An International Conference
October 8-10, 1999
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
MIT Communications Forum
Comparative Media Studies Program
School of Humanities and Social Science
Funded by The Markle Foundation
Friday, October 8, 1999
1 - 2 pm
Bldg. 34
Rm. 101
2 - 2:45 pm
Bldg. 34
Rm. 101
Philip S. Khoury, Welcome
Henry Jenkins, Comparative Media: An Emerging Discipline
David Thorburn, New Media, Old Purposes
3 - 5 pm
Bldg. 34
Rm. 101
Childhood and Adolescence in a Mediated Culture
Henry Jenkins, Mitchel Resnick, Maria Tatar, Sherry Turkle
Moderator: Steven Lerman
5:15 - 6:30 pm
Bldg. E51
Call Session 1
Rm. 151
Rethinking the History of Information
Charles Bazerman,Nuclear Information: One Rhetorical
Moment in the Construction of the Information Age
Oz Frankel, "Potholes on the Information Highway:
Congress as a Publisher in the 19th Century
Richard Menke, Henry James and Telegraphic Realism:
Fiction and/as Technology
Moderator: James Buzard
Rm. 149
The Future of Documentary: Case Studies
Stephanie Barish, As Many Become One
Andrew Jakubowicz, Digital Discourses of the Social
Margaret Crane and Jon Winet, Elective Documentary Fictions
Moderator: Christine Walley
Rm. 145
Performance and the Body in Cyberspace
John Campbell, Guts and Muscles and Bears, Oh My!
Constructing the Erotic Body and Queer Space Online
Andreas Kitzman, Watching the Web Watch Me:
Explorations of the Domestic Web-cam
Kurt Lancaster, Cyberspace: Shaping Participatory
Performances Through an Interface in the Blair Witch Project
Moderator: James Cain
Rm. 335
The Spaces of New Media
Constance Balides, Virtual Spaces and
Incorporative Logics in Contemporary Films
Angela Ndalianis, Neo-Baroque Aesthetics and
Contemporary Media Spectacles
Kelly Cole, Disney in Times Square
Moderator: Michael Leja
Rm. 345
The New Newsroom
Elizabeth Rogers, Audience and Online News Delivery:
The Impact of Technology on Editorial Gatekeeping
Bob Stepno, Happy Valley and Beyond:
Establishing Local Identity for Online News
Wendy Dibean and Bruce Garrison, Content Types
and Daily Newspapers: Use of World Wide Web Technologies
Moderator: Douglas Sery
Rm. 372
Changing Perceptions of Media Consumption
William Warner, Media Technology Ambivalence:
Novel Reading, TV Watching, Web Surfing
Alan McKee, Great Moments in Australian Television:
Constructing TV as an Object of Study
Paul Erickson, Help or Hindrance?
The History the Book and Electronic Media
Moderator: Suzanne Flynn
5:15 - 6:30 pm
Bldg. E51
Rm. 376
Jeffrey Ruoff, The Last Vaudevillian - A Film
6:30 - 7:45 pm
Bldg. 13
Bush Lobby
8 - 10 pm
Bldg. 34
Rm. 101
Democracy and New Media
Phil Agre, Elaine Kamarck, Adam Powell, Paul Starr
Moderator: Hal Abelson
Saturday, October 9, 1999
9:15 - 10:45 am
Bldg. E51
Call Session 2
Rm. 372
Childhood in a Mediated World
Shari Goldin, "Inventing Citizens of the World":
Children and the Radio Era
Nicholas Sammond, See You Real Soon:
Imagining the Child in Disney's Cold-War Natural Order
Moderator: Haydn Kernal
Rm. 149
Aesthetic Consequences of New Media
Luis O. Arata, Reflections About Interactivity...
Matthew Kirschenbaum, The Other End of Print: David Carson,
Graphic Design, and the Aesthetics of Media
Maureen Furniss, Motion Capture: Aesthetic Considerations
Moderator: Edward Baron Turk
Rm. 335
The Metaphors We Live By
Alexander Halavais, Global Brain, Global Metropolis,
and Role of Communications Technologies
in the Evolution of Social Networks
Virginia Eubanks, The Mythography of the "New Frontier"
David Sholle, What Is Information?
The Flow of Bits and the Control of Chaos
Moderator: Hugh Gusterson
Rm. 151
The Value of Books
Priscilla Coit Murphy, The Death of Books:
A Short History of Predictions
Trysh Travis, Ideas and Commodities:
The Image of the Book
Cathrine Turner, Where Ideal Avenue Meets Practical Street
Moderator: Tina Klein
Rm. 145
Breaking Down the Mass Audience
David Urban, In Search of Its Foundations:
Mass Communication Research in Transition
Greg Elmer, Forced Customization
Mary Ellen Curtin, The Learning Curve: Hypertext,
Fan Fiction, and the Calculus of Human Nature
Moderator: Eithne Johnson
9:15 - 10:45 am
Bldg. 4
Rm. 231
Stephanie Barish, Survivers: Testimonies of the Holocaust
A Multimedia, Educational CD-ROM Project Andrew Jakubowicz, Multicultural Australia
A Multimedia Documentary
Sat 9 Oct 11 am - 12:30 pm
Bldg. E51
Call Session 3
Rm. 372
Social Networks
Paula Gardner, Constructing "Recovered" Citizens
Warren Sack and Joseph Dumit, Very Large Scale
Conversations and Illness Based Social Movements
Steve Jones, The WELL Run Dry: On the Need for
Critical/Historical Study of Commerce and Online Community
Moderator: Kurt Fendt
Rm. 149
Playing With New Media
Eric Zimmerman, Rules / Play / Culture:
A Model for Designing Play
Ron Burnett, Digital Technology,
Transformation and Aesthetic Invention
Tom Kemper, Instant Re-Players:
From Sports Fans to Video Game Players:
A Cognitive History
Moderator: Janet Sonenberg
Rm. 315
Rethinking Intellectual Property
Penelope Alfrey, Copyright and Originality in Art and Design
Arthur Chandler, Grooving to Their Own Beat:
How MP3 Technology Dynamites the Music Biz Dam
Liam Harte, Two Notions of Lockean Property
Moderator: Marlene Manoff
Rm. 335
Redefining the Screen
William Boddy, Technological Convergence as Trauma and Business Plan
Anne Friedberg, The Virtual Window
Susan Kretchmer and Rod Carveth, Through the Looking Glass:
Media Convergence at the Nexus of Television and Hypertext
Moderator: Edward Barrett
Rm. 376
New Media and New Voices
Daniel Thorburn, Prophetic Peasants and Bourgeois Pamphleteers
Tom Cragin, The Importance of Violence to the Mass
Press in Nineteenth-Century Europe
Peter Walsh, That Withered Paradigm: The Web,
the Expert, and the Information Hegemony
Moderator: Jim Paradis
Rm. 145
Global Media I
Cristina Venegas, Will the Internet Spoil Castro's Cuba?
Anandam Kavoori and Christina Joseph, Technoculture,
Ethnicity, and Indian Cinema
James Castonguay, World Wide Web Wars:
The Internet and Democratic Media Culture
Moderator: Shankar Raman
11 - 12:30 pm
Bldg. 4
Rm. 231
Andrew Jakubowicz, Multicultural Australia
A Multimedia Documentary
Margaret Crane and Jon Winet, Democracy - The Last Campaign
A Current Art and Technology Project
Rm. 237
Fran Ilich and Dan Arenzon, The Electronic Landscape
Roderick Coover, On the Rhetorics and Conventions of
Visual Media in the Representation of Cultures
12:30 - 2 pm
Bldg. E15
Bartos Theater |
Sat 9 Oct 2:15 - 3:45 pm
Bldg. E51
Call Session 4
Rm. 145
Celebrities and Talk
Priscilla Barlow, The Intertextual Tigerskin
Angela Dalla Vacche, The Diva,
The New Woman, and the Airplane
Gene Suarez, From Conversation to Interview: Talk in Transition
Moderator: David Lugowski
Rm. 149
Science Fiction as Vernacular Theory
Mark Pesce, The Novel as Software Development
Mary Flanagan, Reload: Rethinking Women and Cyberculture
Respondent: Daniel Bernardi
Moderator: Joe Haldeman
Rm. 335
Media Technologies and Museum Spaces
Jim Wehmeyer, The Virtual Museum as Wonder Cabinet
Alison Griffiths, Media Technology and Museum Display
Frederico Windhausen, How To Be Specific:
Video Art Before and After Post-Media
Moderator: Michael Fischer
Rm. 151
The Changing Face of News
John Hartley, Public Address and the Time Frequency of Writing
Robert Huesca and Brenda Dervin, Hypertext and Journalism:
Audiences Respond to Competing News Narratives
Tiffany Fessler, Newer Technologies versus Older Mediums:
Can Newspapers Survive?
Moderator: Robert Kanigel
Rm. 372
Rethinking Literacy
Edith Ackermann, Text Beyond Print:
Digital kids and Emerging Literacies
Charles Tashiro, The New Literacy Project
Phiroze Vasunia, Plato's Phaedrus and New Media:
An Historical Perspective
Moderator: Irving Singer
2:15 - 3:45 pm
Bldg. E51
Rm. 376
Jeffrey Ruoff, The Last Vaudevillian - A Film
2:15 - 3:45 pm
Bldg. 4
Rm. 231
Virginia Nightingale, To Tell My Sisters....
Margaret Crane and Jon Winet, Democracy - The Last Campaign
An Art and Technology Project
4 - 6 pm
Bldg. 34
Rm. 101 |
The Aesthetics of Transition: Stories and Audiences
Jay Bolter, Robert Darnton, Bob Stein, William Uricchio
Moderator: David Thorburn
Sunday, October 10, 1999
9 - 10:30 am
Bldg. E15
Bartos Theater |
Digital Books, Digital Teaching
Bob Stein, The Electronic Book
John Maeda, New Media Design Education at the Media Lab
Moderator: Peter Donaldson
11 am - 12:30 pm
Bldg. E51 |
Call Session 5
Rm. 145
Projects and Process
Mary Hopper, A Project About Projects:
Watching Academic Electronic Media Projects Evolve
Jane Shattuc, The Webbing Under the Film: Frontline's
Rewriting of the Text of June Cross's Secret Daughter
Respondent: Mary Beth Haralovich
Moderator: Ellen Crocker
Rm. 149
Fan Cultures
Steven Elworth, Lone Gunmen and the Problem of
Epistemology: A Place for the Fan in The X-Files
Sharon Cumberland, Private Uses of Cyberspace:
Women, Desire, and Fan Culture
Ursula Ganz-Blaettler, Shareware or Prestigious Privilege?
Television Fans as Knowledge Brokers
Moderator: Eric Schaefer
Rm. 151
Reproducing Sight and Sound
Wendy Bellion, The Mechanization of Likeness
in Early American Portraiture
Lisa Gitelman, How End Users Define Media:
A History of the Amusement Phonograph
Moderator: Martin Marks
Rm. 335
Transforming Teaching
Anna Everett, Cinema Studies in the Age of Digital Reproductions
Julia "Evergreen" Keefer, Cyberperformances
as An Academic Ritual
Moderator: Gilberte Furstenberg
Rm. 372
The Public Sphere
Jon Bekken, New Media and the Prospect for Democratic Communication
James Hay, Unaided Virtures: The (Neo-)Liberalization of the Domestic Sphere
Ingrid Volkmer, International Communication Theory in Transition:
Parameters of the New Global Public Sphere
Moderator: Stephen Ansolabehere
Rm. 376
Global Media II
Ashley Dawson, The Revolution is Being Televised
Christopher Vaughan, Expanded Vistas: New World Orders
and Mass Media at the Close of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries
Moderator: Nicholas Wey-Gomez
11 - 12:30 pm
Bldg. 4
Rm. 237
Fran Ilich and Dan Arenzon, The Electronic Landscape
Roderick Coover, On the Rhetorics and Conventions of Visual
Media in the Representation of Cultures
Sun 10 Oct 12:45 - 1:30 pm
Bldg. E15
Bartos Theater
Summary Perspectives
Dialogue with Selected Panelists and Audience
Map & Directions |
Call 617-253-3599 for further information.