Basics: MacGregor Dark is a shared resource open to dorm residents. To gain access to the room, you must be on the key list. The only way to have your name added to the key list is to contact the darkroom chair and be given a tour on the rules of use of the facilities. I am the darkroom chair this term, so if you want access to the room, want a lesson on how to print, or have any general questions about safety or use, don't hesitate to email me: If there is enough interest for a intro to the darkroom class, I will set-up a schedule for that. Current Allowed Users: Basic Rules: 2. No FIX DOWN THE DRAIN!! If there is any sort of chemical accident, we could lose our privileges. Pour spent fix in the labeled containers. 3. Always leave your ID at desk to use the key and return key promptly. 4. If you break something, a light, a container, a reel -- let me know so it can be replaced. Be considerate of all other users. 5. Don't be a paper hog. Paper in the fridge is for everyone. Be economical when cutting test strips and printing. Free paper is a nice commodity and we have a limited budget so save as much as you can. 6. Trash goes in the trash can. If the can is full, there should be a large trash bag in the corner near the entrance and trash goes there. 7. The sink must be wiped down. There are already rust stains. Let's keep those to a minimum - scour pads and detergent are in the room, use them. 8. Don't save chemicals unless you know you will be back in a few hours. The developer, stop, and fix don't keep for very long. 9. Use only the specified trays and containers for the chemicals. They are all labeled, make sure you use the right ones. 10. Only mix what you need. Don't make excessive amounts of the chemicals - again, we are on a limited budget and once we run that budget, there are no more funds for the term. 11. ASK ME IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS, CONCERNS, SUGGESTIONS... :)