Maple Books in Progress
These books are listed in alphabetical order by title.
A Guide to Maple
E. Kamerich
(Springer-Verlag) ISBN 0-387-94116-9
Algebraic Approach to Simple Quantum Systems with Applications
to Perturbation Theory
B.G. Adams
(Springer-Verlag) ISBN 3-540-57801-3
Campusline Maple
U. Preiser, N. Mondel
Computer Algebra and the Magic of Maple
T. Scott
Differential Equations Using Maple
D. Schwalbe
The Maple Handbook
D. Redfern
This revised edition is being updated for Maple V Release 3.
Using Maple
N. Blachman
HTML originally written by Reid M. Pinchback
Copyright 1996, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Last modified: 96/04/17