MTN Issue 5, Winter 1991
- User defined aliases and factorization over finite
and algebraic number fields
Greg Fee and Michael B. Monagan
- This article documents Maple's alias facility and improved performance
of univariate polynomial arithmetic over the integers mod M.
- Recipes for Solving Definite Integrals Involving
Exponentials and Logarithms (part II)
Tony Scott
- This article shows how, starting from the standard integral definition of the
Gamma function, methods of generalisation can be used to solve definite
integrals involving exponentials and logarithms.
- Indefinite Summation with MAPLE
Anu K. Pathria
- This article explores the topic of indefinte summations and shows how
this tool maybe used to solve problems involving recurrence relations.
- Three ways to get Stirling's formula in Maple
Bruno Salvy
- This article shows how Stirling's formula is known to Maple, and how Maple
can be used prove this formula using generating functions or Mellin transforms.
- Numerical Solution of a Differential Equation presented
in the problem section of the American Mathematical Monthly
Greg Fee
- This article presents numerical solutions of the given differential equation.
- Application of Variational Principles to a Simple Quantum
Mechanical Problem using the Maple System
Tony C. Scott
- This article solves a simple example typical of problems often encounted in many-bodied
quantum mechanics.
HTML written and contributed by
Clive Nicolson
(Thanks Clive!)
Last modified: 96/11/08