Date: Tue, 12 Aug 1997 10:39:37 -0500 From: Phanny Subject: SUB: CONTEST: BE MINE BE MINE There is a place, dark and silent, where I keep you. Not in my thoughts -- they're too close to the surface, too likely to be seen. Others intrude upon them, and no. No. I want you where I can find you, any time. Day. Night. Especially night. Then, you come to me in dreams and nightmares, songs and tortures. I see you in ways you'd never see yourself. Strong. Vibrant. Helpless. Begging. Dead. Each time we kiss and part, I touch your face, my fingers lingering on your cheek. I trace your lips, so full. I run my hands through your hair, and memorize how it smells. File that smell away with the others. So many others. You always smile and say, `Think good thoughts of me,' and I do. But if only you knew. If only you knew how I many others have said similar things, said `I love you' in ways too many to count, said that I was the only one for them, and yes. I was. I did know that. Your place is with the others, and you'll join them soon. Hearts stilled. Voices silenced. Faces frozen in ways that show their beauty. Their horror. Forever.