Date: Fri, 14 Jun 1996 01:03:51 -0700 From: Dale Anson Organization: Tasc Subject: INT: A Call To Arms: After Conk's rescue Reserved: Conk Conk stood and watched as the elf rode out of the alley on her lion. "What d'you think, Sark?" He asked the Raven. Sark shook her head and looked skywards. "That's a bloody big cat," she eventually said. "Oh, well. We'll have to think about it, I suppose." And Sark went back to her favourite occupation, which was to collapse on a shoulder and add to the general unkemptness of Conk. Conk sauntered on his way, wherever that was. He turned a corner, expecting to find himself heading back to the main street. Instead, a cottage stood in his way as though it had been dropped there. It was a small white building, just the width of the alley. One grimey window looked out - though Conk couldn't see in - and a rather droopy door leaned against its hinges like a drunk. Next to the door was a wooden plaque inscribed "DunLivin", and underneath that a slate had been hung. The word "Vacantseas" had been chalked on the slate. Conk shrugged. Some washing hung outside. Grateful as ever, Conk blew his nose on a pair of ladies undergarments. There was nothing there which would have fit him, so he turned away. Out of the corner of his eye, he thought he saw the house twitch. Nah, that's silly. "Well, well, well," said a familiar voice. It was Staniel Grotte, out hunting goods for the slave market. He twirled his staff inexpertly. "Tell me," he laughed. "Why do they call you Conk?" Quickly he began to approach, staff back ready for the strike. Conk would fetch reasonable money at the auction. "I suppose it's because of that nose?" "No, not that." Grotte rolled his body, bringing the staff down hard at Conk's shoulder. Sark flapped unsteadily away. Conk twisted into the body of his attacker, pivoting on the staff, wrenching from Grotte's hands and flicking it up to part the mess of red hair on his head. "It's because of..." *CONK* "that." As Grotte reeled away, Conk hit him square on the back of the neck and sent him crashing into the cottage door. Grotte sailed through the door. The door closed. Conk was left looking at the alley, which once again led into the main street. The raven alighted back on his shoulder. "How's the ship looking now, missy?" Sark began dancing a clumsy jig. --------------------------------- "Pick yourself up there, Mr Grotte." Said the grey haired old lady. "Park your bottom on the sofa, and I'll bring us a cup of tea." Grotte looked around at the horse brasses, toby jugs and china dogs. "Nice place," he said. "I've often thought I'd like to end my days in a nice little cottage like this." "Funny you should mention that," she said. "Ginger snap?" -- Dale Fools and bairns should never see half-done work