Media in Transition

>>>>>>>democracy and digital media

"Democracy and the Internet? Talk of their friendship has been exaggerated."
Doug Schuler
---The Evergreen State College

"I will argue that the new technology may well improve government but is unlikely to improve politics."
Paul Starr
---Princeton University

An image for our conference?

a national conference
held at mit
may 8-9, 1998 

How are new media affecting American democracy? A conversation among scholars, media professionals and political insiders about old and new media and the democratic process.

Speakers included a Pulitzer and Bancroft Prize winner, a MacArthur "genius" award winner, the senior advisor to President Clinton on information policy, the former President of NBC News and others equally articulate.

>agenda >speakers >papers>summaries

science fiction
teaching media
This site is an experiment in using the web itself as one element in an investigation of the significance of emerging communications media. The project will include lectures, panel discussions, and a range of virtual events. 

A collaboration of the Markle Foundation, the MIT Communications Forum and the MIT Media Studies Program, the Media in Transition project hopes to encourage a conversation that crosses intellectual, professional and cultural boundaries -- a citizenly conversation that is historically aware, uncontaminated by jargon, rigorous, accessible.

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about this site

director: david thorburn
webdesign: phillip hallam-baker