Classes taken at MIT
Fall 95 - First Term Freshman Year
Advanced Credit
- 18.01 Calculus
- 8.01 Newtonian Physics
- 5.11 Principles of Chemistry
- 7.012 Introductory Biology
Classes Taken
- 18.02 Multivariable Calculus - Hartley Rogers
- 8.02 Electromagnetism - Daniel Kleppner
- 14.01 Microeconomics - Megan Busse
- 21F.222 Writing
- 6a22 Seminar on the Web - Paul Penfield and Ed Moriarty
IAP 96
- 6.270 Autonomous Robot Design
Spring 96 - Second Term Freshman Year
- 6.001 Structure and Interpretation of Computer Systems - Jim Miller and Lou Braida
- 6.002 Circuits and Signals - Jack Lang
- 18.03 Differential Equations - Arthur Mattuck
- 21F.311 The French Novel in the 19th century - Isabelle de Courtivron
W3C - Web Robot Language - Henryk Frystyk Nielsen
Fall 96 - First Term Sophomore Year
- 6.004 Computational Structures - Srinivas Devadas and Steven Ward
- 6.034 Artificial Intelligence - Patrick Winston - Tomas Lozano Perez - Randall Davis
- 6.041 Probabilistic Systems Analysis - Al Drake
- 18.700 Linear Equations -
IAP 97
- Miami
- Graphics
- Rome
Spring 97 - Second Term Sophomore Year
- 6.003 Signals and Systems - Munther Dahleh
- 6.170 Lab in Software Engineering - Barbara Liskov
- 6.042 Math for Computer Science - David Karger
- 21F.701 Spanish 1 - Yolanda Cabo
Xerox PARC - Surface Reconstruction - Nina Amenta and Marshall Bern
Fall 97 - First Term Junior Year
- 6.046 Algorithms - Shafrira Goldwasser and Madhu Sudan
- 6.837 Computer Graphics - Seth Teller
- 6.868 Robot Vision - Berthold Horn
- 21F.313 French Culture - Isabelle de Courtivron
- 21F.702 Spanish 2 - Diulio
IAP 98
- Publication
- Greek Dances
- ISA Ski
Spring 98 - Second Term Junior Year
- 6.038 AI in Practice - Tomas Lozano Perez
- 6.866 The Society of Mind - Marvin Minsky
- 6.915 The Human Intelligence Enterprise - Patrick Winston
- 21F.704 Spanish 4 - Margarita Ribas Groeger
Xerox PARC - Robotics - Mark Yim
Fall 98 - First Term Senior Year
- 6.011 Communication Control and Signal Processing - Al Oppenheim
- 6.115 Microprocessor Design Lab - Richard Thornton (TA: Alex, Philip Rowe)
- 6.821 Programming Languages - David Gifford
- 6.840 Theory of Computation - Michael Sipser
IAP 99
- Applications
- Miami
- California
- Montreal
Spring 99 - Second Term Senior Year - M.Eng. Term
- 6.033 Computer System Engineering - Frans Kaashoek
- 6.826 Principles of Computer Systems - Lampson
- 6.836 Embodied Intelligence - Rodney Brooks
- 21F.018 Bilingualism: Language Culture and Experience - Isabelle de Courtivron and Suzanne Flynn
June/July: Xerox PARC - DiVA - human motion primitives - Michael Black
August: Paris - E-commerce Consulting - Galeries Lafayette, Eric Amram
Fall 99 - Ph.D. 1
- 6.891 Machine Learning - Paul Viola
- 6.854 Advanced Algorithms - David Karger
- 6.852 Distributed Algorithms - Nancy Lynch
- 18.417 Computational Molecular Biology - Bonnie Berger
IAP 99
Spring 2000 - Ph.D. 2
Whitehead Institute - Genomics - Eric Lander and Bonnie Berger
Fall 00 - Ph.D. 3
- 7.01 Introductory Biology - Eric Lander and Bob Weinberg
- 7.03 Genetics - Chris Kaiser and David Page
- 7.52 Graduate Genetics - Bob Horvitz and Terri Orr-Weaver