Paul Kahn

Paul Kahn is currently at Dynamic Diagrams, a consulting company concentrating on interface design for both print and electronic media. He was has trained in literature and typography, and has worked with many electronic publishing systems since 1977. At Brown University's IRIS, he served as project manager and director to develop educational hypertext applications for Intermedia. He is an experienced designer of hypermedia publications in many software systems, and with his partner, Krzysztof, presents seminars on the visual aspects of the computer environment.

Vannevar Bush Scholarship:

Nyce, James M. & Kahn, Paul (1989). "Innovation, Pragmaticisim, and Technological Continuity: Vannevar Bush's Memex," Journal of the American Society for Information Science, 40(3): 214-220.

Nyce, James M. and Kahn, Paul (1991) "From Memex to Hypertext: Vannevar Bush and the Mind's Machine," Academic Press, SanDiego, CA.

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