Nina Amenta - | Marshall Bern | - Manolis Kamvysselis |
University of Texas at Austin - | Xerox PARC | - Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
The Crust Algorithm is a new algorithm for the reconstruction of surfaces of arbitrary topology from unorganized sample points in 3d. The algorithm is the first one for this problem with provable guarantees. Given a "good sample" from a smooth surface, the output is guraranteed to be topologically correct and convergent to the original surface as the sampling density increases. The defintion of a good sample is itself interesting: the required sampling density varies locally, rigorously capturing the intuitive notion that featureless areas can be reconstructed from fewer samples. Our algorithm is based on the three-dimensional Voronoi diagram.
The work was published in Siggraph '98
Slides: Some slides (7 jpgs) from a talk i gave last summer (aug 97) |
Pictures: Hypersheet (gif) Medial Axis and Medial Surface (jpg) Intersecting planes (jpg) Voronoi Cells (gif) |
Questions on computing voronoi centers?
Interested in implementing convex hull, voronoi diagrams, delaunay triangulations? Some implementations are available at the Geometry center.