KClient Version History
Version:	3.2
Date:    	Feb 19, 2002
Author:  	meeroh@mit.edu

KClient 3.2
Feb 19, 2002


	KClient 3.2fc2
	Feb 14, 2002

	Exported constants for encryption and protection overhead

	KClient 3.2fc1
	Feb 7, 2002

	Moved to final candidate

	KClient 3.2b6
	Jan 14, 2002

	Improved comments

	KClient 3.2b5
	Dec 18, 2001

	Removed more version numbers from the Mac OS X project

	KClient 3.2b4
	Dec 13, 2001

	Removed version numbers from the Mac OS X project

	KClient 3.2b3
	Dec 3, 2001

	Fixed prebinding on X

	KClient 3.2b2
	Nov 15, 2001

	Link with new login lib on X

	KClient 3.2b1
	Nov 7, 2001

	Moved to beta

	KClient 3.2a2
	Sep 27, 2001

	Added error tables

	KClient 3.2a1
	Aug 7, 2001

	Build fixes on X

KClient 3.1
June 25, 2001

Carbon, CWP 6


	KClient 3.1fc1
	June 13, 2001

	Final candidate for 3.5
	Build fixes for B&I

	KClient 3.1b2
	April 30, 2001

	Updated ShlibResourcesLib header paths

	KClient 3.1b1
	April 2, 2001

	Moved to beta

	KClient 3.1a4
	March 21, 2001

	Update includes for new header layout

	KClient 3.1a3
	March 16, 2001

	Documentation update
	Update includes for new header layout
	Removed macros from compat and deprecated functions

	KClient 3.1a2
	February 1, 2001

	Fixed errno paths
	Bugs fixed in this release:
	 - [BZ 547]	K5Client still crashes with no tickets

	KClient 3.1a1
	December 9, 2000


	KClient 3.1d6
	October 30, 2000

	Bugs fixed in this release:
	 - [BZ 463] Addresses lost in NewSessionCompat
	 - [BZ 464] Addresses mangled on Mac OS X

	KClient 3.1d5
	October 27, 2000

	First Mach-O release

	KClient 3.1d4
	October 16, 2000

	Compiles under Mac OS X	

	KClient 3.1d3
	October 4, 2000
	Bugs fixed in this release:
	 - [BZ 426]	Unhandled error when launching MZ
	 - [BZ 427] Crash in ~UCCache when running MZ

	KClient 3.1d2
	September 28, 2000
	Rebuilt with fixed CWP 6 fcntl.h

	KClient 3.1d1
	September 26, 2000
	Carbonized and moved to CWP 6

KClient 3.0
June 30, 2000

Complete rewrite from 2.1. Now uses the new API, and a compatibility
API to deal with old clients.

Bugs fixed in this release:
	[BZ   1]	Documentation incomplete

	KClient 3.0fc3
	June 28, 2000
	Bugs fixed in this release:
		[BZ 365]	Moved strings into code section
		[BZ 377]	Assertions under low-mem conditions
		[BZ 378]	Mutual auth broken for KClient 1.5 clients
		[BZ 379]	Error codes for v4 errors wrong

	KClient 3.0fc2
	June 20, 2000
	Bugs fixed in this release:
		[BZ 364]	GetLocalRealm does not convert v5 realm to v4

	KClient 3.0fc1
	June 16, 2000
	Bugs fixed in this release:
		[BZ 352]	Assertion when Decrypt/Encrypt called and tickets destroyed
		[BZ 351]	Assertion when ASIP UAM called with login dialog up
		[BZ 170]	Session not reset after compat calls

	KClient 3.0b2
	June 10, 2000
	Bugs fixed in this release:
		[BZ 335]	Crash in AcquireTicketsWithPassword
		[BZ 336]	SetPassword uses wrong password
		[BZ 337]	SetUsername uses wrong username
		[BZ 338]	PasswordLogin fails with CCache error
		[BZ 339]	Preferences errors come as unknown errors

	KClient 3.0b1
	June 10, 2000
	Bugs fixed in this release:
		[BZ 322]	Don't try to find ccache when setting principal
		[BZ 321]	Use PreferencesLib for K5Client support
		[BZ 320]	Need workaround for Eudora poassing "justjunk" in 
					protocol name
		[BZ 187]	K5ClientGetTicketForService leaks memory

	KClient 3.0a2
	May 22, 2000
	Bugs fixed in this release:
		[BZ 269]	KClientSeUserName not implemented
		[BZ 289]	Default ticket lifetime for key login not from login lib
		[BZ 291]	KServeRVerifyReplyTicket unimplemented
		[BZ 292]	KClientSetKeyFile not honored by KClientVerifyAuthenticator

	KClient 3.0a1
	May 22, 2000
	Bugs fixed in this release:
		[BZ 185]	GetExpirationTime unimplemented for server sessions 
		[BZ 226]	Uncaught exceptions when Prefs file is removed while
					MacZephyr is running
		[BZ 239]	KClientNewServerSession generates bogus sessions 
		[BZ 240]	Support KClientCacheInitialTicket for TGTs 
		[BZ 241]	KClientKerberosInterface::VerifyAuthenticator crashes 
		[BZ 242]	KClientKerberosInterface::GetServiceKey crashes 
		[BZ 243]	Bad opaque pointer handling in KClientNewSessionCompat 
		[BZ 244]	Bad opaque pointer handling in KServerNewSessionCompat 
		[BZ 245]	Bad default key file handling in
		[BZ 246]	Bad default key file handling in KServerAddKeyCompat 
		[BZ 247]	Bad default key file handling in KServerGetKeyCompat 
		[BZ 248]	Get default realm from config file for GetUserNameCompat 
		[BZ 249]	KClientNewServerSession creates client sessions 
		[BZ 250]	KClientNewServerSession destroys input principal 
		[BZ 251]	KClientVerifyAuthenticator doesn't remember
					the client principal
		[BZ 238]	Add KClientKeyFileLogin to get service tickets
					from srvtab 

	KClient 3.0d7
	May 6, 2000
	Documentation update
	Bugs fixed in this release:
		[BZ 186]	KClientGetServiceKey does not return key version
		[BZ 188]	cKrbCacheInitialTicket unimplemented
		[BZ 189]	cKrbServerVerifyTicket unimplemented
		[BZ 190]	cKrbGetServiceKey unimplemented
		[BZ 191]	cKrbAddServiceKey unimplemented
		[BZ 192]	cKrbSetPassword unimplemented
			(KClientPasswordLogin doesn't work)
		[BZ 193]	cKrbSetKey unimplemented
			(KClientKeyLogin doesn't work)

	KClient 3.0d6
	April 29, 2000
	Bugs fixed in this release:
		[BZ   3]	Errors from Login Lib cause unhandled exceptions

	KClient 3.0d5
	April 9, 2000
	New features in this release:
		[BZ  97]	K5Client support -- enabled with 'k5cl', 128
					resource in MITKL

	Bugs fixed in this release:
		[BZ  85]	KClientGetTicketForService leaks a KClientPrincipal
		[BZ  86]	KClientGetTicketForServiceWithChecksumCompat leaks a
		[BZ  87]	KServerNewSessionCompat leaks a KClientPrincipal
		[BZ  88]	KServerAddKeyCompat leaks a KClientPrincipal
		[BZ  89]	KClientGetKeyCompat leaks a KClientPrincipal
		[BZ  90]	KClientMakeSendAuthCompat leaks a KClientPrincipal

	KClient 3.0d4
	March 24, 2000

	Bugs fixed in this release:
		[BZ  61]	Fixed handling of the ccache being deleted under us
		[BZ  62]	Added workaround for Eudora 4.1.x passing in checksum to 
					GetTicketsForService selector
		[BZ  48]	Fixed LoginCompat to ignore v5 creds
		[BZ  52]	
		[BZ  53]	
		[BZ  54]	Enabled traceback tables
		[BZ  60]	Fixed KLPrincipal leak in LoginIntf::AcquireTickets

	KClient 3.0d3
	March 11, 2000

	Removed UKerberos4Principal	
	Bugs fixed in this release:
	 - [BZ  12] Fixed crash on MZ startup under low memory conditions

	KClient 3.0d2
	February 27, 2000
	Bugs fixed in this release:
	 - [     1] No longer crashes when renewing (was ccache)
	 - [     4] No longer quits current app when seeing v5-only ccache
	 - [     5] No longer crashes when quitting (was ccache)

	KClient 3.0d1
	February 7, 2000

KClient 2.1
never released. Development dropped in favor of 3.0.

Almost complete rewrite from 1.x. Now uses shared libraries.

	KClient 2.1d1
	March 1, 1999

KClient 1.9
September 14, 1999

New features since 1.8:
 - support for multiuser logins under MacOS 9

Bugs fixed since 1.7.7:
 - fixed UMich accidentally assigned to DND

	KClient 1.9b1
	September 4, 1999
	Added MacOS 9 Multiuser support
	Removed UMich from DND list

KClient 1.8
April 30, 1999

New features since 1.7.7:
 - added support for message integrity checking

Bugs fixed since 1.7.7:
 - fixed missing kerberos error strings
 - centered version number underneath the icon in the login dialog
Other changes since 1.7.7:
 - internal code restructuring
 - now maintained by MIT
 - updated 3rd party components

	KClient 1.8b1
	October 22, 1998

	New features in this revision:
	 - debugging information, accessible via a new driver selector code
	   and a Gestalt selector
	 - debugging tool, for access to debugging information
	 - MacsBug debugging information templates

	Bugs fixed in this revision:
	 - fixed version number disappearing from login dialog after it's been
	   obscured by an alert

	KClient 1.8a3
	August 14, 1998

	New features in this revision: none.

	Bugs fixed in this revision:
	 - Fixed missing kerberos error strings (been missing since at least
	1.7.6b3!) which caused KClientError to always return empty strings for
	Kerberos errors.

	KClient 1.8a2
	July 28, 1998

	New features in this revision: none.

	Bugs fixed in this revision:
	 - Version number beneath the icon in the login dialog is now centered.

	Other changes in this revision:
	 - Internal code reorganization and update to most recent versions of
	various third-party software (appe Windows, Jim's CDEFs, etc)

	KClient 1.8a1
	June 1, 1998

	New features in this revision:
	 - added support for message integrity checking

	Bugs fixed in this revision:
	 - Version number beneath the icon in the login dialog is now centered.

	Other changes in this revision:
	 - Internal code reorganization and update to most recent versions of
	various third-party software (appe Windows, Jim's CDEFs, etc)

KClient 1.7.7
July 10, 1998
Distribution: public as a part of MacZephyr 1.3 installer

New features since 1.7.6: none

Bugs fixed since 1.7.6:
 - Fixed help menu being cleared after using KClient menu
 - Fixed dancing garbage in the control panel realms popup menu when login
 dialog is up
Other changes since 1.7.6:
 - now building default MIT preferences directly into the control panel

	KClient 1.7.7b4
	May 7, 1998

	New features in this revision: none

	Bugs fixed in this revision:
	 - Fixed default MIT preferences

	Other changes in this revision: none

	KClient 1.7.7b3
	May 7, 1998

	New features in this revision: none

	Bugs fixed in this revision: none

	Other changes in this revision: 
	 - Now building with default MIT preferences
	KClient 1.7.7b2
	May 6, 1998

	New features in this revision: none

	Bugs fixed in this revision:
	 - no more dancing garbage in control panel realms popup menu when login
	 dialog is open

	Other changes in this revision: none
	KClient 1.7.7b1
	Feb 27, 1998

	New features in this revision: none

	Bugs fixed in this revision:
	 - No longer purge help menu when using KClient menu 
	Other changes in this revision: none

KClient 1.7.6
Oct 28, 1997

The story of KClient 1.7.6:

In October 1997, KClient development is done mostly at Dartmouth. They are
responsible for all additions from 1.6.2 to 1.7.6: KClient menu,
login floater, keystroke scrambling, ticket life preference, better error
reporting. At that time, 1.6.2 is the public version of KClient, and MIT
receives 1.7.6b3 sources from Dartmouth.

On October 28 1997, those sources are imported in MIT CVS repository. The
binary included with those sources is hacked to change the version number
to 1.7.6 and to contain MIT default preferences, and released internally
in MIT I/S as 1.7.6.

In December 1997, Apple releases Apple Data Detectors which conflict with
KClient 1.6.2 (the only available version)

In January 1998, Scott McGuire noticed that using KClient menu in 1.7.6b3
purges custom items from help menu in MacZephyr

On February 15 1998, a CWCVS bug related to KClient prompts rebuilding 
KClient from 1.7.6b3 sources for the first time. This is when we notice
that the sources actually build KClient 1.7.6b1.

On February 17 1998, the CWCVS bug and the help menu bug are fixed. After
brief negotiations with Gavin at UMich, who is doing most of KClient
development at the time, we decide to bump version number to 1.7.7b1.

Because of all of that stuff, we don't really have detailed version history
for this time; however, the following approximate reality reasonably well:

New features in this revision:
 - KClient menu
 - Login floaters
 - Keystroke scrambling in login dialog
 - Ticket lifetime preference
 - Better error reporting
 - Dartmouth Name Directory support

Bugs fixed in this revision:
 - Conflict between KClient and Apple Data Detectors resolved
Other changes in this revision: unknown.