn National Commission on Culture, Society and Community, and a member of the editorial board of the American Antiquarian Society’s History of the Book in America.

Doug Schuler, co-founder of the Seattle Community Network, teaches at Evergreen State College in Washington State. He is the author of New Community Networks: Wired for Change; and co-editor of several books on cyberspace and community, including Reinventing Technology, Rediscovering Community: Critical Explorations of Computing as a Social Practice.

Karen Sollins is a Research Scientist in the Laboratory for Computer Science at MIT where she works in the Advanced Network Architecture Group. She is a founding member of the Boston chapter of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility.

Paul Starr is Professor of Politics at Princeton University and the editor of The American Prospect. His books include The Logic of Health Care Reform and The Social Transformation of American Medicine, which won the Pulitzer, Bancroft, C. Wright Mills and James Hamilton Prizes.

David Thorburn is Professor of Literature and Director of the Communications Forum at MIT. He is the author of Conrad's Romanticism and many articles on media and culture and was the general editor of the book series Media and Popular Culture.

David Winston is Director of Planning for the Office of Newt Gingrich, the Speaker of the House of Representatives. He has been the polling editor for PoliticsNOW, a political web site run by ABC News, The Washington Post and The National Journal. He has served as director of strategic information and as chief technology advisor to the Republican Party under four Republican National Committee Chairmen.


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