Media in Transition

virtual communities:
questions, theories, opportunities

mit communications forum

thursday, nov. 6, 1997
4 pm

bartos theater

Amy Bruckman, founder, MediaMOO

Howard Rheingold, author of The Virtual Community

Marc Smith, co-editor, Communities in Cyberspace

Barry Wellman, co-author, Computer Networks as Social Networks

transformations of the book

an international conference on the ways in which digital technologies are transforming traditional literary and humanistic materials

october 24-25, 1997

agenda   speakers   

  peter donaldson:
a parent reads

shelley jackson:
stitch bitch: the

patchwork girl
michael joyce:
forms of future
  new web, old metaphors
science fiction

This site is an experiment in using the web itself as one element in an investigation of the significance of emerging communications media. The project will include lectures, panel discussions, and a range of virtual events.

A collaboration of the Markle Foundation, the MIT Communications Forum and the MIT Comparative Media Studies Program, the Media in Transition project hopes to encourage a conversation that crosses intellectual, professional and cultural boundaries -- a citizenly conversation that is historically aware, uncontaminated by jargon, rigorous, accessible.

teaching mediahotlinks
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director: david thorburn
webdesign: phillip hallam-baker